451 results on '"Lion"'
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2. Reducing cost and CO2 emissions in the gasoline to electric vehicle fleet transition
- Author
Grund Stålvinge, Emil and Grund Stålvinge, Emil
- Abstract
If you buy a new electric car today it will take on average about ten years for you to start saving money compared to just continue driving your old gasoline car. It will also take about 4 years until you start saving carbon dioxide emissions, both of this is because of new production costs and emissions. As the EU has banned producing new fossil fuel cars from 2035, it’s just a question of time before the power train in our cars will be electric. This rapid transition will lead to the older generation gasoline cars left by the road, with still usable chassis. This calls for a solution that uses this chassis but swaps out its power train for an electric one, reducing the initial cost and emission to drive electric. But is it that easy? In this mission, we take that technical question into our hands and convert a Swedish classic Volvo 340 from 1979 and give it an electric power train from 2022. We provide a detailed theory about the technology, a guide in choosing the right components, and the legal build requirements to pass the inspection. The conversion is done in an ordinary garage with standard tools and a welder. Using a small power-train with a maximum power of 30kW (40hp) and a battery size of 20kWh gave us a car with a maximum speed of 110km/h and a range of 150km. The project costed a total of 60 000 kronor, including the registration process. The technical legality and registration process went smoothly thanks to the Organisation SFRO (Sveriges fordonsbyggares riksorganisation) which takes care of the technical inspection and handles the paperwork. After one year and 10 000 km of driving and collecting data, we estimate that transitioning from gasoline to electric via a conversion compared to a new electric car reduces the economical investment return time from 10 to 2 years. And saves 8 tons of CO2. The battery used is secondhand. The second-hand market of electric car batteries, mostly from crashed or defective cars is growing and is estimated to be enou, Det är bara en tidsfråga innan drivlinan i våra bilar kommer att vara elektrisk, eftersom EU har lagt ett förbud mot att producera nya fossilbränslebilar från 2035. Men det är inte det enda trycket på förändring eftersom även bensinpriserna fortsätter att öka. En mycket hög efterfrågan förväntas på elbilar. Men för de flesta är det inte ett ekonomiskt alternativ att köpa en ny elbil, även om användandet är billigare tar det cirka 10 år innan du börjar se besparingar. Även produktionen av nya elbilar släpper ut koldioxid, motsvarande cirka 4 års körning av en bensinbil. Den snabba övergången kommer också att leda till att den äldre generationens bensinbilar skrotas, med fortfarande användbara chassi. Detta kallar på en lösning som använder dessa chassin men byter ut sin drivlinan till en elektrisk, vilket minskar den initiala kostnaden för att köra elbil samtidigt som man sparar in utsläppen från en ny produktion. Men är det verkligen så lätt? Vi tar vi frågan i våra händer och konverterar en svensk klassiker, en Volvo 340 från 1979 och ger den en drivlina från 2022. Vi ger en detaljerad teori om tekniken, en guide för att välja rätt komponenter och lagliga byggkrav för att klara besiktningen. Konverteringen görs i ett vanligt garage med standardverktyg och en svets. Ett år och tusen mil senare av körning och insamling av data uppskattar vi att en övergång från bensin till el via en konvertering jämfört med en ny elbil minskar den ekonomiska avkastningstiden för investeringen från 10 till 2 år. Och sparar 8 ton koldioxid. Batteriet som används är begagnat. Andrahandsmarknaden för elbilsbatterier, främst från kraschade eller defekta bilar, växer och beräknas räcka för att konvertera majoriteten av gamla bensinbilar som är i gott skick. Livslängden för begagnade batterier vid konvertering uppskattas vara lika med resten av chassit, på grund av de lägre effektkraven i konverteringsbyggen. Vi ser att denna lösning har potential i det större perspektivet, främst igenom ut
- Published
- 2023
3. Reducing cost and CO2 emissions in the gasoline to electric vehicle fleet transition
- Author
Grund Stålvinge, Emil and Grund Stålvinge, Emil
- Abstract
If you buy a new electric car today it will take on average about ten years for you to start saving money compared to just continue driving your old gasoline car. It will also take about 4 years until you start saving carbon dioxide emissions, both of this is because of new production costs and emissions. As the EU has banned producing new fossil fuel cars from 2035, it’s just a question of time before the power train in our cars will be electric. This rapid transition will lead to the older generation gasoline cars left by the road, with still usable chassis. This calls for a solution that uses this chassis but swaps out its power train for an electric one, reducing the initial cost and emission to drive electric. But is it that easy? In this mission, we take that technical question into our hands and convert a Swedish classic Volvo 340 from 1979 and give it an electric power train from 2022. We provide a detailed theory about the technology, a guide in choosing the right components, and the legal build requirements to pass the inspection. The conversion is done in an ordinary garage with standard tools and a welder. Using a small power-train with a maximum power of 30kW (40hp) and a battery size of 20kWh gave us a car with a maximum speed of 110km/h and a range of 150km. The project costed a total of 60 000 kronor, including the registration process. The technical legality and registration process went smoothly thanks to the Organisation SFRO (Sveriges fordonsbyggares riksorganisation) which takes care of the technical inspection and handles the paperwork. After one year and 10 000 km of driving and collecting data, we estimate that transitioning from gasoline to electric via a conversion compared to a new electric car reduces the economical investment return time from 10 to 2 years. And saves 8 tons of CO2. The battery used is secondhand. The second-hand market of electric car batteries, mostly from crashed or defective cars is growing and is estimated to be enou, Det är bara en tidsfråga innan drivlinan i våra bilar kommer att vara elektrisk, eftersom EU har lagt ett förbud mot att producera nya fossilbränslebilar från 2035. Men det är inte det enda trycket på förändring eftersom även bensinpriserna fortsätter att öka. En mycket hög efterfrågan förväntas på elbilar. Men för de flesta är det inte ett ekonomiskt alternativ att köpa en ny elbil, även om användandet är billigare tar det cirka 10 år innan du börjar se besparingar. Även produktionen av nya elbilar släpper ut koldioxid, motsvarande cirka 4 års körning av en bensinbil. Den snabba övergången kommer också att leda till att den äldre generationens bensinbilar skrotas, med fortfarande användbara chassi. Detta kallar på en lösning som använder dessa chassin men byter ut sin drivlinan till en elektrisk, vilket minskar den initiala kostnaden för att köra elbil samtidigt som man sparar in utsläppen från en ny produktion. Men är det verkligen så lätt? Vi tar vi frågan i våra händer och konverterar en svensk klassiker, en Volvo 340 från 1979 och ger den en drivlina från 2022. Vi ger en detaljerad teori om tekniken, en guide för att välja rätt komponenter och lagliga byggkrav för att klara besiktningen. Konverteringen görs i ett vanligt garage med standardverktyg och en svets. Ett år och tusen mil senare av körning och insamling av data uppskattar vi att en övergång från bensin till el via en konvertering jämfört med en ny elbil minskar den ekonomiska avkastningstiden för investeringen från 10 till 2 år. Och sparar 8 ton koldioxid. Batteriet som används är begagnat. Andrahandsmarknaden för elbilsbatterier, främst från kraschade eller defekta bilar, växer och beräknas räcka för att konvertera majoriteten av gamla bensinbilar som är i gott skick. Livslängden för begagnade batterier vid konvertering uppskattas vara lika med resten av chassit, på grund av de lägre effektkraven i konverteringsbyggen. Vi ser att denna lösning har potential i det större perspektivet, främst igenom ut
- Published
- 2023
4. The lion and the fox: an animal metaphor for two laudandi in Pindar
- Author
Pitotto, Elisabetta and Pitotto, Elisabetta
- Abstract
The lion and the fox: an Animal Metaphor for two laudandi in Pindar focuses on the communicative functions of the references to the couple formed by the lion and the fox in Pindar’s Olympian XI and Isthmian IV. The first part of this article considers the qualities traditionally associated to the fox and the lion in archaic epic and lyric diction. Set against this background, the two metaphors -to which Pindar recurs when it comes to praise Hagesidamos and Melissos respectively- become more meaningful. Used in the key moments of the two epinicians, they help performing two important tasks: painting a suitably encomiastic portrait of the patrons; facing the overall socio-political issues reflected in each song., Il leone e la volpe: una metafora animale per due laudandi pindarici è dedicato alle funzioni comunicative dei riferimenti alla coppia formata dal leone e dalla volpe nell’Olimpica XI e nell’Istmica IV. La prima parte dell’articolo prende in esame le qualità tradizionalmente associate ai due animali nella dizione epica e lirica arcaica. Una volta inserite in questo contesto, le due metafore -a cui Pindaro ricorre nell’elogio, rispettivamente, per Agesidamo e per Melisso- svelano a pieno la loro pregnanza. Collocate nei punti chiave dei due epinici, esse concorrono infatti a svolgere due compiti di primo piano: presentare il committente in termini elogiativi a sufficienza; affrontare le istanze sociopolitiche sottese al carme nel suo complesso.
