47 results on '"ass"'
Search Results
2. Ab-initio phonon calculation for AsS / P2_1/c (14) / materials id 556328
- Author
0000-0001-8393-9766, Atsushi Togo, 0000-0001-8393-9766, and Atsushi Togo
- Published
- 2023
3. Traumland in Sicht : pflegerische Interventionen bei autistischen Kindern mit Insomnie im stationären Setting
- Author
Rehm, Chedyne Rahel, Zehnder, Rosmarie Sophia, Rehm, Chedyne Rahel, and Zehnder, Rosmarie Sophia
- Abstract
Darstellung des Themas: Kinder mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (ASS) im Akutspital zu betreuen, kann neue Herausforderungen für das Pflegefachpersonal mit sich bringen, da rund 40-90% der Kinder mit ASS unter Insomnie leiden. Insomnie wird als Schlafstörung definiert, die sich durch Ein- und/oder Durchschlafstörungen und/oder frühmorgendliches Erwachen zeigt. Erhalten Kinder mit ASS nicht genügend Schlaf, können sich die Verhaltensprobleme und ASS-Symptome tagsüber verschlimmern. Fragestellung: "Welche nicht-pharmakologischen Interventionen können Pflegefachpersonen bei Kindern mit ASS zur Linderung von Insomnie im stationären Setting anwenden?" Methode: Es wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken CINAHL Complete und Pubmed durchgeführt. Die verwendete Literatur wurde zusammengefasst, kritisch gewürdigt und auf ihre Evidenz geprüft. Ergebnisse: Aus den inkludierten Studien gehen drei pflegerische Interventionen hervor: Die Sound-to-Sleep (STS)-Matratzen-Technologie, die Anwendung von beschwerten Decken und das iLs-Dreampad-Kissen. Weiter wurden körperliche Aktivitäten, Verhaltensmassnahmen und Aromatherapie diskutiert. Schlussfolgerung: Die Studienlage zu pflegerischen Interventionen ist klein, dennoch wirken die genannten Produkte unterstützend in der Behandlung von Insomnie. Zur Implementierung einer Intervention sind die Bedürfnisse der Kinder mit ASS, ihre Alltagsstrukturen und die Beziehungsgestaltung zwischen den Beteiligten zentral.
- Published
- 2023
4. Een muzikale woordenschat
- Author
Iris Willems and Iris Willems
- Abstract
Inleiding Autismespectrumstoornis (ASS) is een ontwikkelingsstoornis die problemen kan veroorzaken met taal. Het is een neurologische stoornis, die het functioneren van de hersenen beïnvloedt (Gerrits, Beers, Bruinsma, & Singer, 2017). Door een verstoorde informatieverwerking en het minder goed functioneren van de linkerhersenhelft komt een taal- en communicatiestoornis bij een persoon met ASS vaak voor (Gerrits, Beers, Bruinsma, & Singer, 2017). Kinderen met autisme die luisteren naar een gezongen woord laten dezelfde hersenactiviteit zien als kinderen zonder autisme (Sharda, Midha, Malik, Mukerji, & Singh, 2017). Het is aannemelijk dat bij kinderen met ASS het leren van woordenschat met muziek gemakkelijker zal gaan dan zonder muziek. Verschillende leerkrachten van De XXXschool (cluster-3) in Den Haag geven aan dat er veel leerlingen starten met een achterstand in de Nederlandse taal. Zij denken dat dit komt door een meertalige opvoeding in combinatie met een niet-specifieke taalontwikkelingsstoornis. Dit belemmert het participeren in de klas en het leren van de Nederlandse taal. Veel leerlingen die een ontwikkelingsachterstand hebben en meertalig zijn, hebben de diagnose ASS. Door de stoornis, de ontwikkelingsachterstand en de meertaligheid, leert het kind de Nederlandse taal moeilijk. De leerkrachten vragen zich af of de woordenschat bij meertalige kinderen met ASS en een achterstand in de Nederlandse taal sneller uitgebreid kan worden om sneller en beter tot leren in de klas te kunnen komen. Het doel van dit onderzoek is het opstellen van aanbevelingen voor logopedisten, die werken met kinderen met ASS en een ontwikkelingsachterstand, met betrekking tot het uitbreiden van de (passieve) woordenschat. Methode Er is kwantitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd om het effect van muziek op de passieve woordenschat te meten door middel van interventies met muziek en voor- en nametingen. Dit onderzoek werd uitgevoerd bij twee groepen. Onderzoeksgroep 1 bestond uit drie kinderen
- Published
- 2022
5. Los juegos lúdico-cooperativos, como una estrategia favorable para las relaciones personales entre estudiantes
- Author
Vasquez, Luis Eduardo, Cabrera Constain, Víctor Andrés, Vasquez, Luis Eduardo, and Cabrera Constain, Víctor Andrés
- Abstract
This article presents the theories related to bullying and, at the same time, a pedagogical strategy to promote personal relationships between students. This shows the importance of playful-cooperative games in the development of personal relationships, as well as the use of practices of good treatment and inclusion from diversity, framed in the context of school coexistence. This work is based on a qualitative paradigm, which goes with the nonparticipantaction research, comprising a sample of 38 students between the ages of 14 and 16. The results obtained show that playful-cooperative games contribute to the improvement and strengthening of the intra and interpersonal relationships, to achieve a school coexistence, denoting that physical education can contribute to personal relationships, promoting learning scenarios based on equal opportunities, and counteracting discrimination., Este artigo apresenta as teorias relacionadas ao assédio e uma estratégia pedagógica para promover as relações pessoais entre os alunos. Isso mostra a importância dos jogos lúdicos-cooperativos no desenvolvimentodas relações pessoais, bem como a utilização de práticas de bom trato e inclusão a partir da diversidade, enquadradas no contexto de convivência escolar. Este trabalho baseia-se em um paradigma qualitativo, que acompanha a pesquisa-ação não participante, composta por uma amostra de 38 alunos com idades entre 14 e 16 anos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os jogos lúdicos cooperativos contribuem para a melhoria e fortalecimento das relações intra e interpessoais, para o alcance da convivência escolar, denotando que a educação física pode contribuir para as relações pessoais, promovendo cenários de aprendizagem baseados na igualdade de oportunidades e combatendo a discriminação., El artículo plantea las teorías relacionadas con el acoso escolar y, a la vez, sugiere una estrategia pedagógica para favorecer las relaciones personales entre estudiantes. Se evidencia la importancia de los juegos lúdicocooperativos en el desarrollo de las relaciones personales, además del uso de prácticas del buen trato y la inclusión desde la diversidad, enmarcadas en el contexto de la convivencia escolar. El trabajo se sustenta en un paradigma cualitativo, de la mano de la investigación acción no participante, con una muestra de 38 estudiantes de edades entre los 14 y los 16 años de edad. Los resultados obtenidos permiten apreciar que los juegos lúdicocooperativos contribuyen al mejoramiento de la relación intrapersonal e interpersonal, para lograr una convivencia escolar. La educación física puede contribuir en las relaciones personales, ya que promueve escenarios de aprendizaje basados en la igualdad de oportunidades y, contrarresta las discriminaciones.
- Published
- 2022
6. Pferdegestützte Interventionen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung und/oder einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung. Die Effekte von pferdegestützten Interventionen auf Kinder und Jugendliche mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung und/oder einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung. Aus den subjektiven Perspektiven einiger Fachpersonen
- Author
Rechsteiner, Sylvie and Rechsteiner, Sylvie
- Abstract
Die therapeutische Wirksamkeit spezifischer Pferdeeigenschaften wird in etlicher Literatur dargelegt. Verschiedenste Krankheitsbilder werden mithilfe pferdegestützter Interventionen therapiert. Unter anderem auch die Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (ASS) und die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS). Unterschiedliche Studien zeigen die Auswirkungen der pferdegestützten Therapie auf die Kernsymptome der ASS und ADHS oder auf das soziale Verhalten der Klientinnen und Klienten. Diese Masterarbeit untersucht ergänzend, welche Effekte pferdegestützte Interventionen auf Kinder und Jugendliche mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (ASS) und/oder der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- /Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) aus der Sicht von Fachpersonen haben. Dies wurde bis anhin noch in keiner anderen Studie erforscht, weshalb die vorliegende Arbeit versucht, diese Forschungslücke zu schliessen. Die gewählte Fragestellung wird zum einen durch die Literaturarbeit und zum anderen mithilfe von Experteninterviews beantwortet. Die durchgeführten Interviews waren halbstrukturiert und wurden mittels Inhaltsanalyse nach Kuckartz analysiert. Nach der Einführung in die Thematik der pferdegestützten Interventionen werden zunächst die Begrifflichkeiten erläutert und die Wirkungsweisen der verschiedenen Interventionsmöglichkeiten geschildert. In weiterer Folge wird auf die theoretischen Aspekte der Autismus-Spektrum-Störung als auch der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung eingegangen. Anschliessend folgt die Darlegung des empirischen Teils der vorliegenden Studie. Die Auswertung der erhobenen Daten konnte einen Einblick in die Sichtweisen der pferdegestützten Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten geben und die Effekte der pferdegestützten Interventionen, ergänzend zu den aus der Literatur gewonnen Erkenntnissen, zeigen.
