
Showing total 2,481,569 results
2,481,569 results

Search Results

1. Can citations tell us about a paper's reproducibility? A case study of machine learning papers

2. Naming the SMD Bridge Program--A White Paper

3. Why Larp?! A Synthesis Paper on Live Action Roleplay in Relation to HCI Research and Practice

4. Russian-Language Multimodal Dataset for Automatic Summarization of Scientific Papers

5. A Diagramming Technique for Teaching Students to Read Software Engineering Research Papers: an experience report

6. Position Paper: Beyond Robustness Against Single Attack Types

7. Autonomous LLM-driven research from data to human-verifiable research papers

8. Context-Enhanced Language Models for Generating Multi-Paper Citations

9. From Paper to Platform: Evolution of a Novel Learning Environment for Tabletop Exercises

10. Corrections of minor misstatements in several papers on ECS manifolds

11. Fabricating Paper Circuits with Subtractive Processing

12. Enhancing Accessibility in Soft Robotics: Exploring Magnet-Embedded Paper-Based Interactions

13. Behavioural Types for Heterogeneous Systems (Position Paper)

14. Decade-long Utilization Patterns of ICSE Technical Papers and Associated Artifacts

15. New fractional classifications of papers based on two generations of references and on the ASJC Scopus scheme

16. Analysis Facilities White Paper

17. How biomedical papers accumulated their clinical citations: A large-scale retrospective analysis based on PubMed

18. Mapping the Increasing Use of LLMs in Scientific Papers

19. Demo Paper: A Game Agents Battle Driven by Free-Form Text Commands Using Code-Generation LLM

20. White paper on (${\alpha}$, n) neutron yields calculation

21. Pencil and Paper Electronics: An Accessible Approach to Teaching Basic Physics Concepts

22. Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning: a position paper for dynamical systems investigations

23. Ambush strategy enhances organisms' performance in rock-paper-scissors games

24. The AI Review Lottery: Widespread AI-Assisted Peer Reviews Boost Paper Scores and Acceptance Rates

25. Prioritizing High-Precision Photometric Monitoring of Exoplanet and Brown Dwarf Companions with JWST -- Strategic Exoplanet Initiatives with HST and JWST White Paper

26. Percentage Coefficient (bp) -- Effect Size Analysis (Theory Paper 1)

27. Position paper: Do not explain (vision models) without context

28. [Call for Papers] The 2nd BabyLM Challenge: Sample-efficient pretraining on a developmentally plausible corpus

29. Improved Constraints on Mergers with SZ, Hydrodynamical simulations, Optical, and X-ray (ICM-SHOX). Paper II: Galaxy cluster sample overview

30. PaperWeaver: Enriching Topical Paper Alerts by Contextualizing Recommended Papers with User-collected Papers

31. Human-Centered LLM-Agent User Interface: A Position Paper

32. Challenges and Opportunities of NLP for HR Applications: A Discussion Paper

33. Position Paper: Rethinking Empirical Research in Machine Learning: Addressing Epistemic and Methodological Challenges of Experimentation

34. EPOCHS Paper V. The dependence of galaxy formation on galaxy structure at z < 7 from JWST observations

35. Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XIX. The long-period solar-type system V454 Aurigae

36. Comment to the paper J. Yan et al. Experimental confirmation of driving pressure boosting and smoothing for hybrid-drive inertial fusion at the 100-kJ laser facility [Nature Communications (2023) 14:5782]

37. Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVIII. The F-type system OO Pegasi

38. Human Understanding AI Paper Challenge 2024 -- Dataset Design

39. LimGen: Probing the LLMs for Generating Suggestive Limitations of Research Papers

40. A collection of the accepted papers for the Human-Centric Representation Learning workshop at AAAI 2024

41. PaperBot: Learning to Design Real-World Tools Using Paper

42. From Paper to Card: Transforming Design Implications with Generative AI

43. PAPER-HILT: Personalized and Adaptive Privacy-Aware Early-Exit for Reinforcement Learning in Human-in-the-Loop Systems

44. The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper

45. AI Insights: A Case Study on Utilizing ChatGPT Intelligence for Research Paper Analysis

46. Response to David Steigmann's discussion of our paper

47. Comments on the paper 'Derivation of lump solutions to a variety of Boussinesq equations with distinct dimensions.'

48. Deep Learning-based Kinetic Analysis in Paper-based Analytical Cartridges Integrated with Field-effect Transistors

49. LLMs Can Defend Themselves Against Jailbreaking in a Practical Manner: A Vision Paper

50. Explaining Relationships Among Research Papers