- Published
- 2023
5. Museomics Provides Insights into Conservation and Education:The Instance of an African Lion Specimen from the Museum of Zoology “Pietro Doderlein”
- Author
Cilli, Elisabetta, Fontani, Francesco, Ciucani, Marta Maria, Pizzuto, Marcella, Di Benedetto, Pierangelo, De Fanti, Sara, Mignani, Thomas, Bini, Carla, Iacovera, Rocco, Pelotti, Susi, Spadola, Filippo, Luiselli, Donata, Lo Brutto, Sabrina, Cilli, Elisabetta, Fontani, Francesco, Ciucani, Marta Maria, Pizzuto, Marcella, Di Benedetto, Pierangelo, De Fanti, Sara, Mignani, Thomas, Bini, Carla, Iacovera, Rocco, Pelotti, Susi, Spadola, Filippo, Luiselli, Donata, and Lo Brutto, Sabrina
- Abstract
Innovative technological approaches are crucial to enhance naturalistic museum collections and develop information repositories of relevant interest to science, such as threatened animal taxa. In this context, museomics is an emerging discipline that provides a novel approach to the enhancement and exploitation of these collections. In the present study, the discovery of a neglected lion skeleton in the Museum of Zoology “Pietro Doderlein” of the University of Palermo (Italy) offered the opportunity to undertake a multidisciplinary project. The aims of the study consisted of the following: (i) adding useful information for museographic strategies, (ii) obtaining a new genetic data repository from a vulnerable species, (iii) strengthening public awareness of wildlife conservation, and (iv) sharing new learning material. The remains of the lion were examined with a preliminary osteological survey, then they were restored by means of 3D printing of missing skeletal fragments. Phylogenetic analyses based on cytochrome b sequence clearly indicate that the specimen belongs to the Central Africa mitochondrial clade. At the end of the study, the complete and restored skeleton was exhibited, along with all of the information and data available from this project. This study shows a useful approach for the restoration and enhancement of a museum specimen, with important opportunities for preserving biodiversity and driving specific conservation policies, but also for providing Life Science learning material.
- Published
- 2023
6. Museomics Provides Insights into Conservation and Education:The Instance of an African Lion Specimen from the Museum of Zoology “Pietro Doderlein”
- Author
Cilli, Elisabetta, Fontani, Francesco, Ciucani, Marta Maria, Pizzuto, Marcella, Di Benedetto, Pierangelo, De Fanti, Sara, Mignani, Thomas, Bini, Carla, Iacovera, Rocco, Pelotti, Susi, Spadola, Filippo, Luiselli, Donata, Lo Brutto, Sabrina, Cilli, Elisabetta, Fontani, Francesco, Ciucani, Marta Maria, Pizzuto, Marcella, Di Benedetto, Pierangelo, De Fanti, Sara, Mignani, Thomas, Bini, Carla, Iacovera, Rocco, Pelotti, Susi, Spadola, Filippo, Luiselli, Donata, and Lo Brutto, Sabrina
- Abstract
Innovative technological approaches are crucial to enhance naturalistic museum collections and develop information repositories of relevant interest to science, such as threatened animal taxa. In this context, museomics is an emerging discipline that provides a novel approach to the enhancement and exploitation of these collections. In the present study, the discovery of a neglected lion skeleton in the Museum of Zoology “Pietro Doderlein” of the University of Palermo (Italy) offered the opportunity to undertake a multidisciplinary project. The aims of the study consisted of the following: (i) adding useful information for museographic strategies, (ii) obtaining a new genetic data repository from a vulnerable species, (iii) strengthening public awareness of wildlife conservation, and (iv) sharing new learning material. The remains of the lion were examined with a preliminary osteological survey, then they were restored by means of 3D printing of missing skeletal fragments. Phylogenetic analyses based on cytochrome b sequence clearly indicate that the specimen belongs to the Central Africa mitochondrial clade. At the end of the study, the complete and restored skeleton was exhibited, along with all of the information and data available from this project. This study shows a useful approach for the restoration and enhancement of a museum specimen, with important opportunities for preserving biodiversity and driving specific conservation policies, but also for providing Life Science learning material.
- Published
- 2023
7. Retaliatory killing negatively affects African lion (Panthera leo) male coalitions in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem, Tanzania
- Author
Felix, Nancy, Kissui, Bernard M., Munishi, Linus, Treydte, Anna C., Felix, Nancy, Kissui, Bernard M., Munishi, Linus, and Treydte, Anna C.
- Abstract
In landscapes where people and lions coexist, conflicts are common due to livestock predation and threats to human safety. Retaliatory lion killing by humans is often a consequence and is one of the leading causes of lion population declines across Africa. We assessed the effects of retaliatory lion killing on male lion coalitions in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem (TME) using a long-term dataset of lion monitoring for ten lion prides, spanning over a fourteen year-period from 2004-2018. We also interviewed 214 respondents about their attitudes and awareness of the effects of retaliatory killing on lions. We found that male lion coalitions were larger and lasted for a longer tenure period in locations with low risk of retaliatory killing, as well as far away from active hunting blocks. Further, young people (18-35 years old) had a more positive attitude towards lion existence and conservation compared to older age classes. Surprisingly, people with primary or secondary level of education were more likely to having lions killed if they attack livestock compared to people with no formal education, although the former supported lion presence for tourism in protected areas. We conclude that retaliatory killing has a large effect on long-term lion coalition dynamics and, thus, survival. Community awareness on retaliation effect varies widely, and we recommend implementing better education and policy strategies at TME to protect the declining carnivore populations.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Pervivencia de la ideología egipcia del león en la emblemática de Hieroglyphica de Horapolo: Cuatro emblemas de leones
- Author
Hernández Figueroa, Maria Isabel and Hernández Figueroa, Maria Isabel
- Abstract
Horapolo tries to unravel the already lost meaning of the Egyptian hieroglyphics in his work Hieroglyphica, and although this work is not of a linguistic nature, the author manages to pick up some characteristic behaviors of the lion already used in ancient Egypt. This Egyptian tradition preserves some ideas related to the power or strength of the lion and links them to the monarch, an association that survives and reaches the modern period. The objective of this study is to see how these meanings develop from the pagan to the Christian through Hie-roglyphica, a process over time that also promotes the creation of other meanings such as bravery or vigilance, ideas that will be highly apprecia-ted in the new Christian man –understanding «man» in the taxonomic sense of the term., Horapolo en Hieroglyphica trata de desentrañar el significado ya perdido de los jeroglíficos egipcios, y si bien su trabajo no es de tipo lingüístico, acierta a recoger algunos comportamientos característicos del león utilizados en la tradición egipcia. Dicha tradición tiene algunas ideas referidas al poder o la fuerza a partir del león, que vincula al monarca. El objetivo de este estudio es ver cómo estos significados se desarrollan desde lo pagano hacia lo cristiano a través de Hieroglyphica, dando lugar a la creación de otros significados como la valentía o la vigilancia que son tan apreciados en el hombre cristiano, y que incluso perviven en el arte moderno.
- Published
- 2022
9. Spatial heterogeneity facilitates carnivore coexistence
- Author
Davies, Andrew B., Tambling, Craig J., Marneweck, David G., Ranc, Nathan, Druce, Dave J., Cromsigt, Joris P. G. M., le Roux, Elizabeth, Asner, Gregory P., Davies, Andrew B., Tambling, Craig J., Marneweck, David G., Ranc, Nathan, Druce, Dave J., Cromsigt, Joris P. G. M., le Roux, Elizabeth, and Asner, Gregory P.
- Abstract
Competitively dominant carnivore species can limit the population sizes and alter the behavior of inferior competitors. Established mechanisms that enable carnivore coexistence include spatial and temporal avoidance of dominant predator species by subordinates, and dietary niche separation. However, spatial heterogeneity across landscapes could provide inferior competitors with refuges in the form of areas with lower competitor density and/or locations that provide concealment from competitors. Here, we combine temporally overlapping telemetry data from dominant lions (Panthera leo) and subordinate African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) with high-resolution remote sensing in an integrated step selection analysis to investigate how fine-scaled landscape heterogeneity might facilitate carnivore coexistence in South Africa?s Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, where both predators occur at exceptionally high densities. We ask whether the primary lion-avoidance strategy of wild dogs is spatial avoidance of lions or areas frequented by lions, or if wild dogs selectively use landscape features to avoid detection by lions. Within this framework, we also test whether wild dogs rely on proactive or reactive responses to lion risk. In contrast to previous studies finding strong spatial avoidance of lions by wild dogs, we found that the primary wild dog lion-avoidance strategy was to select landscape features that aid in avoidance of lion detection. This habitat selection was routinely used by wild dogs, and especially when in areas and during times of high lion-encounter risk, suggesting a proactive response to lion risk. Our findings suggest that spatial landscape heterogeneity could represent an alternative mechanism for carnivore coexistence, especially as ever-shrinking carnivore ranges force inferior competitors into increased contact with dominant species.
