47 results on '"Pavlimir"'
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2. King Pavlimir Bello: the Founder of Ragusa and the Restorer of the Kingdom
- Published
- 2021
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3. Fantazija povijesti: legenda biskupa Antuna Primija o kralju Pavlimiru
- Author
Relja Seferović and Relja Seferović
- Abstract
Djelo La lega dell’onestà e valore Antuna Primija (oko 1625-1703), franjevca i biskupa trebinjsko-mrkanske biskupije, predstavlja pseudohistoriografski pokušaj tumačenja najranije dubrovačke povijesti nastao u vrijeme dok se grad još oporavljao od posljedica velikog potresa 1667. Shvaćajući ga kao povijesni roman, a ne kao romansiranu povijest, u njemu gledamo odraz suprotan od tadašnjih historiografskih napora dubrovačkih istraživača eruditskog pravca., The Franciscan Antun Primi, bishop of Trebinje-Mrkan diocese, occupied this post in the decades following the Great Earthquake of 1667. His diplomatic activities aside, he is remembered as the author of a voluminous novel La lega dell’onestà e valore, published in Venice in 1703. This work may be described as a pseudo-historiographic attempt to interpret Dubrovnik’s early history, glorifying the nobility through a tale of King Pavlimir and the Phrygian princess Rosaura, whose love, challenged in chivalrous duels, quests and magic reversals, culminated in an ostentatious wedding in Dubrovnik. This chivalric novel met with disapproval from his contemporaries, who deemed that it was not suitable for a bishop to indulge in such a topic. They also objected to his neglect of the strict rules of scholarly writing. However, considering the choice of the topic, Primi was no exception, because similar issues were considered by historians who drew on the chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea (Ljetopis popa Dukljanina), as well as writers such as Junije Palmotić, who, a century earlier, had written and staged his drama Pavlimir. Primi’s historical phantasy should not remain unnoticed within the Dubrovnik historiography of the eighteenth century, as it represents a reflection contrary to the erudition-based mainstream.
- Published
- 2011
4. Palmotićev 'Pavlimir'
- Author
Muhoberac, Mira
- Subjects
Junije Palmotić ,Pavlimir ,Dubrovnik ,Cavtat ,žanr ,simbol - Abstract
Drama "Pavlimir" hrvatskoga autora Junija Palmotića analizira se u kontekstu cjelokupna Palmotićeva stvaranja, u kontekstu književnosti 17. stoljeća (barok, isusovci), u kontekstu književnopovijesne i kritičarske recepcije, u kontekstu kazališnih izvedbi ("Kašićeva Venefrida", režija "Pavlimira" Koste Spaića na Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama 1971. godine). Posebna pozornost posvećuje se određenju žanra (melodrama, tragikomedija, povijesna drama, isusovačka drama), jezika, stila i stiha te kompozicije djela. Naglasak je stavljen na analizu simbolike brojeva i kršćanske simbolike, ali i na određenje nekoliko alegorijskih slojeva (osnivanje Grada, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, usmena i biblijska tradicija, književna i kazališna tradicija, sedamnaesto stoljeće, barok).
- Published
- 1998
5. Palmoticev Pavlimir u Mostaru po sjecanju Vladimira Corovica
- Author
Mirjana Arezina
- Subjects
General Engineering - Abstract
- Published
- 2011
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6. Pavlimir in the context of the baroque genre
- Author
Trnokop, Maja and Šundalić, Zlata
- Subjects
žanr ,barok ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Theory and History of Literature ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Teorija i povijest književnosti ,drama ,melodrama ,dubrovačko barokno kazalište - Abstract
Ovaj završni rad sadrži teorijske definicije baroka kao književnog razdoblja i stilske formacije prema radovima i istraživanjima različitih povjesničara hrvatske književnosti i znanstvenika. Nakon što je barok teorijski definiran, prikazan je i povijesni pregled razdoblja hrvatskog književnog baroka. Osim pregleda hrvatske barokne književnosti, obuhvaćen je i povijesni razvoj baroka u stranim književnostima te sami početci, nastanak i formiranje baroknog razdoblja. Poglavlje o baroknim žanrovima u hrvatskoj književnosti uključuje razvoj, formiranje, modificiranje i nastanak novih žanrova u hrvatskoj baroknoj književnosti. Pojedini barokni žanr teorijski je zastupljen i obrađen. Privatni život i književno stvaralštvo Junija Palmotića potkrepljeno je istraživanjima brojnih stručnjaka. Istraženo je i njegovo djelovanje na području kazališta, posebice dubrovačkog baroknog kazališta čemu je osobito doprinosio svojim književnim djelima. Osim književnim uradcima, kazalištu je doprinos davao i načinom pisanja o čemu govori poglavlje o semantičkoj vrijednosti metričkih elemenata u Palmotićevim djelima. Prema tome zaključujemo kako osim književnih radova, također njegov doprinos dubrovačkom baroknom kazalištu i doprinos melodrami kao žanru svrstava Palmotića među najbolje pisce baroknog razdoblja. Književno djelo Pavlimir definirano je na razini žanra, prikazano kroz povijest i interpretirano na razini sadržaja. Završno poglavlje donosi podatke o nastanku samog djela Pavlimir i izvorima s kojima se povezuje njegovo podrijetlo.
- Published
- 2012
7. Palmoticev Pavlimir u Mostaru po sjecanju Vladimira Corovica
- Author
Arezina, Mirjana, primary
- Published
- 2011
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8. Koncept romantične ljubavi u hrvatskoj književnosti 19. stoljeća
- Author
Lončar, Sara and Dulibić-Paljar, Dubravka
- Subjects
Renaissance ,Baroque ,Romanticism ,Danica ,Teuta ,barok ,Pavlimir ,renesansa ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Kroatistika ,Robinja ,romantizam ,Grižula ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Croatian Studies - Abstract
U radu se proučava koncept romantične ljubavi u djelima hrvatske književnosti od 16. do 19. stoljeća. Koncept se romantične ljubavi analizira u sljedećem korpusu književnih tekstova: Robinja autora Hanibala Lucića, Grižula autora Marina Držića, Pavlimir i Danica autora Junija Palmotića i Teuta autora Dimitrija Demetera. Istražuju se sličnosti i razlike između ljubavnih zapleta različitih drama. Rad se teorijski temelji studijama iz područja sociologije i psihologije, autora Niklasa Luhmanna, Pavla Brajše i Hellen Fisher. U radu se jednako tako uzimaju u obzir osobitosti različitih književnopovijesnih razdoblja kojima odabrani književni tekstovi pripadaju: renesansne, baroka i romantizma. The paper studies the concept of romantic love in works of Croatian literature from the 16th to the 19th century. The concept of romantic love is analyzed in the following corpus of literary texts: Robinja by Hanibal Lucić, Grižula by Marin Držić, Pavlimir and Danica by Junije Palmotić and Teuta by Dimitrije Demeter. The similarities and differences between the love plots of different dramas are explored. The work is theoretically based on studies from the fields of sociology and psychology, by Niklas Luhmann, Pavle Brajša and Hellen Fisher. The work also takes into account the peculiarities of different literary and historical periods to which the selected literary texts belong: Renaissance, Baroque and Romanticism.
