47 results on '"Manojlović, Vesna"'
Search Results
2. Gromov hyperbolicity and quasihyperbolic geodesics
- Author
Koskela, Pekka, Lammi, Päivi, and Manojlović, Vesna
- Subjects
Mathematics - Metric Geometry ,Mathematics - Complex Variables ,30C65 (Primary) - Abstract
We characterize Gromov hyperbolicity of the quasihyperbolic metric space (\Omega,k) by geometric properties of the Ahlfors regular length metric measure space (\Omega,d,\mu). The characterizing properties are called the Gehring--Hayman condition and the ball--separation condition., Comment: 17 pages
- Published
- 2012
3. Bernoulli inequality and hypergeometric functions
- Author
Klén, Riku, Manojlović, Vesna, Simić, Slavko, and Vuorinen, Matti
- Subjects
Mathematics - Classical Analysis and ODEs ,Mathematics - Complex Variables ,26D06, 33C05 - Abstract
Bernoulli type inequalities for functions of logarithmic type are given. These functions include, in particular, Gaussian hypergeometric functions in the zero-balanced case $F(a,b;a+b;x)\,.$, Comment: 15 pages
- Published
- 2011
4. Quasi-nearly subharmonic functions and quasiconformal mappings
- Author
Koskela, Pekka and Manojlović, Vesna
- Subjects
Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,31C05, 30C65 - Abstract
We prove that the composition of a quasi-nearly subharmonic function and a quasiregular mappings of bounded multiplicity is quasi-nearly subharmonic. Also, we prove that if $u\circ f$ is quasi-nearly subharmonic for all quasi-nearly subharmonic $u$ and $f$ satisfies some additional conditions, then $f$ is quasiconformal. Similar results are further established for the class of regularly oscillating functions., Comment: 9 pages
- Published
- 2011
5. Subharmonicity of the modulus of quasiregular harmonic mappings
- Author
Kalaj, David and Manojlović, Vesna
- Subjects
Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,31A05, 31B10 - Abstract
In this note we determine all numbers $q\in \mathbf R$ such that $|u|^q$ is a subharmonic function, provided that $u$ is a $K-$quasiregular harmonic mappings in an open subset $\Omega$ of the Euclidean space $\mathbf R^n$., Comment: 6 pages
- Published
- 2011
6. H\'older Continuity of Harmonic Quasiconformal Mappings
- Author
Arsenović, Miloš, Manojlović, Vesna, and Vuorinen, Matti
- Subjects
Mathematics - Complex Variables ,30C65 - Abstract
We prove that for harmonic quasiconformal mappings $\alpha$-H\"older continuity on the boundary implies $\alpha$-H\"older continuity of the map itself. Our result holds for the class of uniformly perfect bounded domains, in fact we can allow that a portion of the boundary is thin in the sense of capacity. The problem for general bounded domains remains open., Comment: This is an updated version of the same paper - added two references and a sentence explaining relevance of these two papers. The last version: corrected typos, restricted to dimension at least 3
- Published
- 2010
7. Moduli of Continuity of Quasiregular Mappings
- Author
Manojlovic, Vesna
- Subjects
Mathematics - Classical Analysis and ODEs ,30c65 - Abstract
This thesis consists of Chapters 1 and 2. The main results are contained in the two preprints and two published papers, listed below. Chapter 1 deals with conformal invariants in the euclidean space Rn; n >= 2; and their interrelation. In particular, conformally invariant metrics and balls of the respective metric spaces are studied. Another theme in Chapter 1 is the study of quasiconformal maps with identity boundary values in two diferent cases, the unit ball and the whole space minus two points. These results are based on the two preprints: R. Klen, V. Manojlovic and M. Vuorinen: Distortion of two point normalized quasiconformal mappings, arXiv:0808.1219[math.CV], 13 pp., V. Manojlovic and M. Vuorinen: On quasiconformal maps with identity boundary values, arXiv:0807.4418[math.CV], 16 pp. Chapter 2 deals with harmonic quasiregular maps. Topics studied are: Preservation of modulus of continuity, in particular Lipschitz continuity, from the boundary to the interior of domain in case of harmonic quasiregular maps and quasiisometry property of harmonic quasiconformal maps. Chapter 2 is based mainly on the two published papers: M. Arsenovic, V. Kojic and M. Mateljevic: On Lipschitz continuity of harmonic quasiregular maps on the unit ball in Rn., Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 33 (2008), no. 1, 315-318. V. Kojic and M. Pavlovic: Subharmonicity of jfjp for quasiregular harmonic functions, with applications, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 342 (2008) 742-746, Comment: 60 pages, 10 figures, 4 charts
- Published
- 2008
8. On quasiconformal maps with identity boundary values
- Author
Manojlović, Vesna and Vuorinen, Matti
- Subjects
Mathematics - Complex Variables ,30C65 - Abstract
Quasiconformal homeomorphisms of the unit ball $B^n$ of ${\mathbb R}^n, n \ge 3,$ onto itself with identity boundary values are studied. A spatial analogue of Teichm\"uller's theorem is proved., Comment: 16 pages