- Published
- 2021
10. Naturally-occurring tooth wear, tooth fracture, and cranial injuries in large carnivores from Zambia.
- Author
Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, White, Paula A, Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, and White, Paula A
- Abstract
Determining the incidence and causes of craniodental damage in wild carnivores is often constrained by limited access to specimens with associated ecological data, such as prey type and abundance. We assessed dental condition and cranial injuries in lion, leopard, and spotted hyena in relation to prey and predator populations in Zambia's Luangwa Valley, where large prey are more abundant and lion and leopard more numerous, and the Greater Kafue Ecosystem, where smaller prey species are more prevalent and lion and leopard less common. In Luangwa, lions had significantly higher rates of tooth fracture, and blunt trauma injuries attributable to prey-handling, compared to Kafue lions. In contrast, leopards in both regions had similar rates of tooth wear and breakage. Overall, lions showed a significantly higher tooth fracture rate than leopards on a per tooth basis. Spotted hyenas had the highest rates of tooth wear and fracture among all three carnivores, and greatly exceeded previously recorded rates based on historical samples. Despite larger numbers of lion and leopard in Luangwa, there was no difference in incidence of intraspecific injuries between regions. These results are consistent with a greater abundance of large prey species, especially buffalo, in the diets of Luangwa lions, and previous work showing a reliance on smaller prey species in Kafue throughout the large carnivore guild.
- Published
- 2021
11. Naturally-occurring tooth wear, tooth fracture, and cranial injuries in large carnivores from Zambia.
- Author
Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, White, Paula A, Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, and White, Paula A
- Abstract
Determining the incidence and causes of craniodental damage in wild carnivores is often constrained by limited access to specimens with associated ecological data, such as prey type and abundance. We assessed dental condition and cranial injuries in lion, leopard, and spotted hyena in relation to prey and predator populations in Zambia's Luangwa Valley, where large prey are more abundant and lion and leopard more numerous, and the Greater Kafue Ecosystem, where smaller prey species are more prevalent and lion and leopard less common. In Luangwa, lions had significantly higher rates of tooth fracture, and blunt trauma injuries attributable to prey-handling, compared to Kafue lions. In contrast, leopards in both regions had similar rates of tooth wear and breakage. Overall, lions showed a significantly higher tooth fracture rate than leopards on a per tooth basis. Spotted hyenas had the highest rates of tooth wear and fracture among all three carnivores, and greatly exceeded previously recorded rates based on historical samples. Despite larger numbers of lion and leopard in Luangwa, there was no difference in incidence of intraspecific injuries between regions. These results are consistent with a greater abundance of large prey species, especially buffalo, in the diets of Luangwa lions, and previous work showing a reliance on smaller prey species in Kafue throughout the large carnivore guild.
- Published
- 2021
12. Sabana del Sahel del Zoo de Barcelona [reportatge fotogràfic]
- Author
Direcció de Serveis de Comunicació Digital, Gerència de Recursos, Goroka (Firma), Petit, Martí, Direcció de Serveis de Comunicació Digital, Gerència de Recursos, Goroka (Firma), and Petit, Martí
- Abstract
El grup de lleons del Zoo de Barcelona es va traslladar, a primers d’agost de 2020, a la nova instal•lació ubicada a zona del bioma Sabana-Sahel, que comparteixen amb les girafes i les elefantes i altres especies. Les noves instal•lacions suposen una millora del benestar de les espècies que les habiten i són un important recurs pedagògic per explicar les característiques de l’ecosistema del Sahel Aquest espai s’inclou en el pla estratègic del Nou Model de Zoo que contempla la participació en projectes de fauna als hàbitats naturals. Imatges del 4 d’agost de 2020
- Published
- 2020
13. Algunos objetos hallados en Monzón y ahora en “la diáspora”
- Author
Villa Calvo, Nicolás and Villa Calvo, Nicolás
- Abstract
The bronze lion of Monzón de Campos in the bibliography of the 19th and 20th centuries. Study and conclusions. The bronze mortar of Monzón de Campos in the bibliography of the 19th and 20th centuries. Study and conclusions. The Hebrew tombstones of Monzón de Campos in the bibliography of the 19th and 20th centuries. Study and conclusions. Ivory casket of the Cathedral of Palencia. Study and conclusions. Other objects., El león de bronce de Monzón de Campos en la bibliografía de los siglos XIX y XX. Estudio y conclusiones. El mortero de bronce de Monzón de Campos en la bibliografía de los siglos XIX y XX. Estudio y conclusiones. Las lápidas hebreas de Monzón de Campos en la bibliografía de los siglos XIX y XX. Estudio y conclusiones. Arqueta de marfil de la catedral de Palencia. Estudio y conclusiones. Otros objetos.
- Published
- 2020
14. Algunos objetos hallados en Monzón y ahora en “la diáspora”
- Author
Villa Calvo, Nicolás and Villa Calvo, Nicolás
- Abstract
The bronze lion of Monzón de Campos in the bibliography of the 19th and 20th centuries. Study and conclusions. The bronze mortar of Monzón de Campos in the bibliography of the 19th and 20th centuries. Study and conclusions. The Hebrew tombstones of Monzón de Campos in the bibliography of the 19th and 20th centuries. Study and conclusions. Ivory casket of the Cathedral of Palencia. Study and conclusions. Other objects., El león de bronce de Monzón de Campos en la bibliografía de los siglos XIX y XX. Estudio y conclusiones. El mortero de bronce de Monzón de Campos en la bibliografía de los siglos XIX y XX. Estudio y conclusiones. Las lápidas hebreas de Monzón de Campos en la bibliografía de los siglos XIX y XX. Estudio y conclusiones. Arqueta de marfil de la catedral de Palencia. Estudio y conclusiones. Otros objetos.
- Published
- 2020
15. Sabana del Sahel del Zoo de Barcelona [reportatge fotogràfic]
- Author
Direcció de Serveis de Comunicació Digital, Gerència de Recursos, Goroka (Firma), Petit, Martí, Direcció de Serveis de Comunicació Digital, Gerència de Recursos, Goroka (Firma), and Petit, Martí
- Subjects
- Barcelona. Districte 1. Ciutat Vella
- Abstract
El grup de lleons del Zoo de Barcelona es va traslladar, a primers d’agost de 2020, a la nova instal•lació ubicada a zona del bioma Sabana-Sahel, que comparteixen amb les girafes i les elefantes i altres especies. Les noves instal•lacions suposen una millora del benestar de les espècies que les habiten i són un important recurs pedagògic per explicar les característiques de l’ecosistema del Sahel Aquest espai s’inclou en el pla estratègic del Nou Model de Zoo que contempla la participació en projectes de fauna als hàbitats naturals. Imatges del 4 d’agost de 2020
- Published
- 2020
16. The evolutionary history of extinct and living lions
- Author
de Manuel, Marc, Barnett, Ross, Sandoval-Velasco, Marcela, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Vieira, Filipe Garrett, Mendoza, M. Lisandra Zepeda, Liu, Shiping, Martin, Michael D., Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S., Mak, Sarah S. T., Caroe, Christian, Liu, Shanlin, Guo, Chunxue, Zheng, Jiao, Zazula, Grant, Baryshnikov, Gennady, Eizirik, Eduardo, Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Johnson, Warren E., Antunes, Agostinho, Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas, Gopalakrishnan, Shyam, Larson, Greger, Yang, Huanming, O'Brien, Stephen J., Hansen, Anders J., Zhang, Guojie, Marques-Bonet, Tomas, Gilbert, M. Thomas P., de Manuel, Marc, Barnett, Ross, Sandoval-Velasco, Marcela, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Vieira, Filipe Garrett, Mendoza, M. Lisandra Zepeda, Liu, Shiping, Martin, Michael D., Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S., Mak, Sarah S. T., Caroe, Christian, Liu, Shanlin, Guo, Chunxue, Zheng, Jiao, Zazula, Grant, Baryshnikov, Gennady, Eizirik, Eduardo, Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Johnson, Warren E., Antunes, Agostinho, Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas, Gopalakrishnan, Shyam, Larson, Greger, Yang, Huanming, O'Brien, Stephen J., Hansen, Anders J., Zhang, Guojie, Marques-Bonet, Tomas, and Gilbert, M. Thomas P.