- Published
- 2022
9. Palmotićev »Pavlimir« i Shakespeareova »Oluja«
- Author
Josip Torbarina
- Published
- 1977
10. 'His Spirit is the Nearest to the Spirit of Nation' - from Palmotić to Voltaire
- Author
Cvijeta Pavlović, Senker, Boris, and Glunčić-Bužančić, Vinka
- Subjects
Voltaire ,domovina ,homeland ,Junije Palmotić ,Pavlimir ,nacija ,nation ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Poredbena književnost ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Comparative Literature - Abstract
U prvome dijelu članka uspoređuju se postojeće odredbe pojma domovine u hrvatskome jeziku te ih se postavlja u odnos s odredbama u drugim europskim jezicima. Ta je usporedba poticajna za omjeravanje suvremenih znanstvenih i općih pojmova s razumijevanjem tekstova iz prošlosti. Primjena mogućih značenja pojmova domovine i nacije na stariju hrvatsku književnost daje nov impuls kritike donedavnih dominantnih ideja da bi naciju i domovinu određivalo pretežito moderno doba, od romantizma do danas. U francuskoj i njemačkoj kulturi prije romantizma, na kraju 18. i početkom 19. stoljeća gospođa de Staël komentirala je »duh nacije« posredstvom Montesquieuova prepoznavanja nacionalnoga duha u književniku 18. stoljeća, klasicistu Voltaireu, a u hrvatskoj kulturi prema kriteriju književnoznanstvenih interpretacija hrvatskoga kanona, odgovor upućuje na Junija Palmotića, književnika baroknog 17. stoljeća. Povezanost domovine i nacije kroz razmišljanja gospođe de Staël, kao i Montesquieua, Voltairea, Palmotića, prigoda je da se istaknu – napokon i u Hrvatskoj – sve glasnije kritike donedavno dominantnih tumačenja netom izdvojenih ključnih pojmova. To se često naziva »modernističkim obratom« prema kojem je nacija fenomen koji nastaje krajem osamnaestog stoljeća te »konstruktivističkim obratom« prema kojem naciju ne čine »objektivni« kriteriji poput zajedničkoga jezika, podrijetla, sudbine, nego zajedničko vjerovanje u te kriterije. Važan obol debati dali su Henfried Münkler i Caspar Hirschi: pristupajući problemu iz isključivo konstruktivističke perspektive, početke modernoga nacionalističkog diskursa pomaknuli su iz devetnaestog duboko u petnaesto stoljeće, u vrijeme renesanse, identificirajući humaniste kao njegove ideološke začetnike. Tzv. modernistički obrat niti je toliko obrnuo vrijednosti niti je toliko modernistički. Ono što je Voltaire za francusku naciju, povjesničari hrvatske književnosti prepoznali su u životu i djelu Junija Palmotića. O duhu hrvatske nacije u djelu Junija Palmotića najutjecajnije su tekstove tijekom 20. stoljeća pisali Branko Vodnik (Drechsler), Wilfried Potthoff, Rafo Bogišić, Nikola Batušić, Vlaho Bogišić, Fedora Ferluga-Petronio, Dunja Fališevac i Divna Mrdeža Antonina. Prikazom odnosa ključnih pojmova unutar pojedinih tekstova te njihovoj primjeni na Palmotićeva djela, a poglavito na dramski tekst Pavlimir, utvrđen je aktivan Palmotićev odnos prema pojmovima domovine i nacije., The first procedure is to compare the existing determinations of the notion of homeland in the Croatian language and in the relation with the other european languages. This comparison induces the proportions of scientific and general notions with the comprehension of readings from the past. In the focus is the oeuvre of Junije Palmotić, included in the criticism of the »modern« position of the notion of the nation (with remarks of Henfried Münckler and Caspar Hirchi), especially when contrast with Mme de Staël, Montesquieu and Voltaire. Palmotić’s oeuvre is for Croatian literature that Voltaire is for the French literature. A contrastive reading of papers of B. Vodnik, W. Potthoff, R. Bogišić, N. Batušić, V. Bogišić, F. Ferluga-Petronio, D. Fališevac and D. Mrdeža Antonina gives the clearer conception of the nation spirit in the ancient croatian literature. The application of the key notions on Palmotić’s play Pavlimir reveals the active relations of the epoch to the concept of homeland and nation.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
KOWALSKI, Wawrzyniec
- Abstract
In this article I try to show the multidivisional structure of the work known as The Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja (Ljetopis Popa Dukljanina) by looking at the model rulers depicted in the text. Each of these figures came from a different European tradition and connects the chronicle to the historiography of different regions of Central and Southeastern Europe. Motifs of Moravian, Czech and Hungarian origin, stories known from the northern parts of Dalmatia and local tales from the Dubrovnik area provided a foreground to Duklja-dedicated section of the story, introduced by the figure of St. Vladimir. In this article, I mainly try to appreciate the elements of fiction in the medieval text and by referring to the various traditions of Central European historiography to show its intertextual environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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12. Štovanje Sv. Stjepana Prvomučenika u ranosrednjovjekovnom Dubrovniku: mučeništvo u temeljima grada, komune i (nad)biskupije
- Author
Zdenka Janeković Römer and Zdenka Janeković Römer
- Abstract
Sv. Stjepan prvi je svetac koji se spominje u pisanim povijesnim izvorima o Dubrovniku, tijesno povezan s legendama o osnutku grada. Taj je kult u Dubrovniku promoviran u sklopu papinske politike prema gradu i čitavoj regiji, što potvrđuje i legenda o Pavlimiru, osnivaču grada koji je stigao iz Rima i donio relikvije svetaca. Papinsku politiku, odnosno politiku jačanja utjecaja Rima, provodili su biskupi koji su se pritom uvelike oslanjali na kult svetaca. Promoviranjem određenih kultova i nabavkom relikvija najbolje su predstavljali određene političke težnje. Izgradnja identiteta srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika bila je neodvojiva od vjerskog osjećaja, crkvene pripadnosti i vrijednosti kršćanstva na kojima je komunalna elita gradila svoju etiku i ideologiju. Kult Sv. Stjepana i svečeva crkva, prvi moćnik srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika, činili su uporište takve politike dubrovačke općine i Crkve, kao i Rimske Crkve., St Stephen is the first saint mentioned in the written historical sources on Dubrovnik, in the account of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus, who associated the development of the city with the cult of this martyr and his church in which the relics of St Pancratius were kept. According to Ragusan chronicles, starting from Miletius, the relics of other Roman martyrs, the first city protectors, were also kept at