1. Chinese religions and the Cuban revolution
- Author
Kosec, Maja Maria
- Subjects
kitajska diaspora ,manjšine ,udc:323.15(729.1) ,Guan Yu ,San Fancon ,Kuba ,Cuba ,kitajska religija ,minorities ,African diaspora ,Chinese religion ,Cuban revolution ,Chinese diaspora ,afriška diaspora ,kubanska revolucija - Abstract
The issue of religious practices within the Chinese diaspora in Cuba is increasingly debated within Chinese studies in latin america. as the Chinese and African diasporas in Cuba have intermingled ethnically, their religious practices have historically also intermingled. While the rise of Afro-Cuban religions in recent decades is primarily understood as a response to centuries of Spanish colonialism and perceived as a resistance to Eurocentric hegemonic power, this article aims to examine the efforts of the Chinese diaspora to re-evaluate their religions from the same decolonial perspective. This article aims to determine the tendencies of interactions between Chinese religious beliefs and Cuba’s religions before and after the Cuban revolution, including after the fall of the socialist bloc. Specifically, it examines whether post-revolution state atheism had an impact on the religious beliefs and ethnic heritage of members of the Chinese diaspora. In the 1990s there was a revival of the Guan Yu (关羽) cult which has been often interpreted as a consequence of the economic interests of the Chinese and Afro-Chinese diaspora or as a consequence of the interests of the Cuban government. However, we must also be aware of the broader historical, social and political context at play here. Na področju kitajskih študij v Latinski Ameriki se kot predmet razprav vse pogosteje pojavlja vprašanje verskih praks v kitajski diaspori na Kubi. Ker sta se kitajska in afriška diaspora na Kubi skozi zgodovino etnično mešali, so se sčasoma prepletle tudi njune verske prakse. Medtem ko gre vzpon afrokubanskih religij v zadnjih desetletjih razumeti predvsem kot odziv na stoletja španskega kolonializma in kot upor evropocentrični hegemonistični oblasti, skuša avtorica v prispevku preučiti prizadevanja kitajske diaspore, da bi s te dekolonialne perspektive omenjene religije na novo ovrednotila. Cilj članka je ugotoviti, kakšni so trendi interakcij med kitajskimi verovanji in kubanskimi religijami pred kubansko revolucijo in po njej, tudi po propadu socialističnega bloka. Natančneje, avtorica ugotavlja, ali je porevolucijski državni ateizem vplival na verska prepričanja in etnično dediščino pripadnikov kitajske diaspore. V 90. letih 20. stoletja je prišlo do oživitve kulta Guan Yuja (关羽), ki ga številni razlagajo kot rezultat gospodarskih interesov ki-tajske in afrokitajske diaspore oziroma kot posledico interesov kubanske vlade. Vsekakor pa je treba pri obeh domnevah upoštevati tudi vlogo širšega zgodovinskega, družbenega in političnega ozadja.
- Published
- 2022