- Published
- 2022
7. Gartentherapie für Menschen mit Autismus
- Author
Ackermans, Aaron and Ackermans, Aaron
- Abstract
Die Prävalenz zur Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (ASS) hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark zugenommen. Die ASS kann nicht geheilt, aber therapiert werden. Je früher mit der richtigen Therapie begonnen wird, desto grösser ist die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität des betroffenen Menschen. Eine mögliche Art der Behandlung ist die Gartentherapie. Dabei werden verschiedene Zielsetzungen und Programme individuell auf die zu behandelnde Person angepasst. Deshalb und wegen der fehlenden Evidenz gegenüber der Wirkung der Gartentherapie gibt es grosse Lücken in der Literatur. Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, durch eine spezifische Literaturrecherche bestehende gartentherapeutische Programme zu finden. Sodann soll ein selbst entwickeltes Programm für zwei Bewohner mit der ASS des Götschihofs im Aeugstertal erstellt werden. Durch das Definieren von elf Schlüssel-wörtern, vier auf Deutsch und sieben auf Englisch, wurde die Literaturrecherche eingegrenzt. Für das Erstellens des Konzepts besuchte der Autor dieser Arbeit den Götschihof und das darin befindende Gartenatelier (GA). Durch ein Interview mit der Leiterin des GA soll mehr über sie, das GA und die zwei Bewohner in Erfahrung gebracht werden. Die Literaturrecherche ergab, dass keine gartentherapeutischen Programme für Menschen mit der ASS gefunden wurden. Es gibt jedoch Programme, die als standardisierte Planungsgrundlagen dienen können. Am Besuchstag konnte ein Einblick in die bestehenden Programme des GAs am Götschihof gewonnen werden. Zusätzlich wurde ersichtlich, dass das Programm zwar gut vorbereitet werden muss, kurzfristig Änderungen aber immer entstehen können. Ausserdem wurden die zwei Bewohner auf den Wohngruppen besucht. Mit dem Interview wurde klar, dass sich die Zusammenstellung der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer im GA grundsätzlich nicht ändert und die gleichen Personen über eine längere Zeit teilnehmen. Ausserdem wurden die gartentherapeutischen Zielsetzungen für die beiden Bewohner erläutert. Das erstellte Prog, The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased significantly in recent decades. ASD cannot be cured, but it can be treated. The earlier the right therapy is started, the greater the improvement in the quality of life of the affected person. One possible type of treatment is Horticultural therapy. In the Horticultural therapy, different objectives and programs are individually adapted to the person to be treated. Because of this and the lack of evidence against the effect of Horticultural therapy, there are large gaps in the literature. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find existing garden therapy programs through a specific literature search. Then a self-developed program for two residents with ASD of the Götschihof in Aeugstertal will be created. By defining eleven keywords, four in German and seven in English, the literature research was narrowed down. For the creation of the concept, the author of this work visited the Götschihof and the garden atelier (GA) located therein. Through an interview with the director of the GA, more will be learned about her, the GA and the two residents. The literature search revealed that no Horticultural therapy programs for people with ASD were found. However, there are programs that can serve as standardized planning principles. On the day of the visit, an insight into the existing programs of the GA at Götschihof could be gained. In addition, it became clear that the program must be well prepared, but that changes can always occur at short notice. Furthermore, the two residents were visited in the residential groups. With the interview it became clear that the composition of the participants in the GA basically does not change and that the same people participate over a longer period. In addition, the Horticultural therapy objectives for the two residents were explained. The program created was divided into the four seasons. For each season, ten program points were created with the objectives, target persons
- Published
- 2022
8. Voraussetzungen und Lösungsansätze für einen förderorientierten Regelunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Asperger-Syndrom
- Author
Rüber, Céline and Rüber, Céline
- Abstract
Eine Vielzahl der Kinder und Jugendlichen mit Asperger-Syndrom besuchen den Regelunterricht. Vor diesem Hintergrund und einer Prävalenz des Asperger-Syndroms von 0.02 bis 0.03 Prozent Kinder im Schulalter kommen regelmässig Lehrpersonen in ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn in Kontakt mit einer Schülerin oder einem Schüler mit Asperger-Syndrom. Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit liegt darin, herauszufinden und aufzuzeigen, welches Voraussetzungen und Lösungsansätze sind, um Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Asperger-Syndrom einen förderorientierten Regelunterricht zu ermöglichen. Zudem soll die Arbeit Schulen und Lehrpersonen für diese Thematik sensibilisieren und den Betroffenen die Integration in den Regelunterricht erleichtern. Dadurch soll der Lernerfolg von Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Asperger-Syndrom nicht dem Zufall überlassen werden. Für die Ausarbeitung dieser Voraussetzungen und Lösungsansätze wurde Fach- und Ratgeberliteratur beigezogen. Zudem wurden neun halbstandardisierte Interviews mit Heilpädagoginnen, Psychologinnen und Ärztinnen geführt. Die Interviewpartnerinnen verfügen über eine grosse Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Kindern und/oder Jugendlichen mit Asperger-Syndrom. Die Auswertung der Interviews erfolgte mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse. Die Ergebnisse wurden schliesslich mit den aktuellen Theorien betreffend Asperger-Symptomatik verglichen. In den Ergebnissen konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Vorschläge und Ansätze grösstenteils mit der Theorie übereinstimmen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, wie individuell die Bedürfnisse der Betroffenen sind. Dies setzt eine Berücksichtigung auf den individuellen Einzelfall voraus. Dadurch gibt es kein allgemeingültiges Konzept, das angewendet werden kann. Trotzdem konnten relevante Voraussetzungen und Lösungsansätze für einen förderorientierten Regelunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Asperger-Syndrom ausgearbeitet werden.
- Published
- 2021
9. Der steinige Weg eines Menschen mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung in die Berufswelt. Die verschiedenen Perspektiven betroffener Akteure
- Author
Lehner, Melanie and Lehner, Melanie
- Abstract
In der vorliegenden Masterarbeit steht ein junger Mann mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Stö- rung und dessen hindernisreicher Weg in die Berufswelt im Zentrum. Auch mit zunehmender Anzahl von Menschen mit Autismus-Diagnosen, sind viele Aspekte, die deren Leben vereinfachen sollen, noch nicht wirklich geregelt. So stellt beispielsweise der Übertritt in die Berufswelt für ASS-Betroffene eine enorme Herausforderung dar. Je nach Aus- prägung der Autismus-Spektrum-Störung ist das Absolvieren einer Berufslehre sehr schwierig oder gar ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit. Wenn ASS-Betroffene allerdings eine berufliche Tätigkeit finden, die ihrem Interessensbereich entsprechen, so stellt das fachliche Wissen nur selten ein Problem dar. Vielmehr ist es das soziale Miteinander in der Berufswelt, welches ASS-Be- troffene vor eine grosse Hürde stellt (Preissmann, 2014, S. 73). Ein grösseres und breiteres Angebot an Autismus-spezifischen Berufsausbildungen, welche den individuellen Bedürfnis- sen der Betroffenen gerecht werden, könnten eine geeignete Lösung darstellen. Dennoch fin- det man in der Schweiz aktuell nur sehr wenige Ausbildungsplätze, welche die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von ASS-Betroffenen berücksichtigen und diesen gerecht werden (Gundelfinger, 2013, S. 8). Die rückblickend subjektiven Beurteilungen des ASS-Betroffenen und weiterer Akteure ma- chen deutlich, dass in der Begleitung und Betreuung, aber auch im Hinblick auf Angebote und Möglichkeiten auf dem Weg in die Berufswelt, viele Lücken bestehen und der Optimierungs- bedarf gross ist. Den Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden die subjektiven Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen des ASS-Betroffenen selbst und der betroffenen Akteure aus dessen Umfeld. Mittels drei halb- strukturierter Interviews wurden die Informationen und Sichtweisen der involvierten Akteure erfasst. Dabei war das Ziel, den Fall aus den unterschiedlichen Perspektiven möglichst genau zu rekonstruieren und die positiven und negativen Einflüsse zu identifizieren. Dazu w
- Published
- 2021
10. Voraussetzungen und Lösungsansätze für einen förderorientierten Regelunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Asperger-Syndrom
- Author
Rüber, Céline and Rüber, Céline
- Abstract
Eine Vielzahl der Kinder und Jugendlichen mit Asperger-Syndrom besuchen den Regelunterricht. Vor diesem Hintergrund und einer Prävalenz des Asperger-Syndroms von 0.02 bis 0.03 Prozent Kinder im Schulalter kommen regelmässig Lehrpersonen in ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn in Kontakt mit einer Schülerin oder einem Schüler mit Asperger-Syndrom. Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit liegt darin, herauszufinden und aufzuzeigen, welches Voraussetzungen und Lösungsansätze sind, um Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Asperger-Syndrom einen förderorientierten Regelunterricht zu ermöglichen. Zudem soll die Arbeit Schulen und Lehrpersonen für diese Thematik sensibilisieren und den Betroffenen die Integration in den Regelunterricht erleichtern. Dadurch soll der Lernerfolg von Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Asperger-Syndrom nicht dem Zufall überlassen werden. Für die Ausarbeitung dieser Voraussetzungen und Lösungsansätze wurde Fach- und Ratgeberliteratur beigezogen. Zudem wurden neun halbstandardisierte Interviews mit Heilpädagoginnen, Psychologinnen und Ärztinnen geführt. Die Interviewpartnerinnen verfügen über eine grosse Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Kindern und/oder Jugendlichen mit Asperger-Syndrom. Die Auswertung der Interviews erfolgte mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse. Die Ergebnisse wurden schliesslich mit den aktuellen Theorien betreffend Asperger-Symptomatik verglichen. In den Ergebnissen konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Vorschläge und Ansätze grösstenteils mit der Theorie übereinstimmen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, wie individuell die Bedürfnisse der Betroffenen sind. Dies setzt eine Berücksichtigung auf den individuellen Einzelfall voraus. Dadurch gibt es kein allgemeingültiges Konzept, das angewendet werden kann. Trotzdem konnten relevante Voraussetzungen und Lösungsansätze für einen förderorientierten Regelunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Asperger-Syndrom ausgearbeitet werden.