the mentioned church. This fact the chroniclers relate to the founding of the city. What needs to be elucidated here is as to how the cult of St Stephen the First Martyr became related to the development of the city, and where exactly it had come from, Constantinople or Rome. In support of the assumption that the cult of this saint spread to Dubrovnik from Rome, despite his veneration throughout the Byzantine Empire, is the cult of St Pancratius, also martyr, a cult of Roman provenance, followed by the cults of the Saints Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla and Petronilla. Given the fact that all these Roman saints are connected with the church of St Stephen, there is reason to assume that this cult, too, was promoted in Dubrovnik within the papal policy towards the city and region as a whole. This is further confirmed by the legend of Pavlimir, founder of the city, who arrived from Rome, bringing holy relics with him. Ragusan chronicles tend to emphasise Epidaurian tradition and the arrival of Pavlimir from Rome, while the group of Roman saints sanctifies Roman tradition, and is most closely related to the foundation myths. Before St Blaise, bishop from the East, was chosen as a symbol of the city, patron saints of Dubrovnik were generally of Roman provenance. This Roman policy was mainly adopted by the bishops who had strong influence in the cities in the period marked by dissolution of old municipal structures and the weakening of public administration. Midst the upheavals of late antiquity and early Middle Ages, the Church managed to maintain conti
- Published
- 2019
13. Wawrzyniec Kowalski. The Kings of the Slavs—the Image of a Ruler in the Latin Text of The Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja.
- Author
Saggau, Emil Hilton
- Subjects
Wawrzyniec Kowalski's book, "The Kings of the Slavs—the Image of a Ruler in the Latin Text of The Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja," provides a comprehensive analysis of the highly debated source material, the Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja (CPD). The book addresses the origins, authorship, and different versions of CPD, and then delves into specific chapters and figures within the chronicle. Kowalski argues that the legendary parts of CPD are not just myth, but serve a distinct purpose within the chronicle and provide insight into the worldview of the author(s) and early Slavic societies. While the book primarily focuses on the legendary material of CPD, it is a valuable resource for understanding this complex text. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
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14. Romantic-fantastic heroines in Dubrovnik literature of the 17th century
- Author
Toljan, Dorotea and Grmača, Dolores
- Subjects
female character ,gender roles ,fenomeni fantastike ,barok ,misogyny ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Kroatistika ,baroque ,mizoginija ,rodne uloge ,phenomena of fantasy ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Croatian Studies ,ženski lik - Abstract
U korpusu baroknih književnih djela odabranih za ovaj rad nalaze se dva povijesna viteško-junačka epa – Gundulićev Osman i Dionirićev Dubrovnik ponovljen, te pet Palmotićevih melodrama, od kojih dvije nastaju na tematskoj podlozi iz grčke mitologije (Ipsipile i Captislava), jedna na temelju pripovjednog izvora iz 12. stoljeća i stare dubrovačke predaje (Pavlimir), zbog čega se atribuira kao pseudopovijesna, a druge dvije (Armida i Alčina) nadahnute su dvama talijanskim renesansnim epovima – Tassovim Oslobođenim Jeruzalemom i Ariostovim Bijesnim Orlandom. U svim djelima ovoga istraživanja očituje se tassovska barokna poetika. Povijesna tematika okružena je kvazipovijesnim i romantičnim epizodama, čak i eshatološkim prizorima, u fabulu ulaze različiti tematski sadržaji; radnja je vjerojatna u kontekstu djela jer se egzistencija fantastično oblikovanih likova i pojava ne propituje, a istovremeno je i čudesna, čime se na tematskoj razini ispunjava poetička norma ranog seičenta i postiže temeljna funkcija baroknog teksta – proizvodnja meraviglie. Temeljni istraživački koncept ovoga rada analiza je romantično-fantastičnih junakinja u dubrovačkoj književnosti 17. stoljeća koje u nekoj mjeri posjeduju otklon od norme i oblikovani su kao nositelji nadnaravnih moći, a kao polazište se koriste teorije fantastike i fantastičnoga. Na početku se nudi sustavan i jezgrovit pregled značajnijih promišljanja o fenomenu fantastike i fantastičnoga, iz kojeg proizlaze tri moguća određenja: fantastika kao žanr, pripovjedni modus ili ontološka dominanta, odnosno impuls kojim se zahvaća sve što nije mimetičko, od čudovišta do metafore. Nakon toga se na oblikovanje ženskih likova nastoji primijeniti teorija fantastike i fantastičnoga francuske autorice I. Bessière, što dovodi do zaključka da su takvi likovi uvelike preuzeti iz različitih slojeva kulturne tradicije i zasnovani u maskulinoj perspektivi, a moguće ih je razvrstati u tri skupine: žene ratnice, koje utjelovljuju legendarne Amazonke, demonske ženske likove, čija djela nastaju u dosluhu sa Sotonom, i dobre vile, koje su redovito izvršitelji Božje volje. Uočava se ambivalentna slika žene kojoj se uzrok može tražiti u sedamnaestostoljetnom zagovaranju kršćanske svjetonazorske koncepcije, zbog koje se nekršćanski likovi prikazuju kao demonski, a kršćanski, njima antitetički, kao utjelovljenje najviših moralnih vrijednosti. In the corpus of baroque literary works which have been selected for this work, there are two historical knightly-heroic epics – Osman by Gundulić and Dubrovnik ponovljen by Dionorić, as well as five melodramas by Palmotić. Two of the melodramas are based on themes from Greek mythology (Ipsipile and Captislava); one is based on a narrative source from the 12th century and an old Dubrovnik folktale (Pavlimir), which is why it has been attributed as pseudo-historical; and the other two (Armida and Alčina) are inspired by two Italian Renaissance epics – Tasso's Oslobođeni Jeruzalem and Ariosto's Bijesni Orlando. Tasso’s baroque poetics is evident in all parts of this research. Historical themes are surrounded by quasi-historical and romantic episodes, and even by eschatological scenes. The plot includes various thematic contents; the action is probable in the context of the work because the existence of fantastically shaped characters and phenomena is never questioned. At the same time, it is miraculous, and therefore fulfils the poetic norm of the early seicento and achieves the basic function