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80 results

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1. The Desirability and Feasibility of Democracy in the Eyes of Private Entrepreneurs in China.

2. Policy Analysis of China's Response to Climate Change.

3. The EU, China and the United States: Complex Interdependence and Bi-Multilateralism in Commercial Relations.

4. Critical Human Security and HIV/AIDS in Thailand and China: National Provincial/Municipal Perceptions of the Challenges for Young People.

5. Bringing Status back in to International Society.

6. China's Energy Security in Historical Perspective: Natural Resources and the Rise of the United States, Japan, and China.

7. Global Capitalism and China's Uneven Integration into the World Economy.

8. China's Investment in Africa: A Catalyst for Growth and Development or a "Trojan Horse" for Exploitation.

9. The Origins of Audacity: National Efficacy Beliefs and the Curious Rises of China and India.

10. The “Knowledge Economy” and the Global Bio-political Race: The Case of China.

11. An International Developmental Model for Nonproliferation Education.

12. Discourse on Nationalism in Contemporary Japan: The Role of China, Korea, and Russia.

13. The Desirability and Feasibility of Democracy in the Eyes of Private Entrepreneurs in China.


15. Middle Power Democracies and the Rise of China: Canada and Australia Compared.

16. Reform of the Global Governance on Climate Change: A Solution for China and the World?

17. "Chindia" or Rivalry? Indian Perspectives on the Rise of China.

18. On the Frontlines: Making Decisions in Pollution Cases.

19. Apology and Historical Memory: Nationalist Interpretations of Crises between the US and China.

20. Buying Influence? Assessing the Political Effects of China's International Economic Ties.

21. China's Diaspora and Returnees: Impact on China's Globalization Process.

22. Marginalization or Empowerment?: Rural Migrant Women in China's Changing Political Economy.

23. China's Free Trade Agreements and Implications for the WTO.

24. From Rhetoric to Action: Talking About Environmental Rights in Contemporary China.

25. South America Welcomes the Asian. Chinese penetration in South America and its implications.

26. ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement and East Asian Regionalism.

27. International Aid Norms and Domestic Politics: Will China Repeat Japan's Experiences?

28. Path to Democracy: In Search of China's Democratization Model.

29. Grand Strategy, Soft Power and Hegemonic Rise: A critique of "China threat" in the South Pacific.

30. China in Africa: A Great Leap Forward?

31. Regional Implications of China's New Foreign Policy in Latin America: The Energetic Factor.

32. Chinese Opportunities: An Outlook for Latin American Trade.

33. Understanding China's Foreign Policy - A Political Economy Perspective.

34. Half Circle: China's Maturing 'New Security Thinking' and the Role of Track II Regimes.

35. China's Water Scarcity and "Hexie Shehui (Harmonious Society)".

36. Traditional East Asian Structure from the Perspective of Sino-Korean Relations.

37. The Triumph of the People's Republic of China: Adaptive Repression and the Maintenance of the Chinese Communist Party's Absolute Dictatorship.

38. Is a pluralistic security community developing Northeast Asia? A case study on peaceful behavioral change between China, South Korea and Japan: From 1990 to 2005.

39. Necessity, not Invention: Popular Culture and the construction of State Identity in China and India.

40. Constructing Sino-Japanese Relations Across Time/Space: From Structural Factors to Unitary Actors.

41. A Balance Restored: The Systemic Implications of China's Rise.

42. The PLA and China's Policy toward United Nations Peacekeeping Operation.

43. The BRICs Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) as Analytical Category: Mirage or Insight?

44. Renewable Energy: Environmental Peacemakers in China's Energy Security battlefield.

45. Problems of National Identity and Trust in Sino-Japanese Relations.

46. The Chinese Military and the "Taiwan Issue": How China Assesses Its Security Environment.

47. Financial Liberalization in the PRC: Challenges of Establishing a Market-Oriented Financial System.

48. Chinese visions of world order: Tianxia, empire and the world.

49. Does Economic Growth Make China a Threat? The "China Threat" Arguments Revisited.

50. China's International Security Cooperation Diplomacy and Southeast Asia.