
Showing total 42 results
42 results

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1. The Efficiency of Thermal Neutron Detection and Collimation With Microchannel Plates of Square and Circular Geometry.

2. Planar Edgeless Silicon Detectors for the TOTEM Experiment.

3. Advanced Active Pixel Architectures in Standard CMOS Technology.

4. EXODET: A New Approach to Detection Systems for RIB Nuclear Physics Based on ASIC Chips Developed for High-Energy Experiments.

5. Stabilizing Scintillation Detector Systems by Exploiting the Temperature Dependence of the Light Pulse Decay Time.

6. X- and Gamma-Ray Detection With a Silicon Drift Detector Coupled to a CsI(Tl) Scintillator Operated With Pulse Shape Discrimination Technique.

7. Optomechanical Microswitch Behavior in a Space Radiation Environment.

8. Optical and Scintillation Properties of Cs2LiYCl6 : Ce3+Cs2LiYCl6 : Pr3+ Crystals.

9. Development of a Portable Digital Radiographic System Based on FOP-Coupled CMOS Image Sensor and Its Performance Evaluation.

10. A Model of High Resolution Cross Strip Readout for Photon and Ion Counting Imaging Detectors.

11. Development of a 16-inch UV-Ray Image Intensifier Tube.

12. Application of Monte Carlo Simulation to 134Cs Standardization by Means of 4π β -- γ Coincidence System.

13. Soda-Glass Capillary Plate Gas Detector.

14. A Compact VLSI dc Restorer for Multichannel X--γ Ray Detectors.

15. Analog Shaping Optimization for Digital Processing of Radiation Detector Signals.

16. A Charge Sensitive Preamplifier for High Peak Stability in Spectroscopic Measurements at High Counting Rates.

17. First Test Results of a High-Speed Beam Conditions Monitor for the Atlas Experiment.

18. Beam Profile Diagnostics for the Fermilab Medium Energy Electron Cooler.

19. Irradiation Effects on Glasses Containing ZnO as Emission Centers.

20. Performance Comparison of Four Compact Room-Temperature Detectors--Two Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) Semiconductor Detectors, a LaCl3(Ce) Scintillator, and an NaI(Tl) Scintillator.

21. Evaluation of Properties of YAG (Ce) Ceramic Scintillators.

22. Perspectives for High Resolution and High Light Output LuAP:Ce Crystals.

23. Performance of P-Type Micro-Strip Irradiation to 7.5 x 1015 p cm2.

24. RBPO5 (R= Ca, Sr)-Based Storage Phosphors for Neutron Detection.

25. Shielding and Electrical Performance of Silicon Detector Supermodules.

26. Functional Characterization of a High-Gain BJT Radiation Detector.

27. Effect of SiO2 Passivating Layer in Segmented Silicon Planar Detectors on the Detector Response.

28. Effect of γ Irradiation on Optical Components.

29. Charge Collection Inefficiencies Induced by Intense 12C Bombardment of SSB Detectors.

30. High-Resolution, Back- Side Illuminated Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for Low-Energy Electron Imaging.

31. Performance of a New CdZnTe Portable Spectrometric System for High Energy Applications.

32. Design Considerations for Passive Gamma-Ray Spectrometers.

33. PRESTO: A Computational and Storage Unit for CHIMERA DAQ.

34. ALICE TO Detector.

35. Simulation of LHCb RICH Detectors Using GEANT4.

36. Computational Investigation of On-Line Interrogation of Pebble Bed Reactor Fuel.

37. DRAGO Chip: A Low-Noise CMOS Preamplifier Shaper for Silicon Detectors With Integrated Front-End JFET.

38. A Novel Compact Topology for High-Resolution CMOS/BiCMOS Spectroscopy Amplifiers.

39. IDeF-X ASIC for Cd(Zn)Te Spectro-Imaging Systems.

40. Todd Little responds:.

41. Managing Uncertainty.

42. A-B-A's Limits.