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1. John Tuzo Wilson: a Canadian who revolutionized Earth Sciences1.

2. Introduction to the Grenville Province: a geological and mineral resources perspective derived from government and academic research initiatives.

3. Introduction to the Special issue of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, "Magmatic and metallogenic processes associated with large igneous provinces".

4. The Potsdam–Beekmantown Group boundary, Nepean Formation type section (Ottawa, Ontario): a cryptic sequence boundary, not a conformable transition.

5. Late Wisconsinan stratigraphy and chronology of southern St. George's Bay, Newfoundland: a re-appraisal: Reply.

6. Structural analysis of the Miniss River and related faults, western Superior Province: post-collisional displacement initiated at terrane boundaries.

8. John Tuzo Wilson: a Canadian who revolutionized Earth Sciences1.

9. Tuzo Wilson and the acceptance of pre-Mesozoic continental drift1.

10. John Tuzo Wilson: a man who moved mountains1.

11. The Frasnian-Famennian (mid-Late Devonian) boundary in the type section of the Long Rapids Formation, James Bay Lowlands, northern Ontario, Canada.

12. Early Turonian (Late Cretaceous) age of the Tuskoola sandstone Pine River area, northeastern British Columbia.

13. Evolution of 3.1 and 3.0 Ga volcanic belts and a new thermotectonic model for the Hopedale Block, North Atlantic craton (Canada).

14. The southeastern Churchill Province: synthesis of a Paleoproterozoic transpressional orogen.

15. Nature of the basement to Quesnel Terrane near Christina Lake, southeastern British Columbia.

16. New U–Pb age constraints on latest Cretaceous magmatism and associated mineralization in the Fawnie Range, Nechako Plateau, central British Columbia.

17. Crustal structure of the metasedimentary Kisseynew domain and bounding volcanic–plutonic domains, Trans-Hudson orogen, Canada.

18. Correcting airborne gravity data for overburden thickness: a case study from the Nechako interior plateau, British Columbia1.

19. The electrical resistivity of Canada's lithosphere and correlation with other parameters: contributions from Lithoprobe and other programmes1.

20. The Paint Pots, Kootenay National Park, Canada - a natural acid spring analogue for Mars1,2.

21. Initiation, development, and benefits of Lithoprobe — shaping the direction of Earth science research in Canada and beyond.

22. How the crust meets the mantle: Lithoprobe perspectives on the Mohorovičić discontinuity and crust–mantle transition.

23. Teleseismic studies of the Canadian landmass: Lithoprobe and its legacy.

24. Weathering regime and geochemical conditions in a polar desert environment, Haughton impact structure region, Devon Island, Canada.

25. Geochemistry of the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood Formation, Nova Scotia, Canada: provenance and diagenesis.

26. Limnology, sedimentology, and hydrology of a jökulhlaup into a meromictic High Arctic lake.

27. Determination of alteration facies using the normative mineral alteration index: Selbaie Cu–Zn deposit, northern Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada.

28. Neoarchean trans-subprovince sediment transport in southwestern Superior Province: sedimentological, geochemical, and geochronological evidence.

29. U–Pb ages constraining structural development of an Archean terrane boundary in the Lake of the Woods area, western Superior Province, Canada.

30. Structure of the Archean English River subprovince: implications for the tectonic evolution of the western Superior Province, Canada.

31. Imaging the upper part of the Red Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Ontario, with 3-D traveltime tomography.

32. Pickle Lake revisited: New structural, geochronological and geochemical constraints on greenstone belt assembly, western Superior Province, Canada.

33. Structural geology of the Penobsquis salt structure: late Bashkirian inversion tectonics in the Moncton Basin, New Brunswick, eastern Canada.

34. A preliminary radiolarian biozonation for the Lower Silurian of the Cape Phillips Formation, Nunavut, Canada.

35. Global correlation of the radiolarian faunal change across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary.

36. U–Pb zircon geochronology and Nd isotope geochemistry of Proterozoic granitoids in the western Churchill Province: intrusive age pattern and Archean source domains.

37. The problematic fossil Triplicatella from the Early Cambrian of Greenland, Canada, and Siberia.

38. Provenance of Jurassic sedimentary rocks of south-central Quesnellia, British Columbia: implications for paleogeography.

39. The Dorothy bentonite: an extraordinary case of secondary thickening in a late Campanian volcanic ash fall in central Alberta.

40. Kimberlites from the Wawa area, Ontario.

41. Geophysical correlations in the Ungava Bay area.

42. Geophysical characteristics of the continental crust along the Lithoprobe Eastern Canadian Shield Onshore–Offshore Transect (ECSOOT): a review.

43. Geochemistry and age of the Aillik Group and associated plutonic rocks, Makkovik Bay area, Labrador: implications for tectonic development of the Makkovik Province.

44. Review of crustal architecture and evolution in the Ungava Peninsula — Baffin Island area: connection to the Lithoprobe ECSOOT transect.

45. The Nagssugtoqidian Orogen of West Greenland: tectonic evolution and regional correlations from a West Greenland perspective.

46. Proterozoic evolution of the northeastern Canadian Shield: Lithoprobe Eastern Canadian Shield Onshore-Offshore Transect (ECSOOT), introduction and summary.

47. Origin of vertical shafts in bedrock along the Eramosa River valley near Guelph, southern Ontario.

48. The first 20 years (1978–1979 to 1998–1999) of ice-wedge growth at the Illisarvik experimental drained lake site, western Arctic coast, Canada.

49. Saddle reef auriferous veins in a conical fold termination (Oldham anticline, Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada): reconciliation of structural and age data.

50. Deformation of Upper Carboniferous coal measures in the Sydney Basin: evidence for late Alleghanian tectonism in Atlantic Canada.