- Published
- 2021
11. Der steinige Weg eines Menschen mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung in die Berufswelt. Die verschiedenen Perspektiven betroffener Akteure
- Author
Lehner, Melanie and Lehner, Melanie
- Abstract
In der vorliegenden Masterarbeit steht ein junger Mann mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Stö- rung und dessen hindernisreicher Weg in die Berufswelt im Zentrum. Auch mit zunehmender Anzahl von Menschen mit Autismus-Diagnosen, sind viele Aspekte, die deren Leben vereinfachen sollen, noch nicht wirklich geregelt. So stellt beispielsweise der Übertritt in die Berufswelt für ASS-Betroffene eine enorme Herausforderung dar. Je nach Aus- prägung der Autismus-Spektrum-Störung ist das Absolvieren einer Berufslehre sehr schwierig oder gar ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit. Wenn ASS-Betroffene allerdings eine berufliche Tätigkeit finden, die ihrem Interessensbereich entsprechen, so stellt das fachliche Wissen nur selten ein Problem dar. Vielmehr ist es das soziale Miteinander in der Berufswelt, welches ASS-Be- troffene vor eine grosse Hürde stellt (Preissmann, 2014, S. 73). Ein grösseres und breiteres Angebot an Autismus-spezifischen Berufsausbildungen, welche den individuellen Bedürfnis- sen der Betroffenen gerecht werden, könnten eine geeignete Lösung darstellen. Dennoch fin- det man in der Schweiz aktuell nur sehr wenige Ausbildungsplätze, welche die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von ASS-Betroffenen berücksichtigen und diesen gerecht werden (Gundelfinger, 2013, S. 8). Die rückblickend subjektiven Beurteilungen des ASS-Betroffenen und weiterer Akteure ma- chen deutlich, dass in der Begleitung und Betreuung, aber auch im Hinblick auf Angebote und Möglichkeiten auf dem Weg in die Berufswelt, viele Lücken bestehen und der Optimierungs- bedarf gross ist. Den Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden die subjektiven Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen des ASS-Betroffenen selbst und der betroffenen Akteure aus dessen Umfeld. Mittels drei halb- strukturierter Interviews wurden die Informationen und Sichtweisen der involvierten Akteure erfasst. Dabei war das Ziel, den Fall aus den unterschiedlichen Perspektiven möglichst genau zu rekonstruieren und die positiven und negativen Einflüsse zu identifizieren. Dazu w
- Published
- 2021
12. Coffee grounds as an adsorbent for heavy metals in water treatment : Study based on the environment around Vattenriket, Kristianstad
- Author
Matson, Johan and Matson, Johan
- Abstract
One of the modern times worst environmental problem are polluted water resources. An example of source of pollution to water resources are, heavy metal leached from acid sulfate soils (ASS). When these soils are stable, which they are if they are left underwater in an anoxic environment (for example below the water table), they are often sought after since they consist of high amount of nutrients which farmers use as farmlands. ASS is therefore created when farmers drain their land and the sulfide soil gets exposed to air, resulting in its oxidation and therefore formation of sulfuric acid. In a previous study performed by scientists from Linnaeus University, it was concluded that a natural reserve located in Vattenriket, Kristianstad was possibly damaged by the drainage discharge of an adjacent acid sulfate soil. For remediation of acid sulfate soil, notably removal of metals from drainage waters, grounded coffee has been suggested to be able to perform well as an adsorbent. This study was performed to investigate how well grounded coffee could be used as an adsorbent, for calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn), from water samples collected in Vattenriket, Kristianstad. It was also studied to see if grounded coffee could be cleaned using a sodium hydroxide solution to increase its adsorption capacity. To be able to evaluate how well it could be used as an adsorbent, it went through two different cleaning procedures and total organic carbon and pH readings was performed. The used method for this paper was to clean the grounded coffee in two different stages. The first stage consisted of using distilled water and letting it run through the residues until the water came out as transparent. Cleaning using a NaOH solution consisted of suspending the residues in a NaOH solution for 45 minutes and swapping the solution 6-8 times. After the grounded coffee had dried in an oven at 30o for 48 hours, it was put into different fraction sizes, weighed and bagged. The water samples then had
- Published
- 2020
13. Umsetzung der Massnahmen des Bundes bezüglich der Integration von Personen mit ASS in den öffentlichen Oberstufen im Kanton St. Gallen. Einschätzungen von Akteuren des öffentlichen Dienstes zu organisatorischen und politischen Massnahmen zur Integration von Personen mit ASS
- Author
Schläpfer, Martina and Schläpfer, Martina
- Abstract
Der Bund hat im Jahre 2018 einen Bericht bezüglich der Integration von Personen mit ASS publiziert. In diesem Bericht wurde das Ziel formuliert, dass die Situation von Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen verbessert werden soll (Bundesrat, 2018). Dabei wurden auf verschiedenen Akteur-Ebenen des öffentlichen Dienstes mittels halbstandartisierten Interviews Daten gewonnen. Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wurden diese Interviews mittels inhaltlicher Analyse aufbereitet und interpretiert. Des Weiteren wurden im politischen Kontext die Bildungspolitik des Kantons St. Gallen im Aspekt auf die Sonderpädagogik und die Gesetzeslage untersucht. Ein Fokus wird dabei auf die Themen der schulischen Integration und den Rahmenbedingungen gelegt. Die erarbeiteten Thematiken sollen sowohl in einen psychologischen/pädagogischen wie auch einen politischen Zusammenhang gestellt werden. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist eine Momentaufnahme des Kantons St. Gallen bezüglich der Integration von Personen mit ASS zu erheben und weitere Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung der Rahmenbedingungen aufzuzeigen. Die Erkenntnisse aus den gewonnenen Daten sind, dass der Kanton St. Gallen weitere Schritte umzusetzen hat, um eine Integration von Jugendlichen mit ASS in der Regelschule garantieren zu können. Mittels des SOK und der lokalen Förderkonzepte der Gemeinden ist jedoch bereits ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Integration bereits erfolgt.
- Published
- 2020
14. Umsetzung der Massnahmen des Bundes bezüglich der Integration von Personen mit ASS in den öffentlichen Oberstufen im Kanton St. Gallen. Einschätzungen von Akteuren des öffentlichen Dienstes zu organisatorischen und politischen Massnahmen zur Integration von Personen mit ASS
- Author
Schläpfer, Martina and Schläpfer, Martina
- Abstract
Der Bund hat im Jahre 2018 einen Bericht bezüglich der Integration von Personen mit ASS publiziert. In diesem Bericht wurde das Ziel formuliert, dass die Situation von Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen verbessert werden soll (Bundesrat, 2018). Dabei wurden auf verschiedenen Akteur-Ebenen des öffentlichen Dienstes mittels halbstandartisierten Interviews Daten gewonnen. Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wurden diese Interviews mittels inhaltlicher Analyse aufbereitet und interpretiert. Des Weiteren wurden im politischen Kontext die Bildungspolitik des Kantons St. Gallen im Aspekt auf die Sonderpädagogik und die Gesetzeslage untersucht. Ein Fokus wird dabei auf die Themen der schulischen Integration und den Rahmenbedingungen gelegt. Die erarbeiteten Thematiken sollen sowohl in einen psychologischen/pädagogischen wie auch einen politischen Zusammenhang gestellt werden. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist eine Momentaufnahme des Kantons St. Gallen bezüglich der Integration von Personen mit ASS zu erheben und weitere Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung der Rahmenbedingungen aufzuzeigen. Die Erkenntnisse aus den gewonnenen Daten sind, dass der Kanton St. Gallen weitere Schritte umzusetzen hat, um eine Integration von Jugendlichen mit ASS in der Regelschule garantieren zu können. Mittels des SOK und der lokalen Förderkonzepte der Gemeinden ist jedoch bereits ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Integration bereits erfolgt.
