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36 results

Search Results

1. Second Earners and In-Work Poverty in Europe.

2. Regional inequalities in self-reported conditions and non-communicable diseases in European countries: Findings from the European Social Survey (2014) special module on the social determinants of health.

3. Health economic studies of colorectal cancer and the contribution of administrative data: A systematic review.

4. ‘We’re passengers sailing in the same ship, but we have our own berths to sleep in’: Evaluating patient and public involvement within a regional research programme: An action research project informed by Normalisation Process Theory.

5. Framing post-pandemic preparedness: Comparing eight European plans.

6. An exploratory study of barriers to inclusion in the European workplace.

7. Adolescent Young Carers Who Provide Care to Siblings.

8. Barriers and facilitators to health care access for people experiencing homelessness in four European countries: an exploratory qualitative study.

9. What the drivers do and do not tell you: using verbal protocol analysis to investigate driver behaviour in emergency situations.

10. Education is a key determinant of health in Europe: a comparative analysis of 11 countries.

11. Intercultural education of nurses and health professionals in Europe (IENE).

12. The association between frailty and the risk of medication‐related problems among community‐dwelling older adults in Europe.

13. Healthcare use and healthcare costs for patients with advanced cancer; the international ACTION cluster-randomised trial on advance care planning.

14. Not Ideal, But Still Acknowledged: A 10-Country Survey on Empathy for Victims of Anti-LGBT Violence.

15. Understanding support systems for Parkinson's disease management in community settings: A cross‐national qualitative study.

16. Managing post-stroke fatigue: A qualitative study to explore multifaceted clinical perspectives.

17. Refugee and Immigrant Community Health Champions: a Qualitative Study of Perceived Barriers to Service Access and Utilisation of the National Health Service (NHS) in the West Midlands, UK.

18. The historical roots of a diffusion process: The three-pillar doctrine and European pension debates (1972–1994).

19. High sugar content of European commercial baby foods and proposed updates to existing recommendations.

20. Universalism, diversity and norms: gratitude, healthcare and welfare chauvinism.

21. Immigration policy and the modern welfare state, 1880–1920.

22. Who Wants Demanding Active Labour Market Policies? Public Attitudes towards Policies that put Pressure on the Unemployed.

23. Environmental Public Health Tracking: a cost-effective system for characterizing the sources, distribution and public health impacts of environmental hazards.

24. Collective resistance despite complicity: High identifiers rise above the legitimization of disadvantage by the in-group.

25. Usage of Plant Food Supplements (PFS) for weight control in six European countries: results from the PlantLIBRA PFS Consumer Survey 2011-2012.

26. Role of fatty acids and micronutrients in healthy ageing: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials set in the context of European dietary surveys of older adults.

27. Trends towards stronger primary care in three western European countries; 2006-2012.

28. Cost of treatment in patients with metastatic soft tissue sarcoma who respond favourably to chemotherpy. The SArcoma treatment and Burden of Illness in North America and Europe ( SABINE) study.

29. Educational differences in the impact of pictorial cigarette warning labels on smokers: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Europe surveys.

30. Guiding healthier food choice: systematic comparison of four front-of-pack labelling systems and their effect on judgements of product healthiness.

31. Adapted cognitive–behavioural therapy required for targeting negative symptoms in schizophrenia: meta-analysis and meta-regression.

32. The impact of migration on the sexual health, behaviours and attitudes of Central and East European gay/bisexual men in London.

33. Spiritual and religious beliefs as risk factors for the onset of major depression: an international cohort study.

34. Are we heading in the same direction? European and African doctors' and nurses' views and experiences regarding outcome measurement in palliative care.

35. Do smokers in Europe think all cigarettes are equally harmful?

36. Influence of food cost on diet quality and risk factors for chronic disease: A systematic review.