- Published
- 2008
- Author
- Published
- 2014
10. On Pavlovic’s Theorem in Space
- Author
Astala, Kari and Manojlović, Vesna
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Manojlović, Vesna
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Arsenović, Miloš and Manojlović, Vesna
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Manojlović, Vesna
- Published
- 2009
14. Quasi-Nearly Subharmonic Functions and Quasiconformal Mappings
- Author
Koskela, Pekka and Manojlović, Vesna
- Published
- 2012
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15. Hölder continuity of harmonic quasiconformal mappings
- Author
Arsenović, Miloš, Manojlović, Vesna, and Vuorinen, Matti
- Published
- 2011
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16. Moduli of Continuity of Harmonic Quasiregular Mappings in $\mathbb{B}^n$
- Author
Arsenović, Miloš, Božin, Vladimir, and Manojlović, Vesna
- Published
- 2011
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17. Математика и музика у функцији дечјег развоја
- Author
Manojlović, Vesna, Drobni, Ivana, Marković, Predrag, Tasevska, Alma, Deretić, Irina, Rajić, Stajka, Manojlović, Vesna, Drobni, Ivana, Marković, Predrag, Tasevska, Alma, Deretić, Irina, and Rajić, Stajka
- Abstract
Математика и музика, антипод једна другој, од најстаријих периода људске цивилизације развијале су се кроз природу и у природи. И једна и друга област полазеод практичне потребе човека за премеравањем, пребројавањем, упоређивањем – математика; односно, песмом, ритмом, плесом – музика. Указујући на историјски развој и филозофска становишта, како математике тако и музике, уочава се да су поменуте областипрешле пут од практичних делатности ка апстрактним дисциплинама науке и уметности. На том путу развоја, математика и музика, од самих почетака укрштале су своје теоријске основе и на тај начин међусобно допринеле формирању појединих математичких односно музичких закона и законитости. Ако би се теорија музике и/или дела великих уметникапосматрала оком математике, у њима би се пронашле математичке законитости, које су или биле основ за формирање музичких правила, или су, пак, и математика и музика у свом развоју прихватиле нека заједничка начела и принципе и по њима градиле своје теоријске основе. Кроз историјски развој,филозофска гледишта великих мислилаца, као и кроз указивање на конкретне примере везе математике и музике у раду се указује да су, иако априори неспојиве, математика и музика две дисциплине које се међусобно прожимају и међу којима постоји нераскидива веза. Педагошки део рада који је обухватио и емпиријско истраживање, има за циљ да представи у којој мери примена конкретне математичко-музичке игре доприноси дечјем социјалном, емотивном и когнитивном развоју, те развоју социо-емотивних и когнитивних вештина деце узраста од осам до дванаест година старости. Повезивање математичких и музичких садржаја и њихово обликовање у дидактичку игру1 идеја је водиља методолошког дела рада.Истраживање је спроведено у две интернационалне школе на територији Београда уз примену игреMusical Monkeys, а у сарадњи са тимом MusicMathиз Мексика, који су и креатори поменуте игре. ИграMusical Monkeys, одабрана је због своје интердисциплинарности, педагошке подобности, интерактивн, Mathematics and music, in a mutual antipodal position, have developed from the earliest periods of human civilisation through and within the nature. Both these areas start from the practical need of man to measure, build, count, compare in the case of mathematics, and song, rhythm and dance, in the case of music. Pointing to the historic development and the philosophical stance of both mathematics and music, it is apparent that these areas have progressed from practical activities to abstract scientific and artistic disciplines. On this development path, mathematics and music have from the very beginning interweaved their theoretical foundations, thereby jointly contributing to formation of individual mathematical and musical laws and rules. If we were to view the theory of music and/or works of great musicians from a mathematical point of view, we would discover mathematical rules as a base for formation of musical patterns, or it could be concluded that both mathematics and music have introduced certain mutual principles in their respective courses of development, using these principles to build their theoretical foundations. Following the course of historical development, philosophical stances of great thinkers, while also pointing to concrete examples of links between mathematics and music, the paper aims to show that although a priori unrelatable, mathematics and music represent two mutually interconnected disciplines, with unbreakable bonds. The pedagogical part of the paper included empirical research, aims to present the extent to which the application of the concrete mathematical and musical play contributes to the child‟s social, emotional and cognitive development, as well as development of the social and emotional and cognitive skills in children aged eight to twelve. By connecting mathematical and musical contents and their shaping in a didactic play2 is the guiding ide of the methodological part of the paper. The research was conducted in two internati
