
Showing total 17 results
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1. Detecting anomalies in time series using kernel density approaches

2. Estimating average vehicle mileage for various vehicle classes using polynomial models in deep classifiers

3. Multiple query optimization using a gate-based quantum computer

4. Automatic chart understanding : a review

5. Segment-based CO2 emission evaluations from passenger cars based on deep learning techniques

6. Peer-to-peer energy trading in micro/mini-grids for local energy communities : a review and case study of Nepal

7. Segment-based CO2 emission evaluations from passenger cars based on deep learning techniques

8. A criterion for designing emergency control schemes to counteract communication failures in wide-area damping control

9. Experimental evaluation of quantum machine learning algorithms

10. FormulaNet : a benchmark dataset for mathematical formula detection

11. Robust vehicle classification based on deep features learning

12. FormulaNet : a benchmark dataset for mathematical formula detection

13. Radial basis function networks for convolutional neural networks to learn similarity distance metric and improve interpretability

14. Status of micro/mini-grid systems in a Himalayan nation : a comprehensive review

15. Robust vehicle classification based on deep features learning

16. Synchronous LoRa mesh network to monitor processes in underground infrastructure

17. Synchronous LoRa mesh network to monitor processes in underground infrastructure