- Published
- 2020
15. Coffee grounds as an adsorbent for heavy metals in water treatment : Study based on the environment around Vattenriket, Kristianstad
- Author
Matson, Johan and Matson, Johan
- Abstract
One of the modern times worst environmental problem are polluted water resources. An example of source of pollution to water resources are, heavy metal leached from acid sulfate soils (ASS). When these soils are stable, which they are if they are left underwater in an anoxic environment (for example below the water table), they are often sought after since they consist of high amount of nutrients which farmers use as farmlands. ASS is therefore created when farmers drain their land and the sulfide soil gets exposed to air, resulting in its oxidation and therefore formation of sulfuric acid. In a previous study performed by scientists from Linnaeus University, it was concluded that a natural reserve located in Vattenriket, Kristianstad was possibly damaged by the drainage discharge of an adjacent acid sulfate soil. For remediation of acid sulfate soil, notably removal of metals from drainage waters, grounded coffee has been suggested to be able to perform well as an adsorbent. This study was performed to investigate how well grounded coffee could be used as an adsorbent, for calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn), from water samples collected in Vattenriket, Kristianstad. It was also studied to see if grounded coffee could be cleaned using a sodium hydroxide solution to increase its adsorption capacity. To be able to evaluate how well it could be used as an adsorbent, it went through two different cleaning procedures and total organic carbon and pH readings was performed. The used method for this paper was to clean the grounded coffee in two different stages. The first stage consisted of using distilled water and letting it run through the residues until the water came out as transparent. Cleaning using a NaOH solution consisted of suspending the residues in a NaOH solution for 45 minutes and swapping the solution 6-8 times. After the grounded coffee had dried in an oven at 30o for 48 hours, it was put into different fraction sizes, weighed and bagged. The water samples then had
- Published
- 2020
16. Comprehensive Report of the Caseload of Donkeys and Mules Presented to a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital over a Ten-Year Period.
- Author
Costa, Lais RR, Costa, Lais RR, Aleman, Monica, Davis, Eric, Costa, Lais RR, Costa, Lais RR, Aleman, Monica, and Davis, Eric
- Abstract
Comprehensive reports of the caseload of donkeys and mules in veterinary hospitals in the United States are lacking. We compiled the information of the caseload of donkeys and mules at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the University of California, Davis for a ten-year period, from 2008 to 2017. The overall equid caseload was 94,147, of which 996 (1.06%) were donkeys and mules. Most of the neonates seen were mules. Most miniature donkeys were between 2 and 10 years of age, and standard donkeys and mules were 10 to 20 years old. The body condition scores were predominantly high, especially in donkeys. Most miniature and standard donkeys resided in sanctuary and rescue farms and their use was not stated. Most mules were used for riding, packing or driving. Medical complaints represented 62% of the total visits and wellness visits represented 38% of total visits. The donkeys and mules in the case population described here received a good standard of veterinary care with regular vaccinations, deworming, routine dental care, and treatment of ailments. Our study is the first report of the life expectancy, use, body condition, preventative health and veterinary medical care of a population of donkeys and mules in the western United States.
- Published
- 2019
17. Comprehensive Report of the Caseload of Donkeys and Mules Presented to a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital over a Ten-Year Period.
- Author
Costa, Lais RR, Costa, Lais RR, Aleman, Monica, Davis, Eric, Costa, Lais RR, Costa, Lais RR, Aleman, Monica, and Davis, Eric
- Abstract
Comprehensive reports of the caseload of donkeys and mules in veterinary hospitals in the United States are lacking. We compiled the information of the caseload of donkeys and mules at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the University of California, Davis for a ten-year period, from 2008 to 2017. The overall equid caseload was 94,147, of which 996 (1.06%) were donkeys and mules. Most of the neonates seen were mules. Most miniature donkeys were between 2 and 10 years of age, and standard donkeys and mules were 10 to 20 years old. The body condition scores were predominantly high, especially in donkeys. Most miniature and standard donkeys resided in sanctuary and rescue farms and their use was not stated. Most mules were used for riding, packing or driving. Medical complaints represented 62% of the total visits and wellness visits represented 38% of total visits. The donkeys and mules in the case population described here received a good standard of veterinary care with regular vaccinations, deworming, routine dental care, and treatment of ailments. Our study is the first report of the life expectancy, use, body condition, preventative health and veterinary medical care of a population of donkeys and mules in the western United States.
- Published
- 2019
18. Measuring and modeling for the assessment of the genetic background behind cognitive processes in donkeys.
- Author
Navas, Francisco Javier, Navas, Francisco Javier, Jordana, Jordi, León, José Manuel, Arando, Ander, Pizarro, Gabriela, McLean, Amy Katherine, Delgado, Juan Vicente, Navas, Francisco Javier, Navas, Francisco Javier, Jordana, Jordi, León, José Manuel, Arando, Ander, Pizarro, Gabriela, McLean, Amy Katherine, and Delgado, Juan Vicente
- Abstract
New productive niches can offer new commercial perspectives linked to donkeys' products and human therapeutic or leisure applications. However, no assessment for selection criteria has been carried out yet. First, we assessed the animal inherent features and environmental factors that may potentially influence several cognitive processes in donkeys. Then, we aimed at describing a practical methodology to quantify such cognitive processes, seeking their inclusion in breeding and conservation programmes, through a multifactorial linear model. Sixteen cognitive process-related traits were scored on a problem-solving test in a sample of 300 Andalusian donkeys for three consecutive years from 2013 to 2015. The linear model assessed the influence and interactions of four environmental factors, sex as an animal-inherent factor, age as a covariable, and the interactions between these factors. Analyses of variance were performed with GLM procedure of SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 24.0 software to assess the relative importance of each factor. All traits were significantly (P<0.05) affected by all factors in the model except for sex that was not significant for some of the cognitive processes, and stimulus which was not significant (P<0.05) for all of them except for the coping style related ones. The interaction between all factors within the model was non-significant (P<0.05) for almost all cognitive processes. The development of complex multifactorial models to study cognitive processes may counteract the inherent variability in behavior genetics and the estimation and prediction of related breeding parameters, key for the implementation of successful conservation programmes in apparently functionally misplaced endangered breeds.
- Published
- 2017
19. Contribution of extracellular vesicles from Adult-derived human liver stem cells to the correction of Urea Cycle Disorders
- Author
UCL - (SLuc) Service de gastro-entérologie et hépatologie pédiatrique, UCL - SSS/IREC/PEDI - Pôle de Pédiatrie, Lombard, Catherine, Huang, Jiun-Pang, Ravau, Joachim, Sokal, Etienne, International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), UCL - (SLuc) Service de gastro-entérologie et hépatologie pédiatrique, UCL - SSS/IREC/PEDI - Pôle de Pédiatrie, Lombard, Catherine, Huang, Jiun-Pang, Ravau, Joachim, Sokal, Etienne, and International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV)
- Abstract
Introduction Adult-derived human liver stem cells (ADHLSCs) are currently in clinical development for the treatment of Urea Cycle Disorders (UCD). Clinical and preclinical data seem to indicate a higher clinical effect than what could be expected from the number of cells that have engrafted, suggesting that other mechanisms may be at play. We have previously demonstrated that ADHLSCs produce Extracellular Vesicles, EVs (MP, microparticles; and EXO, exosomes), which have been shown to mediate intracellular communication in other systems by delivering proteins, lipids and/or genetic information (coding and non-coding RNAs) to recipient cells. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the precise role of EVs in ADHLSC-mediated correction of UCD. Methods ADHLSCs were cultured for 2 days in DMEM supplemented with 10% EXO-free FBS and 1% P/S. The conditioned medium was collected, and MP and EXO fractions were harvested by serial ultracentrifugation. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), western blotting and nanoparticle tracking analysis were used to evaluate the presence, purity and abundance of MP and EXO. RNA from EVs was stained with SytoRNA, which only fluoresces upon integration into RNA, to investigate RNA transfer from EVs to rat hepatocytes. Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) was performed on RNA extracted from the MP and EXO as well as rat hepatocytes previously incubated with EVs to investigate the presence of human mRNAs of interest. Results We confirmed that ADHLSCs produce both MP and EXO. Characterization of the mRNA by ddPCR showed expression of ASL, ASS, and CPS1 in EVs, mainly in MPs. SytoRNA staining of the EV RNA allowed us to show transfer of EV RNA to over 60% of rat hepatocytes in vitro. Finally, we demonstrated transfer of human mRNAs of interest from EVs to rat hepatocytes using ddPCR. Summary/Conclusion In summary, our study shows that ADHLSC-derived EVS contain mRNA encoding for some of the deficient enzymes in UCD and are capable of transfer
- Published
- 2017
20. Measuring and modeling for the assessment of the genetic background behind cognitive processes in donkeys.
- Author
Navas, Francisco Javier, Navas, Francisco Javier, Jordana, Jordi, León, José Manuel, Arando, Ander, Pizarro, Gabriela, McLean, Amy Katherine, Delgado, Juan Vicente, Navas, Francisco Javier, Navas, Francisco Javier, Jordana, Jordi, León, José Manuel, Arando, Ander, Pizarro, Gabriela, McLean, Amy Katherine, and Delgado, Juan Vicente
- Abstract
New productive niches can offer new commercial perspectives linked to donkeys' products and human therapeutic or leisure applications. However, no assessment for selection criteria has been carried out yet. First, we assessed the animal inherent features and environmental factors that may potentially influence several cognitive processes in donkeys. Then, we aimed at describing a practical methodology to quantify such cognitive processes, seeking their inclusion in breeding and conservation programmes, through a multifactorial linear model. Sixteen cognitive process-related traits were scored on a problem-solving test in a sample of 300 Andalusian donkeys for three consecutive years from 2013 to 2015. The linear model assessed the influence and interactions of four environmental factors, sex as an animal-inherent factor, age as a covariable, and the interactions between these factors. Analyses of variance were performed with GLM procedure of SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 24.0 software to assess the relative importance of each factor. All traits were significantly (P<0.05) affected by all factors in the model except for sex that was not significant for some of the cognitive processes, and stimulus which was not significant (P<0.05) for all of them except for the coping style related ones. The interaction between all factors within the model was non-significant (P<0.05) for almost all cognitive processes. The development of complex multifactorial models to study cognitive processes may counteract the inherent variability in behavior genetics and the estimation and prediction of related breeding parameters, key for the implementation of successful conservation programmes in apparently functionally misplaced endangered breeds.
