
Showing total 38,919 results
38,919 results

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1. Two Lower Bounds on the Secrecy Capacity of the Action-dependent Dirty Paper Wiretap Channel

2. Wastewater Treatment Method Selection for Pulp and Paper Industry

3. Cyber Range Infrastructure Limitations and Needs of Tomorrow: A Position Paper

4. A quantitative characterization method of oil-paper insulation aging condition based on multi-characteristic parameters

5. Towards #consistentAI Position Paper

6. Analysis of a multi-node system for crack monitoring based on zero-power wireless harmonic transponders on paper

7. SCUT-EPT: New Dataset and Benchmark for Offline Chinese Text Recognition in Examination Paper

8. NeuroMeter: An Integrated Power, Area, and Timing Modeling Framework for Machine Learning Accelerators Industry Track Paper

9. Applications for Machine Learning in Semiconductor Manufacturing and Test (Invited Paper)

10. Laser engineering of three-dimensional (3D) structures in paper-based microfluidic devices

11. An efficient approach for paper submission recommendation

12. Semi-supervised Convolutional Triplet Neural Networks for Assessing Paper Texture Similarity

13. An Anti-Counterfeiting Method of High Security and Reliability Based on Unique Internal Fiber Pattern of Paper

14. Deep learning classification of photographic paper based on clustering by domain experts

15. Eudoxus: Characterizing and Accelerating Localization in Autonomous Machines Industry Track Paper

16. A Design Optimization for Pin-Constrained Paper-based Digital Microfluidic Biochips Integrating Fluid-Control Co-Design Issues

17. Reinforcement Learning Driven Physical Synthesis : (Invited Paper)

18. First-Order Methods for Energy-Efficient Power Control in Cell-Free Massive MIMO : Invited Paper

19. HumTouch: Finger gesture recognition on hydrogel-painted paper using hum-driven signals

20. Analysing Emotions on Lecture Videos using CNN AND HOG (Workshop Paper)

21. Drdnet: Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Capsule Network (Workshop Paper)

22. ecUWB: A Energy-Centric Communication Scheme for Unstable WiFi Based Backscatter Systems : (Invited Paper)

23. Focused Value Prediction: Concepts, techniques and implementations presented in this paper are subject matter of pending patent applications, which have been filed by Intel Corporation

24. Introduction of Non-Volatile Computing In Memory (nvCIM) by 3D NAND Flash for Inference Accelerator of Deep Neural Network (DNN) and the Read Disturb Reliability Evaluation : (Invited Paper)

25. Co-Design between Semiconductor, Low-Variation Fully-Additive Printed/Flexible Printing and Variation-Tolerant Digital Circuit Design: (Invited Paper)

26. Long, Short, Monolithic - The Gate Loop Challenge for GaN Drivers: Invited Paper

27. Time Stamped Bijective MAC and Dynamic PUF Authentication New Directions For IoT Security : Invited Paper

28. High-speed Photodetector Technologies for 100-Gbit/s PAM4 Systems and Beyond : (Invited paper)

29. Design Technology for Scalable and Robust Photonic Integrated Circuits: Invited Paper

30. High-performance Hardware Architecture for Tensor Singular Value Decomposition: Invited Paper

31. Open-Source Incubation Ecosystem for Digital Microfluidics — Status and Roadmap: Invited Paper

32. DEEPEYE: A Deeply Tensor-Compressed Neural Network Hardware Accelerator: Invited Paper

33. Towards Verification-Aware Knowledge Distillation for Neural-Network Controlled Systems: Invited Paper

34. Aerodynamic Investigation on a Novel Paper-Folding Micro Annular Aerial Robot

35. Facilitating Deployment Of A Wafer-Based Analytic Software Using Tensor Methods: Invited Paper

36. Fast-OFDM Transmission with Duobinary 3-PSK Modulation: Invited Paper

37. Machine Learning for Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in Long-Haul Coherent Optical Transmission Systems : Invited Paper

38. An Overview of Underwater Optical Wireless Channel Modelling Techniques : (Invited Paper)

39. Deep Residual Neural Networks for Image in Audio Steganography (Workshop Paper)

40. Recent Developments in Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review (Workshop Paper)

41. Low-Noise, Low-Power Pulse Shaper for Particle Detection (Invited Paper)

42. Linear formulation for the design of elastic optical networks with squeezing protection and shared risk link group: Invited Paper

43. Hierarchical Improvement of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for Object Detection: (Invited Paper)

44. Invited Paper: mmMoReEdge: A mmWave Modular and Reconfigurable Testbed Design using a Smart Edge Framework

45. Learning Deep Neural Network Controllers for Dynamical Systems with Safety Guarantees: Invited Paper

46. Klm-PPSA: Klm-based profiling and preventing security attacks for cloud environments: Invited Paper

47. A New Approach of Data Pre-processing for Data Compression in Smart Grids: Invited Paper

48. A Quality of Experience Evaluation Comparing Augmented Reality and Paper Based Instruction for Complex Task Assistance

49. Survey Paper on Plant Leaf Diseases Detection Techniques used in Machine Learning

50. The Dawn of Spacetime Metamaterials : (Invited Paper)