225 results on '"Mirilović, Milorad"'
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2. Upravljanje rizikom i donošenje planova hitnih mjera (contingency plan) za sprečavanje pojave i širenja naročito opasnih zaraznih bolesti
- Author
Nedić, Drago N., Lukić, Negoslav, Knežević, Dragan, Milijević, Vladimir, Valčić, Miroslav, Plavšić, Budimir, Mirilović, Milorad, Nedić, Drago N., Lukić, Negoslav, Knežević, Dragan, Milijević, Vladimir, Valčić, Miroslav, Plavšić, Budimir, and Mirilović, Milorad
- Published
- 2024
3. Statistička analiza laboratorijskih rezultata i njihova prezentacija na interaktivnoj tabli
- Author
Vejnović, Branislav, Janjić, Jelena, Đurić, Spomenka, Vujanić, Tihana, Nedić, Drago, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Janjić, Jelena, Đurić, Spomenka, Vujanić, Tihana, Nedić, Drago, and Mirilović, Milorad
- Abstract
Statistička analiza laboratorijskih rezultata i njihova prezentacija na interaktivnoj tabli igraju značajnu ulogu u svim oblastima veterinarske medicine. Kroz sistematsko prikupljanje podataka o zdravlju životinja, veterinarski stručnjaci mogu identifikovati obrasce i trendove koji ukazuju na potencijalne zdravstvene izazove. Laboratorijski rezultati pružaju veliki broj informacija o biohemijskim parametrima, hematološkim pokazateljima kao i o prisustvu infektivnih agenasa. Statistička analiza ovih podataka omogućava doktorima veterinarske medicine procenu prevalencije bolesti, identifikaciju rizičnih populacija i planiranje preventivnih mera. Korišćenje naprednih statističkih metoda olakšava preciznije tumačenje rezultata, što pomaže bržem i tačnijem donošenju odluka u veterinarskoj praksi. Prezentacija rezultata na interaktivnoj tabli dodatno poboljšava komunikaciju između stručnjaka, omogućavajući im da zajednički analiziraju podatke, postavljaju hipoteze i usklađuju strategije intervencija. Ova tehnologija olakšava vizuelizaciju podataka pomoću grafikona i interaktivne kartografije, čime se pojednostavljuje komunikacija unutar stručnog tima. Kombinacija statističke analize laboratorijskih rezultata i interaktivne prezentacije na tabli omogućava unapređenje veterinarske prakse i efikasan odgovor na izazove u oblasti zdravlja životinja.
- Published
- 2024
4. Gastrointestinal parasites in owned dogs in Serbia: Prevalence and risk factors
- Author
Jovanović, Nemanja M., Bisenić, Olga, Nenadović, Katarina, Bogunović, Danica, Rajković, Milan, Maletić, Milan, Mirilović, Milorad, Ilić, Tamara, Jovanović, Nemanja M., Bisenić, Olga, Nenadović, Katarina, Bogunović, Danica, Rajković, Milan, Maletić, Milan, Mirilović, Milorad, and Ilić, Tamara
- Abstract
Dogs are the most popular pets worldwide. Close contact between dogs and people increases the risk of transmission of various zoonotic parasitic infections. Given the importance of veterinary medicine in preserving the One Health concept, the aim of this research was to identify intestinal parasites that may have zoonotic potential and to evaluate risk factors (individual and environmental). The research was conducted in Serbia in 2022 and 2023 on 382 owned dogs, using qualitative methods of coprological examination with a concentration on parasitic elements. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 62.6%, with the following detected: protozoa: Cystoisospora spp. (9.2%), Sarcocystis spp. (4.5%), Neospora caninum/Hammondia spp. (3.7%), Giardia intestinalis (11.8%); nematoda: Toxocara canis (11.5%), Toxascaris leonina (4.2%), family Ancylostomatidae (38.0%), Trichuris vulpis (21.5%), Capillaria spp. (10.5%); trematoda: Alaria alata (1.6%) and cestodes from the Taeniidae family (1.3%). Factors like age, size and coat length, as well as the way of living, attitude and diet were linked to a significantly higher (p < 0.05) prevalence of intestinal parasites. Based on the results of coprological diagnostics, this research indicates the importance of educating dog owners, conducting routine parasitological tests on their pets and regular deworming strategies.
- Published
- 2024
5. The influence of dietary composition on food preference in Sharplanina Shepherd puppies
- Author
Velebit, Marina, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Mirilović, Milorad, Velebit, Branko, Nenadović, Katarina, Velebit, Marina, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Mirilović, Milorad, Velebit, Branko, and Nenadović, Katarina
- Abstract
Pet food manufacturers aim to balance the palatability with the nutritional value of their products. Ensuring that young canines receive the best nourishment is crucial, while also promoting long-lasting engagement and satisfaction during mealtime. The study aimed to investigate if the nutritional content of food can affect food preferences in 2-month-old Sharplanina shepherd dogs and the development of neophobia when introduced to a new diet. Three different dietary plans were tested, each with varying percentages of an imal-derived proteins (97% in A, 77% in B, and 94% in C). Observations of behavior were documented on camera at the beginning and end of a 10-day feeding cycle. The observations were made during the scheduled feeding times of 7 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m. According to the study, puppies showed neophobic behavior when a new diet was introduced. The puppies displayed a notable decrease in meal rate of sumption, heightened distraction during diet consumption, and increased hesitation on the first day of each new diet, specifically on day 9 and day 10. Post-consumption interest peaked significantly on day 9 and day 10, particularly when dogs consumed diet C. Through the study, it was observed that Diet C had an impact on the puppies’ feed preferences, indicating a possible link between the diet’s nutritional content and their food preferences. Based on the study results, it appears that puppies need at least 9 days to reduce phobia and adapt to new food flavors and feeding schedules.
- Published
- 2024
6. Trichinella infection in Serbia from 2011 to 2020: a success story in the field of One Health
- Author
Vasilev, Saša, Mitić, Ivana, Mirilović, Milorad, Plavša, Dragana, Milakara, Emina, Plavšić, Budimir, Sofronić-Milosavljević, Ljiljana, Vasilev, Saša, Mitić, Ivana, Mirilović, Milorad, Plavša, Dragana, Milakara, Emina, Plavšić, Budimir, and Sofronić-Milosavljević, Ljiljana
- Abstract
In Serbia, modern pork production systems with implemented control measures, including the detection of Trichinella larvae in meat (ISO18743), have eliminated farmed pork from pigs slaughtered at abattoirs as a source of trichinellosis. Epidemiological data from 2011 to 2020 indicate that the number of human cases and the number of infected domestic pigs has decreased significantly. Over the years, pork was the most frequent source of human infection. Cases generally occurred in small family outbreaks, and the infection was linked to consumption of raw or undercooked pork from backyard pigs. In most of the outbreaks, T. spiralis was the aetiological agent of infection, but in 2016, a large outbreak was caused by consumption of uninspected wild boar meat containing T. britovi larvae. To achieve safe pork, it is important that consumers of pork from animals raised in backyard smallholdings and of wild game meat are properly educated about the risks associated with consumption of untested meat. Laboratories conducting Trichinella testing should have a functional quality assurance system to ensure competency of analysts and that accurate and repeatable results are achieved. Regular participation in proficiency testing is needed.
- Published
- 2023
7. Učinak živih stanica kvasca na proizvodne pokazatelje brojlera
- Author
Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Perić, Dejan, Mirilović, Milorad, Maksimović, Željko, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Perić, Dejan, Mirilović, Milorad, and Maksimović, Željko
- Published
- 2023
8. Ekonomski i ekološki aspekti održivog uzgoja autohtonih rasa ovaca i koza
- Author
Vejnović, Branislav, Đurić, Spomenka, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Mirilović, Milorad, Baltić, Milan Ž., Stanimirović, Zoran, Vejnović, Branislav, Đurić, Spomenka, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Mirilović, Milorad, Baltić, Milan Ž., and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
U stočarstvu se problem očuvanja nisko-produktivnih autohtonih rasa domaćih životinja još uvek teško objašnjava i ta činjenica otežava rad na unapređenju korišćenja životinjskih genetičkih resursa u praksi. Međutim, agrodiverzitet, pa i životinjski genetički resursi, u novom konceptu održivog korišćenja genetičkih resursa, zauzimaju veoma važno mesto, sagledavajući prirodne potencijale, ekonomsko i socijalno okruženje, ali i koristeći svetska iskustva. Gajenje malih preživara u Srbiji najveći ekonomski značaj ima za prozvodnju mesa, prevashodno mesa jagnjadi. Uspešno bavljenje ovčarstvom zavisi velikim delom od podsticaja države, od platežnih mogućnosti tržišta, ali najbitnija stavka svakako je dobar menadžment kojim se ostvaruju pozitivni ekonomski i finansijski rezultati. S obzirom na bogatstvo travnatih površina i odnosa između tih površina i broja malih preživara koje ih koriste, nije očekivano da će njihovo gajenje značajno uticati na životnu sredinu. Brdsko-planinska područja mogu da podržavaju održivi razvoj i, čak, mogu da posluže za organsku proizvodnju hrane.
- Published
- 2023
9. Digitalne tehnologije i njihova primena u proizvodnji hrane
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Nedić, Drago, Marković, Radmila, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Nedić, Drago, Marković, Radmila, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Porast broja stanovnika u svetu stavlja poljoprivrednu proizvodnju pred veliki izazov da obezbedi sigurnost hrane za sve ljude. Povećanje proizvodnje hrane može da se postigne na različite načine. Do sada su potrebe za hranom biljnog porekla u svetu zadovoljavane povećanjem obradivih površina, na račun krčenja šuma, genetskom selekcijom, odnosno gajenjem visokorodnih žita i drugih biljnih kultura, zatim primenom različitih agrotehničkih mera itd. U stočarskoj proizvodnji povećanje proizvodnje hrane animalnog porekla vezivalo se, uglavnom, za povećanje broja gajenih životinja, genetsku selekciju, optimizaciju ishrane i uslova držanja životinja. Jedan od načina kojima se poslednjih godina pridaje poseban značaj u povećanju proizvodnje hrane biljnog i životinjskog porekla je primena digitalnih tehnologija. Digitalizacija predstavlja proces upotrebe digitalne tehnologije u cilju poboljšanja i transformisanja procesa proizvodnje. U celom lancu proizvodnje hrane najveći značaj pridaje se osiguranju bezbednosti hrane. Stoga se dobre proizvođačke prakse i postupci bezbednog rukovanja hranom primenjuju u svakoj fazi proizvodnje hrane kako bi se izbegle biološke, hemijske, fizičke opasnosti i sačuvalo zdravlje potrošača. Digitalne tehnologije olakšavaju kontrolu proizvodnog procesa i dozvoljavaju prikupljanje podataka sa neograničenog broja tačaka u celom lancu proizvodnje. Cilj digitalnih tehnologija je da omogući automatizaciju, robotizaciju i poveća broj i kvalitet prikupljenih podataka, kao i njihovu obradu.
