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1. Theorizing "new ethnicities" in diasporic Europe: Jews, Muslims and Stuart Hall.

2. Immigrants and the paper market: borrowing, renting and buying identities.

3. A call to rethink African scholars beyond "local experts": mobility, race, and gender in Europe.

4. EUrope in focus: Imperial formations in the fabric of the European Union.

5. Immigration attitudes and the influence of positive, negative, and neutral intergroup exposure.

6. Racialized politics of garbage: waste management in urban Roma settlements in Eastern Europe.

7. Visual (de)humanization: construction of Otherness in newspaper photographs of the refugee crisis.

8. Enfranchising immigrants and/or emigrants? Attitudes towards voting rights expansion among sedentary nationals in Europe.

9. Islam and space in Europe: the politics of race, time, and secularism.

10. I'm neither racist nor xenophobic, but: dissecting European attitudes towards a ban on Muslims' immigration.

11. Peeling an onion: the "refugee crisis" from a historical perspective.

12. Continuities in intra-European mobilities: what's novel in the new Spanish emigration?

13. Between nationalism and civilizationism: the European populist moment in comparative perspective.

14. Introduction to the special issue: racialized bordering discourses on European Roma.

15. “People think that Romanians and Roma are the same”: everyday bordering and the lifting of transitional controls.

16. Relational identities on EU borderlands: the case of Poles in Belarus and Belarusians in Poland.

17. ‘For her protection and benefit’: the regulation of marriage-related migration to the UK.

18. Does education 'trump' nationality? Boundary-drawing practices among highly educated migrants from Turkey.

19. Transnational families and the subjective well-being of migrant parents: Angolan and Nigerian parents in the Netherlands.

20. Super-diverse street: a ‘trans-ethnography’ across migrant localities.

21. Romanian Roma migration: the interplay between structures and agency.

22. "Race" and the upsurge of antagonistic popular movements in Sweden.

23. 2,000 Families: identifying the research potential of an origins-of-migration study.

24. Reconciling the contact and threat hypotheses: does ethnic diversity strengthen or weaken community inter-ethnic relations?

25. ‘Structure liberates?’: mixing for mobility and the cultural transformation of ‘urban children’ in a London academy.

26. Nigerian London: re-mapping space and ethnicity in superdiverse cities.

27. Contested memories: the Shahid Minar and the struggle for diasporic space.

28. Positionings of the black middle-classes: understanding identity construction beyond strategic assimilation.

29. Doubly estranged: racism, the body and reflection.

30. Group self-determination, individual rights, or social inclusion? Competing frames for ethnic counting in Hungary.

31. The limits of post-national citizenship: European Muslims, human rights and the hijab.

32. Putting flesh to the bone: looking for solidarity in diversity, here and now.

33. The collective singularity of anti-racist actors: a case study of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic.

34. Patterns of minority and majority identification in a multicultural society.

35. Online Islamophobia and the politics of fear: manufacturing the green scare.

36. Being Muslim and being Irish after 9/11: self-conceptions of place in Irish society.

37. Reluctant pluralists: European Muslims and essentialist identities.

38. The effect of perceived cultural and material threats on ethnic preferences in immigration attitudes.

39. European influence on diversity policy frames: paradoxical outcomes of Lyon's membership of the Intercultural Cities programme.

40. The emergence of black British social conservatism.

41. Delivering maternity services in an era of superdiversity: the challenges of novelty and newness.

42. Superdiversity and conviviality: exploring frameworks for doing ethnography in Southern European intercultural cities.

43. Not all the same after all? Superdiversity as a lens for the study of past migrations.

44. Whitening a diverse Dutch classroom: white cultural discourses in an Amsterdam primary school.

45. Narratives of ethnic identity among practitioners in community settings in the northeast of England.

46. Back to the Future: revisiting the contact hypothesis at Turkish and mixed non-profit organizations in Amsterdam.

47. Resonance and reach: discussions on racism between the UK and Germany from the late 1970s.

48. Incorporation of children of immigrants: the case of descendants of immigrants from Turkey in Sweden.

49. Social ties at work : Roma migrants and the community dynamics.

50. Online mediations in transnational spaces: cosmopolitan (re)formations of belonging and identity in the Turkish diaspora.