22 results on '"Barana D."'
Search Results
2. Multidisciplinary Treatment of Colorectal Cancer : Staging – Treatment – Pathology – Palliation
- Author
Gunnar Baatrup and Gunnar Baatrup
- Subjects
- Rectum--Cancer--Treatment, Rectum--Cancer--Surgery, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Treatment, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Surgery, Oncology, Health care teams
- Abstract
This book is a comprehensive reference work on the multidisciplinary team (MDT) management of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients that will meet the needs of all members of CRC MDTs and those training in the field. Important, up-to-date knowledge is provided on organization of MDTs, early intervention, surgery, oncology, imaging, pathology, and palliation, with special focus on controversies. This second edition has been thoroughly revised. It includes an entirely new section on the principles of treatment of significant polyps and early cancers and a total of 14 new chapters, including one on the early integration of palliative care. Every effort has been made to ensure that each specialty-specific chapter will be approachable for all team members, thereby facilitating an effective interdisciplinary approach to teamwork. The authors are leading European doctors and scientists who have influenced the development of the MDT concept as well as other aspects of individualized treatment ofCRC patients.
- Published
- 2021
3. Colon Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy : Volume 2
- Author
Naveen Kumar Vishvakarma, Ganji Purnachandra Nagaraju, Dhananjay Shukla, Naveen Kumar Vishvakarma, Ganji Purnachandra Nagaraju, and Dhananjay Shukla
- Subjects
- Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Treatment, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Diagnosis, Rectum--Cancer--Diagnosis, Rectum--Cancer--Treatment
- Abstract
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major global health challenge as the third leading cause for cancer related mortalities worldwide. Despite advances in therapeutic strategies, the five-year survival rate for CRC patients has remained the same over time due to the fact that patients are often diagnosed in advanced metastatic stages. Drug resistance is another common reason for poor prognosis. Researchers are now developing advanced therapeutic strategies such as immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and combination nanotechnology for drug delivery. In addition, the identification of new biomarkers will potentiate early stage diagnosis.This book is the second of three volumes on recent developments in colorectal diagnosis and therapy. Each volume can be read on its own, or together. Each volume focuses on different novel therapeutic advances, biomarkers, and identifies therapeutic targets for treatment. Written by leading international experts in the field, coverage addresses the role of diet habits and lifestyle in reducing gastrointestinal disorders and incidence of CRC. Chapters discuss current and future diagnostic and therapeutic options for colorectal cancer patients, focusing on immunotherapeutics, nanomedicine, biomarkers, and dietary factors for the effective management of colon cancer.
- Published
- 2021
4. Genetic Polymorphism and Cancer Susceptibility
- Author
Aga Syed Sameer, Mujeeb Zafar Banday, Saniya Nissar, Aga Syed Sameer, Mujeeb Zafar Banday, and Saniya Nissar
- Subjects
- Cancer, Genetics, Medical genetics
- Abstract
This book discusses the role of genetic polymorphism in susceptibility to cancers. The book explores the understanding of differences between the genetic polymorphisms and mutations.It reviews the mechanisms underlying the effect of polymorphism in genes encoding proteins that play an essential role in metabolism, signal transduction, cell cycle, and DNA repair mechanisms. Further, it investigates various techniques that are used for analyzing the genetic polymorphisms. The book contains many chapters which summarize the importance of genetic information obtained from polymorphism-based pharmaco-genetic tests to predict better drug response and life-threatening adverse reactions to chemotherapeutic agents, help in understanding of the impact of SNPs on gene function, and gives overview of the different SNP databases for examination. This book, therefore, serves as an essential guidebook for independent researchers as well as institutions working in this specialised field.
