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1. Sobre el acceso a la justicia ambiental y comunicaciones amicus curiae. Una inamistosa recepciin hacia los amigos del tribunal (On Access to Environmental Justice and Amicus Curiae Submissions: Not a Friendly Approach to the Friends of the Court)

2. Utilizing Geospatial Analysis of U.S. Census Data for Studying the Dynamics of Urbanization and Land Consumption

3. 'Understanding the Structure of the Subject': Conceptualizing Structural Cartography for Literature Reviews

4. La Storia Della Fisica Dello Stato Solito in Una Prolusione Di Eligio Perucca Del 1960 [The History of the Solid-State Physics in a Talk by Eligio Perucca of 1960]

5. A Proppsito del Zeroing: Metodologga de CClculo Antidumping y Fuente de Conflictos Internacionales en el Seno de la OMC (About Zeroing: Methodology of Anti-Dumping Calculation and Source of International Conflicts at the WTO)

6. Desarrollo Capitalista y Degradaciin Ambiental: Un Enfoque Marxista. (Capitalist Development and Environmental Degradation: A Marxist Approach.)

7. Pasado, Presente Y Futuro? De La Teorra Institucional En El Annlisis Organizacional: Una Revisiin a La Literatura (Past, Present and Future? Of the Institutional Theory in Organizational Analysis: A Literature Review)

8. A mmquina de exploraaao mercantil da privacidade e suas conexxes sociais (The Mercantile Privacy-Exploiting Machine and Its Social Connections)

9. Significance of EG Index with Spatial Clustering Testing for Indian Manufacturing

10. El Dilema Constitucional Chileno (Chilean Constitutional Dilemma)

11. Las Preferencias Dependen Del Punto De Referencia!: Un desaffo al Annlisis Econnmico y coaseanoo del Derecho (Preferences Depend on Reference Points!: A Challenge to Law & Economics And Coasean Theory - In Spanish)

12. Abogados Y Transiciin En Chile (Lawyers and Transition in Chile)

13. Urban Resilience Trade-Offs: Sfide Derivate Dall'Applicazione Di Un Approccio Integrato Alla Resilienza Urbana (Urban Resilience Trade-offs: Challenges in Applying an Integrated Approach to Urban Resilience)

14. I processi di trasformazione urbana a Milano: il caso di Lambrate (Processes of Urban Transformation in Milan: The Case of Lambrate)

15. Evaluaciin de La Eficiencia Comprativa: Indicadores y TTcnicas De Annlisis (Evaluating Comparative Efficiency: Measures and Analytical Techniques)

16. Las infraestructuras aeroportuarias: Tipo de propiedad y su relaciin con la eficiencia (Airport Infrastructures: The Relationship between the Type of Ownership and Efficiency)

17. Political Economy of Critical Internet Resources: South America vs. Amazon, Inc.: The Battle for Amazon (Economma polltica de los recursos crrticos de Internet: Ammrica del Sur vs Amazon, Inc.: La Batalla por la Amazon)

18. Raaces Y Evoluciin Del Liberalismo De La Escuela Austriaca (Roots and Evolution of Liberalism of the Austrian School)

19. Modelos Y Problemmticas En La Incorporaciin De Las Tic En La Escuela (Models and Issues in Incorporating Technology Information and Communication (TIC) in School)

20. La Reforma Contable Espaaola de 2007: Un Balance (The 2007 Spanish Accounting Reform: A Reflection)

21. La Polltica Monetaria Y La Distribuciin Funcional Del Ingreso: Lo Que Usted Quiso Saber Y No Se Atrevii a Preguntar (Monetary Policy and Functional Income Distribution: Everything You Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid to Ask)

22. Estrategias del sector de telefonna ppblica bbsica conmuntada frente al actual desplazamiento de formas tradicionales de comunicaciin en Colombia (Strategies of the Commuted Basic Public Phone in the Face of the Current Displacement of Traditional Comunication Forms in Colombia)

23. Eficacia Y Asimetrías De Los Programas De Delación En Un Contexto Multi-Mercado: Un Análisis Del Caso Colombiano En El Marco Del Tlc Con Estados Unidos (Efficacy and Asymmetries of the Leniency Programs on a Multi-Market Context: An Analysis of the Colombian Case Under the FTA with the U.S.)

24. Restaurar a Credibilidade Das Fundações Jurídica E Económica Da Estabilidade Financeira: A Necessidade De Incorporação De Teorias Econômicas? (Restoring the Credibility of the Legal and Economic Foundations of Financial Stability: The Need for Incorporation of Economic Theories?)