- Abstract
Lions are one of the world's most iconic megafauna, yet little is known about their temporal and spatial demographic history and population differentiation. We analyzed a genomic dataset of 20 specimens: two ca. 30,000-y-old cave lions (Panthera leo spelaea), 12 historic lions (Panthera leo leolPanthera leo melanochaita) that lived between the 15th and 20th centuries outside the current geographic distribution of lions, and 6 present-day lions from Africa and India. We found that cave and modern lions shared an ancestor ca. 500,000 y ago and that the 2 lineages likely did not hybridize following their divergence. Within modern lions, we found 2 main lineages that diverged ca. 70,000 y ago, with clear evidence of subsequent gene flow. Our data also reveal a nearly complete absence of genetic diversity within Indian lions, probably due to well-documented extremely low effective population sizes in the recent past. Our results contribute toward the understanding of the evolutionary history of lions and complement conservation efforts to protect the diversity of this vulnerable species.
- Published
- 2020
17. The evolutionary history of extinct and living lions
- Author
Saint Petersburg State University, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), European Commission, Fundación la Caixa, Generalitat de Catalunya, Estonian Research Council, Manuel, Marc de, Barnett, Ross, Sandoval-Velasco, Marcela, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Vieira, Filipe Garrett, Zepeda-Mendoza, M. Lisandra, Liu, Shiping, Martin, Michael D., Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S., Mak, Sarah S. T., Carøe, Christian, Liu, Shanlin, Guo, Chunxue, Zheng, Jiao, Zazula, Grant, Baryshnikov, Gennady, Eizirik, Eduardo, Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Johnson, Warren E., Antunes, Agostinho, Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas, Gopalakrishnan, Shyam, Larson, Greger, Yang, Huanming, O’Brien, Stephen J., Hansen, Anders J., Zhang, Guojie, Marqués-Bonet, Tomàs, Gilbert, M. Thomas P., Saint Petersburg State University, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), European Commission, Fundación la Caixa, Generalitat de Catalunya, Estonian Research Council, Manuel, Marc de, Barnett, Ross, Sandoval-Velasco, Marcela, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Vieira, Filipe Garrett, Zepeda-Mendoza, M. Lisandra, Liu, Shiping, Martin, Michael D., Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S., Mak, Sarah S. T., Carøe, Christian, Liu, Shanlin, Guo, Chunxue, Zheng, Jiao, Zazula, Grant, Baryshnikov, Gennady, Eizirik, Eduardo, Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Johnson, Warren E., Antunes, Agostinho, Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas, Gopalakrishnan, Shyam, Larson, Greger, Yang, Huanming, O’Brien, Stephen J., Hansen, Anders J., Zhang, Guojie, Marqués-Bonet, Tomàs, and Gilbert, M. Thomas P.
- Abstract
Lions are one of the world’s most iconic megafauna, yet little is known about their temporal and spatial demographic history and population differentiation. We analyzed a genomic dataset of 20 specimens: two ca. 30,000-y-old cave lions (Panthera leo spelaea), 12 historic lions (Panthera leo leo/Panthera leo melanochaita) that lived between the 15th and 20th centuries outside the current geographic distribution of lions, and 6 present-day lions from Africa and India. We found that cave and modern lions shared an ancestor ca. 500,000 y ago and that the 2 lineages likely did not hybridize following their divergence. Within modern lions, we found 2 main lineages that diverged ca. 70,000 y ago, with clear evidence of subsequent gene flow. Our data also reveal a nearly complete absence of genetic diversity within Indian lions, probably due to well-documented extremely low effective population sizes in the recent past. Our results contribute toward the understanding of the evolutionary history of lions and complement conservation efforts to protect the diversity of this vulnerable species.
- Published
- 2020
18. The evolutionary history of extinct and living lions
- Author
de Manuel, Marc, Barnett, Ross, Sandoval-Velasco, Marcela, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Vieira, Filipe Garrett, Mendoza, M. Lisandra Zepeda, Liu, Shiping, Martin, Michael D., Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S., Mak, Sarah S. T., Caroe, Christian, Liu, Shanlin, Guo, Chunxue, Zheng, Jiao, Zazula, Grant, Baryshnikov, Gennady, Eizirik, Eduardo, Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Johnson, Warren E., Antunes, Agostinho, Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas, Gopalakrishnan, Shyam, Larson, Greger, Yang, Huanming, O'Brien, Stephen J., Hansen, Anders J., Zhang, Guojie, Marques-Bonet, Tomas, Gilbert, M. Thomas P., de Manuel, Marc, Barnett, Ross, Sandoval-Velasco, Marcela, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Vieira, Filipe Garrett, Mendoza, M. Lisandra Zepeda, Liu, Shiping, Martin, Michael D., Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S., Mak, Sarah S. T., Caroe, Christian, Liu, Shanlin, Guo, Chunxue, Zheng, Jiao, Zazula, Grant, Baryshnikov, Gennady, Eizirik, Eduardo, Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Johnson, Warren E., Antunes, Agostinho, Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas, Gopalakrishnan, Shyam, Larson, Greger, Yang, Huanming, O'Brien, Stephen J., Hansen, Anders J., Zhang, Guojie, Marques-Bonet, Tomas, and Gilbert, M. Thomas P.
- Abstract
Lions are one of the world's most iconic megafauna, yet little is known about their temporal and spatial demographic history and population differentiation. We analyzed a genomic dataset of 20 specimens: two ca. 30,000-y-old cave lions (Panthera leo spelaea), 12 historic lions (Panthera leo leolPanthera leo melanochaita) that lived between the 15th and 20th centuries outside the current geographic distribution of lions, and 6 present-day lions from Africa and India. We found that cave and modern lions shared an ancestor ca. 500,000 y ago and that the 2 lineages likely did not hybridize following their divergence. Within modern lions, we found 2 main lineages that diverged ca. 70,000 y ago, with clear evidence of subsequent gene flow. Our data also reveal a nearly complete absence of genetic diversity within Indian lions, probably due to well-documented extremely low effective population sizes in the recent past. Our results contribute toward the understanding of the evolutionary history of lions and complement conservation efforts to protect the diversity of this vulnerable species.
- Published
- 2020
19. ギリシャ人の動物世界観とその構成
- Author
Trinquier, Jean, Kadota, Machiko, Trinquier, Jean, and Kadota, Machiko
- Published
- 2018
20. Landscape Level Effects of Lion Presence (Panthera leo) on Two Contrasting Prey Species
- Author
Chizzola, Maddalena, Belton, Lydia, Ganswindt, Andre, Greco, Ilaria, Hall, Grant, Swanepoel, Lourens, Dalerum, Fredrik, Chizzola, Maddalena, Belton, Lydia, Ganswindt, Andre, Greco, Ilaria, Hall, Grant, Swanepoel, Lourens, and Dalerum, Fredrik
- Abstract
Due to the strong individual cost of being predated, potential prey species alter their behavior and physiology in response to predation risk. Such alterations may cause major indirect consequences on prey populations that are additive to the direct demographic effects caused by prey being killed. However, although earlier studies showed strong general effects of the presence of apex predators, recent data suggest that indirect effects may be highly context dependent and not consistently present. We combined behavioral data with data on endocrine stress and stable isotopes to assess landscape level effects of lion (Panthera leo) presence on two prey species in South Africa, impala (Aepyceros melampus) and blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus). We also evaluated if there was any seasonal variation in such effects. In addition, we provide results from a physiological validation for an enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) that can be used for non-invasive monitoring of glucocorticoid stress metabolite concentrations in impala from fecal pellets. We did not find any significant differences in vigilance behavior, fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations, delta C-13 values or isotope niche breadth between animals living with and without lions for either species. However, wildebeest living in a reserve with lions spent more time foraging compared to wildebeest in a lion-free environment, but only during the wet season. Values of fecal delta N-15 suggest a shift in habitat use, with impala and wildebeest living with lions potentially feeding in less productive areas compared to animals living without lions. For both species, characteristics of the social groups appeared to be more important than individual characteristics for both foraging and vigilance behavior. Our results highlight that antipredator responses may be highly dynamic and scale-dependent. We urge for further studies that quantify at what temporal and spatial scales predation risk is causing indirect effec
- Published
- 2018
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21. Retrospective analysis of victorian patients diagnosed with medulloblastoma between 1990-2017.
- Author
Algar E., Szczepny A., Siswara P., Cochrane C.R., McGregor D., Phung T.B., Cain J.E., Khan S., White C., Downie P.A., Hansford J., Sexton-Oates A., Algar E., Szczepny A., Siswara P., Cochrane C.R., McGregor D., Phung T.B., Cain J.E., Khan S., White C., Downie P.A., Hansford J., and Sexton-Oates A.
