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Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (12th, Quebec City, Canada, March 26-27, 1998).

Authors :
Laval Univ., Quebec (Quebec). International Center for Research on Language Planning.
Boissonneault, Chantal
Publication Year :


Papers on language research include: "L'expression de l'opposition en Latin" ("The Expression of Opposition in Latin" (Claude Begin); "Le francais de l'Abitibi: characteristiques phonetiques et origine socio-geographique des locuteurs" ("The French of Abitibi: Phonetic Characteristics and Socio-Geographic Origin of Speakers") (Chantal Boissonneault); "L'Inversion du sujet dans les phrases affirmatives a verbe simple en anglais moderne" ("Subject Inversion in Simple-Verb Affirmative Sentences in Modern English") (Andre Bourcier, Patrick Duffley); "Le Comportement particulier de /h/ dans les emprunts" ("The Behavior of /h/ in Loan Words") (Frederick Brault); "Anxiete et croyances langagieres chez des apprenants d'une langue seconde au niveau universitaire" ("Anxiety and Beliefs of Second Language Learners at the University Level") (Diane Coulombe); "Probleme de l'agent de l'infinitif et du gerondif en anglais apres 'propose, mean et intend'" ("The Problem of the Agent of the Infinitive and Gerund in English After 'Propose, Mean and Intend'") (Jean-Francois Joubert); "Adaptations phonologiques et influence de la graphie dans les emprunts lexicaux francais en anglais canadien" ("Phonological Adaptations and Influence of Writing in French Loan Words in Canadian English") (Annie-Karine Lamoureux); "Enseignement, apprentissage et semantique conceptuelle: le cas de l'accord du participe passe en francais ecrit" ("Teaching, Learning, and Conceptual Semantics: The Case of Agreement in the Past Participle in Written French") (Pierre Larrivee); "Les Themes discursifs ont-ils un sexe?" ("Do Discourse Themes Have a Sex?") (Sophie Marais); "Les consequences linguistiques de l'ALENA et de la 'Charte de la language francaise' sur le milieu quebecoise des affaires" ("Linguistic Consequences of Alena and the 'Chart of the French Language' on the Quebec Business Community") (Julie Moisan); "Variation particuliere de l'adverbe 'tout'" (Variation of the Adverb 'Tout'") (Francois Parent); "Usage et visage des langues en Afrique" ("Use and Appearance of Languages in Africa") (Abdourahmane Sakho); "Les Reseaux semantiques et l'automatisation linguistique" ("Semantic Networks and Computational Linguistics") (Arman Tajarobi); and "L'allongement penultieme des voyelles /i y u/ en francais quebecois" ("Penultimate Lengthening of the Vowels /i y u/ in Quebec French") (Benoit Tardif). Each paper contains references. (MSE)


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Document Type :
Collected Works - Proceedings