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1. Travaux Neuchatelois de Linguistique (TRANEL) (Neuchatel Working Papers in Linguistics), Volume 17.

2. Travaux Neuchatelois de Linguistique (TRANEL) (Neuchatel Working Papers in Linguistics), Volume 14.

3. Travaux Neuchatelois de linguistique (Neuchatel Working Papers in Linguistics).

4. Some Implications of Linguistic Theory for Applied Linguistics. Collection d''Etudes linguistiques,' No. 19. Papers from the Neuchatel Colloquium in Applied Linguistics in collaboration with AIMAV, AILA, CILA, and the University of Neuchatel (3rd, May 30-June 1, 1974).

5. Linguistic Insights in Applied Linguistics. Collection d''Etudes linguistiques,' No. 14. Papers from the Neuchatel Colloquium in Applied Linguistics in collaboration with AIMAV, AILA, CILA, and the University of Neuchatel (2nd, May 25-26, 1973).

6. Enseignement des langues et theories d'acquisition Sprachunterricht unde Spracherwerbstheorien. (Language Teaching and Acquisition Theories).

7. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (15th, Quebec, Canada, March 15-16, 2001).

8. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (13th, Quebec, Canada, March 25-26, 1999).

9. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (12th, Quebec City, Canada, March 26-27, 1998).

10. Les linguistes et les questions de langue au Quebec: points de vue (Linguists and Language Questions in Quebec: Points of View).

11. Du syntagme nominal aux objets-de-discours: SN complexes, nominalisations, anaphores. (From nominal syntagma to Objects of Discourse: SN Complexes, Nominalizations, Anaphora).

12. Interventions en groupe et interactions. Actes du 3eme colloque d'orthophonie/logopedie (Neuchatel, 29-30 septembre, 1994) (Group Interventions and Interactions. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Speech Therapy (3rd, Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 29-30, 1994).

13. Travaux du laboratoire de traitement du langage et de la parole (Laboratory Work in the Treatment of Language and Linguistics).

14. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (8th, March 24-25, 1994).

15. Bilinguisme et biculturalisme: Theories et pratiques professionnelles. Actes du 2eme colloque d'orthophomie/logopedie (Neuchatel, 17-18 septembre, 1992). (Bilingualism and Biculturalism: Theories and Professional Practices. Colloquium on Orthophony/Logopedy (2nd, Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 17-18, 1992)).

16. Hommage a Rene Jeanneret (Festschrift in Honor of Rene Jeanneret).

17. Les actes des journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (5th, 1991).

18. Servitude grammaticale, semantique paradigmatique et formulaicite (Grammatical Servitude, Paradigmatic Semantics, and Formulicity).

19. Evolution linguistique et evolution de perspective en grammaire comparee des langues indoeuropeennes: le cas du 'locatif sans desinence' (Linguistic Evolution and Evolution of Perspective in the Comparative Grammar of Indo-European Languages: The Case of the 'Endingless Locative').

20. Aspects theoretiques et methodologiques de la recherche sur le traitement discursif des representations sociales (Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Research on the Discourse Analysis of Social Representations).

21. Language, etayage et interactions therapeutiques: Actes du 5eme colloque d'orthophonie/logopedie (Language, Scaffolding and Therepeutic Interactions: Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium on Speech Therapy and Speech Pathology) (Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 25-26, 1998).

22. Questions ouvertes/questions fermees: une dichotomie qui appelle une analyse critique (Open Questions/Closed Questions: A Dichotomy that Calls for a Critical Analysis).

23. Strategies d'etayage avec des enfants dysphasiques: sont-elles specifiques? (Scaffolding Strategies with Dysphasic Children: Are They Specific?)

24. Apprendre a raconter? Comment lisons-nous les textes des auteurs eleves (Learning To Tell Stories? How Do We Read the Texts of Student Authors)?

