
Showing total 48 results
48 results

Search Results

1. Health equity related challenges and experiences during the rapid implementation of virtual care during COVID-19: a multiple case study.

2. Doing primary care integration: a qualitative study of meso-level collaborative practices.

3. Putting them on a strong spiritual path: Indigenous doulas responding to the needs of Indigenous mothers and communities.

4. Staff experience of a Canadian long-term care home during a COVID-19 outbreak: a qualitative study.

5. What's suffering got to do with it? A qualitative study of suffering in the context of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID).

6. An implementation history of primary health care transformation: Alberta's primary care networks and the people, time and culture of change.

7. Barriers and facilitators to using a clinical decision support tool for the management of osteoarthritis pain in patients undergoing hemodialysis: a qualitative study.

8. Clinicians' experiences implementing an advance care planning pathway in two Canadian provinces: a qualitative study.

9. Patshitinikutau Natukunisha Tshishennuat Uitshuau (a place for Elders to spend their last days in life): a qualitative study about Innu perspectives on end-of-life care.

10. Working with a robot in hospital and long-term care homes: staff experience.

11. Adapting care provision in family practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study exploring the impact of primary care reforms in four Canadian regions.

12. A qualitative study on the intersectional social determinants for indigenous people who become infected with HIV in their youth.

13. Ethics of health research with prisoners in Canada.

14. A qualitative examination of primary care team's participation in the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccination.

15. Screening for poverty and related social determinants to improve knowledge of and links to resources (SPARK): development and cognitive testing of a tool for primary care.

16. Occupational stressors and coping mechanisms among obstetrical nursing staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study.

17. Informing efforts beyond tailored promotional campaigns by understanding contextual factors shaping vaccine hesitancy among equity-deserving populations in Canada: an exploratory qualitative study.

18. Policy and practices in primary care that supported the provision and receipt of care for older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative case study in three Canadian provinces.

19. Unpacking racism during COVID-19: narratives from racialized Canadian gay, bisexual, and queer men.

20. Family physicians' responses to personal protective equipment shortages in four regions in Canada: a qualitative study.

21. Interdisciplinary staff perceptions of advance care planning in long-term care homes: a qualitative study.

22. Racism and antiracism in nursing education: confronting the problem of whiteness.

23. Hospice care providers experiences of grappling with medical assistance in dying in a hospice setting: a qualitative descriptive study.

24. A qualitative study of barriers to employment experienced by people living with HIV in Toronto and Ottawa.

25. "No thanks, I don't want to see snakes again": a qualitative study of pain management versus preservation of cognition in palliative care patients.

26. Patient and caregiver perspectives on early identification for advance care planning in primary healthcare settings.

27. Understanding determinants of patients' decisions to attend their family physician and to take antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections: a qualitative descriptive study.

28. Implementing volunteer-navigation for older persons with advanced chronic illness (Nav-CARE): a knowledge to action study.

29. Experiences of integrating community volunteers as extensions of the primary care team to help support older adults at home: a qualitative study.

30. 'The problem is small enough, the problem is big enough': a qualitative study of health technology assessment and public policy on drug funding decisions for children.

31. The rocks and hard places of MAiD: a qualitative study of nursing practice in the context of legislated assisted death.

32. Professional barriers and facilitators to using stratified care approaches for managing non-specific low back pain: a qualitative study with Canadian physiotherapists and chiropractors.

33. "Whatever happens, happens" challenges of end-of-life communication from the perspective of older adults and family caregivers: a Qualitative study.

34. Barriers to data quality resulting from the process of coding health information to administrative data: a qualitative study.

35. Influence of revised public health standards on health equity action: a qualitative study in Ontario, Canada.

36. Sex workers as peer health advocates: community empowerment and transformative learning through a Canadian pilot program.

37. Sustainability and scalability of a volunteer-based primary care intervention (Health TAPESTRY): a mixed-methods analysis.

38. The three paradoxes of patient flow: an explanatory case study.

39. Factors influencing health care and service providers' and their respective "at risk" populations' adoption of the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI): a qualitative study.

40. Exploring the experience of chronic pain among female Survival Sex Workers: a qualitative study.

41. A process evaluation accompanying an attempted randomized controlled trial of an evidence service for health system policymakers.

42. A multi-level qualitative analysis of Telehomecare in Ontario: challenges and opportunities.

43. Canadian research ethics board members' attitudes toward benefits from clinical trials.

44. Community perspectives on food insecurity and obesity: Focus groups with caregivers of metis and Off-reserve first nations children.

45. Registered nurses' experiences of patient violence on acute care psychiatric inpatient units: an interpretive descriptive study.

46. Social inequalities in breast cancer screening: evaluating written communications with immigrant Haitian women in Montreal.

47. Economic barriers, evidentiary gaps, and ethical conundrums: a qualitative study of physicians' challenges recommending HPV vaccination to older gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.

48. Whose job? The staffing of advance care planning support in twelve international healthcare organizations: a qualitative interview study.