of a baroque text – the production of meraviglia. The basic research concept of this paper is the analysis of romantic-fantastic heroines in Dubrovnik literature of the 17th century who have, to some extent, deviated from the norm and are shaped as bearers of supernatural powers, using theories of fantasy and fantastic as a starting point. At the beginning, a systematic and concise overview of significant reflections on the phenomenon of fantasy and fantastic is offered, from which three possible definitions emerge: fantasy as a genre, narrative mode or ontological dominant, i. e. an impulse that captures everything that is not mimetic, from monsters to metaphors. After that, the theory of fantasy and fantastic by the French author I. Bessière is applied to the formation of female characters, which leads to the conclusion that such characters are largely taken from different layers of cultural tradition and are based in masculine perspective. They can be classified into three groups: warrior women, who are embodied by the legendary Amazons; demonic female characters, whose works are created in collusion with Satan; and good fairies, who are regularly executors of God’s will. There is an ambivalent image of a woman whose cause can be sought in the seventeenth-century advocacy of the Christian worldview, which is why non-Christian characters are portrayed as demonic, and Christian (antithetical to non-Christians) as the embodiment of the highest moral values.
- Published
- 2021
15. The Cult of St Stephen the First Martyr in Early Medieval Dubrovnik: Martyrdom in the Foundations of the City, Commune and (Arch)Diocese
- Author
Zdenka Janeković Römer
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Archeology ,History ,Geography ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Ancient history ,srednji vijek ,Dubrovnik ,kult svetaca ,relikvije ,osnutak grada ,Rimska Crkva ,Dubrovačka (nad)biskupija ,dubrovačka komuna ,Middle Ages ,cult of saints ,relics ,the foundation of the city ,Roman church ,(Arch)diocese of Dubrovnik ,the commune of Dubrovnik - Abstract
Sv. Stjepan prvi je svetac koji se spominje u pisanim povijesnim izvorima o Dubrovniku, tijesno povezan s legendama o osnutku grada. Taj je kult u Dubrovniku promoviran u sklopu papinske politike prema gradu i čitavoj regiji, što potvrđuje i legenda o Pavlimiru, osnivaču grada koji je stigao iz Rima i donio relikvije svetaca. Papinsku politiku, odnosno politiku jačanja utjecaja Rima, provodili su biskupi koji su se pritom uvelike oslanjali na kult svetaca. Promoviranjem određenih kultova i nabavkom relikvija najbolje su predstavljali određene političke težnje. Izgradnja identiteta srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika bila je neodvojiva od vjerskog osjećaja, crkvene pripadnosti i vrijednosti kršćanstva na kojima je komunalna elita gradila svoju etiku i ideologiju. Kult Sv. Stjepana i svečeva crkva, prvi moćnik srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika, činili su uporište takve politike dubrovačke općine i Crkve, kao i Rimske Crkve., St Stephen is the first saint mentioned in the written historical sources on Dubrovnik, in the account of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus, who associated the development of the city with the cult of this martyr and his church in which the relics of St Pancratius were kept. According to Ragusan chronicles, starting from Miletius, the relics of other Roman martyrs, the first city protectors, were also kept at the mentioned church. This fact the chroniclers relate to the founding of the city. What needs to be elucidated here is as to how the cult of St Stephen the First Martyr became related to the development of the city, and where exactly it had come from, Constantinople or Rome. In support of the assumption that the cult of this saint spread to Dubrovnik from Rome, despite his veneration throughout the Byzantine Empire, is the cult of St Pancratius, also martyr, a cult of Roman provenance, followed by the cults of the Saints Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla and Petronilla. Given the fact that all these Roman saints are connected with the church of St Stephen, there is reason to assume that this cult, too, was promoted in Dubrovnik within the papal policy towards the city and region as a whole. This is further confirmed by the legend of Pavlimir, founder of the city, who arrived from Rome, bringing holy relics with him. Ragusan chronicles tend to emphasise Epidaurian tradition and the arrival of Pavlimir from Rome, while the group of Roman saints sanctifies Roman tradition, and is most closely related to the foundation myths. Before St Blaise, bishop from the East, was chosen as a symbol of the city, patron saints of Dubrovnik were generally of Roman provenance. This Roman policy was mainly adopted by the bishops who had strong influence in the cities in the period marked by dissolution of old municipal structures and the weakening of public administration. Midst the upheavals of late antiquity and early Middle Ages, the Church managed to maintain continuity and was replacing ancient organisation of the civil government as a strong and stable institution around which the society gathered, gradually creating new political forms and social relations. The bishops mainly leaned on the cult of the saints through the acquisition of relics and promotion of cults that best conveyed specific political goals. Early Dubrovnik cults were strongly linked to papal policy and diocesan jurisdiction. The construction of the city’s identity was inseparable from the religious feeling, church identity and the value of Christianity upon which the communal elite built its ethics and ideology. This harmony is most vividly displayed in the cult of the city’s patron saints, who at the same time were the foundations and backbone of the community’s unity. The Church, patron saint and lay community moulded a unique feeling of belonging, self-consciousness and identity. The cult of St Stephen and the saint’s church with the first reliquary of medieval Dubrovnik constituted a stronghold of thus shaped policy of the Dubrovnik commune and Church, as well as that of the Church of Rome.
- Published
- 2019
16. Krešimir Nemec: Leksikon likova iz hrvatske književnosti, Ljevak, 2020.
- Author
BORIĆ, Lucian
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Grgas, Stipe
- Published
- 2020
18. Rupture – Integration – Renewal: The Gathering in Dalma and the Creation of a Political Community in the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea.
