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190 results

Search Results

1. The patient representation struggle during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Missed opportunities for resilient healthcare systems.

2. Learning Newtonian mechanics with an intrinsically integrated educational game.

3. Patient readiness for shared decision making about treatment: Conceptualisation and development of the ReadySDM.

4. Patient and public involvement in international research: Perspectives of a team of researchers from six countries on collaborating with people with lived experiences of dementia and end‐of‐life.

5. Validity evidence and measurement equivalence for the Dutch translation of the conditional reasoning test for aggression.

6. Nurses' perspectives on shift‐to‐shift handovers in relation to person‐centred nursing home care.

7. The association between frailty and the risk of medication‐related problems among community‐dwelling older adults in Europe.

8. Degree of autonomy in making independent choices by frail older people with intellectual disabilities in a care home: A descriptive ethnographic study.

9. Priorities and preferences for care of people with multiple chronic conditions.

10. Designing Circular Waste Management Strategies: The Case of Organic Waste in Amsterdam.

11. Using 360‐degree videos in teacher education to improve preservice teachers' professional interpersonal vision.

12. Speech language therapists' experiences with subjective well‐being in people with aphasia.

13. Development and validation of an International Patient's Attitudes to Prevention in Oral Health Questionnaire.

14. Expanding the boundaries of previously obtained informed consent in research: Views from participants in the Personalised Risk‐based Mammascreening study.

15. Experiences and needs of certified nursing assistants regarding coaching by bachelor‐educated registered nurses in nursing homes: A qualitative study.

16. Increased mortality in ICU patients ≥70 years old with COVID‐19 compared to patients with other pneumonias.

17. 'I cannot be missed yet': A qualitative study of carers of family members with an intellectual disability about long‐term care planning during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

18. Implementation of a patient‐reported experience measure in a Dutch disability care organization: A process evaluation of cocreated tailored strategies.

19. Estimating skills level in recreational skiing: Development and validation of a practical multidimensional instrument.

20. How Moroccan‐Dutch parents learn in communities of practice: Evaluating a bottom‐up parenting programme.

21. Neurocognitive and behavioural profile in Panayiotopoulos syndrome.

22. Assessing the validity of a learning analytics expectation instrument: A multinational study.

23. Development curves of communication and social interaction in individuals with cerebral palsy.

24. Challenging behaviours: Views and preferences of people with intellectual disabilities.

25. 'It really is quite a different ballgame'. A qualitative study into the work experiences of remote support professionals.

26. Assessment of functioning in Dutch primary care: Development study of a consultation tool for patients with chronic conditions and multimorbidity.

27. Developing quality criteria for patient‐directed knowledge tools related to clinical practice guidelines. A development and consensus study.

28. Measuring thirst distress of patients in the intensive care unit.

29. Postdoctoral Nurses' Experiences With Leadership and Career Development: A Qualitative Study.

30. There is no place like @home!: The value of home consultations in paediatric rehabilitation.

31. Unravelling current sexual care in chronic kidney disease: perspective of social workers.

32. Assessing objective countertransference with a computer-delivered impact message inventory (IMI-C).

33. The causal effect of retirement on mortality: Evidence from targeted incentives to retire early.

34. Are Health State Valuations from the General Public Biased? A Test of Health State Reference Dependency Using Self-assessed Health and an Efficient Discrete Choice Experiment.

35. Do norms unintentionally increase stereotypical expressions? A randomised controlled trial.

36. First Things First: How to Elicit the Initial Program Theory for a Realist Evaluation of Complex Integrated Care Programs.

37. Homeward bound: Exploring the motives of mothers who brought their offspring with intellectual disabilities home from residential settings during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

38. Safety of ibogaine administration in detoxification of opioid‐dependent individuals: a descriptive open‐label observational study.

39. Facilitators and barriers to contact between asylum seekers and their Dutch neighbors.

40. Weekly job crafting and leisure crafting: Implications for meaning-making and work engagement.

41. Access to oral health care for undocumented migrants: Perspectives of actors involved in a voluntary dental network in the Netherlands.

42. Experiences of mothers caring for a child with an intellectual disability during the COVID‐19 pandemic in the Netherlands.

43. Parents' experiences of VOICE: A novel support programme in the NICU.

44. Experiences and needs of direct support staff working with people with intellectual disabilities during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A thematic analysis.

45. Multicentre study found that adherence to national antibiotic recommendations for neonatal early-onset sepsis was low.

46. Stakeholder engagement from problem analysis to implementation strategies for a patient‐reported experience measure in disability care: A qualitative study on the process and experiences.

47. Induction of labor with Foley catheter and risk of subsequent preterm birth: follow-up study of two randomized controlled trials (PROBAAT-1 and -2).

48. The effectiveness of an indicated prevention programme for substance use in individuals with mild intellectual disabilities and borderline intellectual functioning: results of a quasi‐experimental study.

49. Mapping a high‐level overview of information flows in the Dutch declaration chain for medical specialist health care.

50. Specialized outpatient clinic for deaf and hard‐of‐hearing patients in the Netherlands: Lessons learned in an attempt to improve health care.