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1. Could COVID expand the future of addiction research? Long‐term implications in the pandemic era.

2. Griffith Edwards, the Addiction Research Unit and research on the criminal justice system.

3. Gambling in Singapore: an overview of history, research, treatment and policy.

4. Is Alcoholics Anonymous religious, spiritual, neither? Findings from 25 years of mechanisms of behavior change research.

5. Building the connections between science, practice and policy: Griffith Edwards and the UK National Addiction Centre.

6. Development of the SBIRT checklist for observation in real-time (SCORe).

7. Reverse engineering a 'responsible drinking' campaign to assess strategic intent.

8. The public health consequences of e‐cigarettes: a review by the National Academies of Sciences. A call for more research, a need for regulatory action.

9. Clear principles are needed for integrity in gambling research.

10. Ethical issues raised by tobacco industry-linked research in the era of e-cigarettes.

11. Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity—a summary of the third edition.

12. Brain structural covariance network differences in adults with alcohol dependence and heavy‐drinking adolescents.

13. Effectiveness of offering tailored text message, self‐help smoking cessation support to pregnant women who want information on stopping smoking: MiQuit3 randomised controlled trial and meta‐analysis.

14. Significance chasing in research practice: causes, consequences and possible solutions.

15. Alcohol intake and total mortality in 142 960 individuals from the MORGAM Project: a population‐based study.

17. Progression of cannabis withdrawal symptoms in people using medical cannabis for chronic pain.

18. Action is needed to deter the trumpeting of non-peer-reviewed findings to the media.

19. A randomized clinical trial of a group cognitive–behavioral therapy to reduce alcohol use among human immunodeficiency virus‐infected outpatients in western Kenya.

20. Effect of screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment for unhealthy alcohol and other drug use in mental health treatment settings: a randomized controlled trial.

21. Factors associated with receipt of the 5As model of brief intervention for smoking cessation among hospitalized patients.

22. HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs (PWID) and related factors in Iran: a systematic review, meta‐analysis and trend analysis.

23. Effectiveness of switching to very low nicotine content cigarettes plus nicotine patch versus reducing daily cigarette consumption plus nicotine patch to decrease dependence: an exploratory randomized trial.

24. Alcohol and drug research with Indigenous peoples: where do we go from here?

25. Extended‐release naltrexone (XR‐NTX) for opioid use disorder in clinical practice: Vivitrol's Cost and Treatment Outcomes Registry.

26. Alcohol‐related harm in emergency departments: a prospective, multi‐centre study.

27. Risk factors for severe respiratory depression from prescription opioid overdose.

28. Associations between anhedonia and marijuana use escalation across mid-adolescence.

29. Effectiveness of intensive practice nurse counselling versus brief general practitioner advice, both combined with varenicline, for smoking cessation: a randomized pragmatic trial in primary care.

30. The effectiveness of an intervention to reduce alcohol-related violence in premises licensed for the sale and on-site consumption of alcohol: a randomized controlled trial.

31. Association between elementary school personality and high school smoking and drinking.

32. Changes in undergraduates' marijuana, heavy alcohol and cigarette use following legalization of recreational marijuana use in Oregon.

33. Adolescents' exposure to paid alcohol advertising on television and their alcohol use: exploring associations during a 13-year period.

34. Making visible the politics and ethics of alcohol policy research.

35. Cost-effectiveness of extended release naltrexone to prevent relapse among criminal justice-involved individuals with a history of opioid use disorder.

36. Intravenous midazolam-droperidol combination, droperidol or olanzapine monotherapy for methamphetamine-related acute agitation: subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial.

37. Barriers to access to opioid medicines for patients with opioid dependence: a review of legislation and regulations in eleven central and eastern European countries.

38. Handling the fragile vase of scientific practices.

39. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between poor oral health and substance abuse.

40. The cost-effectiveness of brief intervention versus brief treatment of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in the United States.

41. Substance use outcomes of patients served by a large US implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT).

42. A time and motion study of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment implementation in health-care settings.

43. Evaluating the impact of a national naloxone programme on ambulance attendance at overdose incidents: a controlled time-series analysis.

44. Reduced nicotine content cigarettes and use of alternative nicotine products: exploratory trial.

45. European longitudinal study on the relationship between adolescents' alcohol marketing exposure and alcohol use.

46. Buprenorphine + naloxone plus naltrexone for the treatment of cocaine dependence: the Cocaine Use Reduction with Buprenorphine (CURB) study.

47. Meta-analysis on the effectiveness of alcohol screening with brief interventions for patients in emergency care settings.

48. Potential cost-effectiveness of supervised injection facilities in Toronto and Ottawa, Canada.

49. The relationship between player losses and gambling-related harm: evidence from nationally representative cross-sectional surveys in four countries.

50. Damage to the insula leads to decreased nicotine withdrawal during abstinence.