
Showing total 20 results
20 results

Search Results

1. Status and Trends of Wetland Studies in Canada Using Remote Sensing Technology with a Focus on Wetland Classification: A Bibliographic Analysis.

2. MV-CDN: Multi-Visual Collaborative Deep Network for Change Detection of Double-Temporal Hyperspectral Images.

3. Improved Model-Based Forest Height Inversion Using Airborne L-Band Repeat-Pass Dual-Baseline Pol-InSAR Data.

4. Crop Classification Based on the Physically Constrained General Model-Based Decomposition Using Multi-Temporal RADARSAT-2 Data.

5. Assessing Sentinel-2, Sentinel-1, and ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Data for Large-Scale Wildfire-Burned Area Mapping: Insights from the 2017–2019 Canada Wildfires.

6. Evaluation of Tree-Growth Rate in the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve Using GEDI and Airborne-LiDAR Data.

7. Delineating and Reconstructing 3D Forest Fuel Components and Volumes with Terrestrial Laser Scanning.

8. Wide-Area Grid-Based Slant Ionospheric Delay Corrections for Precise Point Positioning.

9. How Does Wind Influence Near-Nadir and Low-Incidence Ka-Band Radar Backscatter and Coherence from Small Inland Water Bodies?

10. Slope-Scale Rockfall Susceptibility Modeling as a 3D Computer Vision Problem.

11. Geothermal Exploration in the Burwash Landing Region, Canada, Using Three-Dimensional Inversion of Passive Electromagnetic Data.

12. Multi-Polarisation C-Band SAR Imagery to Estimate the Recent Dynamics of the d'Iberville Glacier.

13. Assessing the Impact of Neighborhood Size on Temporal Convolutional Networks for Modeling Land Cover Change.

14. Tectono-Geomorphic Analysis in Low Relief, Low Tectonic Activity Areas: Case Study of the Temiskaming Region in the Western Quebec Seismic Zone (WQSZ), Eastern Canada.

15. Extending the National Burned Area Composite Time Series of Wildfires in Canada.

16. Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms over Lakes for High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery: Implications of Adjacency Effect.

17. Accessing the Impact of Meteorological Variables on Machine Learning Flood Susceptibility Mapping.

18. Improved k -NN Mapping of Forest Attributes in Northern Canada Using Spaceborne L-Band SAR, Multispectral and LiDAR Data.

19. On the Radiative Impact of Biomass-Burning Aerosols in the Arctic: The August 2017 Case Study.

20. L-Band SAR Co-Polarized Phase Difference Modeling for Corn Fields.