- Published
- 2017
21. Hat die Einnahme von ASS einen Einfluss auf das Komplikationsspektrum von Amputationen der unteren Extremität?
- Author
Sehmisch, S, Mackerodt, L, Oberthür, S, Burchhardt, H, Sehmisch, S, Mackerodt, L, Oberthür, S, and Burchhardt, H
- Published
- 2017
22. Hat die Einnahme von ASS einen Einfluss auf das Komplikationsspektrum von Amputationen der unteren Extremität?
- Author
Sehmisch, S, Mackerodt, L, Oberthür, S, Burchhardt, H, Sehmisch, S, Mackerodt, L, Oberthür, S, and Burchhardt, H
- Published
- 2017
23. Engineering of Affibody molecules targeting the Alzheimer’s-related amyloid β peptide
- Author
Lindberg, Hanna and Lindberg, Hanna
- Abstract
QC 20150922
- Published
- 2015
24. Engineering of Affibody molecules targeting the Alzheimer’s-related amyloid β peptide
- Author
Lindberg, Hanna and Lindberg, Hanna
- Abstract
QC 20150922
- Published
- 2015
25. Engineering of Affibody molecules targeting the Alzheimer’s-related amyloid β peptide
- Author
Lindberg, Hanna and Lindberg, Hanna
- Abstract
QC 20150922
- Published
- 2015
26. La 'Disputa de l'Ase' y otros equinos parlantes en la literatura catalana medieval
- Author
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Catalana, Martín Pascual, Llúcia, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Catalana, and Martín Pascual, Llúcia
- Abstract
El presente trabajo se centra en la figura del animal parlante – el asno y el caballo– que discute con el hombre acerca de la dignidad humana o simplemente presenta una situación paródica relacionada con la crítica a los estamentos religiosos. Nos referimos especialmente a dos textos del siglo XIV, la Disputa de l’Ase de Anselm Turmeda y la narración burlesca anónima escrita en verso Disputació d’en Buch ab son cavall. Además constatamos algunas fábulas de Francesc Eiximenis con protagonistas animales que reflexionan sobre lo que piensan de los humanos., The aim of this paper is to study the singular characteristic of the animal wich speak with humans –generally the ass and the horse. The works are about the human dignity in a parodic situation, in other to critisize religious stablishment. We are talking aobut two pieces of 14th century: Disputa de l’Ase of Anselm Turmeda and am anonymous burlesque story called Disputació d’En Buch ab son cavall. Also, there are some fables of Francesc Eiximenis with talking animals, and they argue very angrily about human dignitiy.
- Published
- 2015
27. La 'Disputa de l'Ase' y otros equinos parlantes en la literatura catalana medieval
- Author
Martín Pascual, Llúcia and Martín Pascual, Llúcia
- Abstract
The aim of this paper is to study the singular characteristic of the animal wich speak with humans –generally the ass and the horse. The works are about the human dignity in a parodic situation, in other to critisize religious stablishment. We are talking aobut two pieces of 14th century: Disputa de l’Ase of Anselm Turmeda and am anonymous burlesque story called Disputació d’En Buch ab son cavall. Also, there are some fables of Francesc Eiximenis with talking animals, and they argue very angrily about human dignitiy., El presente trabajo se centra en la figura del animal parlante – el asno y el caballo– que discute con el hombre acerca de la dignidad humana o simplemente presenta una situación paródica relacionada con la crítica a los estamentos religiosos. Nos referimos especialmente a dos textos del siglo XIV, la Disputa de l’Ase de Anselm Turmeda y la narración burlesca anónima escrita en verso Disputació d’en Buch ab son cavall. Además constatamos algunas fábulas de Francesc Eiximenis con protagonistas animales que reflexionan sobre lo que piensan de los humanos.
- Published
- 2015
28. La 'Disputa de l'Ase' y otros equinos parlantes en la literatura catalana medieval
- Author
Martín Pascual, Llúcia and Martín Pascual, Llúcia
- Abstract
The aim of this paper is to study the singular characteristic of the animal wich speak with humans –generally the ass and the horse. The works are about the human dignity in a parodic situation, in other to critisize religious stablishment. We are talking aobut two pieces of 14th century: Disputa de l’Ase of Anselm Turmeda and am anonymous burlesque story called Disputació d’En Buch ab son cavall. Also, there are some fables of Francesc Eiximenis with talking animals, and they argue very angrily about human dignitiy., El presente trabajo se centra en la figura del animal parlante – el asno y el caballo– que discute con el hombre acerca de la dignidad humana o simplemente presenta una situación paródica relacionada con la crítica a los estamentos religiosos. Nos referimos especialmente a dos textos del siglo XIV, la Disputa de l’Ase de Anselm Turmeda y la narración burlesca anónima escrita en verso Disputació d’en Buch ab son cavall. Además constatamos algunas fábulas de Francesc Eiximenis con protagonistas animales que reflexionan sobre lo que piensan de los humanos.
- Published
- 2015
29. La 'Disputa de l'Ase' y otros equinos parlantes en la literatura catalana medieval
- Author
Martín Pascual, Llúcia and Martín Pascual, Llúcia
- Abstract
The aim of this paper is to study the singular characteristic of the animal wich speak with humans –generally the ass and the horse. The works are about the human dignity in a parodic situation, in other to critisize religious stablishment. We are talking aobut two pieces of 14th century: Disputa de l’Ase of Anselm Turmeda and am anonymous burlesque story called Disputació d’En Buch ab son cavall. Also, there are some fables of Francesc Eiximenis with talking animals, and they argue very angrily about human dignitiy., El presente trabajo se centra en la figura del animal parlante – el asno y el caballo– que discute con el hombre acerca de la dignidad humana o simplemente presenta una situación paródica relacionada con la crítica a los estamentos religiosos. Nos referimos especialmente a dos textos del siglo XIV, la Disputa de l’Ase de Anselm Turmeda y la narración burlesca anónima escrita en verso Disputació d’en Buch ab son cavall. Además constatamos algunas fábulas de Francesc Eiximenis con protagonistas animales que reflexionan sobre lo que piensan de los humanos.
- Published
- 2015
30. Semantic verbal fluency pattern, dementia rating scores and adaptive behavior correlate with plasma Aß42 concentrations in down syndrome young adults
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GRBIO - Grup de Recerca en Bioestadística i Bioinformàtica, del Hoyo, Laura, Xicota, Laura, Sánchez Benavides, Gonzalo, Cuenca Royo, Aida, de Sola Llopis, Susana, Langohr, Klaus, Fagundo, Ana Beatriz, Farré, Magí, Dierssen, Mara, De la Torre Fornell, Rafael, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GRBIO - Grup de Recerca en Bioestadística i Bioinformàtica, del Hoyo, Laura, Xicota, Laura, Sánchez Benavides, Gonzalo, Cuenca Royo, Aida, de Sola Llopis, Susana, Langohr, Klaus, Fagundo, Ana Beatriz, Farré, Magí, Dierssen, Mara, and De la Torre Fornell, Rafael
- Abstract
© 2015 Del Hoyo, Xicota, Sánchez-Benavides, Cuenca-Royo, de Sola, Langohr, Fagundo, Farre, Dierssen and de La Torre. Down syndrome (DS) is an intellectual disability (ID) disorder in which language and specifically, verbal fluency are strongly impaired domains; nearly all adults show neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), including amyloid deposition by their fifth decade of life. In the general population, verbal fluency deficits are considered a strong AD predictor being the semantic verbal fluency task (SVFT) a useful tool for enhancing early diagnostic. However, there is a lack of information about the association between the semantic verbal fluency pattern (SVFP) and the biological amyloidosis markers in DS. In the current study, we used the SVFT in young adults with DS to characterize their SVFP, assessing total generated words, clustering, and switching. We then explored its association with early indicators of dementia, adaptive behavior and amyloidosis biomarkers, using the Dementia Questionnaire for Persons with Intellectual Disability (DMR), the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-Second Edition (ABAS-II), and plasma levels of Aß peptides (Aß40 and Aß42), as a potent biomarker of AD. In DS, worse performance in SVFT and poorer communication skills were associated with higher plasma Aß42 concentrations, a higher DMR score and impaired communication skills (ABAS–II). The total word production and switching ability in SVFT were good indicators of plasma Aß42 concentration. In conclusion, we propose the SVFT as a good screening test for early detection of dementia and amyloidosis in young adults with DS., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2015
31. La 'Disputa de l'Ase' y otros equinos parlantes en la literatura catalana medieval
- Author
Martín Pascual, Llúcia and Martín Pascual, Llúcia
- Abstract
The aim of this paper is to study the singular characteristic of the animal wich speak with humans –generally the ass and the horse. The works are about the human dignity in a parodic situation, in other to critisize religious stablishment. We are talking aobut two pieces of 14th century: Disputa de l’Ase of Anselm Turmeda and am anonymous burlesque story called Disputació d’En Buch ab son cavall. Also, there are some fables of Francesc Eiximenis with talking animals, and they argue very angrily about human dignitiy., El presente trabajo se centra en la figura del animal parlante – el asno y el caballo– que discute con el hombre acerca de la dignidad humana o simplemente presenta una situación paródica relacionada con la crítica a los estamentos religiosos. Nos referimos especialmente a dos textos del siglo XIV, la Disputa de l’Ase de Anselm Turmeda y la narración burlesca anónima escrita en verso Disputació d’en Buch ab son cavall. Además constatamos algunas fábulas de Francesc Eiximenis con protagonistas animales que reflexionan sobre lo que piensan de los humanos.
