
Showing total 3,122 results
3,122 results

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1. Copper on chitosan-modified cellulose filter paper as an efficient dip catalyst for ATRP of MMA

2. Minor compositional alterations in faecal microbiota after five weeks and five months storage at room temperature on filter papers

3. Open software platform for automated analysis of paper-based microfluidic devices

4. Invasive paper wasp turns urban pollinator gardens into ecological traps for monarch butterfly larvae

5. Immobilization of Pt nanoparticles on hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile-based nanofiber paper

6. Filter paper supported nZVI for continuous treatment of simulated dyeing wastewater

7. Freestanding flexible, pure and composite form of reduced graphene oxide paper for ammonia vapor sensing

8. Origami paper analytical assay based on metal complex sensor for rapid determination of blood cyanide concentration in fire survivors

9. Crack growth and energy dissipation in paper

10. Influence of lignin content in cellulose pulp on paper durability

11. Fabricating Paper Based Devices Using Correction Pens

12. Optoelectronic nose based on an origami paper sensor for selective detection of pesticide aerosols

13. Development of microsatellite loci and optimization of a multiplex assay for Latibulus argiolus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), the specialized parasitoid of paper wasps

14. Paper-Based SERS Platform for One-Step Screening of Tetracycline in Milk

15. Trehalose significantly enhances the recovery of serum and serum exosomal miRNA from a paper-based matrix

16. Development of hydrophobic paper substrates using silane and sol–gel based processes and deriving the best coating technique using machine learning strategies

17. A Chemically Patterned Microfluidic Paper-based Analytical Device (C-µPAD) for Point-of-Care Diagnostics

18. Paper-Based Supercapacitive Mechanical Sensors

19. Antibacterial cellulose paper made with silver-coated gold nanoparticles

20. Accelerated nucleophilic substitution reactions of dansyl chloride with aniline under ambient conditions via dual-tip reactive paper spray

21. Automated pencil electrode formation platform to realize uniform and reproducible graphite electrodes on paper for microfluidic fuel cells

22. A modular paper-and-plastic device for tuberculosis nucleic acid amplification testing in limited-resource settings

23. Electrochemical removal of stains from paper cultural relics based on the electrode system of conductive composite hydrogel and PbO2

24. Vertical Paper Analytical Devices Fabricated Using the Principles of Quilling and Kirigami

25. Office paper decorated with silver nanostars - an alternative cost effective platform for trace analyte detection by SERS

26. Zinc oxide nanorods functionalized paper for protein preconcentration in biodiagnostics

27. In-situ Electrodeposition of Highly Active Silver Catalyst on Carbon Fiber Papers as Binder Free Cathodes for Aluminum-air Battery

28. Paper-based CRP Monitoring Devices

29. A Printed Multicomponent Paper Sensor for Bacterial Detection

30. High-throughput rapid-prototyping of low-cost paper-based microfluidics

31. Three-dimensional paper-based slip device for one-step point-of-care testing

32. Paper-based upconversion fluorescence resonance energy transfer biosensor for sensitive detection of multiple cancer biomarkers

33. Selective laser sintering of inkjet-printed silver nanoparticle inks on paper substrates to achieve highly conductive patterns

34. Rapid Dissolving-Debonding Strategy for Optically Transparent Paper Production

35. Impact of shredding degree on papermaking potential of recycled waste

36. Comprehensive analysis of individual pulp fiber bonds quantifies the mechanisms of fiber bonding in paper

37. Synthesis of porous polymer/tissue paper hybrid membranes for switchable oil/water separation

38. Moringa oleifera seeds-removed ripened pods as alternative for papersheet production: antimicrobial activity and their phytoconstituents profile using HPLC

40. Foldable and Disposable Memory on Paper

41. Valorization of cigarette butts for synthesis of levulinic acid as top value-added chemicals

42. Process intensification of the ionoSolv pretreatment: effects of biomass loading, particle size and scale-up from 10 mL to 1 L

43. Dispensing of high concentration Ag nano-particles ink for ultra-low resistivity paper-based writing electronics

44. Negative outcomes evoke cyclic irrational decisions in Rock, Paper, Scissors

45. Investigation of the effects of pretreatment on the elemental composition of ash derived from selected Nigerian lignocellulosic biomass

46. Valorization of products from grounded-coffee beans

47. Transparent Conductive Nanofiber Paper for Foldable Solar Cells

48. Direct Desktop Printed-Circuits-on-Paper Flexible Electronics

49. Reduced dispersibility of flushable wet wipes after wet storage

50. From synchrotron radiation to lab source: advanced speckle-based X-ray imaging using abrasive paper