
Showing total 2,114 results
2,114 results

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1. Analysing the behaviour of academic collocations in a corpus of research-papers: a data-driven study / Analisando o comportamento de colocações acadêmicas em um corpus de artigos científicos: um estudo dirigido por dados

2. The visibility of the financial scandal of ‘Panama Papers’ on Twitter: the case of Sebastián Piñera in Chile

3. Anchoring the First-Year Research Paper: A Pilot Study of FYW Student Citation Practices

4. Eu acabei escrevendo o artigo, de novo – um estudo sobre três construções 'sinônimas' com o verbo acabar no português do Brasil / Eu acabei escrevendo o artigo, de novo (I ended up writing the paper, again) – a study on three 'synonymous' constructions with the verb acabar in Brazilian Portuguese

5. A construção discursiva do futuro do trabalho: análise crítica de white papers e relatórios prospectivos

6. Discursos sobre a leitura na contemporaneidade: entre o texto-papel e o texto-tela Discourse about reading in contemporaneity: between paper-text and screen-text

7. El paper de la prosòdia en l'ensenyança de la L1. Una aportació didàctica per a l'aula d'Educació Infantil i d'Educació Primària

8. Uma análise sistêmico-funcional do dizer em artigos científicos de graduandos A systemic functional analysis of Dizer (say) in papers by B.A. students

9. FLECK, David W. (2013). Panoan language and linguistics. Anthropological papers of the American Museum of National History 99. Pp. 112. ISSN. 0065-9452.

15. Towards a social science of language - papers in honor of William Labov volume 1: variation and change in language and society

16. Biblical names in Ukraine: regional Aspects

17. A new list of Iliadic wounds, deaths and acts of aggression

18. Directionality in affixation: the applicability of Marchand’s (1964) semantic criteria

19. 'Il libro di lettura non sia un centone di trite nozioni': i manuali di lettura nei programmi ministeriali per la scuola elementare (1860–1905)

20. Paratexts as mediators of translations. The case of the preface to a Portuguese version of Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

21. Translation Assessors In and Out of Their Element

22. A new look at the unproductivity of resultative constructions in Brazilian Portuguese

23. Spatial and linguistic mobility in the narrative of a transnational speaker between Peru and Italy

24. Information and communications technology in contextual target situation analysis: improving Online CEAP course design in developing countries

25. Translanguaging as a Clarion Call and a War Cry From The Global South

26. Imobilidade do acento em não verbos em português: uma abordagem diacrônica baseada no uso / Non-mobile stress in non-verbs in Portuguese: a usage-based diachronic approach


28. A gradação em português brasileiro e a variação translinguística na expressão da comparação/ Degree constructions in Brazilian Portuguese and the translinguistic variation in the expression of comparative constructions

29. Overcoming Psychological Barriers: Online Teaching as a Black Swan of Education

30. A sílaba na Libras: uma investigação a partir da proposta fonológica MLMov/The Syllable in Libras: an Investigation From the Phonological Proposal MLMov

31. Mesmo (same) and the structure of determiner phrases / Mesmo e a estrutura dos sintagmas determinantes

32. Moxhelis: its Musical Aesthetics Between the Industrial and the Post-Industrial

33. Proper names in cognitive onomastics: Meaning and categorization of proper names

34. Grammaticalization of auxiliary verb constructions: The case of Italo-Romance mixed perfective auxiliation systems and the ‘MIXPAR’ project

35. L1 English speakers in Prague: motivators in language use and language borrowing

36. Representations of Women in Visual-Linguistc Materialities in High School Portuguese Textbooks

37. Function of Language in Learning and Knowledge Construction

38. Norms, language-specific meanings and schemas. A Coserian perspective on contemporary concepts in linguistics

39. Textbook Adaptation in Libras: A Mirror to Our Educational Culture

40. Culturally Hybrid Zones and School Literacy Practices

41. Ethics in Language Education

42. South-Asian niche as the poetic helicon of Taufiq Rafat: a metapoetic study

43. Citations of Brazilian manuscripts published in the journal Dysphagia from 2001 to 2020

44. Die Sprache der Olmützer Gerichtsordnung von Heinrich Polan aus dem Jahre 1550. Eine phonographematische Untersuchung

45. Proper names between logos and praxis

46. Weather events in air traffic control standards and communication: discourse patterns and implications for language teaching and assessment / Eventos meteorológicos em normas e comunicações de controle de tráfego aéreo: padrões discursivos e implicações para o ensino e a avaliação de línguas

47. Frequência e distribuição de plurais irregulares no Corpus Brasileiro / Frequency and distribution of irregular plurals in the Corpus Brasileiro

48. The Pragmatics of Aeronautical English: an investigation through Corpus Linguistics / A Pragmática do inglês aeronáutico: uma investigação pela Linguística de Corpus

49. Aggression as impoliteness in a Facebook discussion about class discrimination in a Brazilian university / Agressão como descortesia em uma discussão no Facebook sobre discriminação de classe em uma universidade brasileira

50. Mesoclisis in Old Occitan