- Published
- 2021
5. Gastrointestinale Tumoren : Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge
- Author
Tumorzentrum München, J. Werner, Tumorzentrum München, and J. Werner
- Abstract
Alle wichtigen Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes: Das Manual beinhaltet Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge aller entscheidende Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes. Die Inhalte wurden von interdisziplinär zusammengesetzten Expertenteams erarbeitet, diskutiert und sind nun in dem Manual als Empfehlungen für die Praxis nachzulesen. Leitliniengerecht, hochaktuell, interdisziplinär: Das Buch erscheint bereits in der 10. Auflage, ist hochaktuell, leitliniengerecht und bietet trotzdem Platz für persönliche Meinungen und Erfahrungen. Das Expertenwissen und auch deren klinische Erfahrung soll in dieser Form einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um die Versorgung der Patienten zu verbessern. Die Tumoren im Einzelnen: Ösophagus-Plattenepithelkarzinom, Adennokarzinome des ösophago-gastralen Übergangs, Magenkarzinom, hepatozelluläres Karzinom, Lebermetastasen, Karzinome des Pankreas, Gallenblasen- und Gallengangstumoren, Kolonkarzinom, Rektumkarzinom, Analkarzinom, neuroendokrine Tumoren des GI-Traktes, gastrointestinale Lymphome, gastrointestinale Stomatumoren, hereditäre Erkrankungen des GI-Traktes. Herausgeber und Autoren: Das Manual wurde von der Projektgruppe'Gastrointestinale Tumoren'des Tumorzentrums München an den Medizinischen Fakultäten der LMU und der TU erstellt. Bandherausgeber ist Herr Prof. Dr. Jens Werner.
- Published
- 2020
6. Occupational Cancers
- Author
Sisko Anttila, Paolo Boffetta, Sisko Anttila, and Paolo Boffetta
- Subjects
- Medicine, Industrial, Occupational diseases, Cancer
- Abstract
This revised and updated new edition of a successful book is a multidisciplinary, comprehensive guide to occupational factors of malignant diseases.Building on the first edition, new research discoveries and their consequences in our understanding on carcinogenic mechanisms, diagnosis and attribution of occupational cancers are discussed. Examples of such discoveries are germline and acquired mutations of BAP1 in malignant mesothelioma, which have led to changes in diagnostic criteria, and carcinogen-specific genetic and epigenetic alterations in lung cancer. There are several new chapters, including gastrointestinal cancers, epidemiology of lung cancer, cancer of thyroid, and the role of primary health care in occupational cancer control.Occupational Cancers is aimed at experienced and trainee oncologists, pathologists, clinicians in occupational health, and pulmonologists, as well as epidemiologists, clinical researchers, lawyers and public health officials.
- Published
- 2020
7. Molecular Diagnostics in Cancer Patients
- Author
Kamla Kant Shukla, Praveen Sharma, Sanjeev Misra, Kamla Kant Shukla, Praveen Sharma, and Sanjeev Misra
- Subjects
- Cancer--Diagnosis--Molecular aspects, Molecular diagnosis, Cancer--Patients, Pathology, Molecular
- Abstract
This book aims to bring together a broad variety of examples of the role of pharmacogenomics in current drug development, uncovering dynamic concentration-dependent drug responses on biological systems to understand pharmacodynamics responses in human cancer where genetic lesions serve as tumor markers and provide a basis for cancer diagnosis. The book describes methods and protocols applied in molecular diagnostics. It offers pathologists and researchers providing molecular diagnostic services an array of the most recent and readily accessible reference to compare methods and techniques. Highlights include the molecular diagnosis of genetic aberrations by quantitative polymerase reaction (qPCR), sequence-specific oligonucleotide arrays, next-generation sequencing (NGS), CGH arrays-and methodologies directed at the detection of epigenetic events, high-throughput nucleic acid and protein arrays, direct sequencing and FISH-based methodologies, currently used in the diagnosis of solid tumors. The book also includes an innovative line of treatment in relation to the molecular prognosis, diagnosis and pharmacogenomics in the actual practice of clinical findings at molecular levels. The book covers the applications of numerous genetic testing methodologies; in approximately the chronological order of discovery and high-throughput diagnosis using advanced genomic approaches to identify such genes, in the search for novel drug targets and/or key determinants of drug reactions. It also promotes a wider understanding of molecular diagnostics among physicians, medical students, and scientists in academics, industry and corporate world.