- Published
- 2023
10. Kontrola kvaliteta pregleda uzoraka mesa na prisustvo larvi Trichinella – iskustvo iz Srbije
- Author
Vasilev, Saša, Suvajdžić, Branko, Sabljić, Ljiljana, Mitić, Ivana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Petrović, Miloš, Vasilev, Dragan, Vasilev, Saša, Suvajdžić, Branko, Sabljić, Ljiljana, Mitić, Ivana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Petrović, Miloš, and Vasilev, Dragan
- Abstract
U zemljama Evropske unije redovno se sprovode redovne kontrole kvaliteta pregleda uzoraka mesa na prisustvo larvi Trichinella (PT). U ovim ispitivanjima učestvuju sve laboratorije u kojima se koristi metod veštačke digestije mesa. Prvu ovakvu proveru u Srbiji uspešno je organizovao INEP 2017 godine. U narednim godinama redovno se sprovode ovakve kontrole. Tokom 2022 Fakultet veterinarske medicine uspešno je organizovao ovakvu kontrolu za laboratorije veterinarskih specijalističkih instituta, nekih stanica i klanica. Krajem 2022 INEP je od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede šumarstva i vodoprivrede, Uprave za veterinu imenovan kao Nacionalna referentna laboratorija za otkrivanje trihinele u mesu životinja (NRLT). Tokom 2023 godine NRLT Srbije je organizovala novu kontrolu kvaliteta rada. Naša iskustva pokazuju da redovno učešće u eksternim kontrolama kvaliteta pregleda dovodi do postizanja boljih rezultata laboratorija kroz vreme i bolje zaštite potrošača. Potrebno je da sve laboratorije u Srbiji (koje se bave pregledom mesa na prisustvo larvi trihinela u mesu) ali i u okruženju učestvuju u ovakvim proverama najmanje jednom godišnje, kao i vanredno kad kod imaju novog člana tima. Takođe, poželjno je da sve ove laboratorije imaju referentni materijal (larve trihinela u alkoholu) i po potrebi zatraže probne uzorke radi treninga., In the European Union countries regular quality controls (PT) are carried out for the examination of meat samples for the presence of Trichinella larvae. All laboratories that use the method of artificial digestion of meat participate in these tests. The first such control in Serbia was successfully organized by INEP in 2017. In the following years, such controls were carried out regularly. During 2022, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine successfully organized control for laboratories from veterinary specialist institutes, some veterinary stations and slaughterhouses. At the end of 2022, INEP was appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Veterinary Directorate as the National Reference Laboratory for the detection of Trichinella in meat (NRLT). During 2023, NRLT organized a new quality control. Our experience shows that regular participation in external quality control leads to better laboratory results over time and better consumer protection. It is necessary that all laboratories in Serbia (which control meat for the presence of Trichinella larvae) and in the surrounding countries participate in such controls at least once a year, as well as aditionally when they have a new team member. Also, it is desirable that all these laboratories have a reference material (Trichinella larvae in alcohol) and, if necessary, request test samples for training purposes.
- Published
- 2023
11. Trihinela kod divljih životinja u Srbiji
- Author
Vasilev, Saša, Suvajdžić, Branko, Mirilović, Milorad, Ćirović, Duško, Vejnović, Branislav, Plavšić, Budimir, Vasilev, Dragan, Vasilev, Saša, Suvajdžić, Branko, Mirilović, Milorad, Ćirović, Duško, Vejnović, Branislav, Plavšić, Budimir, and Vasilev, Dragan
- Abstract
Porast broja ljudske populacije u svetu i nastale promene prirodnog okruženja povećavaju mogućnost za interakciju između ljudi i životinja, što može dovesti do pojave i širenja različitih zaraznih bolesti. Bolesti divljih životinja mogu da utiču utiču osim na same divlje životinje i na javno zdravlje, ekonomiju ali i na očuvanje biodiverziteta. Bolesti koje se mogu preneti sa divljih i domaćih životinja na čoveka, koje se označavaju kao zoonoze, mogu biti izazvane određenim parazitima. Parazitske nematode iz roda Trichinella su uzročnici infekcije kod životinja ali i zoonotske bolesti trihineloze, koja predstavlja ozbiljan rizik po ljudsko zdravlje. Životinje zaražene trihinelom, osim u težim slučajevima, ne pokazuju spoljne znake infekcije. Brojne vrste divljih životinja mogu nositi larve trihinela. Divlje životinje se mogu zaraziti konzumiranjem drugih inficiranih divljih životinja ili otpadaka koji sadrže zaraženo meso. Rod Trichinella obuhvata 10 vrsta: T. spiralis, T. nativa, T. britovi, T. murrelli, T. nelsoni, T. patagoniensis i T. chanchalensis (vrste koje stvaraju kapsulu), T. pseudospiralis, T. papuae i T. zimbabvensis (neinkapsulirane vrste) kao i tri genotipa (Trichinella T6, T8 i T9). Ove nematode su rasprostranjene širom sveta i mogu inficirati širok spektar vrsta životinja, a prenose se u domaćem i silvatičnom ciklusu. Do 2009. godine T. spiralis se smatrala jedinom vrstom iz roda Trichinella koji je prisutan kod domaćih i divljih životinja u Srbiji. Tada je primenom molekularne analize potvrđeno prisustvo T. britovi kod lisica i vukova u Srbiji, pored već potvrđenog prisustva T. spiralis. Ove analize su bile početak opsežnih ispitivanja rasprostranjenosti trihinele kod divljih životinja u našoj zemlji. Ustanovljeno je da postoji infekcija trihinelom kod nekoliko vrsta divljih životinja (vuk, lisica, šakal, divlja svinja, divlja mačka, jazavac, kuna, mrki tvor, vidra), što omogućava održavanje ovog parazita u silvatičnom krugu ali i eventualno prenoše
- Published
- 2023
12. Učinak živih stanica kvasca na proizvodne pokazatelje brojlera
- Author
Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Perić, Dejan, Mirilović, Milorad, Maksimović, Željko, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Perić, Dejan, Mirilović, Milorad, and Maksimović, Željko
- Published
- 2023
13. Ekonomski i ekološki aspekti održivog uzgoja autohtonih rasa ovaca i koza
- Author
Vejnović, Branislav, Đurić, Spomenka, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Mirilović, Milorad, Baltić, Milan Ž., Stanimirović, Zoran, Vejnović, Branislav, Đurić, Spomenka, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Mirilović, Milorad, Baltić, Milan Ž., and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
U stočarstvu se problem očuvanja nisko-produktivnih autohtonih rasa domaćih životinja još uvek teško objašnjava i ta činjenica otežava rad na unapređenju korišćenja životinjskih genetičkih resursa u praksi. Međutim, agrodiverzitet, pa i životinjski genetički resursi, u novom konceptu održivog korišćenja genetičkih resursa, zauzimaju veoma važno mesto, sagledavajući prirodne potencijale, ekonomsko i socijalno okruženje, ali i koristeći svetska iskustva. Gajenje malih preživara u Srbiji najveći ekonomski značaj ima za prozvodnju mesa, prevashodno mesa jagnjadi. Uspešno bavljenje ovčarstvom zavisi velikim delom od podsticaja države, od platežnih mogućnosti tržišta, ali najbitnija stavka svakako je dobar menadžment kojim se ostvaruju pozitivni ekonomski i finansijski rezultati. S obzirom na bogatstvo travnatih površina i odnosa između tih površina i broja malih preživara koje ih koriste, nije očekivano da će njihovo gajenje značajno uticati na životnu sredinu. Brdsko-planinska područja mogu da podržavaju održivi razvoj i, čak, mogu da posluže za organsku proizvodnju hrane.
- Published
- 2023
14. Kontrola kvaliteta pregleda uzoraka mesa na prisustvo larvi Trichinella – iskustvo iz Srbije
- Author
Vasilev, Saša, Suvajdžić, Branko, Sabljić, Ljiljana, Mitić, Ivana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Petrović, Miloš, Vasilev, Dragan, Vasilev, Saša, Suvajdžić, Branko, Sabljić, Ljiljana, Mitić, Ivana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Petrović, Miloš, and Vasilev, Dragan
- Abstract
U zemljama Evropske unije redovno se sprovode redovne kontrole kvaliteta pregleda uzoraka mesa na prisustvo larvi Trichinella (PT). U ovim ispitivanjima učestvuju sve laboratorije u kojima se koristi metod veštačke digestije mesa. Prvu ovakvu proveru u Srbiji uspešno je organizovao INEP 2017 godine. U narednim godinama redovno se sprovode ovakve kontrole. Tokom 2022 Fakultet veterinarske medicine uspešno je organizovao ovakvu kontrolu za laboratorije veterinarskih specijalističkih instituta, nekih stanica i klanica. Krajem 2022 INEP je od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede šumarstva i vodoprivrede, Uprave za veterinu imenovan kao Nacionalna referentna laboratorija za otkrivanje trihinele u mesu životinja (NRLT). Tokom 2023 godine NRLT Srbije je organizovala novu kontrolu kvaliteta rada. Naša iskustva pokazuju da redovno učešće u eksternim kontrolama kvaliteta pregleda dovodi do postizanja boljih rezultata laboratorija kroz vreme i bolje zaštite potrošača. Potrebno je da sve laboratorije u Srbiji (koje se bave pregledom mesa na prisustvo larvi trihinela u mesu) ali i u okruženju učestvuju u ovakvim proverama najmanje jednom godišnje, kao i vanredno kad kod imaju novog člana tima. Takođe, poželjno je da sve ove laboratorije imaju referentni materijal (larve trihinela u alkoholu) i po potrebi zatraže probne uzorke radi treninga., In the European Union countries regular quality controls (PT) are carried out for the examination of meat samples for the presence of Trichinella larvae. All laboratories that use the method of artificial digestion of meat participate in these tests. The first such control in Serbia was successfully organized by INEP in 2017. In the following years, such controls were carried out regularly. During 2022, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine successfully organized control for laboratories from veterinary specialist institutes, some veterinary stations and slaughterhouses. At the end of 2022, INEP was appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Veterinary Directorate as the National Reference Laboratory for the detection of Trichinella in meat (NRLT). During 2023, NRLT organized a new quality control. Our experience shows that regular participation in external quality control leads to better laboratory results over time and better consumer protection. It is necessary that all laboratories in Serbia (which control meat for the presence of Trichinella larvae) and in the surrounding countries participate in such controls at least once a year, as well as aditionally when they have a new team member. Also, it is desirable that all these laboratories have a reference material (Trichinella larvae in alcohol) and, if necessary, request test samples for training purposes.
- Published
- 2023
15. Digitalne tehnologije i njihova primena u proizvodnji hrane
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Nedić, Drago, Marković, Radmila, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Nedić, Drago, Marković, Radmila, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Porast broja stanovnika u svetu stavlja poljoprivrednu proizvodnju pred veliki izazov da obezbedi sigurnost hrane za sve ljude. Povećanje proizvodnje hrane može da se postigne na različite načine. Do sada su potrebe za hranom biljnog porekla u svetu zadovoljavane povećanjem obradivih površina, na račun krčenja šuma, genetskom selekcijom, odnosno gajenjem visokorodnih žita i drugih biljnih kultura, zatim primenom različitih agrotehničkih mera itd. U stočarskoj proizvodnji povećanje proizvodnje hrane animalnog porekla vezivalo se, uglavnom, za povećanje broja gajenih životinja, genetsku selekciju, optimizaciju ishrane i uslova držanja životinja. Jedan od načina kojima se poslednjih godina pridaje poseban značaj u povećanju proizvodnje hrane biljnog i životinjskog porekla je primena digitalnih tehnologija. Digitalizacija predstavlja proces upotrebe digitalne tehnologije u cilju poboljšanja i transformisanja procesa proizvodnje. U celom lancu proizvodnje hrane najveći značaj pridaje se osiguranju bezbednosti hrane. Stoga se dobre proizvođačke prakse i postupci bezbednog rukovanja hranom primenjuju u svakoj fazi proizvodnje hrane kako bi se izbegle biološke, hemijske, fizičke opasnosti i sačuvalo zdravlje potrošača. Digitalne tehnologije olakšavaju kontrolu proizvodnog procesa i dozvoljavaju prikupljanje podataka sa neograničenog broja tačaka u celom lancu proizvodnje. Cilj digitalnih tehnologija je da omogući automatizaciju, robotizaciju i poveća broj i kvalitet prikupljenih podataka, kao i njihovu obradu.