- Published
- 2015
32. La 'Disputa de l'Ase' y otros equinos parlantes en la literatura catalana medieval
- Author
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Catalana, Martín Pascual, Llúcia, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Catalana, and Martín Pascual, Llúcia
- Abstract
El presente trabajo se centra en la figura del animal parlante – el asno y el caballo– que discute con el hombre acerca de la dignidad humana o simplemente presenta una situación paródica relacionada con la crítica a los estamentos religiosos. Nos referimos especialmente a dos textos del siglo XIV, la Disputa de l’Ase de Anselm Turmeda y la narración burlesca anónima escrita en verso Disputació d’en Buch ab son cavall. Además constatamos algunas fábulas de Francesc Eiximenis con protagonistas animales que reflexionan sobre lo que piensan de los humanos., The aim of this paper is to study the singular characteristic of the animal wich speak with humans –generally the ass and the horse. The works are about the human dignity in a parodic situation, in other to critisize religious stablishment. We are talking aobut two pieces of 14th century: Disputa de l’Ase of Anselm Turmeda and am anonymous burlesque story called Disputació d’En Buch ab son cavall. Also, there are some fables of Francesc Eiximenis with talking animals, and they argue very angrily about human dignitiy.
- Published
- 2015
33. Performance monitoring of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for the remediation of acidic groundwater in acidic sulfate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The treatment of acidic drainage contaminated with potentially toxic metals such as dissolved aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) resulting from pyrite oxidation in acid sulfate soil (ASS) is a challenging problem requiring novel engineering solutions. Traditional remediation techniques of lime neutralization, groundwater manipulation (e.g. fixed-level weirs), tidal buffering (e.g. modified floodgates) are unsuitable due to their inherent inability to prevent pyrite oxidation and treat acid previously generated, as well as the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall events. As an alternative, the first permeable reactive barrier (PRB) with recycled concrete aggregates as the reactive material was installed in 2006 in ASS terrain, southeast New South Wales, Australia. Despite variable environmental conditions in the field, continuous monitoring of the performance of the PRB has confirmed the successful neutralization of the acidic groundwater (∼ pH 3) to neutral pH (∼ pH 7.27) and near-complete removal of Al and Fe (∼ 95%). However, there has been a slow decrease in the groundwater pH within the PRB from an initial pH of 10.2 to 7.27 due to exhaustion of the recycled concretes alkalinity generating minerals as well as chemical armoring and partial clogging of the PRB by Al- and Fe-oxy/hydroxide precipitates, as indicated by laboratory column experiments and geochemical modeling. This paper outlines the long-term performance of the PRB to date and discusses the current challenges concerning its efficiency and longevity.
- Published
- 2013
34. Modeling of chemical armoring in a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) in acid sulfate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Pathirage, Punyama, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, Pathirage, Punyama, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The acidification of coastal waterways resulting from the oxidation of sulfidic minerals in acid sulfate soil (ASS) is a geo-environmental problem worldwide causing loss of biodiversity and agricultural productivity plus corrosion of concrete and steel infrastructure by acidic drainage. A permeable reactive barrier (PRB) of recycled concrete was installed on the Shoalhaven Floodplain, southeast New South Wales (NSW), Australia as an innovative and cost-effective technology for passive treatment of acidic groundwater in ASS terrain. A long-term laboratory column experiment simulating acidic groundwater flow through the PRB examined the acid neutralization behavior of recycled concrete and its potential to remove dissolved aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe). The recycled concrete treated the acidic groundwater through the predominant reactions of (Stage 1) bicarbonate buffering and (Stage 2) precipitation/dissolution of Al and Fe oxy/hydroxides, resulting in near-neutral effluent pH and ∼95% removal of Al and Fe. However, armoring of the recycled concrete aggregates by secondary mineral precipitation (Al- and Fe-bearing minerals) reduced the acid neutralization capacity (ANC) of the concrete by ∼50%. The challenge of this study was to develop a model including geochemical reaction kinetics, supported by laboratory testing, as a step in determining PRB longevity. Saturation indices for the precipitated minerals were calculated using numerical codes, PHREEQC and MINTEQ. Geochemical algorithms were developed to calculate changes in the quantity of minerals precipitated/dissoluted over time. For Stage 1, pseudo-first order reaction rates proportional to the reactive material surface and H+ concentration were assumed. The kinetics of mineral precipitation/dissolution (Stage 2) was assumed to follow transition state theory. Changes in porosity and hydraulic conductivity within the column were modeled by non-linear geohydraulic flow analysis. Once validated with results obtained f
- Published
- 2013
35. Modeling of chemical armoring in a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) in acid sulfate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Pathirage, Punyama, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, Pathirage, Punyama, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The acidification of coastal waterways resulting from the oxidation of sulfidic minerals in acid sulfate soil (ASS) is a geo-environmental problem worldwide causing loss of biodiversity and agricultural productivity plus corrosion of concrete and steel infrastructure by acidic drainage. A permeable reactive barrier (PRB) of recycled concrete was installed on the Shoalhaven Floodplain, southeast New South Wales (NSW), Australia as an innovative and cost-effective technology for passive treatment of acidic groundwater in ASS terrain. A long-term laboratory column experiment simulating acidic groundwater flow through the PRB examined the acid neutralization behavior of recycled concrete and its potential to remove dissolved aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe). The recycled concrete treated the acidic groundwater through the predominant reactions of (Stage 1) bicarbonate buffering and (Stage 2) precipitation/dissolution of Al and Fe oxy/hydroxides, resulting in near-neutral effluent pH and ∼95% removal of Al and Fe. However, armoring of the recycled concrete aggregates by secondary mineral precipitation (Al- and Fe-bearing minerals) reduced the acid neutralization capacity (ANC) of the concrete by ∼50%. The challenge of this study was to develop a model including geochemical reaction kinetics, supported by laboratory testing, as a step in determining PRB longevity. Saturation indices for the precipitated minerals were calculated using numerical codes, PHREEQC and MINTEQ. Geochemical algorithms were developed to calculate changes in the quantity of minerals precipitated/dissoluted over time. For Stage 1, pseudo-first order reaction rates proportional to the reactive material surface and H+ concentration were assumed. The kinetics of mineral precipitation/dissolution (Stage 2) was assumed to follow transition state theory. Changes in porosity and hydraulic conductivity within the column were modeled by non-linear geohydraulic flow analysis. Once validated with results obtained f
- Published
- 2013
36. Performance monitoring of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for the remediation of acidic groundwater in acidic sulfate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The treatment of acidic drainage contaminated with potentially toxic metals such as dissolved aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) resulting from pyrite oxidation in acid sulfate soil (ASS) is a challenging problem requiring novel engineering solutions. Traditional remediation techniques of lime neutralization, groundwater manipulation (e.g. fixed-level weirs), tidal buffering (e.g. modified floodgates) are unsuitable due to their inherent inability to prevent pyrite oxidation and treat acid previously generated, as well as the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall events. As an alternative, the first permeable reactive barrier (PRB) with recycled concrete aggregates as the reactive material was installed in 2006 in ASS terrain, southeast New South Wales, Australia. Despite variable environmental conditions in the field, continuous monitoring of the performance of the PRB has confirmed the successful neutralization of the acidic groundwater (∼ pH 3) to neutral pH (∼ pH 7.27) and near-complete removal of Al and Fe (∼ 95%). However, there has been a slow decrease in the groundwater pH within the PRB from an initial pH of 10.2 to 7.27 due to exhaustion of the recycled concretes alkalinity generating minerals as well as chemical armoring and partial clogging of the PRB by Al- and Fe-oxy/hydroxide precipitates, as indicated by laboratory column experiments and geochemical modeling. This paper outlines the long-term performance of the PRB to date and discusses the current challenges concerning its efficiency and longevity.
- Published
- 2013
37. Performance monitoring of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for the remediation of acidic groundwater in acidic sulfate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The treatment of acidic drainage contaminated with potentially toxic metals such as dissolved aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) resulting from pyrite oxidation in acid sulfate soil (ASS) is a challenging problem requiring novel engineering solutions. Traditional remediation techniques of lime neutralization, groundwater manipulation (e.g. fixed-level weirs), tidal buffering (e.g. modified floodgates) are unsuitable due to their inherent inability to prevent pyrite oxidation and treat acid previously generated, as well as the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall events. As an alternative, the first permeable reactive barrier (PRB) with recycled concrete aggregates as the reactive material was installed in 2006 in ASS terrain, southeast New South Wales, Australia. Despite variable environmental conditions in the field, continuous monitoring of the performance of the PRB has confirmed the successful neutralization of the acidic groundwater (∼ pH 3) to neutral pH (∼ pH 7.27) and near-complete removal of Al and Fe (∼ 95%). However, there has been a slow decrease in the groundwater pH within the PRB from an initial pH of 10.2 to 7.27 due to exhaustion of the recycled concretes alkalinity generating minerals as well as chemical armoring and partial clogging of the PRB by Al- and Fe-oxy/hydroxide precipitates, as indicated by laboratory column experiments and geochemical modeling. This paper outlines the long-term performance of the PRB to date and discusses the current challenges concerning its efficiency and longevity.
