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1. 20th‐Century Antarctic Sea Level Mitigation Driven by Uncertain East Antarctic Accumulation History.

2. Asymmetry of the Antarctic Oscillation in Austral Autumn.

3. The Impact of Orbital Precession on Air‐Sea CO2 Exchange in the Southern Ocean.

4. Transport Pathways for Iron Supply to the Australian Antarctic Ridge Phytoplankton Bloom.

5. Geology Matters for Antarctic Geothermal Heat.

6. A Predictive Theory for Heat Transport Into Ice Shelf Cavities.

7. CMIP6 Models Rarely Simulate Antarctic Winter Sea‐Ice Anomalies as Large as Observed in 2023.

8. Evidence for and Against Temperate Ice in Antarctic Shear Margins From Radar‐Depth Sounding Data.

9. Turbulent Dynamics of Buoyant Melt Plumes Adjacent Near‐Vertical Glacier Ice.

10. Synoptic Moisture Intrusion Provided Heavy Isotope Precipitations in Inland Antarctica During the Last Glacial Maximum.

11. Subsurface Warming of the West Antarctic Continental Shelf Linked to El Niño‐Southern Oscillation.

12. Chemistry Contribution to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion After the Unprecedented Water‐Rich Hunga Tonga Eruption.

13. Advancing Permafrost Monitoring With Autonomous Electrical Resistivity Tomography (A‐ERT): Low‐Cost Instrumentation and Open‐Source Data Processing Tool.

14. Coupling of Long‐Term Trends of Zonal Winds Between the Mesopause and Stratosphere in Southern Winter.

15. Southern Ocean High‐Resolution (SOhi) Modeling Along the Antarctic Ice Sheet Periphery.

16. Where the White Continent Is Blue: Deep Learning Locates Bare Ice in Antarctica.

17. Geophysical Evidence of the Collisional Suture Zone in the Prydz Bay, East Antarctica.

18. Infrared Radiative Effects of Increasing CO2 and CH4 on the Atmosphere in Antarctica Compared to the Arctic.

19. Imaging the Absorbing Feeding and Eruptive Pathways of Deception Island, Antarctica.

20. Tracking the Cracking: A Holistic Analysis of Rapid Ice Shelf Fracture Using Seismology, Geodesy, and Satellite Imagery on the Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf, West Antarctica.

21. Reduced Deep Convection and Bottom Water Formation Due To Antarctic Meltwater in a Multi‐Model Ensemble.

22. Deep Convection as the Key to the Transition From Eocene to Modern Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

23. Anomalous Meltwater From Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves Is a Historical Forcing.

24. Antarctic Ice Sheet Freshwater Discharge Drives Substantial Southern Ocean Changes Over the 21st Century.

25. Interannual SAM Modulation of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Does Not Account for Its Long‐Term Trends, Pointing to a Limited Role for Ozone Depletion.

26. The Ice Core Gas Age‐Ice Age Difference as a Proxy for Surface Temperature.

27. Ice‐Front Retreat Controls on Ocean Dynamics Under Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica.

28. Future Response of Antarctic Continental Shelf Temperatures to Ice Shelf Basal Melting and Calving.

29. Air‐Sea CO2 Fluxes Localized by Topography in a Southern Ocean Channel.

30. Lidar Observations of Predawn Thermosphere‐Ionosphere Na (TINa) Layers Over Boulder (40.13°N, 105.24°W): Annual Phase Variations and Correlation With Sunrise and Tidal Winds.

31. Impact of Giant Iceberg A68A on the Physical Conditions of the Surface South Atlantic, Derived Using Remote Sensing.

32. Freshwater Displacement Effect on the Weddell Gyre Carbon Budget.

33. Helicopter‐Based Ocean Observations Capture Broad Ocean Heat Intrusions Toward the Totten Ice Shelf.

34. Decoupling of the Surface and Bottom‐Intensified Antarctic Slope Current in Regions of Dense Shelf Water Export.

35. Signal‐To‐Noise Calculations of Emergence and De‐Emergence of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion.

36. Sea‐Ice Impacts Inter‐Annual Variability of Phytoplankton Bloom Characteristics and Carbon Export in the Weddell Sea.

37. Weddell Sea Control of Ocean Temperature Variability on the Western Antarctic Peninsula.

38. Frictional Origin of Slip Events of the Whillans Ice Stream, Antarctica.

39. Quantifying Antarctic‐Wide Ice‐Shelf Surface Melt Volume Using Microwave and Firn Model Data: 1980 to 2021.

40. On the Global Decrease in the Deep and Abyssal Density Stratification Along the Spreading Pathways of Antarctic Bottom Water Since the 1990s.

41. High Spatial Melt Rate Variability Near the Totten Glacier Grounding Zone Explained by New Bathymetry Inversion.

42. In the Quest of a Parametric Relation Between Ice Sheet Model Inferred Weertman's Sliding‐Law Parameter and Airborne Radar‐Derived Basal Reflectivity Underneath Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica.

43. Effective Elastic Thickness Map Reveals Subglacial Structure of East Antarctica.

44. Projected West Antarctic Ocean Warming Caused by an Expansion of the Ross Gyre.

45. Stratospheric Aerosol and Ozone Responses to the Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption.

46. AMOC Stabilization Under the Interaction With Tipping Polar Ice Sheets.

47. Asymmetric Development of Auroral Surges in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

48. Englacial Architecture and Age‐Depth Constraints Across the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

49. Changes in Antarctic Ice Sheet Motion Derived From Satellite Radar Interferometry Between 1995 and 2022.

50. Ice Shelf Basal Melt Rates in the Amundsen Sea at the End of the 21st Century.