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1. Subjective Impressions Do Not Mirror Online Reading Effort: Concurrent EEG-Eyetracking Evidence from the Reading of Books and Digital Media.

2. Life Years Lost Associated with Obesity-Related Diseases for U.S. Non-Smoking Adults.

3. Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease Mortality in the United States, 1999–2010: A Population-Based Comparative Study.

4. Spatial and Temporal Habitat Segregation of Mosquitoes in Urban Florida.

5. Prevalence of Ingested Fish Hooks in Freshwater Turtles from Five Rivers in the Southeastern United States.

6. The Association of Ambient Air Pollution and Physical Inactivity in the United States.

7. Cardiovascular and Psychiatric Morbidity in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) with Insomnia (Sleep Apnea Plus) versus Obstructive Sleep Apnea without Insomnia: A Case-Control Study from a Nationally Representative US Sample.

8. A Not-So-Grim Tale: How Childhood Family Structure Influences Reproductive and Risk-Taking Outcomes in a Historical U.S. Population.

9. Factors Influencing Germination of a Functionally Important Grassland Plant, Iris tenax.

10. Mutation or Loss of p53 Differentially Modifies TGFβ Action in Ovarian Cancer.

11. Potential Therapeutic Competition in Community-Living Older Adults in the U.S.: Use of Medications That May Adversely Affect a Coexisting Condition.

12. Loss of Genetic Diversity among Ocelots in the United States during the 20th Century Linked to Human Induced Population Reductions.

13. Treatment and Outcomes among Patients with Cryptococcus gattii Infections in the United States Pacific Northwest.

14. Relapse Rates in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Switching from Interferon to Fingolimod or Glatiramer Acetate: A US Claims Database Study.

15. Understanding Public Opinion in Debates over Biomedical Research: Looking beyond Political Partisanship to Focus on Beliefs about Science and Society.

16. Bone Mineral Metabolism Parameters and Urinary Albumin Excretion in a Representative US Population Sample.

17. Genome-Wide Association Analysis and Genomic Prediction of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis Infection in US Jersey Cattle.

18. Hominin Footprints from Early Pleistocene Deposits at Happisburgh, UK.

19. Examining Historical and Current Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes in Ponderosa Pine and Mixed-Conifer Forests of Western North America.

20. Mercury in the Soil of Two Contrasting Watersheds in the Eastern United States.

21. Concomitant Socioeconomic, Behavioral, and Biological Factors Associated with the Disproportionate HIV Infection Burden among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in 6 U.S. Cities.

22. Magnitude of the Freshwater Turtle Exports from the US: Long Term Trends and Early Effects of Newly Implemented Harvest Management Regimes.

23. Predicting the Risk of Suicide by Analyzing the Text of Clinical Notes.

24. Low LDL-C and High HDL-C Levels Are Associated with Elevated Serum Transaminases amongst Adults in the United States: A Cross-sectional Study.

25. Plasma Selenium Biomarkers in Low Income Black and White Americans from the Southeastern United States.

26. Prevalence of Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States.

27. Growth and Maximum Size of Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) in Hawaii.

28. Reaction Time and Mortality from the Major Causes of Death: The NHANES-III Study.

29. Performance of a Limiting-Antigen Avidity Enzyme Immunoassay for Cross-Sectional Estimation of HIV Incidence in the United States.

30. Quantifying and Valuing Potential Climate Change Impacts on Coral Reefs in the United States: Comparison of Two Scenarios.

31. A Fluorescence-Based Thermal Shift Assay Identifies Inhibitors of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 4.

32. “Righteous Minds” in Health Care: Measurement and Explanatory Value of Social Intuitionism in Accounting for the Moral Judgments in a Sample of U.S. Physicians.

33. Four Centuries of Change in Northeastern United States Forests.

34. Modeling the Potential Spread of the Recently Identified Non-Native Panther Grouper (Chromileptes altivelis) in the Atlantic Using a Cellular Automaton Approach.

35. crw1 - A Novel Maize Mutant Highly Susceptible to Foliar Damage by the Western Corn Rootworm Beetle.

36. Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow and Subbasin-Scale Hydrology in the Upper Colorado River Basin.

37. Variability of Sleep Duration Is Related to Subjective Sleep Quality and Subjective Well-Being: An Actigraphy Study.

38. Assessing Uncertainty in High-Resolution Spatial Climate Data across the US Northeast.

39. Trends in Total and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol among U.S. Adults: Contributions of Changes in Dietary Fat Intake and Use of Cholesterol-Lowering Medications

40. Trends in Acute Myocardial Infarction Hospitalization Rates for US States in the CDC Tracking Network

41. Trends in Amphibian Occupancy in the United States

42. Intestinal Microbiota in Healthy U.S. Young Children and Adults—A High Throughput Microarray Analysis

43. Influenza Mortality in the United States, 2009 Pandemic: Burden, Timing and Age Distribution

44. Development of DArT Marker Platforms and Genetic Diversity Assessment of the U.S. Collection of the New Oilseed Crop Lesquerella and Related Species

45. Current and Future Disease Progression of the Chronic HCV Population in the United States

46. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Pigs and Farm Workers on Conventional and Antibiotic-Free Swine Farms in the USA

47. Associations of PON1 and Genetic Ancestry with Obesity in Early Childhood

48. Evaluation of the WHO 2010 Grading and AJCC/UICC Staging Systems in Prognostic Behavior of Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors.

49. Can Inpatient Hospital Experiences Predict Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections?

50. Daily Step Count Predicts Acute Exacerbations in a US Cohort with COPD.