- Author
Kowalski, Wawrzyniec
- Subjects
Copyright of Slavia Meridionalis is the property of Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Bakija, Katja and Roman, Renata
- Subjects
Copyright of Context / Kontekst is the property of Institute of Macedonian Literature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Acta Histriae is the property of Historical Society of Southern Primorska of Koper and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Vulić, Sanja and Laco, Gordana
- Published
- 2016
22. BackMatter.
- Author
Brauneck, Manfred
- Published
- 2007
23. Chronik.
- Author
Brauneck, Manfred
- Published
- 2007
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- Author
Arsić, Irena
- Subjects
The research of the Ancient Dubrovnik's literature had primarily began by its biographers; afterwards significant documents that had been found in the Dubrovnik's archive made possible to the researchers to give immense contributions in this field. The 21st century brought, in the area of the historiography especially, new approaches toward research of the renaissance and baroque literature of the Ancient Dubrovnik. New findings in Marin Drić's biography, as well as research of the social status in Dubrovnik, especially of its aristocracy have made possible to apply the new methods in studies of the works written during the time of the Renaissance, and above all the comedies. Additionally, the forming of the Dubrovnik's myth, which has been constructed for centuries by the writers of the Old Republic provides new and more intellectual view on their literary contribution. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Lucijana Armanda Šundov
- Abstract
Despite the fact that he did not attend the manifestation Hvar Theatre Days often, Josip Torbarina’s contribution to it was great just like his contribution to the development of Croatian comparative literature. He first attended the manifestation in 1794 with the paper entitled Dubrovnik’s Romeo and Giuliette, his second attendance occured in 1976 with the paper entitled Palmotić’s Pavlimir and Shakespeare’s The Tempest and his third attendance occured in 1978 with the paper entitled Illyrian Queen in Coleridge’s Play. Torbarina had written his PhD thesis in London in 1930 and the title was The Italian Influence on the Poets of the Ragusan Republic and since that moment he had tried to combine the interest in both English and Croatian literature in his scinetific work. His papers on the manifestation are a result of studying both literatures for a long time. His thesis was a matter of a serious critques written by another Croatian scientist Mihovil Kombol. In wasn’t until after Kombol’s death that Torbarina wrote his best scientific papers because he no longer felt the pressure of Kombol’s critique. Torbarina also criticized Kombol and one of these critiques was presneted at the manifestation. With this article we try to put some light on the way in which Torbarina came to his most important conclusions and that is why we start from his thesis and his disagreement with Kombol, we continue with his bold comparisons of Držić and Shakespeare to come to his papers on the manifestation. The author of this article claims that Torbarina’s scientific work and his presentations at this manifestation represent a very imortant step in the development of Croatian comparative literature and are therefore worth studying.
- Published
- 2014
26. Semantika prostora u dubrovačkoj književnosti 17. stoljeća
- Author
Brković, Ivana
- Subjects
književni prostor ,prostorni obrat (spatial turn) ,identitet i prostor ,hrvatska književna povijest ,dubrovačka književnost 17. stoljeća - Abstract
Polazeći od teorijskih uporišta suvremene paradigme prostornog obrata (spatial turn), disertacija se bavi analizom književnog prostora u dubrovačkoj književnosti 17. stoljeća. Pristupajući književnom prostoru kao proizvodu diskursa, u analizi se nastoje detektirati procedure diskurzivne proizvodnje prostora na trima međuovisnim razinama: tekstnoj, intertekstnoj i kontekstnoj. Također, književnim se prostorima pristupa iz vizure oblikovanja kolektivnih identiteta/alteriteta. Na temelju analize provedene na korpusu koji obuhvaća reprezentativne tekstove četvorice Dubrovčana (Dubravka, Osman, U slavu visine privedre Ferdinanda II Ivana Gundulića ; Pavlimir, Danica, Captislava i Bisernica Junija Palmotića ; Trublja slovinska Vladislava Menčetića ; Dubrovnik ponovljen Jakete Palmotića Dionorića), književni prostori u tekstovima dubrovačkih autora otkrivaju se nositeljima mnogostrukih i višeslojnih značenja – literarnih, povijesnih, (geo)političkih, društvenih, religijskih i kulturnih – generiranih različitim tipovima diskursa, karakterističnima za Dubrovnik, ali i (zapadnu) Europu u 17. stoljeću. Osvrt na konstruiranje prostora identiteta/alteriteta upućuje pritom na višestruka razgraničavanja kao i na dominantnu auto/raguzo/centričnu perspektivu oblikovanja prostora. Fokusiranjem na književni prostor, zanemaren u dosadašnjih proučavatelja, te analizom utemeljenoj na suvremenoj teoriji prostora (spatial turn) disertacija pridonosi istraživanjima prostora u hrvatskoj književnosti 17. stoljeća.
- Published
- 2011
27. Vrijednosne konotacije povijesnih prostora u dubrovačkoj književnosti 17. stoljeća
- Author
Brković, Ivana and Batušić, Nikola i dr.
- Subjects
hrvatska književnost 17. stoljeća ,prostor u književnosti ,Dubrovnik - Abstract
Referencije na povijesne prostore razmjerno su česte u dubrovačkoj književnosti 17. stoljeća, o čemu svjedoče djela Ivana Gundulića, Junija Palmotića, Jakete Palmotića-Dionorića, Nikolice Bunića, Bara Bettere, Petra Kanavelića i dr. Posredujući se preko radnje lokalizirane na povijesne teritorije (Dubrovnik, slovinske zemlje, Osmansko Carstvo), preko (pseudo)povijesnih likova kao njihovih označitelja (npr. Osman, Pavlimir, Vladislav) ili preko izravnih iskaza, povijesni prostori uključuju ponajprije ideju političke, državne zajednice. Njihovo pak oblikovanje i vrednovanje u književnim tekstovima upućuje na koncepte identiteta poput domoljublja, slovinstva i kršćanstva, koji su karakteristični za tadašnji historiografski, kulturni, politički i ideološki diskurs. Pritom reprezentacija prostora uključuje autocentričnu perspektivu, tj. razgraničavanje vlastitosti i drugosti u kojem se vlastitom prostoru uglavnom pridaje pozitivni vrijednosni predznak, a prostoru (nedubrovačkog, neslovinskog, nekršćanskog) drugog najčešće negativni. U tom smislu, u mreži autopredodžbi i heteropredodžbi nazire se i imaginarna vrijednosna hijerarhijska ljestvica povijesnih prostora koja, prizivajući povijesni, društveni i politički kontekst, otkriva da su u književnosti Dubrovčana u 17. stoljeću ideologija, politika i etika snažno povezane.