25. 'Suivez le guide'...L'acquisition de routines de lecture en langue 1 et en langue 2 ('Follow the Guide'...Acquisition of Reading Routines in First and Second Languages).

26. Quelques considerations sur l'etayage dans une situation d'evaluation particuliere: le jeu symbolique (Some Considerations Concerning Scaffolding in a Special Evaluation Situation: Symbolic Play).

27. L'evaluation formative a l'ecole: quelle place pour la regulation interactive? (Formative Evaluation in School: What Place for Interactive Regulation?)

28. De la variation de l'etayage logopedique comme outil therapeutique (Variation of Speech Therapy Scaffolding as a Therapeutic Tool).

29. L'adaptation langagiere de differents intervenants en interaction avec un aphasique (Linguistic Adaptation of Different Therapists in Interaction with an Aphasic).

30. Interactions avec des enfants migrants en contexte logopedique: quels etayages? (Interaction with Migrant Children in a Speech Therapy Context: What Kinds of Scaffolding?)

31. Contributions maternelles et paternelles au developpement des representations symboliques et categorielles des objets par les jeunes enfants (Materal and Paternal Contributions to the Development of Symbolic and Categorical Representation of Objects by Young Children).

32. Comparaison des strategies discursives d'etayage dans un conte et un recit d'experiences oraux (Comparison of Scaffolding Discourse Strategies in an Oral Story and Personal Narrative).

33. Discours oraux--discours ecrits: quelles relations? Actes du 4eme colloque d'orthophoine/logopedie (Neuchatel, 3-4 octobre, 1996) (Oral Discourse--Written Discourse: What Is the Relationship? Proceedings of the Colloquium on Speech Therapy (4th, Neuchatel, Switzerland, October 3-4, 1996).

34. Acquisition des competences discursives dans un contexte plurilingue (Acquisition of Discourse Competencies in a Multilingual Context).

35. Varia. (Miscellany).

36. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (10th, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 2-4, 1996).

37. Notes on Literacy, Vols. 21 and 22.

38. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (9th, 1995).

39. L'analyse pragma-linguistique du discours pedagogique d'endoctrinement et de ses effets sur les jeunes en Roumanie avant 1990 (Pragma-linguistic Analysis of the Pedagogical Discourse of Indoctrination and of Its Effects on Youth in Romania before 1990).

40. Communication et reflexion metalinguistique dans l'apprentissage du francais par les adultes (Communication and Metalinguistic Reflection in French Language Learning by Adults).

41. Le traitement des donnees linguistiques non standard. (Actes des Rencontres Besancon-Neuchatel (Neuchatel, 29-30 janvier, 1993). (The Treatment of Non-Standard Linguistic Data). Proceedings of the Besancon-Neuchatel Conference (Neuchatel, Switzerland, January 29-30, 1993).

42. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (6th, 1992).

43. Proceedings, Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages, Volume 28, Part 2: Second Language Teaching 77.

44. Tranel, Numero Special. Actes du 2eme colloque regional de linguistique, Neuchatel 2-3 Oct. 1986 (Tranel, Special Number. Proceedings of the Second Regional Linguistics Colloquium, Neuchatel, Switzerland, October 2-3, 1986).

45. Actes illocutoires et discours de la presse ecrite (Illocutionary Acts and the Press).

46. Comprehension de Texte et Actes de Parole (Understanding a Text and Speech Acts).

47. Dialogisme et polyphonie: Actes du colloque (Dialogue Theory and Polyphony: Proceedings of a Colloquium, Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 27-28, 1985).

48. Actes du colloque: Tendances actuelles de la recherche sur la langue parlee (Conference Presentations: Current Trends in Research on Oral Language).

49. Quelques reflexions sur la variation linguistique (Some Reflections on Linguistic Variation).

50. Actes du colloque regional de linguistique (Proceedings of the Regional Linguistics Colloquium) (2nd, Neuchatel, Switzerland, October 2-3, 1986).