- Published
- 2020
18. Савремени модел дигитализације архивске грађе научног института и његова примена у проучавању историје Математичког института САНУ
- Author
Manojlović, Vesna, Adžić, Miloš, Marković, Predrag, Ognjanović, Zoran, Nikolić, Aleksandar M., Šegan-Radonjić, Marija, Manojlović, Vesna, Adžić, Miloš, Marković, Predrag, Ognjanović, Zoran, Nikolić, Aleksandar M., and Šegan-Radonjić, Marija
- Abstract
Предмет докторске дисертације је израда оквира за дигитално архивирање у циљу очувања, представљања и омогућавања доступности дигитализованог и дигиталног садржаја за потребе историјских и других истраживања. Предложени оквир заснива се на концепту ,,тематских колекција“ и намењен је истраживачима који желе да креирају сопствене дигиталне збирке историјских извора и текстова како би ширу научну заједницу упознали са својим истраживањем, повезали га са ширим контекстом и створили услове за умрежавање и сарадњу. Оквир, на примеру дигитализације архивског материјала Математичког института САНУ и у складу са актуелним препорукама и прописима за дигитализацију културног наслеђа у Републици Србији, нуди смернице за: 1) економичан поступак превођења у дигитални облик ради добијања оперативних копија за представљање на вебу, 2) каталогизацију и опис дигиталних докумената помоћу Dublin Core скупа елемената, 3) креирање дигиталног архива помоћу Omeka Classic платформе, 4) израду упутства за архивско истраживање одређених историјских тема и 5) састављање историјских есеја у дигиталном окружењу. Посебни циљ докторске дисертације је примена предложеног оквира у историјским и другим истраживањима, конкретно у проучавању развоја Математичког института у периоду од његовог успостављања у крилу Српске академије наука 1946. године до његовог осамостаљивања 1961. године. Резултати рада су: 1) систематски обрађено питање прошлости Математичког института САНУ у поменутом хронолошком оквиру, 2) дигитална колекција посвећена историји математике и сродних наука у Србији и југоисточној Европи и 3) предлог оквира за дигитално архивирање дигиталног и дигитализованог садржаја за потребе историјских и других истраживања., The subject of this doctoral dissertation is construction of a model of a digital archive, the purpose of which is to preserve, present and give access to digitized and digital contents serving the needs of historical and other research. The proposed model is based on the concept of “thematic research collections”, and it is intended for researchers who want to create their own digital collections of historical sources and texts in order to acquaint the academic community with their research and connect that research with a broader context as well as create conditions for networking and cooperation. The model, on the example of digitization of archival material of the Mathematical Institute SANU and in accordance with the current recommendations and regulations for digitization of cultural heritage in the Republic of Serbia, provides guidelines for: 1) cost-effective conversion to digital form and creation of operational copies for presentation on the web, 2) cataloguing and description of digital documents using Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, 3) creating a digital archive using Omeka Classic web-publishing platform, 4) producing an Archival Research Guide of selected historical themes, and 5) writing a historical essay in digital environment. The specific goal of this doctoral dissertation is the application of the proposed model in historical and other research, specifically in the study of the development of the Mathematical Institute in the period between its establishment as an institution of Serbian Academy of Sciences in 1946 and its independence in 1961. The results of the paper are: 1) a systematical research of the history of Mathematical Institute SANU in the given chronological framework, 2) a digital collection dedicated to the history of mathematics and related sciences in Serbia and South East Europe, and 3) a proposed model for a digital archiving of digitized and digital contents serving the needs of historical and other research.
- Published
- 2019
19. Hölder continuity of harmonic quasiconformal mappings
- Author
Manojlović Vesna, Vuorinen Matti, and Arsenović Miloš
- Subjects
quasi-conformal maps ,harmonic mappings ,Hölder continuity. ,Mathematics ,QA1-939 - Abstract
Abstract We prove that for harmonic quasiconformal mappings α-Hölder continuity on the boundary implies α-Hölder continuity of the map itself. Our result holds for the class of uniformly perfect bounded domains, in fact we can allow that a portion of the boundary is thin in the sense of capacity. The problem for general bounded domains remains open. MSC 2010: 30C65.