- Published
- 2013
38. Modeling of chemical armoring in a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) in acid sulfate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Pathirage, Punyama, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, Pathirage, Punyama, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The acidification of coastal waterways resulting from the oxidation of sulfidic minerals in acid sulfate soil (ASS) is a geo-environmental problem worldwide causing loss of biodiversity and agricultural productivity plus corrosion of concrete and steel infrastructure by acidic drainage. A permeable reactive barrier (PRB) of recycled concrete was installed on the Shoalhaven Floodplain, southeast New South Wales (NSW), Australia as an innovative and cost-effective technology for passive treatment of acidic groundwater in ASS terrain. A long-term laboratory column experiment simulating acidic groundwater flow through the PRB examined the acid neutralization behavior of recycled concrete and its potential to remove dissolved aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe). The recycled concrete treated the acidic groundwater through the predominant reactions of (Stage 1) bicarbonate buffering and (Stage 2) precipitation/dissolution of Al and Fe oxy/hydroxides, resulting in near-neutral effluent pH and ∼95% removal of Al and Fe. However, armoring of the recycled concrete aggregates by secondary mineral precipitation (Al- and Fe-bearing minerals) reduced the acid neutralization capacity (ANC) of the concrete by ∼50%. The challenge of this study was to develop a model including geochemical reaction kinetics, supported by laboratory testing, as a step in determining PRB longevity. Saturation indices for the precipitated minerals were calculated using numerical codes, PHREEQC and MINTEQ. Geochemical algorithms were developed to calculate changes in the quantity of minerals precipitated/dissoluted over time. For Stage 1, pseudo-first order reaction rates proportional to the reactive material surface and H+ concentration were assumed. The kinetics of mineral precipitation/dissolution (Stage 2) was assumed to follow transition state theory. Changes in porosity and hydraulic conductivity within the column were modeled by non-linear geohydraulic flow analysis. Once validated with results obtained f
- Published
- 2013
39. Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) technology: An innovative solution for the remediation of acidic groundwater from acid sulphate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The remediation of acidic groundwater contaminated with potentially toxic metals such as aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) resulting from the oxidation of sulphidic materials in acid sulphate soils (ASSs) is a challenging geo-environmental problem that requires innovative engineering solutions. In low-lying coastal floodplains, the remediation strategies of groundwater manipulation (e.g. fixed-level weirs) and tidal buffering (e.g. two-way modified floodgates) are not feasible due to the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall events and their inability to prevent pyritic oxidation. In view of this in 2006, the first pilot subsurface permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using recycled concrete for the remediation of acidic groundwater (~ pH 3) was employed in ASS terrain in southeast New South Wales, Australia. While monitoring has confirmed the PRB has successfully neutralized the acidic groundwater to ~ pH 7.3 and removed ~ 95% of Al and Fe, this technology is not without its challenges. These have included the: (1) selection of the appropriate reactive material; (2) elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the neutralization of the acidic groundwater; (3) chemical armouring and possible clogging of the recycled concrete by Al and Fe oxy/hydroxide precipitates; and (4) thus, uncertainty regarding the longevity of the PRB. This paper will present details on the screening process of reactive materials, the installation of the PRB, the column experiments simulating the flow of acidic groundwater through the PRB for the determination of the predominant neutralization reactions occurring within the PRB, the long-term performance of the PRB and the current research strategy for determining its longevity.
- Published
- 2012
40. Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) technology: An innovative solution for the remediation of acidic groundwater from acid sulphate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The remediation of acidic groundwater contaminated with potentially toxic metals such as aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) resulting from the oxidation of sulphidic materials in acid sulphate soils (ASSs) is a challenging geo-environmental problem that requires innovative engineering solutions. In low-lying coastal floodplains, the remediation strategies of groundwater manipulation (e.g. fixed-level weirs) and tidal buffering (e.g. two-way modified floodgates) are not feasible due to the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall events and their inability to prevent pyritic oxidation. In view of this in 2006, the first pilot subsurface permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using recycled concrete for the remediation of acidic groundwater (~ pH 3) was employed in ASS terrain in southeast New South Wales, Australia. While monitoring has confirmed the PRB has successfully neutralized the acidic groundwater to ~ pH 7.3 and removed ~ 95% of Al and Fe, this technology is not without its challenges. These have included the: (1) selection of the appropriate reactive material; (2) elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the neutralization of the acidic groundwater; (3) chemical armouring and possible clogging of the recycled concrete by Al and Fe oxy/hydroxide precipitates; and (4) thus, uncertainty regarding the longevity of the PRB. This paper will present details on the screening process of reactive materials, the installation of the PRB, the column experiments simulating the flow of acidic groundwater through the PRB for the determination of the predominant neutralization reactions occurring within the PRB, the long-term performance of the PRB and the current research strategy for determining its longevity.
- Published
- 2012
41. Key strategies for managing acid sulphate soil (ASS) problems on the southeastern coast of New South Wales, Australia
- Author
Banasiak, L J, Indraratna, B, Banasiak, L J, and Indraratna, B
- Abstract
The acidification of Australian coastal waterways as a result of the oxidation of acid sulphate soil (ASS) containing appreciable quantities of sulphidic material (e.g. pyrite) has well recognised environmental, economic and social effects including the loss of fish, biodiversity and agricultural productivity as well as the corrosion of concrete and steel infrastructure by acidic drainage. Largescale artificial drainage and one-way floodgates in low-lying coastal floodplains has lowered the groundwater table, thus enhancing pyritic oxidation and increasing the distribution, magnitude and frequency of acid generation and release of toxic metals such as aluminium (Al3+) and iron (total Fe) from ASS. Engineering strategies implemented on the Shoalhaven Floodplain, southeast New South Wales, Australia have been designed to remediate ASS. These include: (1) fixed-level v-notch weirs, which raise the groundwater table above the pyritic layer and reduce the rate of discharge of acidic products from the groundwater into the drains; (2) modified two-way floodgates, which allow for tidal buffering of acidic drainage; (3) a subsurface alkaline horizontal impermeable lime-fly ash barrier, which prevents pyrite oxidation and neutralises acidic groundwater and (4) an alkaline permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using recycled materials, which significantly increases groundwater pH and reduces Al and Fe concentrations within and down-gradient of the PRB. A critical review of each of these strategies will outline their role in remediating ASS and their respective benefits and limitations.
- Published
- 2012
42. Key strategies for managing acid sulphate soil (ASS) problems on the southeastern coast of New South Wales, Australia
- Author
Banasiak, L J, Indraratna, B, Banasiak, L J, and Indraratna, B
- Abstract
The acidification of Australian coastal waterways as a result of the oxidation of acid sulphate soil (ASS) containing appreciable quantities of sulphidic material (e.g. pyrite) has well recognised environmental, economic and social effects including the loss of fish, biodiversity and agricultural productivity as well as the corrosion of concrete and steel infrastructure by acidic drainage. Largescale artificial drainage and one-way floodgates in low-lying coastal floodplains has lowered the groundwater table, thus enhancing pyritic oxidation and increasing the distribution, magnitude and frequency of acid generation and release of toxic metals such as aluminium (Al3+) and iron (total Fe) from ASS. Engineering strategies implemented on the Shoalhaven Floodplain, southeast New South Wales, Australia have been designed to remediate ASS. These include: (1) fixed-level v-notch weirs, which raise the groundwater table above the pyritic layer and reduce the rate of discharge of acidic products from the groundwater into the drains; (2) modified two-way floodgates, which allow for tidal buffering of acidic drainage; (3) a subsurface alkaline horizontal impermeable lime-fly ash barrier, which prevents pyrite oxidation and neutralises acidic groundwater and (4) an alkaline permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using recycled materials, which significantly increases groundwater pH and reduces Al and Fe concentrations within and down-gradient of the PRB. A critical review of each of these strategies will outline their role in remediating ASS and their respective benefits and limitations.
- Published
- 2012
43. Key strategies for managing acid sulphate soil (ASS) problems on the southeastern coast of New South Wales, Australia
- Author
Banasiak, L J, Indraratna, B, Banasiak, L J, and Indraratna, B
- Abstract
The acidification of Australian coastal waterways as a result of the oxidation of acid sulphate soil (ASS) containing appreciable quantities of sulphidic material (e.g. pyrite) has well recognised environmental, economic and social effects including the loss of fish, biodiversity and agricultural productivity as well as the corrosion of concrete and steel infrastructure by acidic drainage. Largescale artificial drainage and one-way floodgates in low-lying coastal floodplains has lowered the groundwater table, thus enhancing pyritic oxidation and increasing the distribution, magnitude and frequency of acid generation and release of toxic metals such as aluminium (Al3+) and iron (total Fe) from ASS. Engineering strategies implemented on the Shoalhaven Floodplain, southeast New South Wales, Australia have been designed to remediate ASS. These include: (1) fixed-level v-notch weirs, which raise the groundwater table above the pyritic layer and reduce the rate of discharge of acidic products from the groundwater into the drains; (2) modified two-way floodgates, which allow for tidal buffering of acidic drainage; (3) a subsurface alkaline horizontal impermeable lime-fly ash barrier, which prevents pyrite oxidation and neutralises acidic groundwater and (4) an alkaline permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using recycled materials, which significantly increases groundwater pH and reduces Al and Fe concentrations within and down-gradient of the PRB. A critical review of each of these strategies will outline their role in remediating ASS and their respective benefits and limitations.