- Published
- 2023
16. Efekti dodavanja različitih koncentracija Saccharomices cerevisiae u ishranu brojlera na parametre ekonomske efikasnosti tova
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Perić, Dejan, Mirilović, Milorad, Baltić, Milan Ž., Maksimović, Željko, Janjić, Jelena, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Perić, Dejan, Mirilović, Milorad, Baltić, Milan Ž., and Maksimović, Željko
- Abstract
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj dodavanja različitih količina Saccharomyces cerevisiae u ishrani brojlera na pokazatelje ekonomske isplativosti tova. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na 270 jednodnevnih pilića (Ross 308) u intenzivnom uzgoju u periodu od 42 dana. Brojleri su nasumično raspoređeni na jedan od tri dijetetska tretmana koji su se razlikovali u sadržaju dodatog kvasca: bez dodatnog kvasca (kontrolna grupa K); sa 0,25 g/kg dodatog kvasca (O-I grupa); i sa 0,65 g/kg dodatog kvasca (O-II grupa). Svaka eksperimentalna grupa je sadržala po 90 brojlera. Za potrebe ovog eksperimenta mereni su brojleri i utrošena hrana, a zatim je izračunata završna telesna masa, prosečan dnevni prirast i konverzija. Zdravstveno stanje brojlera u tovu je svakodnevno praćeno, a mortaliteta nije bilo. Ekonomska efikasnost proizvodnje brojlera u tovu (EPEF-European Production Efficiency Factor i EBI-European Broiler Index) izračunata je na osnovu formula. Dodavanje Saccharomyces cerevisiae u različitim količinama uticalo je na masu, prirast, potrošnju hrane i konverziju brojlera. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su pokazali da je ishrana sa dodatkom 0,25 g/kg kvasca (O-I grupa) rezultirala statistički značajno boljim (p<0,05) proizvodnim rezltatima (body weight, average daily gain, food coversion ratio) brojlera nego u grupi hranjenoj samo osnovnom ishranom, odnosno grupi hranjenoj sa 0,65 g/kg kvasca. Statistički značajno veće (p<0,05) vrednosti EPEF i EBI zabeležene su u grupi brojlera koje su hranjene uz dodatak 0,25 g/kg kvasca (O-I grupa) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu i grupu koja je u hrani dobijala 0,65 g/kg kvasca (O-II grupa). Stoga je adekvatna doza S. cerevisiae u ishrani iznosila 0,25 g/kg kvasca, dok veća doza živog kvasca u ishrani brojlera (0,65 g/kg) nije postigla bolje rezultate.
- Published
- 2023
17. Trichinella infection in Serbia from 2011 to 2020: a success story in the field of One Health
- Author
Vasilev, Saša, Mitić, Ivana, Mirilović, Milorad, Plavša, Dragana, Milakara, Emina, Plavšić, Budimir, Sofronić-Milosavljević, Ljiljana, Vasilev, Saša, Mitić, Ivana, Mirilović, Milorad, Plavša, Dragana, Milakara, Emina, Plavšić, Budimir, and Sofronić-Milosavljević, Ljiljana
- Abstract
In Serbia, modern pork production systems with implemented control measures, including the detection of Trichinella larvae in meat (ISO18743), have eliminated farmed pork from pigs slaughtered at abattoirs as a source of trichinellosis. Epidemiological data from 2011 to 2020 indicate that the number of human cases and the number of infected domestic pigs has decreased significantly. Over the years, pork was the most frequent source of human infection. Cases generally occurred in small family outbreaks, and the infection was linked to consumption of raw or undercooked pork from backyard pigs. In most of the outbreaks, T. spiralis was the aetiological agent of infection, but in 2016, a large outbreak was caused by consumption of uninspected wild boar meat containing T. britovi larvae. To achieve safe pork, it is important that consumers of pork from animals raised in backyard smallholdings and of wild game meat are properly educated about the risks associated with consumption of untested meat. Laboratories conducting Trichinella testing should have a functional quality assurance system to ensure competency of analysts and that accurate and repeatable results are achieved. Regular participation in proficiency testing is needed.
- Published
- 2023
18. Trihinela kod divljih životinja u Srbiji
- Author
Vasilev, Saša, Suvajdžić, Branko, Mirilović, Milorad, Ćirović, Duško, Vejnović, Branislav, Plavšić, Budimir, Vasilev, Dragan, Vasilev, Saša, Suvajdžić, Branko, Mirilović, Milorad, Ćirović, Duško, Vejnović, Branislav, Plavšić, Budimir, and Vasilev, Dragan
- Abstract
Porast broja ljudske populacije u svetu i nastale promene prirodnog okruženja povećavaju mogućnost za interakciju između ljudi i životinja, što može dovesti do pojave i širenja različitih zaraznih bolesti. Bolesti divljih životinja mogu da utiču utiču osim na same divlje životinje i na javno zdravlje, ekonomiju ali i na očuvanje biodiverziteta. Bolesti koje se mogu preneti sa divljih i domaćih životinja na čoveka, koje se označavaju kao zoonoze, mogu biti izazvane određenim parazitima. Parazitske nematode iz roda Trichinella su uzročnici infekcije kod životinja ali i zoonotske bolesti trihineloze, koja predstavlja ozbiljan rizik po ljudsko zdravlje. Životinje zaražene trihinelom, osim u težim slučajevima, ne pokazuju spoljne znake infekcije. Brojne vrste divljih životinja mogu nositi larve trihinela. Divlje životinje se mogu zaraziti konzumiranjem drugih inficiranih divljih životinja ili otpadaka koji sadrže zaraženo meso. Rod Trichinella obuhvata 10 vrsta: T. spiralis, T. nativa, T. britovi, T. murrelli, T. nelsoni, T. patagoniensis i T. chanchalensis (vrste koje stvaraju kapsulu), T. pseudospiralis, T. papuae i T. zimbabvensis (neinkapsulirane vrste) kao i tri genotipa (Trichinella T6, T8 i T9). Ove nematode su rasprostranjene širom sveta i mogu inficirati širok spektar vrsta životinja, a prenose se u domaćem i silvatičnom ciklusu. Do 2009. godine T. spiralis se smatrala jedinom vrstom iz roda Trichinella koji je prisutan kod domaćih i divljih životinja u Srbiji. Tada je primenom molekularne analize potvrđeno prisustvo T. britovi kod lisica i vukova u Srbiji, pored već potvrđenog prisustva T. spiralis. Ove analize su bile početak opsežnih ispitivanja rasprostranjenosti trihinele kod divljih životinja u našoj zemlji. Ustanovljeno je da postoji infekcija trihinelom kod nekoliko vrsta divljih životinja (vuk, lisica, šakal, divlja svinja, divlja mačka, jazavac, kuna, mrki tvor, vidra), što omogućava održavanje ovog parazita u silvatičnom krugu ali i eventualno prenoše
- Published
- 2023
19. Meat declaration - consumer opinion and confidence
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Milan Ž., Lovrenović, Mirjana, Grbić, Slaven, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Pendovski, Lazo, Mirilović, Milorad, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Milan Ž., Lovrenović, Mirjana, Grbić, Slaven, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Pendovski, Lazo, and Mirilović, Milorad
- Abstract
One of the main goals of food safety measures is to increase consumer confidence in food in general, and meat in particular, and therefore consumers are provided with information about the quality and safety of meat through declaration. Consumer confidence and food safety have become central issues in the food chain. Recent developments in labelling, traceability and quality assurance schemes offer a large amount of information available to the consumer. Declaring is today one of the most reliable ways of informing consumers about food quality. For the purposes of this study, data were collected by surveying 1,000 consumers from the Banja Luka and Gradiška areas. The results of this survey show that the majority of consumers (98.1%) believe that meat should have a declaration and that the statistically most important (p<0.05) information on the declaration is the expiration date (75.8% of responses) compared to other information (nutritional value, method of production, country of origin). The way the meat is packaged is also important for consumers (45.3% of responses). Also, the statistical significantly different answers (p<0.05) were given related to the trust in information about the safety/quality of meat obtained in different ways (butcher, seller, relative, friend, cook). The consumers showed that they mostly believe to information about the safety/quality of meat received from doctors/nutritionists (53.1%), and most often have a neutral attitude towards information received from consumer protection associations (41.9%). It is not sufficiently clarified what type of information consumers are most looking for on declarations, especially when it comes to meat and meat products. Because of that, continuous examination of consumers is needed, including sociological and economic factors, what motivates them to buy, what quality characteristics they require and what sources of information they believe the most.
- Published
- 2022
20. Detection and characterisation of porcine circoviruses in wild boars in northeastern Serbia
- Author
Nišavić, Jakov, Milić, Nenad, Radalj, Andrea, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Ćosić, Milivoje, Knežević, Aleksandra, Veljović, Ljubiša, Živulj, Aleksandar, Nišavić, Jakov, Milić, Nenad, Radalj, Andrea, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Ćosić, Milivoje, Knežević, Aleksandra, Veljović, Ljubiša, and Živulj, Aleksandar
- Abstract
The objective was to expand and update the knowledge on the presence and genotype diversity of porcine circoviruses 2 and 3 (PCV2 and PCV3) in the wild boar populations from the hunting grounds in northeastern Serbia. The presence of PCV3 was not determined, and PCV2 was confirmed in 40.32% of the organ samples from 124 wild boars hunted from 2018 to 2019, indicating their significance in virus circulation since traditional pig farms with irregular PCV2 vaccination strategies are widespread in this region. The most prevalent genotype was PCV2d, followed by PCV2b and PCV2a in 55.6%, 38.9%, and 5.5% of the examined samples, respectively. Nucleotide sequences of the detected strains were homogenous within the genotype and clustered within the subgroups PCV2d-2, PCV2b-1A/B, and PCV2a-2D with high identity to European, Chinese, and Serbian domestic pig sequences suggesting their origin. Wild boars presented with no clinical or pathological signs of infection, implying that these animals might be less susceptible to disease, particularly since the cofactors present in pig farming systems that support the disease development are absent in the wild. The high PCV2 detection frequency demonstrates the importance of wildlife monitoring to track virus population dynamics, especially in regions with free-range pig farming in order to plan adequate disease control strategies.