- Published
- 2011
20. Lipšicov prostor i kvazikonformna preslikavanja
- Author
Mateljević, Miodrag, Božin, Vladimir, Arsenović, Miloš, Manojlović, Vesna, Ababoub, Ali, Mateljević, Miodrag, Božin, Vladimir, Arsenović, Miloš, Manojlović, Vesna, and Ababoub, Ali
- Abstract
This thesis has been written under the supervision of my mentor Prof. Miodrag Mateljevi c, and my co-mentor dr. Vladimir Bozin at the University of Belgrade in the academic year 2012-2013. The topic of this thesis is Complex analysis related with geometric function theory, more precisely the theory of quasiconformal mappings in the Euclidean n-dimensional space. For good survey of the eld, see F. W. Gehring [20] in the handbook of K uhnau [33] which also contains many other surveys on quasiconformal mappings and related topics. The main source in this dissertation is J. V ais al a [67]. The thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is divided into 5 sections. In this chapter, we focus on quasiconformal mappings in Rn and discuss various equivalent denitions. We give The Modulus of family of curves in the rst section, geometric denition of quasiconformal space mappings in second section, analytic denition of quasiconformal space mappings in third section, equivalence of the denitions in fourth section, and the Beltrami equation in fth section. Chapter 2 is divided into 5 sections. We begin by generalizing the class of Lip( ), 0 < 1, and some properties of that class. Chapter 2 is devoted to understanding the properties by introducing the notion of Linearity, Dierentiability, and majorants. A majorant function is a certain generalization of the power functions t, this is done in the rst section. In the second section we introducing the notion of moduli of continuity with its Some Properties which gotten from I.M. Kolodiy, F. Hildebrand paper [39]. In third section we produced harmonic mapping as preliminary for the fourth section which including subharmonicity of jfjq of harmonic quasiregular mapping in space. In the last section we introducing estimation of the Poisson kernel which were extracted from Krantz paper [42]. Chapter 3 is divided into 3 sections. This chapter is include the main result in this dissertation. In this chapter we prove that !u() C!f ()
- Published
- 2016
21. On bilipschicity of quasiconformal harmonic mappings
- Author
Manojlović, Vesna, additional
- Published
- 2015
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22. Kvantifikovanje verovatnoće difolta preduzeća u Srbiji i razvoj internog kreditnog rejtinga za potrebe banke
- Author
Žarkić-Joksimović, Nevenka, Manojlović, Vesna, Urošević, Branko, Nikolić, Nebojša N., Žarkić-Joksimović, Nevenka, Manojlović, Vesna, Urošević, Branko, and Nikolić, Nebojša N.
- Abstract
Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je razvoj novog metodološkog okvira, kao i praktična implementacija internog kreditnog rejtinga modela za segment velikih i srednjih preduzeća u Srbiji. Osnovni cilj jeste kvantifikacija kreditnog rizika preduzeća u Srbiji, koja je omogućena korišćenjem novo-razvijenog modela kreditnog skoringa, kao i procena boniteta preduzeća, na osnovu uspostavljenog internog kreditnog rejting modela. Podaci na kojima se bazira istraživanje, predstavljaju sedmogodišnje podatke iz finansijskih izveštaja, odnosno bilansa stanja i bilansa uspeha preduzeća u Srbiji za periode posmatranja od 2006. do 2012. godine. Korišćenjem ovih podataka omogućava se kvantifikacija verovatnoće difolta preduzeća u Srbiji, uzimajući u obzir specifičnosti ovog tržišta i poslovnog ambijenta. Na bazi uspostavljene originalne metodologije, od strane autora, u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji pokrivene su tri velike oblasti. Kao prvo, urađena je analiza velikog broja finansijskih racija, kao i pronalaženje najprediktivnijeg finansijskog racija u Republici Srbiji, na osnovu raspoloživih višegodišnjih podataka. Primenjena je i odgovarajuća transformacija finansijskih racija i korišćenje u svrhu razvoja modela kreditnog skoringa. Kao glavni rezultat istraživanja razvijen je i predložen novi model kreditnog skoringa koji kvantifikuje verovatnoću difolta preduzeća. Ovaj novi model pokazuje veću prediktivnu moć od modela koji su razvijani i korišćeni za inostrana tržišta poput Altmanovog Z-skor modela. Kao konačni rezultat, predstavljen je i uspostavljen interni kreditni rejting model, primenom originalnog pristupa kojim se uobličavaju i koriste rezultati prethodno razvijenog modela kreditnog skoringa. Konačni modeli kao i njihovi rezultati su prošli proces validacije predložen od strane relevantne akademske literature i novih Bazelskih standarda. Izračunati su ponderi kreditnog rizika na osnovu principa Bazela II i III i kroz retrospektivu je pokazano je da su svi rezul, The main subject of interest of this doctoral thesis is development of new methodological framework and empirical implementation of internal credit rating model for medium and large companies in Serbia. The main goal is credit risk quantification of Serbian companies by employing newly developed credit scoring model, as well as, the assessment of credit quality of companies by utilizing developed internal credit rating model. The data, which has been used as the basis of this research, is given in form of seven years history of financial statements, in form of balance sheet and income statement, of Serbian companies for the periods from 2006., up to 2012. year. The utilization of this