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: Medulloblastoma is the most common yet challenging paediatric brain tumour. No longer considered a single disease entity, medulloblastoma is comprised of at least four distinct genetically and molecularly defined subgroups. OBJECTIVE(S): Retrospectively assess the performance and outcomes of all patients diagnosed with medulloblastoma between 1990-2017 according to molecular subgroups. METHOD(S): After obtaining ethical approval, confirming sample adequacy, 76 samples (FFPE and Fresh Frozen) were retrieved from the two Victorian children's oncology providers, Monash Children's Hospital and The Royal Children's Hospital. Blinded review of histology and immunohistochemistry using subgroups specific antibodies (INI1, CTNNB1, GAB, YAP, DKK1, SFRP1), is performed by a neuropathologist. For molecular determination of the subgroups, DNA extraction and restoration (FFPE samples only), and bisulphite modification is performed prior to analysis on the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip, containing >850k methylation sites, performed at the Australian Genome Research Facility. Whilst several methods exist, Methylation Array is the current gold standard for subgroup analysis. Data analysis is performed using the Heidelberg groups (MolecularNeuropathology) algorithm and locally using R-studio. Molecular information is paired with clinical variables and international data (where available). RESULT(S): 24 samples analysed to date show no discrepancy with regards to incidence amongst subgroups, gender distribution, outcomes and international data. Further analysis will examine trends in mutational burden within subgroups, change in population trends with respect to incidence, relapse and survival. Acknowledgements: CCF, Australian Lions, Baileys Day.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Bilyk, Olena and Bilyk, Olena
- Abstract
Метою роботи є дослідження проблеми походження художнього образу грифона в мистецтві стародавнього Галича, виявленню його семантичної та іконографічної сутності. Методологія дослідження полягає в застосуванні мистецтвознавчого, аналітичного та компаративного методів досліджень, що дозволило на підставі аналізу зразків давнього декоративного мистецтва - плиток та інших елементів оздоблення з’ясувати походження та семантику іконографічного та геральдичного змісту образу грифона на виробах давньоруських майстрів, знайдених та території колишнього Галицького князівства. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає у з’ясуванні іконографічного, геральдичного і сакрального змісту художнього образу грифона в мистецтві стародавнього Галича. Висновки. В результаті проведеного дослідження розкрито вплив галицького декоративного мистецтва на формування образно-стилістичної системи в зодчестві Північно-Східної Русі. Доведено, що образ грифона був одним з найулюбленіших сюжетів середньовічного прикладного мистецтва, який втілив в собі тисячолітні художні контакти Сходу і Заходу. Композиція з центральним зображенням ідеально вписана у галицьких рельєфних плитах у подвійні кола в квадратах і вишуканими елементами рослинного орнаменту по кутах виробів.. Включивши образ грифона як важливий складовий елемент до інтер’єру Успенський собор, митці досягнули не тільки узгодженості краси і гармонії, а в експресивній та геральдичній поставі фантастичного звіра показали могутність Галицького князівства в середині XII ст., Целью работы является исследование проблемы происхождения художественного образа грифона в искусстве древнего Галича, выявлению его семантической и иконографической сущности. Методология исследования заключается в применении искусствоведческого, аналитического и сравнительного методов исследований, что позволило на основании анализа образцов древнего декоративного искусства - плиток и других элементов декора выяснить происхождение и семантику иконографического и геральдического содержания образа грифона на изделиях древнерусских мастеров, найденных и территории бывшего Галицкого княжества. Научная новизна исследования заключается в выяснении иконографического, геральдического и сакрального содержания художественного образа грифона в искусстве древнего Галича. Выводы. В результате проведенного исследования раскрыто влияние галицкого декоративного искусства на формирование образно-стилистической системы в зодчестве Северо-Восточной Руси. Доказано, что образ грифона был одним из самых любимых сюжетов средневекового прикладного искусства, воплотивший в себе тысячелетние художественные контакты Востока и Запада. Композиция с центральным изображением идеально вписана в галицких рельефных плитах в двойные круги в квадратах и изысканными элементами растительного орнамента по углам изделий. Включив образ грифона как важный составной элемент в интерьер Успенский собор, художники достигли не только согласованности красоты и гармонии, а в экспрессивной и геральдической позе фантастического зверя показали могущество Галицкого княжества в середине XII в., Purpose of Article. The study aims to evaluate the problem of the origin of the artistic image of the griffin in the art of ancient Galich, the discovery of its semantic and iconographic essence. The methodology of the research applies art-study, analytical, and comparative research methods, which allowed, based on the analysis of samples of ancient decorative art - tiles and other elements of decoration, to find out the origin and semantics of the iconographic and heraldic content of the image of the griffin on the products of ancient masters, found and the territory of the former Galitsky Principality. The scientific novelty of the study is to find out the iconographic, heraldic and sacred content of the artistic image of the griffin in the art of ancient Galich. Conclusions. As a result of the research, the influence of Galician decorative art on the formation of a figurative- stylistic system in the architecture of North-Eastern Russia was revealed. It is proved that the image of griffin was one of the most beloved stories of medieval applied art, which embodied the millennial artistic contacts of the East and the West. The composition of a central image is ideally inscribed in the Galician relief slabs in double circles in squares and exquisite elements of plant ornament in the corners of the products. Including the image of the griffin as an essential element to the interior of the Assumption Cathedral, the artists reached not only the harmony of beauty and balance, but the expressive and heraldic posture of a fantastic beast showed the power of the Galician principality in the middle of the XII century.
- Published
- 2018
23. Retrospective analysis of victorian patients diagnosed with medulloblastoma between 1990-2017.
- Author
Algar E., Szczepny A., Siswara P., Cochrane C.R., McGregor D., Phung T.B., Cain J.E., Khan S., White C., Downie P.A., Hansford J., Sexton-Oates A., Algar E., Szczepny A., Siswara P., Cochrane C.R., McGregor D., Phung T.B., Cain J.E., Khan S., White C., Downie P.A., Hansford J., and Sexton-Oates A.
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: Medulloblastoma is the most common yet challenging paediatric brain tumour. No longer considered a single disease entity, medulloblastoma is comprised of at least four distinct genetically and molecularly defined subgroups. OBJECTIVE(S): Retrospectively assess the performance and outcomes of all patients diagnosed with medulloblastoma between 1990-2017 according to molecular subgroups. METHOD(S): After obtaining ethical approval, confirming sample adequacy, 76 samples (FFPE and Fresh Frozen) were retrieved from the two Victorian children's oncology providers, Monash Children's Hospital and The Royal Children's Hospital. Blinded review of histology and immunohistochemistry using subgroups specific antibodies (INI1, CTNNB1, GAB, YAP, DKK1, SFRP1), is performed by a neuropathologist. For molecular determination of the subgroups, DNA extraction and restoration (FFPE samples only), and bisulphite modification is performed prior to analysis on the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip, containing >850k methylation sites, performed at the Australian Genome Research Facility. Whilst several methods exist, Methylation Array is the current gold standard for subgroup analysis. Data analysis is performed using the Heidelberg groups (MolecularNeuropathology) algorithm and locally using R-studio. Molecular information is paired with clinical variables and international data (where available). RESULT(S): 24 samples analysed to date show no discrepancy with regards to incidence amongst subgroups, gender distribution, outcomes and international data. Further analysis will examine trends in mutational burden within subgroups, change in population trends with respect to incidence, relapse and survival. Acknowledgements: CCF, Australian Lions, Baileys Day.
- Published
- 2018
24. Behavioural responses of Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) and African lions (Panthera leo) to conspecific urine and to a component of tiger marking fluid
- Author
Cederlund, Joakim and Cederlund, Joakim
- Abstract
Olfactory signals are an important means of social communication among felids. However, not much is known about how individual volatiles of body-borne odours influence behavioural responses. 2-acetyl-1pyrroline has recently been identified as a characteristic component of tiger marking fluid, while being absent from lion marking fluid. One pride each of captive Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) and African lions (Panthera leo) were presented with wooden logs impregnated with four different odours and their behaviour was observed. The tigers displayed significantly more interactions towards the marking fluid component (2-acetyl-1-pyrroline), the conspecific urine odour, and the fruity odour (iso-pentyl acetate) than towards the near odourless control (diethyl phthalate). The lions displayed significantly more behaviours towards conspecific urine than towards any of the other odours. In general all lions interacted more with the logs than tigers. Hence, these results support the notion that 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline is a species-specific odorant for tiger olfactory communication. Furthermore, the results show that a single compound (2-acetyl-1pyrroline) can elicit behavioural responses to the same degree as a complex chemical mixture (tiger urine). The high number of interactions performed by both species towards the wooden logs impregnated with conspecific urine suggests that conspecific odours are suitable to use as olfactory enrichment for captive felids.