- Published
- 2022
21. Supplementary information for the article: Glavinić, U.; Blagojević, J.; Ristanić, M.; Stevanović, J.; Lakić, N.; Mirilović, M.; Stanimirović, Z. Use of Thymol in Nosema Ceranae Control and Health Improvement of Infected Honey Bees. Insects 2022, 13 (7), 574. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13070574.
- Author
Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, Stanimirović, Zoran, Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
Figure S1. Expression levels of abaecin, hymenoptaecin, defensin, apidaecin and vitellogenin at different time points (day 6, 9 and 15) in experimental groups. N. ceranae infected control (I) and groups infected and supplemented with thymol from day 1 (I-T1), day 3 (I-T3) and day 6 (I-T6)
- Published
- 2022
22. Use of Thymol in Nosema ceranae Control and Health Improvement of Infected Honey Bees
- Author
Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, Stanimirović, Zoran, Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
Nosema ceranae is the most widespread microsporidian species which infects the honey bees of Apis mellifera by causing the weakening of their colonies and a decline in their productive and reproductive capacities. The only registered product for its control is the antibiotic fumagillin; however, in the European Union, there is no formulation registered for use in beekeeping. Thymol (3-hydroxy-p-cymene) is a natural essential-oil ingredient derived from Thymus vulgaris, which has been used in Varroa control for decades. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of thymol supplementation on the expression of immune-related genes and the parameters of oxidative stress and bee survival, as well as spore loads in bees infected with the microsporidian parasite N. ceranae. The results reveal mostly positive effects of thymol on health (increasing levels of immune-related genes and values of oxidative stress parameters, and decreasing Nosema spore loads) when applied to Nosema-infected bees. Moreover, supplementation with thymol did not induce negative effects in Nosema-infected bees. However, our results indicate that in Nosema-free bees, thymol itself could cause certain disorders (affecting bee survival, decreasing oxidative capacity, and downregulation of some immune-related gene expressions), showing that one should be careful with preventive, uncontrolled, and excessive use of thymol. Thus, further research is needed to reveal the effect of this phytogenic supplement on the immunity of uninfected bees.
- Published
- 2022
23. Use of Thymol in Nosema ceranae Control and Health Improvement of Infected Honey Bees
- Author
Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, Stanimirović, Zoran, Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
Nosema ceranae is the most widespread microsporidian species which infects the honey bees of Apis mellifera by causing the weakening of their colonies and a decline in their productive and reproductive capacities. The only registered product for its control is the antibiotic fumagillin; however, in the European Union, there is no formulation registered for use in beekeeping. Thymol (3-hydroxy-p-cymene) is a natural essential-oil ingredient derived from Thymus vulgaris, which has been used in Varroa control for decades. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of thymol supplementation on the expression of immune-related genes and the parameters of oxidative stress and bee survival, as well as spore loads in bees infected with the microsporidian parasite N. ceranae. The results reveal mostly positive effects of thymol on health (increasing levels of immune-related genes and values of oxidative stress parameters, and decreasing Nosema spore loads) when applied to Nosema-infected bees. Moreover, supplementation with thymol did not induce negative effects in Nosema-infected bees. However, our results indicate that in Nosema-free bees, thymol itself could cause certain disorders (affecting bee survival, decreasing oxidative capacity, and downregulation of some immune-related gene expressions), showing that one should be careful with preventive, uncontrolled, and excessive use of thymol. Thus, further research is needed to reveal the effect of this phytogenic supplement on the immunity of uninfected bees.
- Published
- 2022
24. Supplementary information for the article: Glavinić, U.; Blagojević, J.; Ristanić, M.; Stevanović, J.; Lakić, N.; Mirilović, M.; Stanimirović, Z. Use of Thymol in Nosema Ceranae Control and Health Improvement of Infected Honey Bees. Insects 2022, 13 (7), 574. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13070574.
- Author
Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, Stanimirović, Zoran, Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
Figure S1. Expression levels of abaecin, hymenoptaecin, defensin, apidaecin and vitellogenin at different time points (day 6, 9 and 15) in experimental groups. N. ceranae infected control (I) and groups infected and supplemented with thymol from day 1 (I-T1), day 3 (I-T3) and day 6 (I-T6)
- Published
- 2022
25. Trichinella infection in Serbia
- Author
Vasilev, Saša, Mirilović, Milorad, Ignjatović, Marija, Milakara, Emina, Mitić, Ivana, Plavšić, Budimir, Plavša, Dragana, Bošković, Tamara, Vasilev, Dragan, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Sabljić, Ljiljana, Ilić, Nataša, Živojinović, Milena, Sofronić Milosavljević, Ljiljana, Vasilev, Saša, Mirilović, Milorad, Ignjatović, Marija, Milakara, Emina, Mitić, Ivana, Plavšić, Budimir, Plavša, Dragana, Bošković, Tamara, Vasilev, Dragan, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Sabljić, Ljiljana, Ilić, Nataša, Živojinović, Milena, and Sofronić Milosavljević, Ljiljana
- Abstract
U Srbiji trihineloza je jedna od najznačajnijih zoonoza koje se prenose hranom. Prvi izveštaj o nalazu kod svinja je iz 1918. godine, a prvi slučaj kod ljudi 1923. godine u Zemunu. Detekcija prisustva trihinele je prvobitno vršena trihineloskopijom. Od 1984. uvedena je veštačka digestija. Savremeni sistemi proizvodnje svinjskog mesa, mere kontrole, metoda veštačke digestije eliminisali su meso svinja sa velikih farmi kao izvor trihineloze. Prvi put u Srbiji Nacionalna referentna laboratorija za trihinelozu (NRLT) organizovala je 2017. godine kontrolu kvaliteta rada za detekciju larvi trihinele u mesu metodom magnetne mešalice (MSM). Svi učesnici (veterinarski instituti) uspešno su prošli testiranje. Članovi tima NRLT napravili su (2019. godine) novi cELISA test za otkrivanje infekcije trihinelom kod životinja i ljudi i Svetska komisija za trihinelozu ga je prepoznala kao koristan za međunarodnu upotrebu. Epidemiološki podaci iz poslednjih decenija ukazuju da je broj obolelih ljudi kao i broj zaraženih životinja značajno smanjen. Svinjsko meso je godinama najčešći izvor infekcije ljudi u Srbiji. Slučajevi se javljaju u porodičnim epidemijama i rizik je povezan sa konzumacijom svinjskog mesa u kome se nalaze larve Trichinella, a uzgajaju se bez primene higijenskih pravila i životinje nisu veterinarski testirane (epidemija u Obrenovcu i Parizu, Francuska). U većini slučajeva T. spiralis je bila etiološki agens infekcije, ali smo u 2016. godini imali veliku epidemiju izazvanu konzumacijom mesa divljih svinja koje je sadržalo larve T britovi (Čajetina, 123 osobe). Važno je: 1. Lovce i potrošače mesa svinja i mesa divljači u Srbiji edukovati o riziku u vezi sa konzumiranjem neproverenog mesa. 2. Kontrola sistema kvaliteta kod veterinarskih subjekata koji rade testiranje na prisustvo larvi trihinele u uzorcima mesa, kao i redovno učešće u PT., In Serbia Trichinellosis is one of the most important foodborne zoonotic diseases. The first report of swine infection was in 1918 and first human case was in 1923. From 1984 artificial digestion was adopted for use in preventing human trichinellosis. Modern pork production systems, implemented control measures, artificial digestion method have eliminated farm pork as a source for trichinellosis. For the first time in Serbia National Reference Laboratory for trichinellosis (NRLT) organized in 2017 proficiency test (PT) for the detection of Trichinella larvae in meat by Magnetic Stirrer Method (MSM). All participants (veterinary institutes) successfully passed the testing. Members of NRLT team made (in 2019) new cELISA test for detection of Trichinella infection in animals and humans and the ICT recognized the test as useful for international use. Epidemiological data from the last decades indicate that the number of human cases as well as the number of infected animals has decreased significantly. Over the years, pork was the most frequent source of human trichinellosis. Cases generally occurred in family outbreaks and risk is linked to untested backyard pork consumption. Meat and meat products offered to relatives and friends may be source of infection with Trichinella when backyard pigs are raised without any compliance with hygienic rules and animals are not veterinary tested. In most numbers of outbreaks T. spiralis were the etiological agent of infection but in 2016 we had a large outbreak provoked by consumption of wild boar meat containing T britovi larvae. It is important that: 1. Hunters and consumers of backyard pigs and wild game meat should be educated about the risk associated with consumption of untested meat. 2. Control of Trichinella QA system in veterinary subjects (testing for Trichinella presence in meat samples) and regularly participation in PTs are needed to achieve safe food for consumers.
- Published
- 2022
26. Declaration of meat - consumer opinion and trust
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Milan Ž., Lovrenović, Mirjana, Grbić, Slaven, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Milan Ž., Lovrenović, Mirjana, Grbić, Slaven, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, and Mirilović, Milorad
- Abstract
One of the main goals of food safety measures is to increase consumer confidence in food in general, and meat in particular, and therefore the consumer is provided with information on the quality and safety of meat through declaration. Consumer trust and food safety have become central issues in the food chain. Recent developments in the field of labeling, traceability and quality assurance schemes offer wide flows of information available to the consumer. Declaration is today one of the most reliable ways to inform consumers about food quality. For the purposes of this research, data were collected by surveying 1,000 consumers from the area of Banja Luka and Gradiška. The test results refer to the needs of food declaration, then to issues related to meat quality and safety, the most important information on the declaration, identification of safety and quality elements that speak about meat safety and quality (origin, source of information, place of purchase). it is not clear enough what type of information consumers ask for most on declarations, especially when it comes to meat and meat products, which justifies continuous examination of consumers, including sociological and economic factors, what motivates them to buy, what quality characteristics they require and what sources of information they believe the most.
- Published
- 2022
27. Strategija kontrole Varroa Destructor u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Vejnović, Branislav, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Glavinić, Uroš, Ristanić, Marko, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, Stanimirović, Zoran, Vejnović, Branislav, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Glavinić, Uroš, Ristanić, Marko, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
Pčelari imaju na raspolaganju različite metode za suzbijanje pčelinjeg krpelja Varroa destructor. Kako bi se utvrdilo koje metode se koriste u pčelinjacima u Republici Srbiji, anketirano je u okviru upitnika COLOSS za 2021. godinu, 112 pčelara koji ukupno imaju 12 912 pčelinjih društava. Od 18 različitih kontrolnih mera protiv V. destructor najčešće korišćene metode su bile: primena oksalne kiseline (nakapavanje i sublimacija), primena amitraza (nadimljavanje/aerosol i preko traka), primena kumafosa (preko traka), uklanjanje trutovskog legla i primena mravlje kiseline (kratkoročni i dugoročni tretman). U odnosu na broj košnica, najčešće je korišćen amitraz (nadimljavanje/ aerosol i preko traka), oksalna kiselina (nakapavanje i sublimacija), kumafos (preko traka) i mravlja kiselina (kratkoročni i dugoročni tretman), Tau-fluvalinat i uklanjanje trutovskog legla. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključeno je da pčelari u Srbiji protiv Varroa destructor najčešće koriste amitraz (nadimljavanjem/aerosol i preko traka).
