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1. Monetary union in Southeast Asia: An assessment of the optimum currency area theory*.

2. Productivity effects of corporate income tax: Evidence from China.

3. Export structure, import demand elasticity and export stability.

4. Competitiveness and diversification of services exports in sub‐Saharan Africa.

5. The electric vehicle revolution: Critical material supply chains, trade and development.

6. Exploring the driving mechanism and the evolution of the low‐carbon economy transition: Lessons from OECD developed countries.

7. How Central Asia to Escape from trade isolation?: Policy targeted scenarios by CGE modelling.

8. Linking Southern Africa to South Africa's exports: New opportunities for regional value chains.

9. Fiscal incentives and land finance cycles of prefectures in China.

10. Long‐term vision and economic development.

11. On the sensitivity of trade costs to services trade restrictions†.

12. Catch‐up industrial policy and economic transition in China.

13. Inflation targeting adoption and institutional quality: Evidence from developing countries.

14. A life's work on trade and development.

15. The interest group theory of financial development in China: Openness and the role of interest groups.

16. Economic sanction and global sourcing complexity: A cross‐country analysis.

17. Stabilising economic growth through risk sharing macro instruments.

18. Did foreign exchange holding influence growth performance during the global financial crisis?

19. Asia's rebalancing and growth.

20. Brexit and its economic consequences.

21. Why has export diversification been so hard to achieve in Africa?

22. The impact of employment protection on FDI at different stages of economic development.

23. On the trade effects of bilateral SPS measures in developed and developing countries.

24. Services policy reform and manufacturing employment: Evidence from transition economies.

25. Linguistic equilibrium with local and world languages: Challenges of globalisation.

26. The relationship between trade openness and economic growth: Some new insights on the openness measurement issue.

27. Trade policies for a small open economy: The case of Singapore.

28. "Going global" and FDI inflows in China: "One Belt & One Road" initiative as a quasi‐natural experiment.

29. How exporting firms respond to technical barriers to trade?

30. How does capital control spur economic growth?

31. Nowcasting global economic growth: A factor‐augmented mixed‐frequency approach.

32. Monetary union in West Africa and business cycles synchronicity: New evidence.

33. Trade Liberalisation, Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation.

34. Trade, Migration and Integration - Evidence and Policy Implications.

35. Pursuing Economic Growth in Asia: The Environmental Challenge.

36. Global value chain participation and its impact on industrial upgrading.

37. The Impact of Exports on Economic Growth: It's the Market Form.

38. Europe's Growth Crisis: When and How Will It End?

39. Informality in the Process of Development and Growth.

40. Reviewing Trade Policy in China During the Transition to Balanced Economic Growth.

41. Reforming Property Rights Institutions in Developing Countries: Can FDI Inflows Help?

42. US trade wars in the twenty‐first century with emerging countries: Make America and its partners lose again.

43. Growth is (really) good for the (really) rich.

44. Trade Policy Review for China: The world's top exporter with 'new normal' economic growth.

45. Internationalisation of education and its effect on economic growth and development.

46. Does more finance lead to longer crises?

47. Caribbean Diversification and Development.

48. (Not So) Easy Come, (Still) Easy Go? Footloose Multinationals Revisited.

49. The volatility of world trade in the 21st century: Whose fault is it anyway?

50. On the exposure of the BRIC countries to global economic shocks.