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48,559 results

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1. Self-Tuning Cross Profile Control for a Paper Machine

2. Paper Machine Industrial Analysis on Moisture Control Using BF-PSO Algorithm and Real Time Implementation Setup through Embedded Controller

3. Quasi-Z-Source Indirect Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive for Flow Control of Dye in Paper Mill

4. Nonlinear Modeling of Moisture Control of Drying Process in Paper Machine

5. Combined Fractional Adaptive Control * *The results reported in this paper have been financed by CONICYT- Chile, under the Basal Financing Program FB0809 'Ad-vanced Mining Technology Center', FONDECYT Project 1150488, 'Fractional Error Models in Adaptive Control and Applications'; and FONDECYT 3150007, Postdoctoral Program 2015'

6. Block Inverted Decoupling Control with Internal Model Structure for Non-square Multivariable Time Delay Systems * *This paper is partly supported by the National Science Foundation of China (61473183, U1509211)

7. Reconfigurable Control Design of Steering and Torque Vectoring Based on Reachability Set Analysis * *The research was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund through the project 'SEPPAC: Safety and Economic Platform for Partially Automated Commercial vehicles' (VKSZ 14-1-2015-0125). This paper was partially supported by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

8. Improved Coordinated Response and Disturbance Rejection in the Critical Sections of Paper Machines

9. Robust tuning for machine-directional predictive control of MIMO paper-making processes

10. Multiple Property Cross Direction Control of Paper Machines

11. Application and roll-out of infinite horizon MPC employing a nonlinear mechanistic model to paper machines

12. Front-tracking centralized motor control in a paper-making process

13. A New Decentralized Pitch Control Scheme for Wind Turbines * *Paper prepared for IFAC open invited session: Wind turbine and wind farm control: Control challenges and solutions

14. Multiple Fault-Tolerant In-Wheel Vehicle Control Based on High-level Control Reconfiguration * *The research was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund through the project 'SEPPAC: Safety and Economic Platform for Partially Automated Commercial vehicles' (VKSZ 14-1-2015-0125). This paper was supported by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

15. Paper machine controllability: effect of disturbances on basis weight and first-pass retention

16. Improving Pulp and Paper Plant MV Transformer Protection

17. Paper Machine Modeling at Norske Skog Saugbrugs: A Mechanistic Approach

18. Implementing machine-directional basis weight control for a pilot paper machine

19. Output Feedback Stabilization of Inertial Stabilized Platform with Unmatched Disturbances Using Sliding Mode Approach * *This paper was supported by the foundation of International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2015DFA10490), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61473080), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities and the Innovate Foundation for Graduate Student of JiangSu Province (KYLX15-0213)

20. Finite state estimation and control of a multi-input CSTR benchmark * *This paper was prepared during E. Ikonen’s visit to Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática (Málaga, Spain) with financial support from the Foundations’ Professor Pool (Suomen Kulttuurirahasto, Kalle ja Dagmar Välimaan rahasto)

21. Gap Control System for Transported Paper Sheet with a Pair of Flat Belts

22. Removal of Moisture Content in Paper Machine Using Soft Computing Techniques

23. Retention Control System of Paper Machine for Many Grades Production

24. A High Performance Control System for Pressurized Headbox of Paper Machines

25. Application of generalised predictive control to the paper machine benchmark

26. Maximum power point tracking methods for photovoltaic systems operating under partially shaded or rapidly variable insolation conditions: a review paper

27. Dual Control and Information Gain in Controlling Uncertain Processes**This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. Corresponding author H. C. La. This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Heidelberg Graduate School for Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences. Support by the EU through S. Engell’s and H.G. Bock’s ERC Advanced Investigator Grant MOBOCON (291 458) is gratefully acknowledged

28. Cooperative Output Regulation for Uncertain Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Unknown Control Directions**The work described in this paper was supported by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China under Project CityU/138913

29. New Moisture Control Method for Paper Machine

30. Impact of model plant mismatch on performance of control systems: An application to paper machine control

31. Robust control of a paper machine

32. New Technology of Electrical Drive Equipment for Paper Manufacturing Systems

33. Robust Look-ahead Cruise Control Design Based on the ℋ∞ Method∗∗This paper was supported by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

34. User Friendly Robust MPC Tuning of Uncertain Paper-Making Processes∗∗This work was supported by an NSERC CRD project with Honeywell Vancouver as the industrial partner

35. Simple Linearization Approach for MPC Design for Small PMSM with Field Weakening Performance∗∗This work was supported by Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the project TE01020197 'Centre of Applied Cybernetics 3'.The completion of this paper was made possible by grant No. FEKT-S-14-2429 - 'The research of new control methods, measurement procedures and intelligent instruments in automation', and the related financial assistance was provided from the internal science fund of Brno University of Technology

36. Modelling and prediction of bending stiffness for paper board manufacturing

37. An online non-intrusive method for alignment between actuators and their response centers on a paper machine

38. State and Input Estimation of an Anaerobic Digestion Reactor using a Continuous-discrete Unknown Input Observer∗∗The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of FNRS and CONACYT in the framework of a bilateral research agreement. This paper presents research results of the Belgian Network DYSCO (Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization), funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme, initiated by the Belgian State, Science Policy Office. The scientific responsibility rests with its authors

39. Preparation of Papers for IFAC Conferences & Symposia: Integration of Process Design and Control Using Hierarchical Control Structure

40. Coordinated Voltage Control of Weak Sub-transmission Networks Considering Wind Power Variability**The work described in this paper was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under Theme-based Research Scheme through Project No. T23-701/14-N

41. Output Control Algorithms of Dynamic Positioning and Disturbance Rejection for Robotic Vessel∗∗This paper is supported by Government of Russian Federation (GOSZADANIE 2014/190 (project 2118), grant 074-U01) and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation (project 14.Z50.31.0031). This work is financially supported by Nature Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (China) under Grant LQ13F030014

42. LPV-based Variable-Geometry Suspension Control Considering Nonlinear Tyre Characteristics**This paper was supported by the Jáanos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The research was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund through the project 'SEPPAC: Safety and Economic Platform for Partially Automated Commercial vehicles'(VKSZ 14-1-2015-0125)

43. Dynamic compensation of torsional oscillation in paper machine sections

44. Dynamic load modelling of a paper mill for small signal stability studies

45. Sensorless tension control in paper machines

46. Advanced Control of Energy Storage Systems for PV Installation Maximizing Self-Consumption**The work reported in this paper was financed by the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research, SCCER-FURIES

47. An optimum supervisory system for paper production using distributed controls

48. Analysis of recovery voltage parameters of paper-oil insulation obtained from simulation investigations using the Cole-Cole model

49. Review Paper on Smart Line Scan Camera Using Beagle Board

50. Paper machine dry line position control during grade changes