Summary: The following five generic names are recommended for conservation: Bulbostylis against Nemum, Lorinseria C. Presl against Lorinsera Opiz, Pirea Vavrdová against Pirea T. Durand, Selaginella against Didiclis, and Senega against Senegaria, Anthallogea, Corymbula, Leptrochia, Pylostachya, and Sexilia. The following two generic names are not recommended for conservation because the proposed action is considered to be unnecessary: Hoodia against "Monothylaceum" and Chiropetalum against Desfontaena. The subgeneric name Littorella subg. Xamotris is recommended for rejection. The following 16 species names are recommended for conservation: Allium rotundum with conserved type, Arctotis calendula against A. tristis, Cereus eriophorus with conserved type, Commelina erecta with conserved type, Costus globosus against C. roxburghii, Grewia asiatica with conserved type, Grewia tiliifolia against G. damine, Hedyotis pentandra Schumach. against H. pentandra (Retz.) Forsyth f., Lycopodium intermedium against L. atroviride, Polypodium parasiticum with conserved type, Scabiosa caucasica with conserved type and against S. caucasea, Senecio peregrinus with conserved type, Senecio saluenensis with conserved type, Thymus glabrescens with conserved type and against T. odoratissimus, Veronica capitata Royle ex Benth. against V. capitata Fisch. ex Colla, and Veronica minuta C.A. Mey. against V. minuta Krock. The following four species names are not recommended for conservation: Citrosma schottiana against C. umbellata, Neuracanthus sphaerostachyus against N. lawii (because action is considered to be unnecessary), Ophioglossum parvifolium with conserved type, and Salix wallichiana against S. disperma. The following 11 species names are recommended for rejection: Arctotis ludwigii, Carex wazmanni, Limonium oleifolium, Littorella flexuosa, Littorella spicata, Poa amabilis, Poa virginica, Salsola caroliniana, Selaginella flagellifera, Solanum frutescens, and Tradescantia decora. The species name Potamogeton nerviger is not recommended for rejection. It is recommended that Scilla L. and Squilla Steinh. not be treated as homonyms. The Committee recommends against making a binding decision on whether Kalanchoe rosea and K. rosei, or Oxalis kuhlmannii and O. kollmannii, should be treated as homonyms, considering them not confusable. The Committee also recommends that Desfontainia Ruiz & Pav. and Desfontaena Vell. and Lorinsera Opiz and Lorinseria C. Presl be treated as homonyms. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]