The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of Covid-19 fear on travel intention and to test the mediating effect of reliance on vaccine in the relationship between fear of Covid-19 and travel intention. In this context, a structural model was created to examine these three variables: the relationship among fear of Covid-19, travel intention and trust in the vaccine. The quantitative study was carried out through a structural model in order to verify the behavior of the three variables together using Ibm Amos 24 package. A case study based on data collected from 467 public employees across Turkey supported empirically the study. At the end of the analysis, it was found that the fear of Covid-19 significantly and negatively affected the travel intention, while the fear of covid-19 significantly and negatively affected the trust in the vaccine, and no significant relationship was found between the trust in the vaccine and the travel intention. In the model in which the mediation effect was tested, it was found that trust in vaccine did not have a mediating effect on the relationship between fear of Covid-19 and travel intention. Considering these results, suggestions were made for the decision makers of travel, tourism and hospitality industry to be able to recover after the pandemic to create plan for policy and strategies.KEYWORDSTourism; Covid-19; Fear; Vaccine; Intention to Travel; Turkey. RESUMOO objetivo deste estudo é o de revelar o efeito do medo da Covid-19 na intenção de viajar, e testar o efeito mediador da confiança na vacina na relação entre este medo e a intenção de viajar. Neste contexto, foi criado um modelo estrutural para examinar a relação entre essas três variáveis: medo da Covid-19, intenção de viajar e confiança na vacina. Um estudo de caso quantitativo empírico, a partir de dados coletados junto a 467 funcionários públicos da Turquia, foi conduzido utilizando um modelo estrutural para testar o comportamento das três variáveis juntas, utilizando o pacote Ibm Amos 24. No final da análise, verificou-se que o medo da Covid-19 afetou significativa e negativamente a intenção de viajar, enquanto o medo da Covid-19, a confiança na vacina, e não foi encontrada nenhuma relação significativa entre a confiança na vacina e a intenção de viagem. No modelo em que o efeito de mediação foi testado, descobriu-se que a confiança na vacina não teve um efeito mediador na relação entre o medo da Covid-19 e a intenção de viagem. Considerando estes resultados, foram feitas sugestões para que os tomadores de decisão no segmento de viagens, turismo e hospitalidade, pudessem se recuperar após a pandemia para criar um plano de políticas e estratégias.PALAVRAS-CHAVETurismo; Covid-19; Medo; Vacina; Intenção de Viajar, Turquia. AUTORIAGökhan Onat: Master. PhD candidate in the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts at Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University. He is a research assistant at Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Rize, Turkey. Orcid: Email: Karakuş: Doctor. Professors in the Ardeşen Vocational School, Department of Tourism and Travel Services at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University in Turkey, Rize, Turkey. He is also associate editor of Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Tourism. Orcid: Email: ,Thiago Duarte Pimentel: Doctor. PhD of Social Sciences/UFJF (2012). Professor and full time researcher at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de For a, MG, Brasil. Curriculum: E-mail: thiago.pimentel@ich.ufjf.brYunus Doğan: Master. PhD candidate in the Department of Tourism Management, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University. He works as a full-time employee at the Social Security Institution of Turkey, Rize, Turkey. Orcid: Email: REFERENCESAhorsu, D. K., Lin, C. Y., Imani, V., Saffari, M., Griffiths, M. 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