Kersh, Natasha, Toiviainen, Hanna, Tacchi, Jo, Huegler, Nathalie, Laczik, Andrea, Kuusipalo, Paula, Pitkänen, Pirkko, Erdogan, Armağan, Aydemir Decker, Güzin, Unutulmaz, Onur, and Erdogan, Murat
The symposium focuses on the role played by active citizenship and communication practices in contributing to social inclusion of young adults in vulnerable life situations. Engaging vulnerable young people through adult education has been strongly related to addressing the specific needs and requirements that would facilitate their participation in the social, economic and civic/political life in their country contexts. The paper draws on the key findings and conclusions of the Horizon 2020 project ‘Adult Education as a Means to Active Participatory Citizenship’ (EduMAP, 2017; 2019) conducted in 2016-2019. The project, which involved the partnership and cooperation of eight academic institutions in six European countries and one non-EU partner, aimed to advance understanding and further develop both the current and future impact of adult education on learning for active participatory citizenship in Europe and beyond. The methodological approach was based on both desk and empirical research, carried out through dedicated work packages. The project also involved undertaking a review of the relevant literature, including research publications, policy papers and statistics, relevant to the inclusion and participation of young adults. The EduMAP study involved researching 40 adult education programmes across 19 EU countries and Turkey. Fieldwork was carried out through individual and focus group interviews with 814 participants, including educational practitioners, policy-makers and young adults.