- Published
- 2019
8. Biomarkers in Cancer Screening and Early Detection
- Author
Sudhir Srivastava and Sudhir Srivastava
- Subjects
- Tumor markers
- Abstract
Prepared by world leaders on this topic, Biomarkers in Cancer Screening and Early Detection offers a comprehensive, state-of-the-art perspective on the various research and clinical aspects of cancer biomarkers, from their discovery and development to their validation, clinical utility, and use in developing personalized cancer treatment. Offers a comprehensive, state-of-the-art perspective on the various research and clinical aspects of cancer biomarkers Provides immediately actionable information and hopefully also inspiration to move discovery and clinical application forward Offers vital knowledge to help develop personalized cancer treatment for individual patients with specific cancers
- Published
- 2017
9. Pediatric Dermatopathology
- Author
Thuy L. Phung, Teresa S. Wright, Crystal Y. Pourciau, Bruce R. Smoller, Thuy L. Phung, Teresa S. Wright, Crystal Y. Pourciau, and Bruce R. Smoller
- Subjects
- Infants, Human beings, Pediatric dermatology, Skin--Diseases, Children
- Abstract
This book provides practicing pathologists, dermatologists, cutaneous oncologists and dermatopathologists with a reference textbook that reviews the clinical and histopathologic features of skin disorders that affect children, along with a discussion of the molecular pathogenesis for each disease as it is currently known. The book includes a concise discussion of the clinical presentation, as well as the histologic and, when appropriate, immunohistochemical features of each disease. The book is divided into two main sections, non-neoplastic and neoplastic skin diseases. Each section is comprised of a series of chapters organized according to histologic findings rather than by clinical classification systems. This will enable the practicing pathologist to browse chapters based upon observation of routine histologic patterns. Each chapter addresses the differential diagnoses of skin disorders with focus on salient histologic characteristics. The text is richly illustrated withover 1000 colorful clinical and histologic photographs for each of the 400 entities discussed. Pediatric Dermatopathology provides a microscope table reference for the practicing pediatric pathologist, general pathologist and dermatopathologist. Further, it will serve as a reference volume for dermatologists, pediatricians and oncologic surgeons.
- Published
- 2017
10. The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Author
Scott R. Steele, Tracy L. Hull, Thomas E. Read, Theodore J. Saclarides, Anthony J. Senagore, Charles B. Whitlow, Scott R. Steele, Tracy L. Hull, Thomas E. Read, Theodore J. Saclarides, Anthony J. Senagore, and Charles B. Whitlow
- Subjects
- Rectum--Surgery, Surgery, Medicine, Colon (Anatomy)--Surgery, Colon (Anatomy)-xSurgery, Cancer--Surgery, General Surgery, Medicine and Public Health, Colorectal Surgery
- Abstract
This third edition text provides a completely revised and updated new version of this unique, modern, practical text that covers the strategic evaluation, specific approaches, and detailed management techniques utilized by expert colorectal surgeons caring for patients with complex problems–whether they result from underlying colorectal disease or from complications arising from previous surgical therapy. The format follows that of both a “how to” manual as well as an algorithm-based guide to allow the reader to understand the thought process behind the proposed treatment strategy. By making use of evidence-based recommendations, each chapter includes not only background information and diagnostic/therapeutic guidelines, but also provides a narrative by the author on his/her operative technical details and perioperative “tips and tricks” that they utilize in the management of these complex surgical challenges. Distinctive to this book, is the reliance on experts in the field including past presidents of the ASCRS, as well as multiple other national and internationally recognized surgeons, to lend their personal insight into situations where data may be more sparse, but individual and collective experience is paramount to making sound decisions and thereby optimizing patient outcomes. The text includes chapters on the assessment of risk and methods utilized to minimize perioperative complications. In addition, it incorporates sections covering the medical and surgical therapies for abdominal, pelvic and anorectal disease. Moreover, the technical challenges of managing complications resulting from the original or subsequent operations is addressed. The underlying focus throughout the text is on providing pragmatic and understandable solutions that can be readily implemented by surgeons of varying experience to successfully treat complex colorectal problems. However, it also goes beyond the technical aspects of colorectal surgery and includes special sections highlighting the essence of a surgeon; covering aspects involving the medical-legal, ethical, and economic challenges confronting surgeons. Throughout the text, each author provides an ongoing narrative of his/her individual surgical techniques along with illustrations and diagrams to “personally” take the reader through the crucial steps of the procedure, and key points of patient care inherent to that topic. Additionally, where appropriate, links to online videos give the reader an up-front look into technical aspects of colorectal surgery.