- Published
- 2012
44. Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) technology: An innovative solution for the remediation of acidic groundwater from acid sulphate soil (ASS) terrain
- Author
Banasiak, Laura, Indraratna, Buddhima, Banasiak, Laura, and Indraratna, Buddhima
- Abstract
The remediation of acidic groundwater contaminated with potentially toxic metals such as aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) resulting from the oxidation of sulphidic materials in acid sulphate soils (ASSs) is a challenging geo-environmental problem that requires innovative engineering solutions. In low-lying coastal floodplains, the remediation strategies of groundwater manipulation (e.g. fixed-level weirs) and tidal buffering (e.g. two-way modified floodgates) are not feasible due to the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall events and their inability to prevent pyritic oxidation. In view of this in 2006, the first pilot subsurface permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using recycled concrete for the remediation of acidic groundwater (~ pH 3) was employed in ASS terrain in southeast New South Wales, Australia. While monitoring has confirmed the PRB has successfully neutralized the acidic groundwater to ~ pH 7.3 and removed ~ 95% of Al and Fe, this technology is not without its challenges. These have included the: (1) selection of the appropriate reactive material; (2) elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the neutralization of the acidic groundwater; (3) chemical armouring and possible clogging of the recycled concrete by Al and Fe oxy/hydroxide precipitates; and (4) thus, uncertainty regarding the longevity of the PRB. This paper will present details on the screening process of reactive materials, the installation of the PRB, the column experiments simulating the flow of acidic groundwater through the PRB for the determination of the predominant neutralization reactions occurring within the PRB, the long-term performance of the PRB and the current research strategy for determining its longevity.
- Published
- 2012
45. Key strategies for managing acid sulphate soil (ASS) problems on the southeastern coast of New South Wales, Australia
- Author
Banasiak, L J, Indraratna, B, Banasiak, L J, and Indraratna, B
- Abstract
The acidification of Australian coastal waterways as a result of the oxidation of acid sulphate soil (ASS) containing appreciable quantities of sulphidic material (e.g. pyrite) has well recognised environmental, economic and social effects including the loss of fish, biodiversity and agricultural productivity as well as the corrosion of concrete and steel infrastructure by acidic drainage. Largescale artificial drainage and one-way floodgates in low-lying coastal floodplains has lowered the groundwater table, thus enhancing pyritic oxidation and increasing the distribution, magnitude and frequency of acid generation and release of toxic metals such as aluminium (Al3+) and iron (total Fe) from ASS. Engineering strategies implemented on the Shoalhaven Floodplain, southeast New South Wales, Australia have been designed to remediate ASS. These include: (1) fixed-level v-notch weirs, which raise the groundwater table above the pyritic layer and reduce the rate of discharge of acidic products from the groundwater into the drains; (2) modified two-way floodgates, which allow for tidal buffering of acidic drainage; (3) a subsurface alkaline horizontal impermeable lime-fly ash barrier, which prevents pyrite oxidation and neutralises acidic groundwater and (4) an alkaline permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using recycled materials, which significantly increases groundwater pH and reduces Al and Fe concentrations within and down-gradient of the PRB. A critical review of each of these strategies will outline their role in remediating ASS and their respective benefits and limitations.
- Published
- 2012
46. Floristic uniformity across abrupt boundaries between Triodia hummock grassland and Acacia shrubland on an Australian desert sandplain.
- Author
Nicholas, A. M. M., Franklin, Donald C., Bowman, D. J. M. S., Nicholas, A. M. M., Franklin, Donald C., and Bowman, D. J. M. S.
- Abstract
The tension between pyrophytic hummock grasslands and fire-sensitive mulga shrubland is a major ecological theme in central Australia. On a sandplain on the edge of the Tanami Desert, grassland and shrubland are juxtaposed with abrupt boundaries that cut across a subtle environmental gradient. We compare woody plant diversity among vegetation types and explore correlates of the distribution of woody plant species. Alpha diversity in grassland and shrubland was almost identical, but plot-level species richness was greater in grassland. Gamma (landscape) diversity was scarcely greater than alpha diversity. Few long-lived plants, and not even the dominant hummock grass and shrub, were exclusively associated with one vegetation type, but most common species were aligned with elements - soil texture, fire frequency and the extent of physical soil crusting - that characterise the environmental gradient between vegetation types. Most species were resprouters and there was no tendency for obligate seeders or facultative resprouters to be associated with the less fire-prone shrubland. Our data are consistent with the suggestion that hummock grasslands and mulga shrubland are alternative stable states maintained by fire-soil feedback loops and possibly also by competitive exclusion of pyrophytic species by Acacia aneura.
- Published
- 2011
47. Evaluación de la composición nutricional de la quinua (chenopodium quinoa willd) procedente de los departamentos de Junín, Puno, Apurímac, Cusco y Ancash
- Author
Blanco Blasco, Teresa, Ortiz Ureta, Carlos Alvarado, Muñoz Jáuregui, Ana María, Muñoz, Consuelo, Blanco Blasco, Teresa, Ortiz Ureta, Carlos Alvarado, Muñoz Jáuregui, Ana María, and Muñoz, Consuelo
- Abstract
The following study has as purpose giving knowledge about the chemical and nutritional content of the vhite quinua coming from the main areas of production of our country, as well as it diffuseness of its nutritional value inside the population, contributing to improve the level and quality of life of peruvians.For this study, it was taken 30 samples of white quinua coming from different mountain soils of Junín, Puno, Apurímac, Cusco y Ancash deparments (six samples for each one).They were obtained at random from the cultivated fields. The circunstances of this work was when the crop of this species was carried out and taken to the regional markets.We proceeded to the determination of the protein content by the method of Microkjeldhal, aminoacids content by liquid cromatography of high performance, Fat determination, carbohydrates, ash, fiber, humidity and temperature according to Peruvian technical norms, and determination of mineral by spectrometric in atomic absorption. This work was done in the Medicine Faculty of San Martín de Porres University. We obtained as conclusion that it exist significant differences in protein content according to the origin, we obtained the highest value average in Junín, 13,71%, the same situation happened with the minerals, being the highest value averae the magnesium with 299 mg/100g of quinua, that covers 95% of the daily requiremente for an adult. The highest value averages of Iron were in Cusco with 8,21 mg/100 g of food, that covers 80% of the daily requirements for an adult. The highest value averages for copper were in Junín with 1, 16mg/100 g that covers 78% of the daily requirements for an adult which are from 1,5 to 3 mg.In relation to aminoacids, it exist significant differences between the lysine content in Junín which was 5,8% of protein and in Ancash which was 6,81 % of protein, in this case 100g of quinua would cover 82% and 92% of its daily requirements respectively. In the case of the threonine its values varied bet, El presente estudio, tiene como propósito el dar a conocer el contenido químico y nutricional de la quinua blanca procedente de las principales zonas de producción del País, así como la divulgación, dentro de la población, de su valor nutricional contribuyendo a mejorar el nivel y calidad de vida del poblador peruano. Para ello se tomaron 30 muestras de quinua variedad blanca de diferentes pisos altitudinales procedentes de los departamentos de Junín, Puno, Apurímac, Cusco y Ancash en número de seis para cada una, obtenidas directamente de los campos de cultivo, al azar, en circunstancias en las cuales se estaba realizando la cosecha de aquellas especies cuyo destino resultan siendo los mercados regionales.Se procedió a la determinación del contenido, de proteínas, aminoácidos por HPLC, grasas, carbohidratos, cenizas, fibra, humedad, temperatura de acuerdo a las normas técnicas peruanas y determinación de minerales por Espectrometría de Absorción Atómica.Se obtuvo como conclusión que existen diferencias significativas en el contenido de proteínas de acuerdo al origen, obteniéndose el valor promedio mas alto en Junín de 13,71%. En cuanto a minerales el valor promedio más alto de magnesio fue de 295 mg/100 g de alimento en Junín 10 que cubre el 95% de los requerimientos diarios de un adulto. Los valores promedios mas altos de hierro de acuerdo al origen fue en Cusco de 8,21 mg/ 100 g de alimento, 10 que cubre el 80% de las necesidades diarias de un adulto. El valor promedio más alto de cobre fue en Junin 1,16 mg, cubriendo el 78% de las necesidades diarias de un adulto que son 1,5 a 3 mg.En cuanto a aminoácidos existe diferencia significativa en el contenido de lisina entre la de Junín que es de 5.8 g/100 de proteína y la de Ancash que es de 6,81 g/100 g de proteína; en este caso 100 g de quinua cubriría el 82% y 92% de sus requerimientos diarios respectivamente. En treonina sus valores variaron entre 3,49 mg/100 mg de proteína en la de Cusco y 5,38 mg/100 g de proteí
- Published
- 2002
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