- Published
- 2018
25. Behavioural responses of Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) and African lions (Panthera leo) to conspecific urine and to a component of tiger marking fluid
- Author
Cederlund, Joakim and Cederlund, Joakim
- Abstract
Olfactory signals are an important means of social communication among felids. However, not much is known about how individual volatiles of body-borne odours influence behavioural responses. 2-acetyl-1pyrroline has recently been identified as a characteristic component of tiger marking fluid, while being absent from lion marking fluid. One pride each of captive Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) and African lions (Panthera leo) were presented with wooden logs impregnated with four different odours and their behaviour was observed. The tigers displayed significantly more interactions towards the marking fluid component (2-acetyl-1-pyrroline), the conspecific urine odour, and the fruity odour (iso-pentyl acetate) than towards the near odourless control (diethyl phthalate). The lions displayed significantly more behaviours towards conspecific urine than towards any of the other odours. In general all lions interacted more with the logs than tigers. Hence, these results support the notion that 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline is a species-specific odorant for tiger olfactory communication. Furthermore, the results show that a single compound (2-acetyl-1pyrroline) can elicit behavioural responses to the same degree as a complex chemical mixture (tiger urine). The high number of interactions performed by both species towards the wooden logs impregnated with conspecific urine suggests that conspecific odours are suitable to use as olfactory enrichment for captive felids.
- Published
- 2018
26. No longer locally extinct? Tracing the origins of a lion (Panthera leo) living in Gabon
- Author
Barnett, Ross, Sinding, Mikkel-Holder S., Vieira, Filipe Jorge Garrett, Mendoza, Marie Lisandra Zepeda, Bonnet, Matthieu, Araldi, Alessandro, Kienast, Ivonne, Zambarda, Alice, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Henschel, Philipp, Gilbert, Tom, Barnett, Ross, Sinding, Mikkel-Holder S., Vieira, Filipe Jorge Garrett, Mendoza, Marie Lisandra Zepeda, Bonnet, Matthieu, Araldi, Alessandro, Kienast, Ivonne, Zambarda, Alice, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Henschel, Philipp, and Gilbert, Tom
- Published
- 2018
27. Genetic insights into dispersal distance and disperser fitness of African lions (Panthera leo) from the latitudinal extremes of the Kruger National Park, South Africa
- Author
van Hooft, Pim, Keet, Dewald F., Brebner, Diana K., Bastos, Armanda D.S., van Hooft, Pim, Keet, Dewald F., Brebner, Diana K., and Bastos, Armanda D.S.
- Abstract
Background: Female lions generally do not disperse far beyond their natal range, while males can disperse distances of over 200 km. However, in bush-like ecosystems dispersal distances less than 25 km are reported. Here, we investigate dispersal in lions sampled from the northern and southern extremes of Kruger National Park, a bush-like ecosystem in South Africa where bovine tuberculosis prevalence ranges from low to high across a north-south gradient. Results: A total of 109 individuals sampled from 1998 to 2004 were typed using 11 microsatellite markers, and mitochondrial RS-3 gene sequences were generated for 28 of these individuals. Considerable north-south genetic differentiation was observed in both datasets. Dispersal was male-biased and generally further than 25 km, with long-distance male gene flow (75-200 km, detected for two individuals) confirming that male lions can travel large distances, even in bush-like ecosystems. In contrast, females generally did not disperse further than 20 km, with two distinctive RS-3 gene clusters for northern and southern females indicating no or rare long-distance female dispersal. However, dispersal rate for the predominantly non-territorial females from southern Kruger (fraction dispersers ≥0.68) was higher than previously reported. Of relevance was the below-average body condition of dispersers and their low presence in prides, suggesting low fitness. Conclusions: Large genetic differences between the two sampling localities, and low relatedness among males and high dispersal rates among females in the south, suggestive of unstable territory structure and high pride turnover, have potential implications for spread of diseases and the management of the Kruger lion population.
- Published
- 2018
28. Genetic insights into dispersal distance and disperser fitness of African lions (Panthera leo) from the latitudinal extremes of the Kruger National Park, South Africa
- Author
van Hooft, W.F., Keet, Dewald F., Brebner, Diana K., Bastos, Armanda D.S., van Hooft, W.F., Keet, Dewald F., Brebner, Diana K., and Bastos, Armanda D.S.
- Abstract
Background Female lions generally do not disperse far beyond their natal range, while males can disperse distances of over 200 km. However, in bush-like ecosystems dispersal distances less than 25 km are reported. Here, we investigate dispersal in lions sampled from the northern and southern extremes of Kruger National Park, a bush-like ecosystem in South Africa where bovine tuberculosis prevalence ranges from low to high across a north-south gradient. Results A total of 109 individuals sampled from 1998 to 2004 were typed using 11 microsatellite markers, and mitochondrial RS-3 gene sequences were generated for 28 of these individuals. Considerable north-south genetic differentiation was observed in both datasets. Dispersal was male-biased and generally further than 25 km, with long-distance male gene flow (75–200 km, detected for two individuals) confirming that male lions can travel large distances, even in bush-like ecosystems. In contrast, females generally did not disperse further than 20 km, with two distinctive RS-3 gene clusters for northern and southern females indicating no or rare long-distance female dispersal. However, dispersal rate for the predominantly non-territorial females from southern Kruger (fraction dispersers ≥0.68) was higher than previously reported. Of relevance was the below-average body condition of dispersers and their low presence in prides, suggesting low fitness. Conclusions Large genetic differences between the two sampling localities, and low relatedness among males and high dispersal rates among females in the south, suggestive of unstable territory structure and high pride turnover, have potential implications for spread of diseases and the management of the Kruger lion population.
- Published
- 2018
29. Gdy królewską godność zachowały tylko kamienne lwy…, czyli o językowej kreacji lwa w piosenkach Jacka Kaczmarskiego
- Author
Kępka, Izabela and Kępka, Izabela
- Abstract
The main goal of the article is showing the language creation of a lion in songs by Jacek Kaczmarski. The theme of the lion, helps to show the situation of the people enslaved in a communist country. The lion, the symbol of power and bravery, in Kaczmarski’s poetry is mainly shown as an attraction in circus. It is weak, disoriented and frightened. This stereotypical proud animal, became a weak creature, which is laughed at by the spectators.Only fake lions made out of stone along with the Zodiac Leo and people named Lion, didn’t lose their proudness and bravery. Those can remind us about the characteristics of a true lion, but are also guardian of true, wise and honest authority. Kaczmarski’s lions symbolize an enslaved, weak nation that, on the other hand, have the awareness of their power and wait for the fall of the regime.
- Published
- 2018
30. No longer locally extinct? Tracing the origins of a lion (Panthera leo) living in Gabon
- Author
Barnett, Ross, Sinding, Mikkel-Holder S., Vieira, Filipe Jorge Garrett, Mendoza, Marie Lisandra Zepeda, Bonnet, Matthieu, Araldi, Alessandro, Kienast, Ivonne, Zambarda, Alice, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Henschel, Philipp, Gilbert, Tom, Barnett, Ross, Sinding, Mikkel-Holder S., Vieira, Filipe Jorge Garrett, Mendoza, Marie Lisandra Zepeda, Bonnet, Matthieu, Araldi, Alessandro, Kienast, Ivonne, Zambarda, Alice, Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Henschel, Philipp, and Gilbert, Tom
- Published
- 2018
31. Lion contra Moonlight, a vueltas con la identidad
- Author
García Serrano, Federico Nicolás and García Serrano, Federico Nicolás
- Abstract
La rivalidad en la lucha por los premios en los más aclamados certámenes internacionales de estos días, entre dos películas que giran en torno al tema de la identidad, me parece un buen pretexto para la reflexión sobre este asunto, oportuna, pues se trata además de dos de las grandes películas de la última cosecha y también por poner de relieve uno de los temas fundamentales de la cultura audiovisual, de la interculturalidad, propia de nuestro tiempo: “¿quiénes somos?, ¿de dónde venimos?”. El Lion, un joven que a la edad de cinco años se perdió en las calles de Calcuta y fue adoptado por un matrimonio australiano, con la ayuda de Google Earth y afectado por una angustia vital que nace los enigmas grabados en su más tierna memoria (los “recuerdos encubridores” que diría Freud), emprende la tarea de volver al escenario de su infancia para buscar a su familia. Para seguir el rastro de ese pasado, al cual responde no sólo genéticamente, sino emocional e inconscientemente su identidad, desdibujada por el trasplante a la cultura australiana sufrido en la niñez. En Moonlight, también se parte de la infancia, patria de la identidad, esta vez de un niño afroamericano cuya madre prostituta y drogadicta vive en los extrarradios marginales de la esplendorosa Miami, paisaje que confiere un singular estilo a la comunidad negra que allí se asienta. Un contexto necesario para ubicar el tema central de la película, que esta vez tiene también que ver con la identidad sexual y el descubrimiento de la homosexualidad., Depto. de Ciencias de la Comunicación Aplicada, Fac. de Ciencias de la Información, FALSE, pub
- Published
- 2017
32. El simbolismo del león
- Author
Caracuel Barrientos, Aurora and Caracuel Barrientos, Aurora
- Abstract
The aim of this work is studying all the symbolism of lions, animals which were very important and appreciated since the beginning of civilization in Middle East and all Mediterranean cultures. Interpretations were numerous and diverse, and their roots are found in lion’s behaviour, but also in religious and astronomical theories. Those theories were used by Christian authors during following centuries, who created new explanations and symbols —sometimes updating them— for the king of the beasts., Nuestro trabajo pretende realizar un estudio de la carga simbólica del león, animal de gran importancia desde los comienzos de la civilización en Oriente y todos los pueblos mediterráneos. Las raíces de las diferentes interpretaciones y alegorías tienen su origen en su comportamiento, pero también en teorías religiosas y astrológicas, de las cuales se hizo eco el cristianismo durante los siglos posteriores, dotándolo de una serie de valores que recogían y actualizaban la simbología que el rey de las fi eras traía consigo.