- Published
- 2009
28. Vrijednosne konotacije povijesnih prostora u dubrovačkoj književnosti 17. stoljeća
- Author
Ivana Brković
- Abstract
References to historic territories appear rather frequently in Dubrovnik’s literature of the 17th century. Works of Ivan Gundulić, Junije Palmotić, Jaketa Palmotić – Dionorić, Nikolica Bunić, Bara Bettera, Petar Kanavelić and others, witness to that fact. Being intermediaries between plots (Dubrovnik, Slovene countries, Ottoman Empire), through (pseudo)historic characters as their representatives (for instance Osman, Pavlimir, Vladislav), or through direct sources, historic territories include, first of all, the idea of political, state community. However, their forming and evaluation in literary works directs to concepts of identity like patriotism, Slovenism and Christianity, which are characteristic for historiographical, cultural, political and ideological discourse of the time. At the same time, the representation of territories includes auto-centric perspective, i.e. by defining »own« and »other« in which the »own« territory mostly has positive value prefix, while »other« territories (not Dubrovnik, not Slovene, not Christian) have negative prefixes. In that sense, in the net of auto-ideas and hetero ideas, imaginary values on a hierarchical scale of historic territories, could be vaguely seen. Through historic, social and political context, it reveals that the ideology, politics and ethics in the 17th century literature of Dubrovnik, are strongly connected.
- Published
- 2009
29. Space of Identity / Identity of Space: Representations of Space in Seventeenth-Century Dubrovnik Literature
- Author
Brković, Ivana
- Subjects
identitet ,prostor ,književni prostor ,dubrovačka književnost 17. stoljeća - Abstract
The category of historical space is a major feature of Croatian baroque texts produced in seventeenth-century Dubrovnik literature. Images of historical spaces are mediated in literary discourse by localising the plot in concrete historical territories, through characters that act as signifiers of particular, primarily politically defined, spaces, or through individual enunciations. A special place within the fictional worlds of Dubrovnik residents is assigned to their city, that is, the Dubrovnik Republic, the image of which is positive in value and as a rule linked with the idea of the border as an ambivalent space of separation and encounter. The confirmation of this thesis can be found in, among others, canonical literary works, such as the baroque historical epic Osman by Ivan Gundulić, or the pseudo-historical tragicomedy Pavlimir by Junije Palmotić. In their discourse, the space of Dubrovnik acquires features of the border and space of encounter in the political, confessional, and cultural sense: it is a meeting/separation point between political forces – the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Venice, and the Habsburg Monarchy – as well as between different religions – Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, and Islam. Such a concept will also produce the image of Dubrovnik as a space of freedom, peace, and a haven, which marks the entire Dubrovnik culture of the early modern period, and which represents a link to the then neighbouring Italian communal discourses. On the other hand, the representation of the space of Dubrovnik as Christian, Slovin, and European, as opposed to the foreign, non-Christian, enemy, Turkish space of the Other, follows the then European trend of discursive constructions of collective identities. It is thus possible to discern within the literary construction of the space of Dubrovnik concrete political circumstances (the Dubrovnik Republic was the only territory in the Balkans to have kept its autonomy in the seventeenth century, outside the direct governance of the Ottoman Empire), the ideology of the Dubrovnik nobility, ideas of Slovin fellowship (which are related to the ideology of Catholic renewal and the activities of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith), early modern concepts of civic humanism, and the Christian world view characteristic of Croatian, but European literary baroque as well.
- Published
- 2009
30. Povijesni prostori u pseudopovijesnim tragikomedijama Junija Palmotića
- Author
Brković, Ivana
- Subjects
hrvatska tragikomedija 17. stoljeća ,Junije Palmotić ,povijesni prostor - Abstract
Unutar bogata opusa dubrovačkog autora Junija Palmotića (1607-1657) četiri se tragikomedije (Pavlimir, Danica, Captislava i Bisernica) u književnoj historiografiji zbog brojnih referencija na povijesne prostore, vrijeme i događaje obično određuju kao pseudopovijesne. Povijesni su prostori u njima bitni konstituenti dramskoga svijeta i javljaju se na svim razinama dramskoga teksta: radnja je u njima lokalizirana na konkretne povijesne teritorije (Epidaur/Dubrovnik, Bosansko Kraljevstvo, Ugarsko Kraljevstvo) ; protagonisti, čija imena prizivaju (pseudo)povijesne osobe sa "slovinskih" dvorova, označitelji su određenih političkih prostora ; na temelju pak pojedinačnih iskaza, djelovanja likova te u dramskom sukobu i njegovu razrješenju iščitava se vrednovanje povijesnih prostora i u tom smislu njihova hijerarhija. Pritom se ističu pozitivne predodžbe o dubrovačkom, ugarskom i bosanskom prostoru, negativne o turskome, dok se vrijednosna ambivalencija otkriva u predodžbi o srpskom prostoru. Otkrivajući se kao prostori obogaćeni kulturnim značenjem, povijesni prostori u tim tragikomedijama nisu tek neutralna pozadina dramskoga zbivanja te čine bitan element u konstrukciji identiteta. Unutar Palmotićevih fikcijskih svjetova preko mreže autopredodžbi i heteropredodžbi konstruiraju se kao stožerne ideje zajedništva dubrovačko domoljublje, kršćanstvo i slovinstvo, koje jasno upućuju na kulturni i politički diskurs u Dubrovniku u 17. stoljeću.
- Published
- 2008
31. Milčetićev boravak u Rijeci (Milčetić i starija hrvatska književnost)
- Author
Srdoč-Konestra, Ines and Maštrović, Tihomil
- Subjects
Ivan Milčetić ,Junije Palmotić ,Ivan Gundulić - Abstract
Ivana Milčetića uz Rijeku vezuje gimnazijsko školovanje te kasniji nastavnički rad na istoj gimnaziji. Podatke o tim razdobljima daju njegovi biografi (npr. A. Musić), te gimnazijska izvješća. Kao profesor na Riječku je gimnaziju Milčetić dospio službenim dekretom kojeg su ?isposlovali? njegovi politički protivnici, no godine provedene u Rijeci (1886 ? 1891) rezultirale su s nekoliko književnopovijesnih radova. U radu se analizira tekst o J. Palmotiću, koji je Milčetić napisao kao uvodnu studiju uz dramu "Pavlimir", i teskt "Talijanski i latinski prevodioci Gundulićeva Osmana", objavljen u "Izvješću gimanzije u Rijeci za školsku godinu 1886./87.", te se na temelju tih tekstova zaključuje o Milčetićevu odnosu prema starijoj hrvatskoj književnosti.
- Published
- 2002
32. Practices of Diplomacy in the Early Modern World C.1410-1800
- Author
Tracey A. Sowerby, Jan Hennings, Tracey A. Sowerby, and Jan Hennings
- Subjects
- Diplomacy--History
- Abstract
Practices of Diplomacy in the Early Modern World offers a new contribution to the ongoing reassessment of early modern international relations and diplomatic history. Divided into three parts, it provides an examination of diplomatic culture from the Renaissance into the eighteenth century and presents the development of diplomatic practices as more complex, multifarious and globally interconnected than the traditional state-focussed, national paradigm allows.The volume addresses three central and intertwined themes within early modern diplomacy: who and what could claim diplomatic agency and in what circumstances; the social and cultural contexts in which diplomacy was practised; and the role of material culture in diplomatic exchange. Together the chapters provide a broad geographical and chronological presentation of the development of diplomatic practices and, through a strong focus on the processes and significance of cultural exchanges between polities, demonstrate how it was possible for diplomats to negotiate the cultural codes of the courts to which they were sent.This exciting collection brings together new and established scholars of diplomacy from different academic traditions. It will be essential reading for all students of diplomatic history.
- Published
- 2017
33. Geschichte der Weltliteratur
- Author
Antal Szerb and Antal Szerb
- Subjects
- Literature--History and criticism
- Abstract
'Wenn wir strikt nur diejenigen Autoren und Werke in Betracht ziehen, die wirklich von weltliterarischer Bedeutung sind, schrumpft der unendlich scheinende Stoff in verblüffendem Masse zusammen. Die wirkliche Weltliteratur, könnte man sagen, findet Platz in einer sorgfältig ausgewählten Privatbibliothek, ihre Bände können entlang den Wänden eines grösseren Studierzimmers aufgestellt werden.'Literatur soll - so Szerbs Credo - in exemplarischer Weise die Ewigkeit repräsentieren, ihre Geltung von gesamtmenschlicher, überhistorischer Relevanz sein. Szerbs Begriff der Weltliteratur umfasst daher nur das, was er für das Beste hielt, will heissen: ausschliesslich jene Autoren und Werke, die über die Jahrhunderte und alle Landesgrenzen hinweg Bestand hatten. Szerbs unerhörte Belesenheit, sein originelles und sicheres kritisches Urteil, sein leicht lesbarer und auch humorvoller Stil wiegen die Tatsache auf, dass seit 1941 dies und jenes vielleicht nicht mehr vertreten werden kann, aber welche Literaturgeschichte, erst recht welche Weltliteraturgeschichte, wird da und dort nicht überholt?
- Published
- 2016
34. Freedom and the Construction of Europe: Volume 1, Religious Freedom and Civil Liberty
- Author
Quentin Skinner, Martin van Gelderen, Quentin Skinner, and Martin van Gelderen
- Subjects
- Liberty, Civil rights--Europe
- Abstract
Freedom, today perceived simply as a human right, was a continually contested idea in the early modern period. In Freedom and the Construction of Europe an international group of scholars explore the richness, diversity and complexity of thinking about freedom in the shaping of modernity. Volume 1 examines debates about religious and constitutional liberties, as well as exploring the tensions between free will and divine omnipotence across a continent of proliferating religious denominations. Debates about freedom have been fundamental to the construction of modern Europe, but represent a part of our intellectual heritage that is rarely examined in depth. These volumes provide materials for thinking in fresh ways not merely about the concept of freedom, but how it has come to be understood in our own time.
- Published
- 2013
35. Freedom and the Construction of Europe: Volume 2, Free Persons and Free States
- Author
Quentin Skinner, Martin van Gelderen, Quentin Skinner, and Martin van Gelderen
- Subjects
- Civil rights--Europe, Liberty
- Abstract
Freedom, today perceived simply as a human right, was a continually contested idea in the early modern period. In Freedom and the Construction of Europe an international group of scholars explore the richness, diversity and complexity of thinking about freedom in the shaping of modernity. Volume 2 considers free persons and free states, examining differing views about freedom of thought and action and their relations to conceptions of citizenship. Debates about freedom have been fundamental to the construction of modern Europe, but represent a part of our intellectual heritage that is rarely examined in depth. These volumes provide materials for thinking in fresh ways not merely about the concept of freedom, but how it has come to be understood in our own time.
- Published
- 2013
36. Pjesme
- Author
August Šenoa and August Šenoa
- Abstract
Romanopisac, pripovjedač, pjesnik, feljtonist, putopisac i dramatičar August Šenoa (1838-1881) obilježio je cijelo jedno razdoblje hrvatske književnosti, na razmeđu romantizma i realizma, koje se naziva'Šenoino doba'. Autor je prvog novijeg hrvatskog romana'Zlatarovo zlato'. Iako su Šenoine pjesme uglavnom rodoljubne i ljubavne, njegov lirski opus varira u rasponu od religiozne do satirične lirike. Slijedeći uglavnom tradicionalnu silabičku metriku pisao je balade, romance, sonete i dr. Njegove lirske pjesme zauzimaju osobito važno mjesto u prvim godinama njegovog stvaralaštva, a u njima je često izražavao politički program narodnjačkog pokreta (Na Ozlju gradu, Hrvatska pjesma, Budi svoj!, U slavu J. J. Strossmayera, Klevetnikom Hrvatske, Hrvat Bosni i dr.). Antologijska je njegova pjesma'Zagrebu', koja je postala svojevrsnom himnom glavnog grada Hrvatske. Šenoa je i osnivač moderne hrvatske kajkavske dijalektalne poezije. Ovo e-izdanje sadrži kompletan Šenoin pjesnički opus: njegove ljubavne, rodoljubne, šaljive i satirične pjesme, nekoliko legendi, romanca i balada, te prigodnice.'Povjestice'su objavljene posebno.
- Published
- 2013
37. The Italian Opera Libretto and Dubrovnik Theatre (17th and 18th Century)
- Author
Tomić, Viktoria Franić, Novak, Slobodan Prosperov, Stipčević, Ennio, McMaster, Graham, Translated from the Croatian by, Tomić, Viktoria Franić, Novak, Slobodan Prosperov, Stipčević, Ennio, and McMaster, Graham
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
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38. Chronik des europäischen Theaters : Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
- Author
Wolfgang Beck and Wolfgang Beck
- Subjects
- Theater--Europe--History, Performing arts--Europe--History
- Abstract
Zweieinhalb Jahrtausende Theater in Europa. Die Chronik zeigt Schauspielkunst unter den verschiedensten politischen, historischen und ästhetischen Vorzeichen und enthält die wichtigsten Personen und Bühnenereignisse, kulturhistorische und politische Hintergründe sowie Daten zum Theaterwesen. Ein ideales Informationsmittel für alle, die praktisch und theoretisch, schreibend oder spielend mit Theater zu tun haben.
- Published
- 2008
39. Die Welt als Bühne : Geschichte des europäischen Theaters. Sechster Band: Chronik, Bibliographie, Register
- Author
Manfred Brauneck and Manfred Brauneck
- Subjects
- Theater--Europe--History
- Abstract
Band 6 deckt das Gesamtwerk mit Registern ab. Er enthält ein Titelregister, das sämtliche Titel der besprochenen Theaterstücke nennt, Namen- und Ortsregister der Bände 1 bis 5, eine Chronik und eine thematisch gegliederte Bibliografie. Ein unverzichtbares Arbeitsmittel.
- Published
- 2007
40. Dubrovnik : A History
- Author
Robin Harris and Robin Harris
- Abstract
Since emerging as a settlement in the seventh century, Dubrovnik has faced Venetian aggressors, Ottoman plotters, a terrible earthquake in 1667 and, finally, the will of Napoleon. In 1991-92 the city survived the besieging Yugoslav army, which heavily damaged but did not destroy its cultural heritage. This book is a comprehensive history of Dubrovnik's progress over twelve centuries of European development, encompassing arts, architecture, social and economic changes, politics and the trauma of war.
- Published
- 2006
41. Regents of Nations : Systematic Chronology of States and Their Political Representatives in Past and Present: a Biographical Reference Book. Part 4, Volume 1, Western & Southern Europe = Regenten Der Nationen: Systematische Chronologie Der Staaten Und Ihrer Politischen Reprä
- Author
Truhart, Peter and Truhart, Peter
- Subjects
- Heads of state--Handbooks, manuals, etc, Cabinet officers--Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Published
- 2004
42. Lexikon der Weltliteratur - Fremdsprachige Autoren : Biographisch-bibliographisches Handwörterbuch nach Autoren A - Z
- Author
Gero von Wilpert and Gero von Wilpert
- Abstract
Gero von Wilperts Autorenlexikon der Weltliteratur hat sich den Ruf eines einzigartigen Standardwerks erworben, das an >Faktenreichtum wie Materialfülle in seiner Größenordnung unübertroffen< ist. Die 4.Auflage mit rund 2350 neu aufgenommenen Autoren reicht weit über die andernorts vertretenen Namen hinaus.Der Leser findet hier auch weniger geläufige, gleichwohl markante Dichter und Schriftsteller, etwa außereuropäische Literaturen, die zur reichinstrumentierten Vielstimmigkeit der Weltliteratur charakteristische Nuancen beitragen.Zugunsten einer umfassenden Dokumentation und einer auch im Kleindruck des bibliographischen Anhangs noch lesbaren Schrift wurde das Werk in drei Bände aufgeteilt. Für die Neuauflage wurden alle Artikel durchgesehen, aktualisiert und vielfach umgearbeitet.In prägnanter, knapp und präzise orientierender Darstellung enthalten die einzelnen Artikel zunächst eine stichwortartige Biographie, anschließend eine Beschreibung, literarische Einordnung und Wertung des Werks.Der bibliographische Anhang verzeichnet die Hauptwerke des Autors in chronologischer Folge; es folgen Hinweise auf Standard-Monographien und Gesamtdarstellungen der Sekundärliteratur sowie einschlägige Bibliographien. Deutsche Autoren: Gero von Wilpert, Lexikon der Weltliteratur - Deutsche Autoren, ISBN 3520837048. Die inhaltlich deckungsgleiche Sonderausgabe hat einen Ladenpreis von € 70,00; ISBN 978-3-520-84301-2
- Published
- 2004
43. A State of Deference : Ragusa / Dubrovnik in the Medieval Centuries
- Author
Stuard, Susan Mosher and Stuard, Susan Mosher
- Published
- 2016
44. When Ethnicity Did Not Matter in the Balkans : A Study of Identity in Pre-Nationalist Croatia, Dalmatia, and Slavonia in the Medieval and Early-Modern Periods
- Author
- Published
- 2010
- Full Text
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45. Croatia : Land, People, Culture Volume II
- Author
- Published
- 1970
46. Croatia : Land, People, Culture Volume II
- Author
Francis H. Eterovich, Christopher Spalatin, Francis H. Eterovich, and Christopher Spalatin
- Subjects
- Croats
- Abstract
This volume continues the story of the cultural and political history of the Croatian people who have long been noted for their significant contributions to the arts and the humanities. It examines the Croatian language, literature to 1835, the maritime history of the eastern Adriatic, Croatian political history from 1526 to 1918, the development of book printing, the ethnic and religious history of Bosnia and Hercegovina, the cultural achievement of Bosnian and Hercegovinian Muslims, and Croatian immigrants in North America. Each of the nine chapters in the book is written by a specialist and is accompanied by an extensive bibliography. Other special features of this volume are eleven historical maps of the region, a geographical map, sixteen pages of illustrations, and a glossary of geographical names. This reference work will be invaluable to libraries, and will be a useful source of information for historians, writers on Central European affairs, students of art and ethnic developments, and the layman interested in the Croatian people and their cultural history.
- Published
- 1970
47. A State of Deference : Ragusa / Dubrovnik in the Medieval Centuries
- Author
Susan Mosher Stuard and Susan Mosher Stuard
- Subjects
- City-states--Croatia--Dubrovnik
- Abstract
This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn Press's distinguished backlist from 1899-1999 that had fallen out of print. Spanning an entire century, the Anniversary Collection offers peer-reviewed scholarship in a wide range of subject areas.
- Published
- 1992
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