Lou, Yuequn, Gu, Xudong, Summers, Danny, Ni, Binbin, Liu, Kaijun, Fu, Song, Xiang, Zheng, Zou, Zhengyang, Cao, Xing, Zhang, Wenxun, Huang, He, and He, Ying
Strong electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves on the dayside magnetosphere have been reported based on observations of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft. In this study, we analyze high‐quality wave data from the four MMS satellites between 1 September 2015 and 30 August 2018 to investigate the statistical properties of dayside ECH emissions. The results show that dayside ECH waves are preferentially observed on the prenoon side in the outer magnetosphere (L = 8–12), with average wave amplitude Ew > 0.1 mV/m. In addition, besides the typical near‐equatorial (|MLAT| ≤ 15°) region, dayside ECH waves exhibit moderate occurrence rate and wave amplitude in higher latitudinal regions (i.e., 15 < |MLAT| ≤ 40°), possibly due to the off‐equatorial geomagnetic field minimum. Our reported double peaks of dayside ECH wave occurrence zone and considerable occurrence rates of prenoonside ECH waves suggest that dayside ECH waves can be a potentially important contributor to the formation of dayside diffuse aurora. Plain Language Summary: We use wave spectral data from the four Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft to statistically analyze the distributions of wave amplitudes and occurrence rates as a function of L shell, MLT, geomagnetic activity (AE* and Kp indices), and MLAT for dayside first harmonic band electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves. The conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) Dayside ECH waves preferentially occur on the prenoonside of the outer magnetosphere, with peak occurrence rates around 30%. (2) In higher latitudinal regions (|MLAT| = 15–25°,25–40°), contrary to previous conclusions regarding ECH wave occurrence patterns, dayside ECH waves occur with significant occurrence rates, comparable to that of dayside ECH waves in near‐equatorial areas. (3) Similar to the distribution of occurrence rates, dayside ECH waves have most intense electric field amplitudes over L = 8–12, MLT = 8–11, with an average wave strength >0.1 mV/m.Whistler mode chorus waves are considered as the primary mechanism to explain dayside diffuse aurora, but the role of ECH waves has not been systematically evaluated because of lack of dayside ECH observations. As shown by our results, moderate dayside ECH waves can be observed on the prenoonside of the outer magnetosphere. This observation could be of great importance in understanding the generation of dayside diffuse aurora. Key Points: Dayside ECH waves are preferentially observed with moderate average wave strength on the prenoonside to noonside in the outer magnetosphereIn higher latitudinal regions, dayside ECH waves have comparable occurrence rates and wave amplitude to that of the near‐equatorial regionsAlthough weak dayside ECH waves occur predominantly, the occurrence rates of moderate and strong dayside ECH waves are not negligible [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]