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1. Fluorescent pseudomonad population sizes baited from soils under pure birch, pure Douglas-fir, and mixed forest stands and their antagonism toward Armillaria ostoyae in vitro.

2. Decomposition of broadleaf and needle litter in forests of British Columbia: influences of litter type, forest type, and litter mixtures .

3. A comparison of several methods for estimating light under a paper birch mixedwood stand

5. Assessment of interspecific competition using relative height and distance indices in an age sequence of seral interior cedar–hemlock forests in British Columbia.

6. Characteristics of forest legacies following two mountain pine beetle outbreaks in British Columbia, Canada.

7. A robust optimization approach protected harvest scheduling decisions against uncertainty.

8. The effects of forest harvesting and best management practices on streamflow and suspended sediment concentrations during snowmelt in headwater streams in sub-boreal forests of British Columbia, Canada.

9. Structure and dynamics of trembling aspen – white spruce mixed stands near Fort Nelson, B.C.


11. Assessing the effect of measurement error in age on dominant height and site index estimates.

12. Balancing risks of disturbance from mountain pine beetle and western spruce budworm.

14. Influence of millipedes on litter decomposition, N mineralization, and microbial communities in a coastal forest in British Columbia, Canada

15. Resistance of forest songbirds to habitat perforation in a high-elevation conifer forest.

16. Influence of initial chemistry on decomposition of foliar litter in contrasting forest types in British Columbia.

17. Litterfall, growth, and turnover of arboreal lichens after partial cutting in an Engelmann spruce – subalpine fir forest in north-central British Columbia.

18. Environmental factors responsible for shaping an open peatland – forest complex on the hypermaritime north coast of British Columbia.

19. Evaluating ecological representation within differing planning objectives for the central coast of British Columbia.

20. Aboveground growth responses of understory Abies lasiocarpa saplings to different release cuts.

21. Genotype by environment interaction and its implications for genetic improvement of interior spruce in British Columbia.

22. Nitrogen fixation in coarse woody debris of Thuja plicata and Tsuga heterophylla forests on northern Vancouver Island.

23. Soluble organic nitrogen in forests and adjacent clearcuts in British Columbia, Canada.

24. Effects of Sitka alder on the growth and foliar nutrition of young lodgepole pine in the central interior of British Columbia.

25. Chemical and mechanical site preparation: effects on Pinus contorta growth, physiology, and microsite quality on grassy, steep forest sites in British Columbia.

26. Communities of aquatic insects of old-growth and clearcut coastal headwater streams of varying flow persistence.

27. Stream temperatures in two shaded reaches below cutblocks and logging roads: downstream cooling linked to subsurface hydrology.

28. The effect of variable-retention riparian buffer zones on water temperatures in small headwater streams in sub-boreal forest ecosystems of British Columbia.

29. Effects of streamside logging on stream macroinvertebrate communities and habitat in the sub-boreal forests of British Columbia, Canada.

30. Are mixed-species stands more productive than single-species stands: an empirical test of three forest types in British Columbia and Alberta.

31. Effects of nitrogen and boron fertilization on foliar boron nutrition and growth in two different lodgepole pine ecosystems.

32. Growth and nutrition of three conifer species across site gradients of north coastal British Columbia.

33. Genetic variation in wood properties of interior spruce. II. Tracheid characteristics.

34. Genetic variation in wood properties of interior spruce. I. Growth, latewood percentage, and wood density.

35. Genetic variation in drought hardiness of coastal Douglas-fir seedlings from British Columbia .

36. Field assessment of Douglas-fir somatic and zygotic seedlings with respect to gas exchange, water relations, and frost hardiness .

37. Vertical fine root distributions of western redcedar, western hemlock, and salal in old-growth cedar-hemlock forests on northern Vancouver Island.

38. Root structure of western hemlock and western redcedar in single- and mixed-species stands.

39. The growing season carbon balance of a sub-boreal clearcut 5 years after harvesting using two independent approaches to measure ecosystem CO[sub 2] flux.

41. Growth and nutrition of hybrid poplars over 3 years after fertilization at planting.

43. Holocene vegetation and natural disturbance in the Engelmann Spruce--Subalpine Fir biogeoclimatic zone at Mount Kobau, British Columbia.

44. Changes in cortical and wood terpenes in Sitka spruce in response to wounding.

45. Do soil fauna increase rates of litter breakdown and nitrogen release in forests of British Columbia, Canada?

46. A quantitative framework for breeding and conservation of forest tree genetic resources in British Columbia.

47. Extracting a paleotemperature record from picea engelmannii tree-line sites in the central Canadian Rockies.

48. The impacts of broadcast burning after clear-cutting on the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with hybrid spruce seedlings in central British Columbia.

49. Measurementand modeling of spatially explicit variation in light transmission through interior cedar--hemlock forests of British Columbia

50. Impact of timber-fee increases on British Columbia forest products companies: an economic and policy analysis