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1. Improving the integrity of IR based online moisture measurement used in the paper and board industry

2. A study on multi-channel active sound profiling algorithm for hybrid control of broadband and narrowband noise inside vehicles.

3. A novel position estimator for rope driven micromanipulator of surgical robot.

4. The application of gated recurrent unit algorithm with fused attention mechanism in UWB indoor localization.

5. An algorithm for measuring Secchi disk water transparency based on machine vision.

6. A machine-learning architecture with two strategies for low-speed impact localization of composite laminates.

7. Feature extraction technique based on Shapley value method and improved mRMR algorithm.

8. Loaded coal-rock temperature denoising algorithm based on CEEMD and adaptive NIWT with NIWOA.

9. A fusion algorithm selection method for infrared image based on quality synthesis of intuition possible sets.

10. Measuring dynamic deformation of a rotating blade by point cloud matching algorithm.

11. Parameter identification based on iterative signal space in blade tip timing.

12. Optimizing lightning location accuracy: A study of propagation velocity and time of arrival in long-range lightning location algorithms.

13. Error correction algorithm for grating Moiré fringes based on QM-ANN.

14. A high precision indoor positioning system of BLE AOA based on ISSS algorithm.

15. Digital image recognition based on Fractional-order-PCA-SVM coupling algorithm.

16. Synchro-waveform data compression using multi-stage hybrid coding algorithm.

17. Measurement of inhomogeneous electric field based on electric field-induced second-harmonic generation.

18. A novel technique to determine the required capacitance for a single phase induction motor by applying roundness algorithm.

19. An anti-spot, high-precision subdivision algorithm for linear CCD based single-track absolute encoder.

20. Research on the improved method for dual foot-mounted Inertial/Magnetometer pedestrian positioning based on adaptive inequality constraints Kalman Filter algorithm.

21. Four-point trapezoidal calibration algorithm for human-computer interaction system based on 3D sensor.

22. Data-driven methods for operational modal parameters identification: A comparison and application.

23. A novel digital analysis method for measuring and identifying of wool and cashmere fibers.

24. Continuum robots: Developing dexterity evaluation algorithms using efficient inverse kinematics.

25. An adaptive kernel correlation filter algorithm and synchronization error correction method for 3D motion reconstruction of flexible flapping wings using binocular vision.

26. Reconstruction of high-resolution atomic force microscopy measurements from fast-scan data using a Noise2Noise algorithm.

27. A precise compensation algorithm for visual measurement in non-uniform refractive index environment based on Hamiltonian ray tracing method.

28. Iteratively reweighted accurate sparse low-rank matrix estimation algorithm for bearing fault diagnosis.

29. Strain/displacement field reconstruction and load identification of bracket arm structure of high-speed maglev train based on superposition conversion algorithm.

30. Performance evaluation of image processing algorithms for eye blinking detection.

31. Key technologies in active microvibration isolation systems: Modeling, sensing, actuation, and control algorithms.

32. Low-cost magnetic eddy current respiratory monitoring based on fast digital lock-in algorithm combining undersampling and oversampling.

33. Fast template match algorithm for spatial object detection using a stereo vision system for autonomous navigation.

34. Test instrument for the automatic compliance check of cast resin insulated windings for power transformers.

35. Sensorless control of the BPMSM for artificial heart based on the improved SMO, the improved HFI and the GAPSO algorithm.

36. Compressive sensing reconstruction for vibration signals based on the improved fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm.

37. Sphericity measurement through a new minimum zone algorithm with error compensation of point coordinates.

38. Image hash authentication algorithm for orthogonal moments of fractional order chaotic scrambling coupling hyper-complex number.

39. Improvement of compensated closed-loop Kalman filtering using autoregressive moving average model.

40. A thermal resistance network model based on three-dimensional structure.

41. A new feature extraction approach using improved symbolic aggregate approximation for machinery intelligent diagnosis.

42. 3D reconstruction of GMAW pool surface using composite sensor technology.

43. Model updating method for damage detection of building structures under ambient excitation using modal participation ratio.

44. Point cloud filtering on UAV based point cloud.

45. Image-driven structural steel damage condition assessment method using deep learning algorithm.

46. The artificial neural network prediction algorithm research of rail-gun current and armature speed based on B-dot probes array.

47. The identification method of the relative position relationship between the rotary and linear axis of multi-axis numerical control machine tool by laser tracker.

48. Uncertainty evaluation of the Unified Method for thermo-electric module characterization.

49. Pavement lane marking detection using matched filter.

50. A tool for performance evaluation of MPPT algorithms for photovoltaic systems.