- Published
- 2016
11. A Practical Guide to Human Cancer Genetics
- Author
Shirley V. Hodgson, William D. Foulkes, Charis Eng, Eamonn R. Maher, Shirley V. Hodgson, William D. Foulkes, Charis Eng, and Eamonn R. Maher
- Subjects
- Cancer--Genetic aspects
- Abstract
This is a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the diagnosis, clinical features and management of inherited disorders conferring cancer susceptibility. It is fully updated with much molecular, screening and management information. It covers risk analysis and genetic counselling for individuals with a family history of cancer. It also discusses predictive testing and the organisation of the cancer genetics service. There is information about the genes causing Mendelian cancer predisposing conditions and their mechanism of action. It aims to provide such details in a practical format for geneticists and clinicians in all disciplines.
- Published
- 2013
12. Molecular Genetics of Pancreatic Cancer
- Author
Diane M. Simeone, Anirban Maitra, Diane M. Simeone, and Anirban Maitra
- Subjects
- Pancreas--Cancer--Genetic aspects
- Abstract
Pancreatic cancer is a formidable disease, and advances in early detection and improved therapeutics have been slow to come forth. With new advances in molecular genetics in the field of pancreatic tumorigenesis, it is an opportune time to use these recent discoveries to enhance our understanding of pancreatic cancer biology and to improve outcomes in patients. In this volume, leading experts in the field shed light on these findings describing the mutational landscape of pancreatic cancer, including new inroads into our understanding of familial pancreatic cancer, epidemiology, the biology of K-ras signaling, and the emerging contribution of epigenetic alterations to disease initiation and progression. The distinctive pancreatic cancer-stroma ecosystem as determined by the dynamic interplay of inflammation, hallmark mutations, EMT, and cancer stem cells is described, and implications of these interactions in the context of development of novel, personalized therapeutic options are explored.
- Published
- 2013
13. Gastrointestinale Tumoren : Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge
- Author
Tumorzentrum München, C. Bruns, Tumorzentrum München, and C. Bruns
- Abstract
Das Manual beinhaltet alle entscheidenden Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes; von der Diagnostik über die Therapie bis zur Nachsorge. Die Inhalte wurden von interdisziplinär zusammengesetzten Expertenteams erarbeitet, diskutiert und sind nun in dem Manual als Empfehlungen für die Praxis nachzulesen. Das Buch, jetzt bereits in der 9. Auflage, ist hochaktuell, leitliniengerecht und bietet trotzdem Platz für persönliche Meinungen und Erfahrungen. Das Expertenwissen und auch deren klinische Erfahrung soll in dieser Form einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um die Versorgung der Patienten zu verbessern.
- Published
- 2013
14. Molecular Pathogenesis of Colorectal Cancer
- Author
Kevin M. Haigis, Ph.D and Kevin M. Haigis, Ph.D
- Subjects
- Physical sciences, Biochemistry, Life sciences, Diseases, Methodology, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer, Molecular diagnosis, Rectum--Cancer--Diagnosis, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Diagnosis, Pathology, Molecular, Rectum--Cancer, Biology, Medical technology
- Abstract
Colorectal cancer has for more than two decades served as the paradigm for the multi-step concept of cancer initiation and progression. Perhaps more than any other organ site, cancer of the colon is extensively characterized at the molecular level. We are now entering a time when molecular classification, rather than histologic classification, of cancer subtypes is driving the development of clinical trials with emerging targeted therapies. The book will focus on the progression from the identification of mutations that drive colorectal cancer initiation and progression to the search for novel therapies to treat the disease.
- Published
- 2013
15. Gastrointestinal Oncology : A Practical Guide
- Author
Charles D. Blanke, Claus Rödel, Mark S. Talamonti, Charles D. Blanke, Claus Rödel, and Mark S. Talamonti
- Subjects
- Gastrointestinal system--Cancer--Diagnosis--Handbooks, manuals, etc, Gastrointestinal system--Cancer--Treatment--Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Abstract
Gastrointestinal Oncology is an evidence-based, practical reference intended to assist in the diagnosis and management of patients with gastrointestinal malignancies. It is designed to be as user friendly as possible and is distinguished by the extremely practical, concrete nature of the information presented and by the multidisciplinary approach adopted. In addition to disease-oriented chapters spanning sites from the esophagus to the anus, non-anatomic subjects such as modern imaging techniques are also addressed. Translational science is supplied where useful in the decision-making process. All of the authors are internationally recognized experts. This book is an ideal resource for oncologists, surgeons, gastroenterologists, and primary-care providers looking for the latest and best information on how to deal with a wide variety of gastrointestinal neoplasms.
- Published
- 2011
16. Molecular Pathology in Clinical Practice
- Author
Debra G.B. Leonard and Debra G.B. Leonard
- Subjects
- Molecular diagnosis, Pathology, Molecular, Medical genetics
- Abstract
This authoritative textbook offers in-depth coverage of all aspects of molecular pathology practice and embodies the current standard in molecular testing. Since the successful first edition, new sections have been added on pharmacogenetics and genomics, while other sections have been revised and updated to reflect the rapid advances in the field. The result is a superb reference that encompasses molecular biology basics, genetics, inherited cancers, solid tumors, neoplastic hematopathology, infectious diseases, identity testing, HLA typing, laboratory management, genomics and proteomics. Throughout the text, emphasis is placed on the molecular variations being detected, the clinical usefulness of the tests and important clinical and laboratory issues.The second edition of Molecular Pathology in Clinical Practice will be an invaluable source of information for all practicing molecular pathologists and will also be of utility for other pathologists, clinical colleaguesand trainees.
- Published
- 2009
17. Genetics of Colorectal Cancer
- Author
John D. Potter, Noralane M. Lindor, John D. Potter, and Noralane M. Lindor
- Subjects
- Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Genetic aspects, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Molecular aspects
- Abstract
Genetic susceptibility refers to how variations in a person's genes increase or decrease his or her susceptibility to environmental factors, such as chemicals, radiation and lifestyle (diet and smoking). This volume will explore the latest findings in the area of genetic susceptibility to gastrointestinal cancers, focusing on molecular epidemiology, DNA repair, and gene-environment interactions to identify factors that affect the incidence of GI cancers. Topics will include germline susceptibility, including Mendelian patterns of inheritance and gene-environment interactions that lead to cancer etiology.
- Published
- 2009
18. Histological and Serological Tumor Markers and Gene Expression and Their Clinical Usefulness in Cancers
- Author
Hellberg, Dan and Hellberg, Dan
- Subjects
- Tumor markers
- Abstract
The number of commercially available antibodies for the detection of biological markers, tumor markers, by immunohistochemistry or serological methods in cancer are rapidly increasing. Results in different studies are often contradictory and the usefulness of single tumor markers in different cancer types is unclear. An increasing number of studies on genetic “fingerprints” are being reported. This book represents the most comprehensive and up-to-date publication on histological and serological tumor markers, also commenting recent genetic studies. Sixteen major cancer types and an additional chapter on HIV-related cancers are reviewed by more than 40 authors. These are cancer of the breast, lung, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, colon, rectum, anus, skin, brain, prostate, penis, ovary, uterus, uterine cervix and HIV-related cancers. The authors are active and respected researchers, experts in their fields. Tumor markers will be evaluated for clinical usefulness in diagnostics, prognosis and therapy. Definitive present usefulness is given for the specific cancer types and their purpose of use. Tumor markers that are still being evaluated but of possible future clinical importance are discussed. The index will make it easy to find a particular tumor marker and compare studies on different cancer types. The book is meant to inspire clinical and laboratory management as well as planning research and evaluation of results. Thus, oncologists, pathologists and other physicians who are involved in patients with cancer will find it useful.
- Published
- 2009
19. Principles of Molecular Oncology
- Author
Miguel H. Bronchud, MaryAnn Foote, Giuseppe Giaccone, Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, Paul Workman, Miguel H. Bronchud, MaryAnn Foote, Giuseppe Giaccone, Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, and Paul Workman
- Subjects
- Tumor markers, Carcinogenesis, Cancer--Molecular aspects
- Abstract
Drawing on years of significant scientific advances and clinical developments, the editors of POMO III have thoroughly updated the highly praised first and second editions and added new chapters to reflect the knowledge emerging from research on genomics, proteomics, chemoprevention strategies, new molecular targets, therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, and innovative cytotoxic and cytostatic small molecular-weight molecules. The first edition of this book (Humana Press, 2000) was also the first comprehensive presentation of the concept of cancer as a “disease process” involving key regulatory pathways. The second edition (2004) reaffirmed this dynamic concept, incorporating more recent evidence, and introducing such new topics of special interest as the combination of molecular diagnostics--expression profiling of genes and proteins--with developmental therapeutics, and the “binary state” concept (active/inactive) that seeks more relevant targets within the global molecular matrix of a given cancer. Comprehensive and intellectually stimulating, POMO III not only clearly elucidates the fundamentals of this dramatically advancing field, but also interprets the vast and often complex molecular data available. It fills a much neglected gap between “information” and “knowledge”, and holds out the hope of new anticancer strategies that will reduce cancer cell proliferation and significantly reduce metastasis.
- Published
- 2008
20. Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer : Risk, Prevention and Management
- Author
Karen H. Lu and Karen H. Lu
- Subjects
- Generative organs, Female--Cancer--Genetic asp, Genital Neoplasms, Female--genetics, Genes, BRCA1, Genes, BRCA2, Genital Neoplasms, Female--prevention & control, Genital Neoplasms, Female--therapy, Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary
- Abstract
Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer: Risk, Prevention and Management fills the need that exists for a book addressing highly relevant clinical issues associated with the new field of hereditary gynecologic cancers. Written with the clinician in mind, the authors will cover a broad range of topics, beginning with an overview discussing clinical relevance
- Published
- 2008
21. Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer : A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers [to Internet References]
- Author
Parker, Philip M., Parker, James N., Parker, Philip M., and Parker, James N.
- Subjects
- Rectum--Cancer--Computer network resources, Rectum--Cancer--Bibliography, Rectum--Cancer--Dictionaries, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Genetic aspects--Computer network resources, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Genetic aspects--Bibliography, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer--Genetic aspects--Dictionaries
- Abstract
Title from PDF title page (viewed on Oct. 11, 2007).
- Published
- 2007
22. A Practical Guide to Human Cancer Genetics
- Author
Shirley Hodgson, William Foulkes, Charis Eng, Eamonn Maher, Shirley Hodgson, William Foulkes, Charis Eng, and Eamonn Maher
- Subjects
- Genetic screening, Cancer--Genetic aspects
- Abstract
The 2006 third edition of this very successful book provides a comprehensive and practical guide to the diagnosis and management of inherited disorders conferring susceptibility to cancer. Issues discussed include risk assessment, genetic counselling, predictive testing and organisation of a cancer genetics service. A full reference list gives access to background literature. With molecular information, screening guidelines and management advice, this new edition will provide geneticists and clinicians in all disciplines with an invaluable resource for screening, managing and advising patients.
- Published
- 2007
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