- Published
- 2017
33. El simbolismo del león
- Author
Caracuel Barrientos, Aurora and Caracuel Barrientos, Aurora
- Abstract
The aim of this work is studying all the symbolism of lions, animals which were very important and appreciated since the beginning of civilization in Middle East and all Mediterranean cultures. Interpretations were numerous and diverse, and their roots are found in lion’s behaviour, but also in religious and astronomical theories. Those theories were used by Christian authors during following centuries, who created new explanations and symbols —sometimes updating them— for the king of the beasts., Nuestro trabajo pretende realizar un estudio de la carga simbólica del león, animal de gran importancia desde los comienzos de la civilización en Oriente y todos los pueblos mediterráneos. Las raíces de las diferentes interpretaciones y alegorías tienen su origen en su comportamiento, pero también en teorías religiosas y astrológicas, de las cuales se hizo eco el cristianismo durante los siglos posteriores, dotándolo de una serie de valores que recogían y actualizaban la simbología que el rey de las fi eras traía consigo.
- Published
- 2017
34. El simbolismo del león
- Author
Caracuel Barrientos, Aurora and Caracuel Barrientos, Aurora
- Abstract
The aim of this work is studying all the symbolism of lions, animals which were very important and appreciated since the beginning of civilization in Middle East and all Mediterranean cultures. Interpretations were numerous and diverse, and their roots are found in lion’s behaviour, but also in religious and astronomical theories. Those theories were used by Christian authors during following centuries, who created new explanations and symbols —sometimes updating them— for the king of the beasts., Nuestro trabajo pretende realizar un estudio de la carga simbólica del león, animal de gran importancia desde los comienzos de la civilización en Oriente y todos los pueblos mediterráneos. Las raíces de las diferentes interpretaciones y alegorías tienen su origen en su comportamiento, pero también en teorías religiosas y astrológicas, de las cuales se hizo eco el cristianismo durante los siglos posteriores, dotándolo de una serie de valores que recogían y actualizaban la simbología que el rey de las fi eras traía consigo.
- Published
- 2017
35. El simbolismo del león
- Author
Caracuel Barrientos, Aurora and Caracuel Barrientos, Aurora
- Abstract
The aim of this work is studying all the symbolism of lions, animals which were very important and appreciated since the beginning of civilization in Middle East and all Mediterranean cultures. Interpretations were numerous and diverse, and their roots are found in lion’s behaviour, but also in religious and astronomical theories. Those theories were used by Christian authors during following centuries, who created new explanations and symbols —sometimes updating them— for the king of the beasts., Nuestro trabajo pretende realizar un estudio de la carga simbólica del león, animal de gran importancia desde los comienzos de la civilización en Oriente y todos los pueblos mediterráneos. Las raíces de las diferentes interpretaciones y alegorías tienen su origen en su comportamiento, pero también en teorías religiosas y astrológicas, de las cuales se hizo eco el cristianismo durante los siglos posteriores, dotándolo de una serie de valores que recogían y actualizaban la simbología que el rey de las fi eras traía consigo.
- Published
- 2017
36. Svenssons svindlande affärer : Snilleblixten som räddade Kolmården
- Author
Svensson, Ulf, Frankelius, Per, Svensson, Ulf, and Frankelius, Per
- Abstract
Det finns många historier om innovation och entreprenörskap som fashierar forskare, studenter, företagare och den intresserade allmänheten. Historien om Steve Jobs Apple eller Richard Bransons Virgin är exempel. Men varför hoppa över ån efter vatten? Vi har i Sverige ett exempel på makalöst entreprenörskap och det är skapandet av Kolmårdens djurpark. I flera år – den första intervjun skedde 24 oktober 2001 – har Per Frankelius vid Linköpings universtiet försökt gå på djupet med djurparkens historia och nu äntligen, efter nyåret, kommer boken. Historien om djurparken inkluderar delikat dramatik som exempelvis blixtsnabb finansiering av ett delfinarium före ett politiskt byggstopp, att ta lån på 60 miljoner för ett vildmarkshotell utan att ha någon form av säkerhet att erbjuda, äventyr i Alperna för att realiera ett linbaneprojekt, lansering av högteknologisk mjölkgård bara för att visa folk hur en lantgård funkar, få isbjörnar på halsen utan att ännu ha någon isbjörnsanläggning osv. Vad alla möjligen inte känner till är varför allt detta gjordes. Motivet hade egentligen inte mycket med vilda djur att göra. Nej, motivet var att skapa ekonomisk utveckling i en bygd som var på fallrepet. Kolmårdens kommun var under 1960-talet en av Sveriges svagaste. Utflyttningen var stor, företag försvann, inga flyttade dit och framtidstron var borta. Mitt i allt detta fick Ulf Svensson sin snilleblixt: Varför inte bygga ett fritidsområde med djurpark? Drömmen gick i uppfyllelse. Lokalsamhället fick nytt liv. Parken blev också ett mönsterexempel för djurparker i andra länder – och detta efter bara sju år. Hur kunde en sådan storslagen vision som Kolmården realiseras. Hur gick det till att finansiera det projektet? Och vilka drivkrafter låg bakom det hela egentligen? Man kan se fallet Kolmården som ett mösterexempel på destinationsutveckling, som ett exempel på kreativt entrepenörskap, som ett företag inom de gröna näringarna, som ett typexempel på samhällsentreprenörskap och på många, In the summer of 1961, Ulf Svensson organised a scout camp in Kolmården. One night he was sitting and philosophising with the local priest, Moje Palmgren, about how this community could survive. Kolmården then had 2,622 inhabitants and was a municipality in decline. Every year 50 to 80 people, most of them youths, moved out. Small companies faced big problems. At the same time, the municipality needed new investments in, for example, water and sewage, roads and street lamps. The largest employer was a marble quarry, but everybody recognised that its future was uncertain. These two men decided, the same night, that something had to be done immediately. The next day, they invited the municipal council’s chairman, Erik Andersson, to a meeting. Already at this time, rumours about the active scout leader had reached the municipal executive board. During the meeting a variety of ideas were voiced about how to save the municipality. The pair argued that it was essential for the municipality to hire somebody who could cope with the issue. After getting advice from the executive council and waiting a few months, Erik Andersson telephoned to Ulf Svensson and asked whether he himself might be interested in the assignment. As a result, he was employed as Sweden’s first municipal consultant. His task was to hinder the depopulation and rescue the community. Most people presumably regarded his post as a public-relations job. Indeed, at first he had much to do with fairs and brochures. He also arranged for some new small firms to move into the municipality. But his truly terrific and unexpected idea was presented on 18 May 1962: a recreation area with a zoological park – and no cages. The idea was launched with careful preparation, for among other things he had analysed the terrain together with an architect (see figure 1). His plan was to bring in external entrepreneurs to build and run the zoo, financed by visitors’ fees. The little group on the municipal board was more than hope, Grönovation
- Published
- 2017
37. The Justice of the Chimaira : Goat, Snake, Lion, and Almost the Entire Oresteia in a Little Monstrous Image
- Author
Tralau, Johan and Tralau, Johan
- Published
- 2016
38. The Justice of the Chimaira : Goat, Snake, Lion, and Almost the Entire Oresteia in a Little Monstrous Image
- Author
Tralau, Johan and Tralau, Johan
- Published
- 2016
39. The Justice of the Chimaira : Goat, Snake, Lion, and Almost the Entire Oresteia in a Little Monstrous Image
- Author
Tralau, Johan and Tralau, Johan
- Published
- 2016
40. Isolation of Bartonella henselae, Bartonella koehlerae subsp. koehlerae, Bartonella koehlerae subsp. bothieri and a new subspecies of B. koehlerae from free-ranging lions (Panthera leo) from South Africa, cheetahs (Acinonyx jubata) from Namibia and captive cheetahs from California
- Author
Molia, Sophie, Kasten, Rickie W., Stuckey, Matthew J., Boulouis, Henri-Jean, Allen, J., Borgo, Gina M., Koehler, Jane E., Chang, Chao-chin, Chomel, Bruno B., Molia, Sophie, Kasten, Rickie W., Stuckey, Matthew J., Boulouis, Henri-Jean, Allen, J., Borgo, Gina M., Koehler, Jane E., Chang, Chao-chin, and Chomel, Bruno B.