- Published
- 2022
28. Ispitivanje uticaja delovanja različitih količina organskog selena u hrani na ekonomičnost proizvodnje pataka u tovu
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Zenunović, Amir, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Zenunović, Amir, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj različitih količina organskog selena u ishrani pataka na ekonomske parametre tova. Eksperiment je sproveden na ukupno 240 jednodnevnih pačića poreklom iz komercijalne inkubatorske stanice, zasnovan na grupno-kontrolnom sistemu i trajao je 49 dana (kontrolna grupa K – bez dodatka organskog selena, ogledna OI grupa – sa dodatkom 0,20 mg/kg organskog selena, ogledna OII grupa – uz dodatak 0,40 mg/kg organskog selena, i ogledna OIII grupa – uz dodatak 0,60 mg/kg organskog selena). Proizvodni rezultati (telesna masa, prosečni dnevni prirast, konverzija hrane) i parametri ekonomske efikasnosti tova brojlera (EPEF, EBI) su izračunati za dva perioda (od 0. do 14. dana; od 0. do 49. dana). Dodavanje organskog selena u različitim količinama uticalo je na masu, prirast, potrošnju hrane i konverziju kod pataka 14., odnosno 49. dana. Najbolje vrednosti EPEF i EBI zabeležene su u grupama pačića koje su hranjene uz dodatak 0,2 mg/kg, odnosno 0,4 mg/ kg organskog selena u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu i grupu koja je u hrani dobijala 0,6 mg/kg organskog selena.
- Published
- 2022
29. Microbiological characteristics of fish reared in purified wastewater from an abattoir
- Author
Pelić, Miloš, Gavrilović, Ana, Jug-Dujaković, Jurica, Marinović, Zoran, Mirilović, Milorad, Đorđević, Vesna, Novakov, Nikolina, Ljubojević Pelić, Dragana, Pelić, Miloš, Gavrilović, Ana, Jug-Dujaković, Jurica, Marinović, Zoran, Mirilović, Milorad, Đorđević, Vesna, Novakov, Nikolina, and Ljubojević Pelić, Dragana
- Abstract
Wastewater from abattoirs in some countries is disposed of into water bodies without adequate removal of contaminants. Therefore, the use of wastewater in fish production could pose a serious risk for humans, fish and other aquatic organisms due to possible transfer of pathogenic bacteria in aquatic culture environments. The aims of the present study were to assess the levels of individual microorganisms in different tissues of common carp and to determine any correlation with the season of sampling and the type of analysed sample in common carp reared in an integrated production system that used purified water from an abattoir. A fish pond was filled mostly with purified water from an abattoir, but also partly with well water. Carp fingerlings were stocked in the earthen fishpond in March and reared in ambient conditions. Fish were collected in the spring and autumn of the following year and the microbiological quality was assessed. Carp fillets with skin, gills and digestive tract samples were collected individually under aseptic conditions. All analyses were performed according to standard procedures. The levels of all the examined bacteria in the fish were under prescribed hygiene norms. Also, Listeria spp., sulphite-reducing clostridia and Staphylococcus aureus were not found in the samples. Furthermore, pathogenic bacteria, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes were not isolated from the samples. The hygienic quality of the fish produced in purified waste water from an abattoir was acceptable, and the common carp meat was safe for human consumption.
- Published
- 2022
30. Food production and security in the area of Serbia: historical background and current situation
- Author
Đorđević, Vesna, Mirilović, Milorad, Katanić, Nenad, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Šarčević, Danijela, Baltić, Milan Ž., Đorđević, Vesna, Mirilović, Milorad, Katanić, Nenad, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Šarčević, Danijela, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Today's civilization finds itself facing existential problems in the survival of life on planet Earth. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of food production from the moment when humans became hunter-gatherers until today, when there is talk about food security from the aspect of providing sufficient amounts of food for present and future generations. The paper presents the production of food in Serbia since the arrival of Slavic tribes on the Balkan Peninsula up to modern times. The paper also points to the historical development of food production and the necessity for socially responsible behaviour to preserve the resources we have for future generations. © 2022 University of Nigeria, Institute of African Studies. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2022
31. Analysis of the concentrations of some haematological parameters, C-reactive protein and anti-Müllerian hormone in bitches affected by pyometra
- Author
Janković, Dušan, Norrman, Johanna, Aronsson, Mia, Vojvodić, Danilo, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Stanišić, Ljubodrag, Nedić, Svetlana, Maletić, Milan, Đurić, Miloje, Magaš, Vladimir, Vakanjac, Slobodanka, Janković, Dušan, Norrman, Johanna, Aronsson, Mia, Vojvodić, Danilo, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Stanišić, Ljubodrag, Nedić, Svetlana, Maletić, Milan, Đurić, Miloje, Magaš, Vladimir, and Vakanjac, Slobodanka
- Abstract
The work was aimed to research into the vital signs, haematological and biochemical parameters, acute-phase protein concentrations (CRP, albumin), progesterone (PG) and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentrations in bitches with pyometra and their comparison with those in healthy bitches. In addition, the goal of this work was to assess if some of the tested parameters may be used as a biomarker in the diagnostics of pyometra and the monitoring of the postoperative recovery. Forty 3-6-year-old bitches of various breeds were included in the research and allotted to two groups: the control (C, n = 20) and the diseased – bitches diagnosed with pyometra (P, n = 20). Blood samples for the analyses were taken immediately before surgery (0 h), and 12 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after, excepting for AMH and PG concentrations, which were determined only at 0 h. Clinical examination detected significantly higher respiration rates in bitches with pyometra in comparison to healthy ones at all time points, higher heart rates before and 12 h after surgery, and higher body temperature before and 12 h, 48 h and 72 h post operation (p <.01). Significantly higher concentrations of CRP (p <.01) and lower concentrations of albumin were detected in bitches with pyometra in comparison to their healthy counterparts at all time points. Progesterone and AMH concentration analysis immediately before surgery detected significantly higher levels of the hormone in bitches with pyometra than in the control (p <.01). The inflammatory reaction of the endometrium resulted in a significant AMH concentration increase, whilst increased CRP concentrations and lower albumin concentrations throughout the research may be used as biomarkers of proinflammatory activities, that is of the acute-phase response.
- Published
- 2022
32. Analiza troškova i dobiti modela za kontrolu i iskorenjivanje bolesti plavog jezika u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Nedić, Drago, Teodorović, Radislava, Janjić, Jelena, Nikolić, Aleksandra, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Nedić, Drago, Teodorović, Radislava, Janjić, Jelena, Nikolić, Aleksandra, and Mirilović, Milorad
- Abstract
Strategija borbe protiv BTV se bazira na depopulaciji obolelih životinja u zaraženim područjima, najčešće u kombinaciji sa vakcinacijom i uvođenjem visokih biosigurnosnih mera na farmama i u objektima u kojima se drže životinje. Primenom ovakvih mera može se obezbediti odsustvo bolesti većih razmera. Zbog značajnog uticaja klimatskih faktora na pojavljivenje i širenje vektora bolesti, samog načina držanja prijemčivih životinja kao i zoohigijenskih i biosigurnosnih mera, ne postoji univerzalni obrazac kontrole BTV. Osnovni cilj je razvijanje i primena stohastičkog modela, koji međusobno povezuje klimatske faktore, populaciju vektora, prijemčive domaćine i mere intervencije, odnosno mere kontrole BPJ. Model simulira dnevno prenošenje bolesti vektorima kroz prijemčivu populaciju, a sam intenzitet prenošenja, odnosno brojnost i vektorski kapacitet uslovljeni su klimatskim faktorima, odnosno dnevnim promenama prosečne temperature. Model je uprošćeno preslikavanje (prikazivanje) stvarnog okruženja, procesa ili sistema. U osnovi, model ima za cilj da na osnovu iskustva, prikupljenih podataka, mišljenja i naliza eksperata, predstavi stvarni sistem, fenomen ili određenu pojavu. Izbor modela svakako zavisi od potreba, vremena u kome je potrebno doneti neku odluku, vrste ispitivanja, potrebe za što preciznijim rezultatima, raspoloživim podacima i finansijskim sredstvima Analizirani model odnosa dobiti i troškova ima pozitivan ekonomski efekat jer je ustanovljena pozitivna neto sadašnja vrednost (NSV=110.363.000,88 dinara), parametar CBR iznosi 1,03, dok je na osnovu interne stope povraćaja (ISPS=6,70) ustanovljeno da bi ovaj model programa za rano otkrivanje, dijagnostiku, sprečavanje širenja, suzbijanje i iskorenjivanje zarazne bolesti plavog jezika na teritoriji Republike Srbije ekonomski bio opravdan sve dok kamatna stopa na godišnjem nivou ne bi prelazila 6,70%., The strategy to combat BTV is based on the depopulation of infected animals in infected areas, most often in combination with vaccination and the introduction of high biosecurity measures on farms and in facilities where animals are kept. The application of such measures can ensure the absence of large-scale diseases. Because of to the significant influence of climatic factors on the emergence and spread of disease vectors, the very way of keeping receptive animals as well as zoohygienic and biosecurity measures, there is no universal pattern of control of BTV. The main goal is to develop and apply a stochastic model, which interconnects climatic factors, vector populations, receptive hosts and intervention measures, ie BPJ control measures. The model simulates the daily transmission of disease by vectors through a susceptible population, and the intensity of transmission, ie the number and vector capacity are conditioned by climatic factors, that is, daily changes in average temperature. A model is a simplified mapping (representation) of an actual environment, process, or system. Basically, the model aims to present an actual system, phenomenon or a certain phenomenon based on experience, collected data, opinions and analyzes of experts. The choice of model certainly depends on the needs, the time in which it is necessary to make a decision, the type of testing, the need for the most accurate results, available data and financial resources. The analyzed model of the ratio of profit and costs has a positive economic effect because a positive net present value was established (NSV = 110,363,000.88 dinars), the CBR parameter is 1.03, while based on the internal rate of return (ISPS = 6.70) it was established that this model program for early detection, diagnosis, prevention of spread, control and eradication of infectious bluetongue in the territory of the Republic of Serbia would be economically justified until the annual interest rate would not exceed 6.70%.
- Published
- 2022
33. Detection and characterisation of porcine circoviruses in wild boars in northeastern Serbia
- Author
Nišavić, Jakov, Milić, Nenad, Radalj, Andrea, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Ćosić, Milivoje, Knežević, Aleksandra, Veljović, Ljubiša, Živulj, Aleksandar, Nišavić, Jakov, Milić, Nenad, Radalj, Andrea, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Ćosić, Milivoje, Knežević, Aleksandra, Veljović, Ljubiša, and Živulj, Aleksandar
- Abstract
The objective was to expand and update the knowledge on the presence and genotype diversity of porcine circoviruses 2 and 3 (PCV2 and PCV3) in the wild boar populations from the hunting grounds in northeastern Serbia. The presence of PCV3 was not determined, and PCV2 was confirmed in 40.32% of the organ samples from 124 wild boars hunted from 2018 to 2019, indicating their significance in virus circulation since traditional pig farms with irregular PCV2 vaccination strategies are widespread in this region. The most prevalent genotype was PCV2d, followed by PCV2b and PCV2a in 55.6%, 38.9%, and 5.5% of the examined samples, respectively. Nucleotide sequences of the detected strains were homogenous within the genotype and clustered within the subgroups PCV2d-2, PCV2b-1A/B, and PCV2a-2D with high identity to European, Chinese, and Serbian domestic pig sequences suggesting their origin. Wild boars presented with no clinical or pathological signs of infection, implying that these animals might be less susceptible to disease, particularly since the cofactors present in pig farming systems that support the disease development are absent in the wild. The high PCV2 detection frequency demonstrates the importance of wildlife monitoring to track virus population dynamics, especially in regions with free-range pig farming in order to plan adequate disease control strategies.
