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Segment-based CO2 emission evaluations from passenger cars based on deep learning techniques

Publication Year :


The overall level of emissions from the Swiss passenger cars is strongly dependent on the fleet composition. Despite technology improvements, the Swiss passenger cars fleet remains emissions intensive. To analyze the root of this problem and evaluate potential solutions, this paper applies deep learning techniques to evaluate the inter-class (namely micro, small, middle, upper middle, large and luxury class) and intra-class (namely sport utility vehicle and non-sport utility vehicle) differences in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This paper takes full use of novel semi-supervised fuzzy C-means (SSFCM), random forest and AdaBoost models as well as model fusion to successfully classify passenger vehicles and enable segment-based CO2 emission evaluations.


Database :
Notes :
Niroomand, Naghmeh, Bach, Christian, Elser, Miriam
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource