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133,470 results

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1. Battery Research and Innovation—A Study of Patents and Papers.

3. From advancements to ethics: Assessing ChatGPT's role in writing research paper.

4. High-impact papers in the field of anesthesiology: a 10-year cross-sectional study.

5. A comparison of tablet-based and paper-based venous insufficiency epidemiologic and economic study quality of life/symptom questionnaire for assessment of chronic venous disease.

6. Fast-Tracking of Publication Times of Otolaryngology Papers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

7. Validation of the Electronic Compassion Competence Scale: Paper-and-Pencil versus Web-Based Questionnaires.

8. Investigating differences between traditional (paper bag) ordering and online ordering from primary school canteens: a cross-sectional study comparing menu, usage and lunch order characteristics.

9. Fast-Tracking of Publication Times of Otolaryngology Papers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

10. Can citation metrics predict the true impact of scientific papers?

11. Personalised Reranking of Paper Recommendations Using Paper Content and User Behavior.

12. Comparison of Paper Diaries, Text Messages and Smartphone App to Track Bleeding and Other Symptoms for Contraceptive Studies.

13. Special Issue Call for Papers Environmental Justice and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Tropics.

14. Measurement equivalence of the paper-based and electronic version of the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale (IPOS): A randomised crossover trial.

15. Physical Science Research in Haryana: A Scientometric Analysis of Publications Output during 2005-14.

16. Analyzing Persian Wikipedia's citations to discover the effectiveness of Persian scientific papers: applied web mining techniques.

17. Life Science Research in Haryana: A Scientometric Assessment of Publications Output during 2005-14.

18. Writing a Research Paper: From the Parts to the Whole.

19. Automated analysis of pen-on-paper spirals for tremor detection, quantification, and differentiation.

20. Considerations for establishing and maintaining international research collaboration: the example of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN)—a white paper.

21. The co‐design of an online support programme with and for informal carers of people with heart failure: A methodological paper.

22. The Effect of γ-Radiation on Acidified and Artificially Aged Paper.

23. Publishing Papers in Premier Journals: Learning to Identify Important Research Questions and Framing the Paper.

24. Certain Properties of Cotton Paper with the Addition of Nanofibers in the Form of PLA/PHB Composite.

25. The 100 Most Frequently Cited Articles on Myopia.

26. Using qualitative study designs to understand treatment burden and capacity for self-care among patients with HIV/NCD multimorbidity in South Africa: A methods paper.

27. Scheduling solutions for the paper industry. (Or Practice)

28. The art and science of scholarly writing: framing symmetry of specificity beyond IMRAD.

29. Improving the mastery of work and the development of the work process in paper production

30. Trash to treasure: recycling waste paper

31. Writing a Scientific Journal Paper: Preparation through Publication.

32. Order allocation for stock cutting in the paper industry

33. Counting Highly Cited Papers for University Research Assessment: Conceptual and Technical Issues.

34. The effect of uncoated paper application on skin moisture, risk of pressure injury and incidence of pressure injury in neurologic intensive care unit patients: A randomized controlled trial.

35. Simulation of forest products export logistics: A newsprint paper case study. (Management)

36. What's best, online or on-site? The write a scientific paper course.

37. Is Economics Research Replicable? Sixty Published Papers from Thirteen Journals Say "Usually Not".

38. Writing the title and abstract for a research paper: Being concise, precise, and meticulous is the key.

39. Mass Deacidfication of Paper and Books I: Study of the Limitations of the Gas Phase Processes.

40. Correlation between Download and Citation and Download-citation Deviation Phenomenon for Some Papers in Chinese Medical Journals

41. Simple Rules, Templates, and Heuristics! An Attempt to Deconstruct the Craft of Writing an Entrepreneurship Paper.

42. Understanding data culture/s: Influences, activities, and initiatives: An Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) paper.

43. A tale of three journals: a study of papers published in AJOE, JAEOL and JEE between 1998 and 2007

44. Characteristics of highly cited papers.

45. Quantifying scientific breakthroughs by a novel disruption indicator based on knowledge entities.

46. Occurrence, proportion, and vertical distribution of red heartwood in paper birch

48. Eco-efficiency analysis of paper mills along the Huai River: an extended DEA approach **

49. The INDUSEM position paper on the emerging electronic waste management emergency.

50. Battlefield: papers suggesting that biotech crops might harm the environment attract a hail of abuse from other scientists. Emily Waltz asks if the critics fight fair