- Published
- 2022
34. Supplementary information for the article: Glavinić, U.; Blagojević, J.; Ristanić, M.; Stevanović, J.; Lakić, N.; Mirilović, M.; Stanimirović, Z. Use of Thymol in Nosema Ceranae Control and Health Improvement of Infected Honey Bees. Insects 2022, 13 (7), 574. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13070574.
- Author
Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, Stanimirović, Zoran, Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
Figure S1. Expression levels of abaecin, hymenoptaecin, defensin, apidaecin and vitellogenin at different time points (day 6, 9 and 15) in experimental groups. N. ceranae infected control (I) and groups infected and supplemented with thymol from day 1 (I-T1), day 3 (I-T3) and day 6 (I-T6)
- Published
- 2022
35. Use of Thymol in Nosema ceranae Control and Health Improvement of Infected Honey Bees
- Author
Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, Stanimirović, Zoran, Glavinić, Uroš, Blagojević, Jovan, Ristanić, Marko, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Lakić, Nada, Mirilović, Milorad, and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
Nosema ceranae is the most widespread microsporidian species which infects the honey bees of Apis mellifera by causing the weakening of their colonies and a decline in their productive and reproductive capacities. The only registered product for its control is the antibiotic fumagillin; however, in the European Union, there is no formulation registered for use in beekeeping. Thymol (3-hydroxy-p-cymene) is a natural essential-oil ingredient derived from Thymus vulgaris, which has been used in Varroa control for decades. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of thymol supplementation on the expression of immune-related genes and the parameters of oxidative stress and bee survival, as well as spore loads in bees infected with the microsporidian parasite N. ceranae. The results reveal mostly positive effects of thymol on health (increasing levels of immune-related genes and values of oxidative stress parameters, and decreasing Nosema spore loads) when applied to Nosema-infected bees. Moreover, supplementation with thymol did not induce negative effects in Nosema-infected bees. However, our results indicate that in Nosema-free bees, thymol itself could cause certain disorders (affecting bee survival, decreasing oxidative capacity, and downregulation of some immune-related gene expressions), showing that one should be careful with preventive, uncontrolled, and excessive use of thymol. Thus, further research is needed to reveal the effect of this phytogenic supplement on the immunity of uninfected bees.
- Published
- 2022
36. Analiza troškova i dobiti modela za kontrolu i iskorenjivanje bolesti plavog jezika u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Nedić, Drago, Teodorović, Radislava, Janjić, Jelena, Nikolić, Aleksandra, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Nedić, Drago, Teodorović, Radislava, Janjić, Jelena, Nikolić, Aleksandra, and Mirilović, Milorad
- Abstract
Strategija borbe protiv BTV se bazira na depopulaciji obolelih životinja u zaraženim područjima, najčešće u kombinaciji sa vakcinacijom i uvođenjem visokih biosigurnosnih mera na farmama i u objektima u kojima se drže životinje. Primenom ovakvih mera može se obezbediti odsustvo bolesti većih razmera. Zbog značajnog uticaja klimatskih faktora na pojavljivenje i širenje vektora bolesti, samog načina držanja prijemčivih životinja kao i zoohigijenskih i biosigurnosnih mera, ne postoji univerzalni obrazac kontrole BTV. Osnovni cilj je razvijanje i primena stohastičkog modela, koji međusobno povezuje klimatske faktore, populaciju vektora, prijemčive domaćine i mere intervencije, odnosno mere kontrole BPJ. Model simulira dnevno prenošenje bolesti vektorima kroz prijemčivu populaciju, a sam intenzitet prenošenja, odnosno brojnost i vektorski kapacitet uslovljeni su klimatskim faktorima, odnosno dnevnim promenama prosečne temperature. Model je uprošćeno preslikavanje (prikazivanje) stvarnog okruženja, procesa ili sistema. U osnovi, model ima za cilj da na osnovu iskustva, prikupljenih podataka, mišljenja i naliza eksperata, predstavi stvarni sistem, fenomen ili određenu pojavu. Izbor modela svakako zavisi od potreba, vremena u kome je potrebno doneti neku odluku, vrste ispitivanja, potrebe za što preciznijim rezultatima, raspoloživim podacima i finansijskim sredstvima Analizirani model odnosa dobiti i troškova ima pozitivan ekonomski efekat jer je ustanovljena pozitivna neto sadašnja vrednost (NSV=110.363.000,88 dinara), parametar CBR iznosi 1,03, dok je na osnovu interne stope povraćaja (ISPS=6,70) ustanovljeno da bi ovaj model programa za rano otkrivanje, dijagnostiku, sprečavanje širenja, suzbijanje i iskorenjivanje zarazne bolesti plavog jezika na teritoriji Republike Srbije ekonomski bio opravdan sve dok kamatna stopa na godišnjem nivou ne bi prelazila 6,70%., The strategy to combat BTV is based on the depopulation of infected animals in infected areas, most often in combination with vaccination and the introduction of high biosecurity measures on farms and in facilities where animals are kept. The application of such measures can ensure the absence of large-scale diseases. Because of to the significant influence of climatic factors on the emergence and spread of disease vectors, the very way of keeping receptive animals as well as zoohygienic and biosecurity measures, there is no universal pattern of control of BTV. The main goal is to develop and apply a stochastic model, which interconnects climatic factors, vector populations, receptive hosts and intervention measures, ie BPJ control measures. The model simulates the daily transmission of disease by vectors through a susceptible population, and the intensity of transmission, ie the number and vector capacity are conditioned by climatic factors, that is, daily changes in average temperature. A model is a simplified mapping (representation) of an actual environment, process, or system. Basically, the model aims to present an actual system, phenomenon or a certain phenomenon based on experience, collected data, opinions and analyzes of experts. The choice of model certainly depends on the needs, the time in which it is necessary to make a decision, the type of testing, the need for the most accurate results, available data and financial resources. The analyzed model of the ratio of profit and costs has a positive economic effect because a positive net present value was established (NSV = 110,363,000.88 dinars), the CBR parameter is 1.03, while based on the internal rate of return (ISPS = 6.70) it was established that this model program for early detection, diagnosis, prevention of spread, control and eradication of infectious bluetongue in the territory of the Republic of Serbia would be economically justified until the annual interest rate would not exceed 6.70%.
- Published
- 2022
37. Trichinella infection in Serbia
- Author
Vasilev, Saša, Mirilović, Milorad, Ignjatović, Marija, Milakara, Emina, Mitić, Ivana, Plavšić, Budimir, Plavša, Dragana, Bošković, Tamara, Vasilev, Dragan, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Sabljić, Ljiljana, Ilić, Nataša, Živojinović, Milena, Sofronić Milosavljević, Ljiljana, Vasilev, Saša, Mirilović, Milorad, Ignjatović, Marija, Milakara, Emina, Mitić, Ivana, Plavšić, Budimir, Plavša, Dragana, Bošković, Tamara, Vasilev, Dragan, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Sabljić, Ljiljana, Ilić, Nataša, Živojinović, Milena, and Sofronić Milosavljević, Ljiljana
- Abstract
U Srbiji trihineloza je jedna od najznačajnijih zoonoza koje se prenose hranom. Prvi izveštaj o nalazu kod svinja je iz 1918. godine, a prvi slučaj kod ljudi 1923. godine u Zemunu. Detekcija prisustva trihinele je prvobitno vršena trihineloskopijom. Od 1984. uvedena je veštačka digestija. Savremeni sistemi proizvodnje svinjskog mesa, mere kontrole, metoda veštačke digestije eliminisali su meso svinja sa velikih farmi kao izvor trihineloze. Prvi put u Srbiji Nacionalna referentna laboratorija za trihinelozu (NRLT) organizovala je 2017. godine kontrolu kvaliteta rada za detekciju larvi trihinele u mesu metodom magnetne mešalice (MSM). Svi učesnici (veterinarski instituti) uspešno su prošli testiranje. Članovi tima NRLT napravili su (2019. godine) novi cELISA test za otkrivanje infekcije trihinelom kod životinja i ljudi i Svetska komisija za trihinelozu ga je prepoznala kao koristan za međunarodnu upotrebu. Epidemiološki podaci iz poslednjih decenija ukazuju da je broj obolelih ljudi kao i broj zaraženih životinja značajno smanjen. Svinjsko meso je godinama najčešći izvor infekcije ljudi u Srbiji. Slučajevi se javljaju u porodičnim epidemijama i rizik je povezan sa konzumacijom svinjskog mesa u kome se nalaze larve Trichinella, a uzgajaju se bez primene higijenskih pravila i životinje nisu veterinarski testirane (epidemija u Obrenovcu i Parizu, Francuska). U većini slučajeva T. spiralis je bila etiološki agens infekcije, ali smo u 2016. godini imali veliku epidemiju izazvanu konzumacijom mesa divljih svinja koje je sadržalo larve T britovi (Čajetina, 123 osobe). Važno je: 1. Lovce i potrošače mesa svinja i mesa divljači u Srbiji edukovati o riziku u vezi sa konzumiranjem neproverenog mesa. 2. Kontrola sistema kvaliteta kod veterinarskih subjekata koji rade testiranje na prisustvo larvi trihinele u uzorcima mesa, kao i redovno učešće u PT., In Serbia Trichinellosis is one of the most important foodborne zoonotic diseases. The first report of swine infection was in 1918 and first human case was in 1923. From 1984 artificial digestion was adopted for use in preventing human trichinellosis. Modern pork production systems, implemented control measures, artificial digestion method have eliminated farm pork as a source for trichinellosis. For the first time in Serbia National Reference Laboratory for trichinellosis (NRLT) organized in 2017 proficiency test (PT) for the detection of Trichinella larvae in meat by Magnetic Stirrer Method (MSM). All participants (veterinary institutes) successfully passed the testing. Members of NRLT team made (in 2019) new cELISA test for detection of Trichinella infection in animals and humans and the ICT recognized the test as useful for international use. Epidemiological data from the last decades indicate that the number of human cases as well as the number of infected animals has decreased significantly. Over the years, pork was the most frequent source of human trichinellosis. Cases generally occurred in family outbreaks and risk is linked to untested backyard pork consumption. Meat and meat products offered to relatives and friends may be source of infection with Trichinella when backyard pigs are raised without any compliance with hygienic rules and animals are not veterinary tested. In most numbers of outbreaks T. spiralis were the etiological agent of infection but in 2016 we had a large outbreak provoked by consumption of wild boar meat containing T britovi larvae. It is important that: 1. Hunters and consumers of backyard pigs and wild game meat should be educated about the risk associated with consumption of untested meat. 2. Control of Trichinella QA system in veterinary subjects (testing for Trichinella presence in meat samples) and regularly participation in PTs are needed to achieve safe food for consumers.
