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1. Imaging the adult with simple shunt lesions: position paper from the EACVI and the ESC WG on ACHD. Endorsed by AEPC (Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology).

2. Towards a common European ethical and legal framework for conducting clinical research: the GATEKEEPER experience.

3. Assessment of diverse algorithms applied on MODIS Aqua and Terra data over land surfaces in Europe.

4. Advanced Control Algorithm for FADEC Systems in the Next Generation of Turbofan Engines to Minimize Emission Levels.

5. Validation of an AOT product over land at the 0.6 μm channel of the SEVIRI sensor onboard MSG.

6. Fast Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow Through Low-Impact and Redundancy Screening.

7. Correcting the Results of CHM-Based Individual Tree Detection Algorithms to Improve Their Accuracy and Reliability.

8. Algorithmic Torts: A Prospective Comparative Overview.

9. Sarcopenia: revised European consensus on definition and diagnosis.

10. Sarcopenia: revised European consensus on definition and diagnosis.

11. Regional CO2 inversions with LUMIA, the Lund University Modular Inversion Algorithm, v1.0.

12. Navigating behavioral energy sufficiency. Results from a survey in Swiss cities on potential behavior change.

13. Inventors on the move: Tracing inventors' mobility and its spatial distribution.

14. A Fully Automatic, Interpretable and Adaptive Machine Learning Approach to Map Burned Area from Remote Sensing.

15. A Power-Quality Management Algorithm for Low-Voltage Grids With Distributed Resources.

16. Disparities in length of life across developed countries: measuring and decomposing changes over time within and between country groups.

17. Results from the GPCP Algorithm Intercomparison Programme.

18. Assessment of Multiple Aspects of Upper Extremity Function Independent From Ambulation in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis.

19. 2015 Recommendations for the Management of Polymyalgia Rheumatica: A European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology Collaborative Initiative.

20. Comparison of three indirect methods for verification and validation of reference intervals at eight medical laboratories: a European multicenter study.

21. Estimating cloud optical thickness and associated surface UV irradiance from SEVIRI by implementing a semi-analytical cloud retrieval algorithm.

22. Advanced Reach Tool (ART): Development of the Mechanistic Model.

23. Distributed Approach for Solving Time-Dependent Problems in Multimodal Transport Networks.

24. From Informal Strategies to Structured Procedures: mind the gap!

25. Allocating organs through algorithms and equitable access to transplantation—a European human rights law approach.

27. Nearly Optimal Sparse Polynomial Multiplication.

28. Improving Rain/No-Rain Detection Skill by Merging Precipitation Estimates from Different Sources.

29. Temporal and spatial analysis of ozone concentrations in Europe based on timescale decomposition and a multi-clustering approach.

30. Optimization of the OCO-2 Cloud Screening Algorithm and Evaluation against MODIS and TCCON Measurements over Land Surfaces in Europe and Japan.

31. Value of information analysis in telehealth for chronic heart failure management.

32. Do women in Europe live longer and happier lives than men?.

33. Revealing the impact of the Caucasus region on the genetic legacy of Romani people from genome-wide data.

34. iTACTIC - implementing Treatment Algorithms for the Correction of Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy: study protocol for a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.

35. Space GlucoseControl system for blood glucose control in intensive care patients - a European multicentre observational study.

36. 2012 Provisional classification criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica: A European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative.

37. Barriers to cardiovascular disease risk scoring and primary prevention in Europe.

38. CAESAR models for developmental toxicity.

39. An Inferred Climatology of Icing Conditions Aloft, Including Supercooled Large Drops. Part II: Europe, Asia, and the Globe.

40. The Semiotic Engine: Notes on the History of Algorithmic Images in Europe.

41. Evaluation of consensus methods in predictive species distribution modelling.

42. Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm in Modeling Systemic Risk in the European Insurance Sector.

43. The Galileo Ground Segment Integrity Algorithms: Design and Performance.

44. Validation of Cloud Liquid Water Path Retrievals from SEVIRI Using One Year of CloudNET Observations.

45. Technical note: A new day- and night-time Meteosat Second Generation Cirrus Detection Algorithm MeCiDA.

46. Near-real time retrieval of tropospheric NO2 from OMI.

47. Interest Rate Term Structure Modeling Using Free-Knot Splines.

48. Sarcopenia: new definitions, same limitations.

49. A Multi-Trajectory Chemical-Transport Vectorized Gear Model: 3-D Simulations and Model Validation.

50. Extending Ellenberg’s indicator values to a new area: an algorithmic approach.