
Showing total 62 results
62 results

Search Results

1. Macroeconomic Benefits of Vocational Education and Training. Research Paper No 40

2. The Reading Lives of 8 to 11-Year-Olds 2005-2013: An Evidence Paper for the Read On. Get On. Coalition

3. Who Takes a Gap Year and Why? Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. Briefing Paper 28

4. Loans for Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Research Paper. Number 20

5. Why Are Child Poverty Rates Higher in Britain Than in Germany? A Longitudinal Perspective. Working Paper.

6. Does Inequality in Skills Explain Inequality of Earnings across Advanced Countries? NBER Working Paper Series.

7. A Statistical Portrait of Working at Home in the U.K.: Evidence from the Labour Force Survey. Working Paper.

8. A Framework for Quality Management. Mendip Papers, MP 070.

9. Colleges Working with Industry. FEDA Paper.

10. Opportunity Analysis and Selection: 50 or More Ways To Reduce Costs. Mendip Papers.

11. Coping with Incapability. Mendip Papers.

12. Observing Teaching. SEDA Paper 79.

13. The Effectiveness of National Training Boards. Training Discussion Papers No. 110.

14. Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education: Where Do We Strand? OECD Education Working Papers, No. 70

15. Equal Outcomes--Equal Experiences? Mendip Papers.

16. Higher Education in Australia: A Review of Reviews from Dawkins to Today

17. Perspectives on Education for Knowledge Management.

18. Assessment Grading Systems and Regulations in Learning Outcome Models.

19. School-Based Continuous Professional Development: Schools Leaders' Responsibilities.

20. Public Libraries and Literacy: Young People's Reading Habits and Attitudes to Public Libraries, and an Exploration of the Relationship between Public Library Use and School Attainment

21. Young People's Reading: The Importance of the Home Environment and Family Support. More Findings from Our National Survey

22. How Can Documents Be Put onto the Web?

23. Using Rate of Return Analyses to Understand Sector Skill Needs. CEE DP 70

24. Why Be a Science Teacher?

25. Individual Lifelong Learning Accounts: Towards a Learning Revolution.

26. The Concept of the Virtual School Library.

27. Knowledge and Control in the Flexible Workplace. EAE610 The Changing Workplace: Part B.

28. Learning from Each Other. A Handbook for Participative Learning and Community Work Learning Programmes.

29. Bridging the Gap: Who Takes a Gap Year and Why? Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. Research Report

30. Boys, Girls and Communication: Their Views, Confidence and Why These Skills Matter

31. Evaluating the Curriculum--The Excellence Aspect: A Practical Guide for Section Heads and Course Leaders. Information Bank Working Paper Number 2583.

32. Young People's Writing: Attitudes, Behaviour and the Role of Technology

33. Participation under the Spotlight: Defining Future Directions. Key Players Workshop, November 2007. Report and Action Plan

34. International Adult Literacy Survey. Benchmarking Adult Literacy in America: An International Comparative Study.

35. Access Technology: A Guide to Educational Technology Resources for Visually Impaired Users.

36. Curriculum and Resources: Computer Provision in a CTC.

37. International Higher Education in Facts and Figures. Summer 2010

38. Build up: ESOL for Construction

39. Conference Opening Address (Videotape Presentation).

40. Are Large Cities Educational Assets or Liabilities? PISA in Focus. No. 17

41. How Has the Global Economic Crisis Affected People with Different Levels of Education? Education Indicators in Focus. No. 1

42. Adapting Business Models in a Changing Environment. Recession to Recovery

43. Higher Education in Facts and Figures. Summer 2010

44. Higher Education in Facts and Figures. Summer 2009

45. Guide to Entrepreneurship Education: Programmes and Practice

46. Teaching Number Skills and Concepts with Numicon Materials

47. Higher Education in Facts and Figures. Summer 2007

48. eHR: An Introduction. IES Report.

49. Research into Early Intervention for Children with Autism and Related Disorders: Methodological and Design Issues: Report on a Workshop Funded by the Wellcome Trust, Institute of Child Health, London, UK, November 2001.

50. Developing Conceptual Understanding in Primary Science.