25. Variables Que Determinan El Performance De Las Alianzas Estrattgicas::Aplicaciin De Un Meta-Annlisis (Variables Determining the Performance of Strategic Alliances: Application of Meta-Analysis)

26. Cuba Zona Especial De Desarrollo Mariel 100 Preguntas Y Respuestas (100 FAQ About Cuba's Mariel Special Development Zone Legislation)

27. Una Propuesta De Expansiin Del Sistema De Soluciin De Controversias De La Organizaciin Mundial Del Comercio Como Contrapeso a La Tendencia Creciente De Los Tratados De Comercio Preferencial (A Proposal to Exand the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the World Trade Organization as a Counterweight to the Growing Trend of Preferential Trade Agreements)

28. Ripristinare La Credibilità Dei Fondamenti Giuridici Ed Economici Della Stabilità Finanziaria: La Necessità Di Incorporazione Delle Teorie Economiche? (Restoring the Credibility of the Legal and Economic Foundations of Financial Stability: The Need for Incorporation of Economic Theories?)

29. Las Privatizaciones En Espaaa (Privatisations in Spain)

30. Economía Cooperativa: un Enfoque Innovador para la Sostenibilidad (Cooperative Economics: An Innovative Approach to Sustainability)

31. Recuperar La Credibilidad De Los Fundamentos Jurídicos Y Económicos De Estabilidad Financiera: La Necesidad De La Incorporación De Las Teorías Económicas? (Restoring the Credibility of the Legal and Economic Foundations of Financial Stability: The Need for Incorporation of Economic Theories?)

32. Mapping a City Onto Itself: A Note on the Reconstruction of Beirut Central District

33. Reflections on the Fog of (Cyber)War

34. La Universidad frente a las Implicaciones de las Estrategias Empresariales de Innovaciin y Desarrollo (The University versus Business Strategies of Innovation and Development)

35. Mas Alla De Las Proyecciones: El Valor Terminal, Diapositivas (Beyond Forecasting Period: The Terminal Value, Slides)

36. Geographical Indication as a Tool for Protection of Traditional Knowledge with Special Reference to Protection of ‘Cashmere’ in Kashmir

37. Suburbanization, the Spread of Suburban Culture: A Residential Mobility Approach to the Post-WW II Suburban Types in American Metropolis

38. Struttura delle Comunicazioni e Costruzione Narrativa dei Movimenti Sociali nei Siti di Social Network: l'esperienza del Popolo Viola

39. Lectura Introductoria Para ser un Líder y el Efectivo Ejercicio de Liderazgo: Un Modelo Ontológico/Fenomenológico (Introductory Reading for Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological/Phenomenological Model)

40. La Calidad De Los Productos En El Marco Del Estatuto Del Consumidor En Colombia: Aproximaciin Crrtica Desde La Teorra Microeconnmica (The quality of the products under the Statute consumer Colombia: Critical Approach From The Microeconomic Theory)

41. Conformación de la Propuesta de Mejora al Proceso de Software (Establishment of the Process Improvement Proposal Software)

42. La Cooperación En Trentino: Un Modelo Construido a Través De 120 Años De Transformaciones (Cooperation in Trentino Over 120 Years of Transformation)

43. Annlisis Sobre Elecciin De Ocupaciones Que Generen Empleo Usando Modelos De Elecciin Discreta: Medellln rea Metropolitana 2009 (An Analysis on the Occupations that Create Employment Using Discreet Choice Models: Medellin Metropolitan Area 2009)

44. A Utilizaaao dos Precedentes da Uniio Europpia No Direito Concorrencial Brasileiro (The Use of EU Competition Precedents in Brazilian Competition Judgments)

45. 'Life/ Work Balance, the Nature’s Way'

46. Mujeres en ascenso: dinnmica del sistema educativo y del mercado laboral en Colombia, 1900-2000 (Women Rising: Dynamics of the Education System and the Labor Market in Colombia, 1900-2000)

47. Uma Soberania, Dois Sistemas Sociais, Trrs Tradiiies Jurrdicas: O Sistema Jurrdico De Macau E a Fammlia Romano-Germmnica (One Sovereignty, Two Social Systems, Three Legal Traditions: The Macau Legal System and the Roman-German Family of Legal Systems)

48. Las Empresas Sociales Y Cooperativas Dentro Del Nuevo Paradigma: Porque En Europa La Realidad Los Negan La Ideologia (Cooperative and Social Enterprises in the New Paradigm: Why in Europe Facts Run Counter to Ideology)

49. Counting the Uncountable and Knowing the Unknows? (Una Rassegna della Letteratura sui Metodi di Valutazione Ambientale)

50. The Oaxaca Decomposition Applied to a Continuous Group Variable (With an Extension to a Probit Model)