- Abstract
Bartonellae are blood- and vector-borne Gram-negative bacteria, recognized as emerging pathogens. Whole-blood samples were collected from 58 free-ranging lions (Panthera leo) in South Africa and 17 cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) from Namibia. Blood samples were also collected from 11 cheetahs (more than once for some of them) at the San Diego Wildlife Safari Park. Bacteria were isolated from the blood of three (5%) lions, one (6%) Namibian cheetah and eight (73%) cheetahs from California. The lion Bartonella isolates were identified as B. henselae (two isolates) and B. koehlerae subsp. koehlerae. The Namibian cheetah strain was close but distinct from isolates from North American wild felids and clustered between B. henselae and B. koehlerae. It should be considered as a new subspecies of B. koehlerae. All the Californian semi-captive cheetah isolates were different from B. henselae or B. koehlerae subsp. koehlerae and from the Namibian cheetah isolate. They were also distinct from the strains isolated from Californian mountain lions (Felis concolor) and clustered with strains of B. koehlerae subsp. bothieri isolated from free-ranging bobcats (Lynx rufus) in California. Therefore, it is likely that these captive cheetahs became infected by an indigenous strain for which bobcats are the natural reservoir.
- Published
- 2016
41. La reconciliación del león y del unicornio en el 'Rommans de la Dame a la Lycorne et du Biau Chevalier'
- Author
García Fernández, Manuel Ángel and García Fernández, Manuel Ángel
- Abstract
In the anonymous verse romance of courtly love of mid-fourteenth century the Romans de la Dame a la Lycorne et du Biau Chevalier, two animals appear together, the unicorn and lion, with the two main protagonists as a heraldic emblem at the same time that as a pet, being the endorsement of the male and female lovers virtues. Now together they symbolize the union of the perfect lovers and an ideal of perfection to which society aspires in the late middle age., En el romance anónimo en verso de amor cortés de mediados del siglo XIV el Romans de la Dame a la Lycorne et du Biau Chevalier aparecen reunidos dos animales, el Unicornio y el León junto a los dos protagonistas principales a modo de emblema heráldico al mismo tiempo que como mascota, siendo los avales de sus virtudes femeninas y masculinas. Ahora reunidos simbolizan la unión de los amantes perfectos y un ideal de perfección al que aspira la sociedad de finales de la Edad Media.
- Published
- 2016
42. Isolation of Bartonella henselae, Bartonella koehlerae subsp. koehlerae, Bartonella koehlerae subsp. bothieri and a new subspecies of B. koehlerae from free-ranging lions (Panthera leo) from South Africa, cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) from Namibia and captive cheetahs from California.
- Author
Molia, S, Molia, S, Kasten, RW, Stuckey, MJ, Boulouis, HJ, Allen, J, Borgo, GM, Koehler, JE, Chang, CC, Chomel, BB, Molia, S, Molia, S, Kasten, RW, Stuckey, MJ, Boulouis, HJ, Allen, J, Borgo, GM, Koehler, JE, Chang, CC, and Chomel, BB
- Abstract
Bartonellae are blood- and vector-borne Gram-negative bacteria, recognized as emerging pathogens. Whole-blood samples were collected from 58 free-ranging lions (Panthera leo) in South Africa and 17 cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) from Namibia. Blood samples were also collected from 11 cheetahs (more than once for some of them) at the San Diego Wildlife Safari Park. Bacteria were isolated from the blood of three (5%) lions, one (6%) Namibian cheetah and eight (73%) cheetahs from California. The lion Bartonella isolates were identified as B. henselae (two isolates) and B. koehlerae subsp. koehlerae. The Namibian cheetah strain was close but distinct from isolates from North American wild felids and clustered between B. henselae and B. koehlerae. It should be considered as a new subspecies of B. koehlerae. All the Californian semi-captive cheetah isolates were different from B. henselae or B. koehlerae subsp. koehlerae and from the Namibian cheetah isolate. They were also distinct from the strains isolated from Californian mountain lions (Felis concolor) and clustered with strains of B. koehlerae subsp. bothieri isolated from free-ranging bobcats (Lynx rufus) in California. Therefore, it is likely that these captive cheetahs became infected by an indigenous strain for which bobcats are the natural reservoir.
- Published
- 2016
43. The Justice of the Chimaira : Goat, Snake, Lion, and Almost the Entire Oresteia in a Little Monstrous Image
- Author
Tralau, Johan and Tralau, Johan
- Published
- 2016
44. Isolation of Bartonella henselae, Bartonella koehlerae subsp. koehlerae, Bartonella koehlerae subsp. bothieri and a new subspecies of B. koehlerae from free-ranging lions (Panthera leo) from South Africa, cheetahs (Acinonyx jubata) from Namibia and captive cheetahs from California
- Author
Molia, Sophie, Kasten, Rickie W., Stuckey, Matthew J., Boulouis, Henri-Jean, Allen, J., Borgo, Gina M., Koehler, Jane E., Chang, Chao-chin, Chomel, Bruno B., Molia, Sophie, Kasten, Rickie W., Stuckey, Matthew J., Boulouis, Henri-Jean, Allen, J., Borgo, Gina M., Koehler, Jane E., Chang, Chao-chin, and Chomel, Bruno B.
- Abstract
Bartonellae are blood- and vector-borne Gram-negative bacteria, recognized as emerging pathogens. Whole-blood samples were collected from 58 free-ranging lions (Panthera leo) in South Africa and 17 cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) from Namibia. Blood samples were also collected from 11 cheetahs (more than once for some of them) at the San Diego Wildlife Safari Park. Bacteria were isolated from the blood of three (5%) lions, one (6%) Namibian cheetah and eight (73%) cheetahs from California. The lion Bartonella isolates were identified as B. henselae (two isolates) and B. koehlerae subsp. koehlerae. The Namibian cheetah strain was close but distinct from isolates from North American wild felids and clustered between B. henselae and B. koehlerae. It should be considered as a new subspecies of B. koehlerae. All the Californian semi-captive cheetah isolates were different from B. henselae or B. koehlerae subsp. koehlerae and from the Namibian cheetah isolate. They were also distinct from the strains isolated from Californian mountain lions (Felis concolor) and clustered with strains of B. koehlerae subsp. bothieri isolated from free-ranging bobcats (Lynx rufus) in California. Therefore, it is likely that these captive cheetahs became infected by an indigenous strain for which bobcats are the natural reservoir.
- Published
- 2016
45. La reconciliación del león y del unicornio en el 'Rommans de la Dame a la Lycorne et du Biau Chevalier'
- Author
García Fernández, Manuel Ángel and García Fernández, Manuel Ángel
- Abstract
In the anonymous verse romance of courtly love of mid-fourteenth century the Romans de la Dame a la Lycorne et du Biau Chevalier, two animals appear together, the unicorn and lion, with the two main protagonists as a heraldic emblem at the same time that as a pet, being the endorsement of the male and female lovers virtues. Now together they symbolize the union of the perfect lovers and an ideal of perfection to which society aspires in the late middle age., En el romance anónimo en verso de amor cortés de mediados del siglo XIV el Romans de la Dame a la Lycorne et du Biau Chevalier aparecen reunidos dos animales, el Unicornio y el León junto a los dos protagonistas principales a modo de emblema heráldico al mismo tiempo que como mascota, siendo los avales de sus virtudes femeninas y masculinas. Ahora reunidos simbolizan la unión de los amantes perfectos y un ideal de perfección al que aspira la sociedad de finales de la Edad Media.
- Published
- 2016
46. The Justice of the Chimaira : Goat, Snake, Lion, and Almost the Entire Oresteia in a Little Monstrous Image
- Author
Tralau, Johan and Tralau, Johan
- Published
- 2016
47. Lleons
- Author
Portell Penadés, Enric, Departament de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Històric Artístic, Portell Penadés, Enric, and Departament de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Històric Artístic
- Published
- 2015
48. Lleons
- Author
Portell Penadés, Enric, Departament de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Històric Artístic, Portell Penadés, Enric, and Departament de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Històric Artístic
- Published
- 2015
49. Lleons
- Author
Portell Penadés, Enric, Departament de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Històric Artístic, Portell Penadés, Enric, and Departament de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Històric Artístic
- Published
- 2015
50. Lleons
- Author
Portell Penadés, Enric, Departament de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Històric Artístic, Portell Penadés, Enric, and Departament de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Històric Artístic
- Published
- 2015
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