data enables to quantify probability of default of Serbian companies by taking into consideration specific properties of this market and business environment. Based on new and the originally established methodology by the author this doctoral dissertation covers three large areas. The first is represented by the analysis of large number of financial ratios, as well as, a search for the most predictive financial ratio in the Republic of Serbia, based on available data history. Corresponding data transformation of financial ratios has been utilized with a purpose of credit scoring model development. As main result, the new credit-scoring model that quantifies the default probability, has been developed and proposed. This new model has a greater predictive power compared to models, such as Altman Z-score model, which have been developed and used on the foreign markets. As the final result, the internal credit rating model has been proposed and established by applying original approach, which shapes and uses the results gathered from previously developed credit scoring model. The final models and its results have been governed through the validation process which has been proposed by relevant academic literature and new Basel Capital Accord standards. The credit risk weights based on Basel
- Published
- 2014
23. Nonlinear Analysis and Geometric Function Theory
- Author
Ćirić, Ljubomir B., primary, Krushkal, Samuel, additional, Ansari, Qamrul Hasan, additional, Kalaj, David, additional, and Manojlović, Vesna, additional
- Published
- 2014
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24. Gromov hyperbolicity and quasihyperbolic geodesics
- Author
Koskela, Pekka, primary, Lammi, Päivi, primary, and Manojlović, Vesna, primary
- Published
- 2014
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25. Златни пресек и филозофија природе. Аспекти еволуције геометријског мишљења и аналогија сразмерних вредности у стваралаштву из раздобља од Старијег палеолита до Класичне Грчке епохе
- Author
Petrović, Aleksandar, Sedmak, Aleksandar, Manojlović, Vesna, Sinđelić, Svetozar, Marković, Predrag, Milosavljević, Predrag D., Petrović, Aleksandar, Sedmak, Aleksandar, Manojlović, Vesna, Sinđelić, Svetozar, Marković, Predrag, and Milosavljević, Predrag D.
- Abstract
Овај рад представља прилог проучавању историје и филозофије златног пресека сагледане кроз еволуцију ликовног стваралаштва које је обухватило раздобља од Старијег палеолита до Раног холоцена, а затим и примену геометријско-конструктабилних метода у стваралаштву из ранохолценских епоха и филозофије природе конципиране током Старог века (до објављивања Еуклидове математичке збирке „Елементи“). Широк обухват истраживање био је условљен потребама за дефинисањем различитих фаза и процеса еволуције геометријског мишљења који су претходили математичкој формализацији и историјским основама златног пресека. У том погледу рад представља теоријску синтезу резултата истраживања у оквиру којих је установљена аналогија геометријских вредности на нивоу природних и артефицијалних структурација. Поменута аналогија је указала на различита искустава проистекла из несвесног и интуитивног транспоновања геометријско-сразмерских вредности златног пресека, која су током времена довела до стадијума њихове свесне примене и разумевања њихових природно-филозофских основа. Радом су обухваћени резултати истраживања више стотина археолошких артефаката и писаних извора који су указали на континуитет различитих видова практичне примене, а затим и теоријске имплементације геометријских основа ове значајне сразмере. У основи, рад је базиран на представљању и аналитичкој имплементацији оригиналних геометријских метода – примарне конструкције по златног пресека и лествичне/ангуларне деобе по златном пресеку, помоћу чијих конструктабилних елемената је генерисан скуп вредности које се као геометријске доминанте проналазе како у различитим видовима природних структурација, тако и у артефицијалним садржајима и теоријским конструктима на којима је била базирана античка филозофија природе. У том погледу, резултати истраживања су указали да се доминантни геометријски образасци генерисани у оквиру античке филозофије природе могу бити сведени на истоветне вредности (размере, углове и облике), који коинцидирају, This dissertation represents a contribution to the history and philosophy of the golden ratio observed through the evolution of visual arts covering the period from Upper Palaeolithic to Early Holocene, including the usage of geometrical-constructible methods within Early Holocene epochs and the philosophy of nature that was conceived during the Classical epoch ending with the Hellenistic period, i.e. after Euclid's „Elements“. Such wide scope of the research was determined by the need to define different phases and processes of geometrical thought evolution that preceded the mathematical definition and history of the golden ratio. In this view, this work represents a theoretical synthesis of research results where the analogy between geometrical values of natural and artificial structurations has been drawn. The mentioned analogy points out various experiences in subconscious and intuitive transposition of geometric-proportional values of the golden ratio, which in the course of time led to their conscious application and understanding of their naturalphilosophical bases. The work comprises the research results of several hundreds of archaeological artefacts and written sources that indicate the continuity of various aspects, first of practical use and then of theoretical implementation of geometrical bases/foundations of this important ratio. Basically, the work rests on presentation and analytical implementation of the original geometrical methods – primary construction by golden ratio and scalar/angular division by golden ratio, whose elements have been used to generate a set of identical values that can be found as geometric dominants both in different aspects of natural structurations and in artificial contents and theoretical foundations of the ancient philosophy of nature. Therefore the research results indicate that the dominant geometrical patterns are reduced to the genesis of the identical values (proportion, angles and shapes) that coincide with the geo
- Published
- 2013
26. Prostori harmonijskih funkcija i harmonijska kvazikonformna preslikavanja
- Author
Arsenović, Miloš, Božin, Vladimir, Mateljević, Miodrag, Manojlović, Vesna, Mihić, Olivera, Shkheam, Abejela, Arsenović, Miloš, Božin, Vladimir, Mateljević, Miodrag, Manojlović, Vesna, Mihić, Olivera, and Shkheam, Abejela
- Abstract
This thesis has been written under the supervision of my mentor, Prof. dr. Miloš Arsenović at the University of Belgrade academic, and my co-mentor dr. Vladimir Božin in year 2013. The thesis consists of three chapters. In the first chapter we start from defnition of harmonic functions (by mean value property) and give some of their properties. This leads to a brief discussion of homogeneous harmonic polynomials, and we also introduce subharmonic functions and subharmonic behaviour, which we need later. In the second chapter we present a simple derivation of the explicit formula for the harmonic Bergman reproducing kernel on the ball in euclidean space and give a proof that the harmonic Bergman projection is Lp bounded, for 1 < p < 1, we furthermore discuss duality results. We then extend some of our previous discussion to the weighted Bergman spaces. In the last chapter, we investigate the Bergman space for harmonic functions bp, 0 < p < 1 on RnnZn. In the planar case we prove that bp 6= f0g for all 0 < p < 1. Finally we prove the main result of this thesis bq c bp for n=(k + 1) < q < p < n=k, (k = 1; 2; :::). This chapter is based mainly on the published paper [44]. M. Arsenović, D. Kečkić,[5] gave analogous results for analytic functions in the planar case. In the plane the logarithmic function log jxj, plays a central role because it makes a diference between analytic and harmonic case, but in the space the function /x/2-n; n > 2 hints at the contrast between harmonic function in the plane and in higher dimensions.
- Published
- 2013
27. Nejednakosti izoperimetrijskog tipa u prostorima analitičkih funkcija
- Author
Mateljević, Miodrag, Jevtić, Miroljub, Kalaj, David, Arsenović, Miloš, Manojlović, Vesna P., Marković, Marijan M., Mateljević, Miodrag, Jevtić, Miroljub, Kalaj, David, Arsenović, Miloš, Manojlović, Vesna P., and Marković, Marijan M.
- Abstract
Rad se sastoji od tri glave. Prva glava sadrži dobro poznate činjenice o Hardijevim klasama harmonijskih, analitičkih i logaritamsko subharmonijskih funkcija u disku i njihove primene. Zatim kratko govorimo o harmonijskim i minimalnim površima i klasičnoj izoperimetrijskoj nejednakosti, kao i o rezultatima koji su povezani sa ovom nejednako šću. Jedan od najelegantnijih načina da se ustanovi izoperimetrijska nejednakost je preko Karlemanove nejednakosti za analitičke funkcije u disku. U drugoj glavi prezentujemo rezultate našeg skorijeg rada [29] koji se odnose na harmonijska preslikavanja diska na proizvoljnu Jordanovu površ. U ovoj glavi su klasični rezultati Karateodoria i Smirnova za konformna preslikavanja razmotreni za prethodni tip preslikavanja. Na kraju glave prethodne rezultate primenjujemo u cilju dokaza izoperimetrijske nejednakosti za Jordanove harmonijske površi omedjene rektificijabilnom krivom. U trećoj, prema [35], izvodimo dokaz jedne nejednakosti izoperimetrijskog tipa, slične Karlemanovoj, za analiti čke funkcije više promenjivih. Prva verzija ove nejednakosti je za analitičke funkcije u proizvoljnoj Reinhardtovoj oblasti, a druga se odnosi na funkcije koje pripadaju Hardijevim prostorima na polidisku., This work consists of three chapters. The first one contains some well known facts about Hardy classes of harmonic, analytic, and logarithmically subharmonic functions in the unit disk, as well as their applications. Then we briefly talk about the harmonic and minimal surfaces, the classical isoperimetric inequality, and the more recent results related to this inequality. One of the most elegant way to establish the isoperimetric inequality is via Carleman’s inequality for analytic functions in disks. In the second chapter we present the results from our recent work [29] for harmonic mappings of a disc onto a Jordan surface. In this chapter we establish the versions of classical theorems of Carath´eodory and Smirnov for mappings of the previous type. At the end of the head we apply these results to prove the isoperimetric inequality for Jordan harmonic surfaces bounded by rectifiable curves. In the third chapter, according to the author paper [35], we prove an inequality of the isoperimetric type, similar to Carleman’s, for functions of several variables. The first version of this inequality is for analytic functions in a Reinhardt domain. The second one concerns the functions that belong to Hardy spaces in polydiscs.
- Published
- 2013
28. Value-at-risk estimation with univariate and multivariate models: the evidence from Serbia
- Author
Nikolić, Nebojša, Žarkić-Joksimović, Nevenka, Manojlović, Vesna, Đurić, Draginja, Nikolić, Nebojša, Žarkić-Joksimović, Nevenka, Manojlović, Vesna, and Đurić, Draginja
- Abstract
The main objective of this paper is to compare different empirical performances of various univariate and multivariate Value-at-Risk methods. The methods have been applied to the market data stemming from the Belgrade stock exchange and can be employed by any bank. A constructed hypothetical portfolio comprising of the ten most liquid stocks been constructed for the VaR estimation purposes. Both Normal and Student's-t distributions of the daily returns have been considered and a set of univariate and multivariate conditional and unconditional VaR models has been empirically estimated. Regulatory recommended Basel II test and comprehensive Kupiec and Christoffsen backtesting procedures have been also applied to assess the quality of the VaR forecasts.
- Published
- 2012
29. Utvrđivanje utjecaja vlažnosti brašna na točnost određivanja broja padanja
- Author
Manojlović, Vesna
- Subjects
pšenično brašno ,vlažnost ,broj padanja - Abstract
Metodom broja padanja utvrđuje se α - amilazna aktivnost uzorka. Metoda je pogodna za kontrolu kakvoće brašna u mlinovima i pekarnicama, te omogućuje predviđanje svojstava sredine kruha. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati utjecaj aktivnosti α - amilaze, te utvrditi utjecaj vlažnosti brašna na točnost određivanja broja padanja. U radu je ispitan 51 uzorak brašnasorti pšenica uroda 1996/97. i 1997/98. godine s lokaliteta Đakovo, Osijek, Donji Miholjac, Čakovec i Vinkovci. Ispitivanja su pokazala da je u znanstvenim ispitivanjima potrebno raditi korekciju obzirom na vlagu, dok u mlinskoj i pekarskoj industriji ta korekcija nije nužna.
- Published
- 1999
30. Procena Vrednosti-pod-Rizikom korišćenjem multivarijacionih GARCH modela
- Author
Nikolić, Nebojša, Manojlović, Vesna, Nikolić, Nebojša, and Manojlović, Vesna
- Abstract
Metod Vrednost-pod-Rizikom (VaR) je globalno prihvaćen od strane menadžera rizika i regulatora kao alat za identifikaciju i kontrolu izloženosti tržišnom riziku. Bazel II regulativa koristi VaR metodologiju za izračunavanje kapitalnih zahteva za tržišne rizike kojem su izložene komercijalne banke. Cilj ovog rada je da se implementira multivarijaciona GARCH (mGARCH) metodologija kao interni VaR metod za merenje tržišnog rizika u komercijalnim bankama u Srbiji. Pretpostavljajući da su prinosi raspodeljeni po Normalnoj i Studentovoj-t distribuciji, parametri ortogonalnog mGARCH i CCC-mGARCH VaR modela su estimirani za svaki od 250 posmatranih dana za hipotetički trgovački portfolio koristeći metod maksimalne verodostojnosti. Nivoi kapitalnih zahteva su izračunati za implementirane metode i validacija je urađena koristeći Bazel II i Kupiec test. ., Value-at-Risk (VaR) method has been accepted globally by both risk managers and regulators as a tool to identify and control exposure to financial market risk. Basel II regulation employs VaR methodology for capital requirements calculations for the market risks to which commercial banks are exposed. The goal of this paper is to implement the multivariate GARCH (mGARCH) methodology as the internal VaR model for market risk measurement in Serbian commercial banks. Assuming Normal and Student-t distribution of the returns the parameters for orthogonal mGARCH and CCC-mGARCH VaR models are estimated for each of 250 consecutive days, for the hypothetical trading portfolio, by employing maximum likelihood method. The level of capital requirements are calculated for corresponding VaR methods and validation is done by applying Basel II and Kupiec test. .
