
Showing total 18 results
18 results

Search Results

1. The growth of the production of scientific papers in China and Japan-China relationship in co-authored papers.

2. History of Higher Education Annual, 1993.

3. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Researcher Has Published New Data on Electronics (Heart Sound Signals Classification with Image Conversion Employed).

4. Science heads east.

5. Researchers at Huanggang Normal University Report Research in Engineering (Fault Diagnosis for Modular Multilevel Converter Switching Devices via Multimodal Attention Fusion).

6. Qingdao University of Technology Researcher Has Provided New Study Findings on Building Construction (The Application of Extended Reality Technology in Architectural Design Education: A Review).

7. Research on Tissue Engineering Detailed by Researchers at Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School (Developing engineering technologies for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus).

8. New Engineering Study Findings Recently Were Published by Researchers at Yanshan University (Multi-Stage Information Spreading Model in Simplicial Complexes Driven by Spatiotemporal Evolution of Public Health Emergency).

9. Patent Application Titled "Polypeptide And Application Thereof In Bone Repair" Published Online (USPTO 20230357321).

10. The little things matter: Chemists develop new sensor for microvolume pH detection.

11. Study Findings from Dalian Minzu University Advance Knowledge in Electronics (BCAFL: A Blockchain-Based Framework for Asynchronous Federated Learning Protection).

13. New Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Study Findings Have Been Reported by Researchers at North University of China (A region-adaptive non-local denoising algorithm for low-dose computed tomography images).

15. News Desk.

17. Beijing's Great Leap Forward.

18. Engineering Gap? Fact and Fiction.