
Showing total 139 results
139 results

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2. [Study of amino acid compositiion of basic polypeptides of animal origin by paper chromatography method].


16. [The utilization of amino acids and urea by human oral fluid].

20. [Carbohydrate bond to the hydroxyaromatic amino acids in actinoidins A and B].

21. [Effect of the prolonged administration of chlortetracycline on the content of free amino acids and low-molecular peptides in the blood serum of rats].

22. [Primary structure of the cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase from the pig myocardium. The isolation, purification and amino acid makeup of the peptides from chymotryptic hydrolysis].

23. [Changes in the free amino acid spectrum in torsion dystonia patients].

24. [Effect of certain amino acids on the thermostability of animal and plant cells and cellular models].

25. [Dynamics of the content of certain amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid in bacterial and viral meningitis in children].

31. [Fractionation and amino-acid composition of acid-soluble trypsin of inclusion bodies protein of nuclear polyhedrosis virus of moth, Galleria mellonella].

32. [Amino acid content of aqueous humor].

35. [Content of protein fractions, free amino acids and lipids in the exudate of the tympanic cavity in patients with otitis media].

38. [Amino acid makeup of the blood serum in complicated peptic ulcer before and after surgery].

43. [Some pathomorphological bases for the disorders of the tissue amino acid pool in Salmonella infection].

44. [Formation and distribution of free amino acids in Cunninghamella elegans mycelium during growth on media with glucose and dodecane].

45. [Mechanism of microbiological dissolution of gold].

47. [Free amino acids of the blood serum, erythrocytes and urine in rheumatism and their correlation with certain indicators of autosensitization].