- Published
- 2022
38. Ispitivanje uticaja delovanja različitih količina organskog selena u hrani na ekonomičnost proizvodnje pataka u tovu
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Zenunović, Amir, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Zenunović, Amir, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj različitih količina organskog selena u ishrani pataka na ekonomske parametre tova. Eksperiment je sproveden na ukupno 240 jednodnevnih pačića poreklom iz komercijalne inkubatorske stanice, zasnovan na grupno-kontrolnom sistemu i trajao je 49 dana (kontrolna grupa K – bez dodatka organskog selena, ogledna OI grupa – sa dodatkom 0,20 mg/kg organskog selena, ogledna OII grupa – uz dodatak 0,40 mg/kg organskog selena, i ogledna OIII grupa – uz dodatak 0,60 mg/kg organskog selena). Proizvodni rezultati (telesna masa, prosečni dnevni prirast, konverzija hrane) i parametri ekonomske efikasnosti tova brojlera (EPEF, EBI) su izračunati za dva perioda (od 0. do 14. dana; od 0. do 49. dana). Dodavanje organskog selena u različitim količinama uticalo je na masu, prirast, potrošnju hrane i konverziju kod pataka 14., odnosno 49. dana. Najbolje vrednosti EPEF i EBI zabeležene su u grupama pačića koje su hranjene uz dodatak 0,2 mg/kg, odnosno 0,4 mg/ kg organskog selena u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu i grupu koja je u hrani dobijala 0,6 mg/kg organskog selena.
- Published
- 2022
39. Analysis of the concentrations of some haematological parameters, C-reactive protein and anti-Müllerian hormone in bitches affected by pyometra
- Author
Janković, Dušan, Norrman, Johanna, Aronsson, Mia, Vojvodić, Danilo, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Stanišić, Ljubodrag, Nedić, Svetlana, Maletić, Milan, Đurić, Miloje, Magaš, Vladimir, Vakanjac, Slobodanka, Janković, Dušan, Norrman, Johanna, Aronsson, Mia, Vojvodić, Danilo, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Stanišić, Ljubodrag, Nedić, Svetlana, Maletić, Milan, Đurić, Miloje, Magaš, Vladimir, and Vakanjac, Slobodanka
- Abstract
The work was aimed to research into the vital signs, haematological and biochemical parameters, acute-phase protein concentrations (CRP, albumin), progesterone (PG) and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentrations in bitches with pyometra and their comparison with those in healthy bitches. In addition, the goal of this work was to assess if some of the tested parameters may be used as a biomarker in the diagnostics of pyometra and the monitoring of the postoperative recovery. Forty 3-6-year-old bitches of various breeds were included in the research and allotted to two groups: the control (C, n = 20) and the diseased – bitches diagnosed with pyometra (P, n = 20). Blood samples for the analyses were taken immediately before surgery (0 h), and 12 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after, excepting for AMH and PG concentrations, which were determined only at 0 h. Clinical examination detected significantly higher respiration rates in bitches with pyometra in comparison to healthy ones at all time points, higher heart rates before and 12 h after surgery, and higher body temperature before and 12 h, 48 h and 72 h post operation (p <.01). Significantly higher concentrations of CRP (p <.01) and lower concentrations of albumin were detected in bitches with pyometra in comparison to their healthy counterparts at all time points. Progesterone and AMH concentration analysis immediately before surgery detected significantly higher levels of the hormone in bitches with pyometra than in the control (p <.01). The inflammatory reaction of the endometrium resulted in a significant AMH concentration increase, whilst increased CRP concentrations and lower albumin concentrations throughout the research may be used as biomarkers of proinflammatory activities, that is of the acute-phase response.
- Published
- 2022
40. Declaration of meat - consumer opinion and trust
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Milan Ž., Lovrenović, Mirjana, Grbić, Slaven, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Milan Ž., Lovrenović, Mirjana, Grbić, Slaven, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, and Mirilović, Milorad
- Abstract
One of the main goals of food safety measures is to increase consumer confidence in food in general, and meat in particular, and therefore the consumer is provided with information on the quality and safety of meat through declaration. Consumer trust and food safety have become central issues in the food chain. Recent developments in the field of labeling, traceability and quality assurance schemes offer wide flows of information available to the consumer. Declaration is today one of the most reliable ways to inform consumers about food quality. For the purposes of this research, data were collected by surveying 1,000 consumers from the area of Banja Luka and Gradiška. The test results refer to the needs of food declaration, then to issues related to meat quality and safety, the most important information on the declaration, identification of safety and quality elements that speak about meat safety and quality (origin, source of information, place of purchase). it is not clear enough what type of information consumers ask for most on declarations, especially when it comes to meat and meat products, which justifies continuous examination of consumers, including sociological and economic factors, what motivates them to buy, what quality characteristics they require and what sources of information they believe the most.
- Published
- 2022
41. Strategija kontrole Varroa Destructor u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Vejnović, Branislav, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Glavinić, Uroš, Ristanić, Marko, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, Stanimirović, Zoran, Vejnović, Branislav, Stevanović, Jevrosima, Glavinić, Uroš, Ristanić, Marko, Mirilović, Milorad, Đurić, Spomenka, and Stanimirović, Zoran
- Abstract
Pčelari imaju na raspolaganju različite metode za suzbijanje pčelinjeg krpelja Varroa destructor. Kako bi se utvrdilo koje metode se koriste u pčelinjacima u Republici Srbiji, anketirano je u okviru upitnika COLOSS za 2021. godinu, 112 pčelara koji ukupno imaju 12 912 pčelinjih društava. Od 18 različitih kontrolnih mera protiv V. destructor najčešće korišćene metode su bile: primena oksalne kiseline (nakapavanje i sublimacija), primena amitraza (nadimljavanje/aerosol i preko traka), primena kumafosa (preko traka), uklanjanje trutovskog legla i primena mravlje kiseline (kratkoročni i dugoročni tretman). U odnosu na broj košnica, najčešće je korišćen amitraz (nadimljavanje/ aerosol i preko traka), oksalna kiselina (nakapavanje i sublimacija), kumafos (preko traka) i mravlja kiselina (kratkoročni i dugoročni tretman), Tau-fluvalinat i uklanjanje trutovskog legla. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključeno je da pčelari u Srbiji protiv Varroa destructor najčešće koriste amitraz (nadimljavanjem/aerosol i preko traka).
- Published
- 2022
42. Food production and security in the area of Serbia: historical background and current situation
- Author
Đorđević, Vesna, Mirilović, Milorad, Katanić, Nenad, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Šarčević, Danijela, Baltić, Milan Ž., Đorđević, Vesna, Mirilović, Milorad, Katanić, Nenad, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Šarčević, Danijela, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Today's civilization finds itself facing existential problems in the survival of life on planet Earth. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of food production from the moment when humans became hunter-gatherers until today, when there is talk about food security from the aspect of providing sufficient amounts of food for present and future generations. The paper presents the production of food in Serbia since the arrival of Slavic tribes on the Balkan Peninsula up to modern times. The paper also points to the historical development of food production and the necessity for socially responsible behaviour to preserve the resources we have for future generations. © 2022 University of Nigeria, Institute of African Studies. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2022
43. Detection and characterisation of porcine circoviruses in wild boars in northeastern Serbia
- Author
Nišavić, Jakov, Milić, Nenad, Radalj, Andrea, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Ćosić, Milivoje, Knežević, Aleksandra, Veljović, Ljubiša, Živulj, Aleksandar, Nišavić, Jakov, Milić, Nenad, Radalj, Andrea, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Ćosić, Milivoje, Knežević, Aleksandra, Veljović, Ljubiša, and Živulj, Aleksandar
- Abstract
The objective was to expand and update the knowledge on the presence and genotype diversity of porcine circoviruses 2 and 3 (PCV2 and PCV3) in the wild boar populations from the hunting grounds in northeastern Serbia. The presence of PCV3 was not determined, and PCV2 was confirmed in 40.32% of the organ samples from 124 wild boars hunted from 2018 to 2019, indicating their significance in virus circulation since traditional pig farms with irregular PCV2 vaccination strategies are widespread in this region. The most prevalent genotype was PCV2d, followed by PCV2b and PCV2a in 55.6%, 38.9%, and 5.5% of the examined samples, respectively. Nucleotide sequences of the detected strains were homogenous within the genotype and clustered within the subgroups PCV2d-2, PCV2b-1A/B, and PCV2a-2D with high identity to European, Chinese, and Serbian domestic pig sequences suggesting their origin. Wild boars presented with no clinical or pathological signs of infection, implying that these animals might be less susceptible to disease, particularly since the cofactors present in pig farming systems that support the disease development are absent in the wild. The high PCV2 detection frequency demonstrates the importance of wildlife monitoring to track virus population dynamics, especially in regions with free-range pig farming in order to plan adequate disease control strategies.
- Published
- 2022
44. Microbiological characteristics of fish reared in purified wastewater from an abattoir
- Author
Pelić, Miloš, Gavrilović, Ana, Jug-Dujaković, Jurica, Marinović, Zoran, Mirilović, Milorad, Đorđević, Vesna, Novakov, Nikolina, Ljubojević Pelić, Dragana, Pelić, Miloš, Gavrilović, Ana, Jug-Dujaković, Jurica, Marinović, Zoran, Mirilović, Milorad, Đorđević, Vesna, Novakov, Nikolina, and Ljubojević Pelić, Dragana
- Abstract
Wastewater from abattoirs in some countries is disposed of into water bodies without adequate removal of contaminants. Therefore, the use of wastewater in fish production could pose a serious risk for humans, fish and other aquatic organisms due to possible transfer of pathogenic bacteria in aquatic culture environments. The aims of the present study were to assess the levels of individual microorganisms in different tissues of common carp and to determine any correlation with the season of sampling and the type of analysed sample in common carp reared in an integrated production system that used purified water from an abattoir. A fish pond was filled mostly with purified water from an abattoir, but also partly with well water. Carp fingerlings were stocked in the earthen fishpond in March and reared in ambient conditions. Fish were collected in the spring and autumn of the following year and the microbiological quality was assessed. Carp fillets with skin, gills and digestive tract samples were collected individually under aseptic conditions. All analyses were performed according to standard procedures. The levels of all the examined bacteria in the fish were under prescribed hygiene norms. Also, Listeria spp., sulphite-reducing clostridia and Staphylococcus aureus were not found in the samples. Furthermore, pathogenic bacteria, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes were not isolated from the samples. The hygienic quality of the fish produced in purified waste water from an abattoir was acceptable, and the common carp meat was safe for human consumption.
- Published
- 2022
45. Detection and characterisation of porcine circoviruses in wild boars in northeastern Serbia
- Author
Nišavić, Jakov, Milić, Nenad, Radalj, Andrea, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Cosić, Milivoje, Knežević, Aleksandra, Veljović, Ljubiša, Zivulj, Aleksandar, Nišavić, Jakov, Milić, Nenad, Radalj, Andrea, Mirilović, Milorad, Vejnović, Branislav, Cosić, Milivoje, Knežević, Aleksandra, Veljović, Ljubiša, and Zivulj, Aleksandar
- Abstract
The objective was to expand and update the knowledge on the presence and genotype diversity of porcine circoviruses 2 and 3 (PCV2 and PCV3) in the wild boar populations from the hunting grounds in northeastern Serbia. The presence of PCV3 was not determined, and PCV2 was confirmed in 40.32% of the organ samples from 124 wild boars hunted from 2018 to 2019, indicating their significance in virus circulation since traditional pig farms with irregular PCV2 vaccination strategies are widespread in this region. The most prevalent genotype was PCV2d, followed by PCV2b and PCV2a in 55.6%, 38.9%, and 5.5% of the examined samples, respectively. Nucleotide sequences of the detected strains were homogenous within the genotype and clustered within the sub -group s PCV2d-2, PCV2b-1A/B, and PCV2a-2D with high identity to European, Chinese, and Serbian domestic pig sequences suggesting their origin. Wild boars presented with no clinical or pathological signs of infection, implying that these animals might be less susceptible to disease, particularly since the cofactors present in pig farming systems that support the disease development are absent in the wild. The high PCV2 detection frequency demonstrates the importance of wildlife monitoring to track virus population dynamics, especially in regions with fre e-range pig farming in order to plan adequate disease control strategies.
- Published
- 2022
46. Influence of phytobiotics in feed on the cost-effectiveness of broiler production during fattening
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Šević Savić, Kristina, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Mirilović, Milorad, Janjić, Jelena, Šević Savić, Kristina, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, and Mirilović, Milorad
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using phytobiotics in broiler feed on the economic efficiency parameters of fattening. The study was conducted on 240 broilers originating from a commercial incubator station, and the dietary trial was based on the group-control principle and lasted for 42 days (control group C - without the addition of phytogenic additives; experimental OI group - with the addition of phytogenic additive containing thymol and cinnamaldehyde, 100 g/t of food; experimental OII group - with the addition of phytogenic additive containing cumin, mint, cloves and anise, 150 g/t of food and; experimental OIII group - with the addition of phytogenic additive containing thymol, 750 g/t of food). The production results (body weight, average daily gain, feed conversion ratio) and economic efficiency parameters of broiler fattening were calculated for three intervals (1-10, 1-20 and 1-42 days). All production results in each interval were significantly better (p<0.01) in experimental broilers than in the control broilers. The best values of European factor of production efficiency and European broiler index were recorded in experimental groups that received feed with added phytobiotics (values were significantly higher, p<0.01, than in the control broilers). Also, the results obtained were compared with standard values for COBB 500 hybrids. The values obtained in this research were significantly lower (p<0.05) than standard values for Cobb 500. Analysing the data obtained from our study, the positive effects of including phytogenic additives in broiler feed mixtures were measured. © 2022 University of Nigeria, Institute of African Studies. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2022
47. Consumer awareness of meat hazards with special reference to sources of meat contamination and microbiological hazards
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Mirilović, Milorad, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, B., Grbić, Slaven, Lovrenović, Mirjana, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Mirilović, Milorad, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, B., Grbić, Slaven, Lovrenović, Mirjana, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
This paper presents the results of consumer opinion testing (n=1000) on hazards in meat (biological, chemical), as well as consumer opinion about causes of meat contamination from farm to retail. Consumer opinion on sources of meat contamination in households is also presented.
- Published
- 2021
48. The influence of zinc and heavy metals in feed and water on the quality of cryopreserved bull semen
- Author
Jakovljević, Goran, Lazarević, Miodrag, Mirilović, Milorad, Milovanović, Aleksandar, Apić, Jelena, Šefer, Dragan, Nedić, Svetlana, Vakanjac, Slobodanka, Jakovljević, Goran, Lazarević, Miodrag, Mirilović, Milorad, Milovanović, Aleksandar, Apić, Jelena, Šefer, Dragan, Nedić, Svetlana, and Vakanjac, Slobodanka
- Abstract
This study aimed to assess the influence of different concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd) found in the feed and water provided to bulls on the concentrations of these metals in cryopreserved bull semen, and to determine their influence onto semen quality parameters. Correlations between heavy metal concentrations in the semen and the quality parameters of semen as estimated by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) and flow cytometry (FC) methods were determined. A total of 40 cryopreserved semen samples originating from bulls housed in 4 different centers for artificial insemination (A, B, C and D) were examined, making a total of 160 samples. The concentrations of metals and semen quality parameters were determined in cryopreserved semen of 10 bulls from each center, namely 4 samples from each bull. Concentrations of Zn, Pb, Hg and Cd in hay and concentrated feed were within the allowed limits as proposed by the National Research Council (NRC, 2000). A strong negative correlation was detected between curvilinear velocity (VCL) and Zn concentrations in the semen (P < 0.01; r = -0.772) in group D, and a positive correlation of VCL with Pb concentrations (P < 0.05 and r = 0.718) in group B. Mercury concentrations in cryopreserved semen correlated negatively to the percent of live sperm cells with intact acrosomes (V/IA: P < 0.05; r = -0.640) and positively with the percent of dead sperm cells with damaged acrosomes (D/DA: P < 0.01; r = 0.766) in group D. This finding confirms the hypothesis that Hg, even at low concentrations, may cause acrosome damage., Cilj rada bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih koncentracija cinka (Zn), olova (Pb), žive (Hg) i kadmijuma (Cd) iz hrane i vode na koncentracije ovih metala u duboko zamrznutom semenu nakon otapanja i da se ispita njihov uticaj na parametre kvaliteta semena. Korelacije između koncentracije teških metala u semenu i parametra kvaliteta semena su određivane nakon ispitivanja semena kompjuterski asistiranom analizom semena (eng. computer-assisted sperm analysis - CASA) i protočnom citometrijom (eng. flow cytometry - FC). Iz 4 različita centra za veštačko osemenjavanje (A, B, C i D) ispitivano je po 40 uzoraka duboko zamrznutog semena bikova, što čini ukupno 160 uzoraka. Koncentracije metala i parametri kvaliteta semena su određivani u duboko zamrznutom semenu od 10 bikova iz svakog centra, odnosno 4 uzorka od svakog bika. Koncentracije Zn, Pb, Hg i Cd u senu i koncentrovanim hranivima bile su ispod propisanih dozvoljenih vrednosti Nacionalnog Istraživačkog Veća (eng. National Research Council - NRC, 2000). Jaka negativna korelacija uočena je između krivolinijske brzine spermatozoida (eng. curvilinear velocity - VCL) i koncentracije Zn u semenu (P < 0.01; r = -0.772) u grupi D, i pozitivna korelacija između VCL i koncentracije Pb (P < 0.05 and r = 0.718) u grupi B. Koncentracija žive u duboko zamrznutom semenu negativno je korelirala sa procentom živih spermatozoida sa neoštećenim akrozomom (eng. live sperm cells with intact acrosomes - V/IA: P < 0.05; r = -0.640) i pozitivno sa procentom mrtvih spermatozoida sa oštećenim akrozomom (eng. dead sperm cells with damaged acrosomes - D/DA: P < 0.01; r = 0.766) u grupi D. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju hipotezu da Hg, čak i u niskim koncenracijama može da prouzrokuje oštećenje akrozoma.
- Published
- 2021
49. The influence of zinc and heavy metals in feed and water on the quality of cryopreserved bull semen
- Author
Jakovljević, Goran, Lazarević, Miodrag, Mirilović, Milorad, Milovanović, Aleksandar, Apić, Jelena, Šefer, Dragan, Nedić, Svetlana, Vakanjac, Slobodanka, Jakovljević, Goran, Lazarević, Miodrag, Mirilović, Milorad, Milovanović, Aleksandar, Apić, Jelena, Šefer, Dragan, Nedić, Svetlana, and Vakanjac, Slobodanka
- Abstract
This study aimed to assess the influence of different concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd) found in the feed and water provided to bulls on the concentrations of these metals in cryopreserved bull semen, and to determine their influence onto semen quality parameters. Correlations between heavy metal concentrations in the semen and the quality parameters of semen as estimated by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) and flow cytometry (FC) methods were determined. A total of 40 cryopreserved semen samples originating from bulls housed in 4 different centers for artificial insemination (A, B, C and D) were examined, making a total of 160 samples. The concentrations of metals and semen quality parameters were determined in cryopreserved semen of 10 bulls from each center, namely 4 samples from each bull. Concentrations of Zn, Pb, Hg and Cd in hay and concentrated feed were within the allowed limits as proposed by the National Research Council (NRC, 2000). A strong negative correlation was detected between curvilinear velocity (VCL) and Zn concentrations in the semen (P < 0.01; r = -0.772) in group D, and a positive correlation of VCL with Pb concentrations (P < 0.05 and r = 0.718) in group B. Mercury concentrations in cryopreserved semen correlated negatively to the percent of live sperm cells with intact acrosomes (V/IA: P < 0.05; r = -0.640) and positively with the percent of dead sperm cells with damaged acrosomes (D/DA: P < 0.01; r = 0.766) in group D. This finding confirms the hypothesis that Hg, even at low concentrations, may cause acrosome damage., Cilj rada bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih koncentracija cinka (Zn), olova (Pb), žive (Hg) i kadmijuma (Cd) iz hrane i vode na koncentracije ovih metala u duboko zamrznutom semenu nakon otapanja i da se ispita njihov uticaj na parametre kvaliteta semena. Korelacije između koncentracije teških metala u semenu i parametra kvaliteta semena su određivane nakon ispitivanja semena kompjuterski asistiranom analizom semena (eng. computer-assisted sperm analysis - CASA) i protočnom citometrijom (eng. flow cytometry - FC). Iz 4 različita centra za veštačko osemenjavanje (A, B, C i D) ispitivano je po 40 uzoraka duboko zamrznutog semena bikova, što čini ukupno 160 uzoraka. Koncentracije metala i parametri kvaliteta semena su određivani u duboko zamrznutom semenu od 10 bikova iz svakog centra, odnosno 4 uzorka od svakog bika. Koncentracije Zn, Pb, Hg i Cd u senu i koncentrovanim hranivima bile su ispod propisanih dozvoljenih vrednosti Nacionalnog Istraživačkog Veća (eng. National Research Council - NRC, 2000). Jaka negativna korelacija uočena je između krivolinijske brzine spermatozoida (eng. curvilinear velocity - VCL) i koncentracije Zn u semenu (P < 0.01; r = -0.772) u grupi D, i pozitivna korelacija između VCL i koncentracije Pb (P < 0.05 and r = 0.718) u grupi B. Koncentracija žive u duboko zamrznutom semenu negativno je korelirala sa procentom živih spermatozoida sa neoštećenim akrozomom (eng. live sperm cells with intact acrosomes - V/IA: P < 0.05; r = -0.640) i pozitivno sa procentom mrtvih spermatozoida sa oštećenim akrozomom (eng. dead sperm cells with damaged acrosomes - D/DA: P < 0.01; r = 0.766) u grupi D. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju hipotezu da Hg, čak i u niskim koncenracijama može da prouzrokuje oštećenje akrozoma.
- Published
- 2021
50. Consumer awareness of meat hazards with special reference to sources of meat contamination and microbiological hazards
- Author
Janjić, Jelena, Mirilović, Milorad, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Grbić, Slaven, Lovrenović, Mirjana, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Mirilović, Milorad, Nedić, Drago, Đurić, Spomenka, Vejnović, Branislav, Grbić, Slaven, Lovrenović, Mirjana, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
This paper presents the results of consumer opinion testing (n=1000) on hazards in meat (biological, chemical), as well as consumer opinion about causes of meat contamination from farm to retail. Consumer opinion on sources of meat contamination in households is also presented.
- Published
- 2021
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