- Published
- 2010
31. Bernoulli inequality and hypergeometric functions
- Author
Klén, Riku, primary, Manojlović, Vesna, additional, Simić, Slavko, additional, and Vuorinen, Matti, additional
- Published
- 2013
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32. Quasi-Nearly Subharmonic Functions and Quasiconformal Mappings
- Author
Koskela, Pekka, primary and Manojlović, Vesna, additional
- Published
- 2011
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33. Subharmonicity of the modulus of quasiregular harmonic mappings
- Author
Kalaj, David, primary and Manojlović, Vesna, additional
- Published
- 2011
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34. Moduli of Continuity of Harmonic Quasiregular Mappings in $\mathbb{B}^n$
- Author
Arsenović, Miloš, primary, Božin, Vladimir, additional, and Manojlović, Vesna, additional
- Published
- 2010
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- Author
Arsenović, Miloš, Manojlović, Vesna, and Näkki, Raimo
- Subjects
- *
QUASICONFORMAL mappings , *NONNEGATIVE matrices , *MATHEMATICAL constants , *SMOOTHNESS of functions , *GENERALIZATION , *STATISTICAL hypothesis testing - Abstract
Let D be a bounded domain in Rn, n ≥ 2, and let f be a continuous mapping of &Dmacr; into Rn which is quasiconformal in D. Suppose that jf(x) - f(y)≤ω (|x - y|) for all x and y in ∂D, where ω is a non-negative non-decreasing function satisfying ω(2t) · 2ω(t) for t ≥0. We prove, with an additional growth condition on ω, that |f(x) - f(y)|≤ C max{ω(|x - y|), |x - y|α} for all x; y 2 D, where α = KI (f)1/(1-n). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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36. Nonlinear Analysis and Geometric Function Theory.
- Author
Ćlrić, Ljubomir B., Krushkal, Samuel, Ansari, Qamrul Hasan, Kalaj, David, and Manojlović, Vesna
- Subjects
GEOMETRIC function theory ,SOBOLEV spaces ,MATHEMATICAL mappings ,EUCLIDEAN domains ,MANIFOLDS (Mathematics) ,NONLINEAR analysis ,NUMERICAL analysis - Published
- 2014
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37. Microspherical Titanium-Phosphorus Double Oxide: Hierarchical Structure Development for Sensing Applications.
- Author
Korina, Elena, Abramyan, Anton, Bol'shakov, Oleg, Avdin, Vyacheslav V., Savić, Sladjana, Manojlović, Dragan, Stanković, Vesna, and Stanković, Dalibor M.
- Subjects
Stable, water-soluble titanium complexed with mandelic acid was used as a precursor for titanium phosphorus double oxide obtained in hydrothermal conditions in the presence of phosphoric acid. Surprisingly, hydrolysis of organic complexes provided a microstructured sphere with narrow size distribution, low aggregation and a small fraction of morphological irregularities. Obtained microspheres had a complex structure comprised of flakes, whose size could be manipulated with temperature conditions. Samples were found to be electrochemically active against sulcotrione, a well-recognized herbicide. Electrochemical sensors based on the synthesized microspheres were successfully adapted for natural water reservoir analysis and exhibited low levels of detection of 0.61 µM, limit of quantification of 1.86 µM, wide dynamic linear range from 2 to 200 µM, good selectivity, excellent reproducibility and in-time stability. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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38. Application of Screen Printed Diamond Electrode, Coupled with "Point-of-Care" Platform, for Nanomolar Quantification of Phytonutrient Pterostilbene in Dietary Supplements: An Experimental Study Supported by Theory.
- Author
Đurđić, Slađana, Vlahović, Filip, Markićević, Milan, Mutić, Jelena, Manojlović, Dragan, Stanković, Vesna, Švorc, Ľubomír, and Stanković, Dalibor
- Subjects
SCREEN process printing ,POINT-of-care testing ,DIAMONDS ,ELECTRODES ,CYCLIC voltammetry - Abstract
Herein, a screen–printed diamond electrode (SPDE) coupled with a "point-of-care" platform (30 µL-drop concepts, single-drop-detection approach) was successfully applied for the electrochemical determination of pterostilbene (PTS). Cyclic voltammetry identified irreversible oxidation of PTS, where oxidation peak was shown to be strongly dependent on the pH of the working environmental. Although the proposition of the detailed electrochemical oxidation mechanism of PTS goes out of the scope of the present research, we have determined the most probable reactive site of our analyte, by utilizing DFT-based reactivity descriptors (Fukui functions). For electrochemical quantification of PTS, oxidation peak at 0.32 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) was followed in presence of 0.5 mol L
−1 of Briton–Robinson buffer solution (pH = 9). Coupled with the optimized parameters of differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), SPDE detected PTS in two linear ranges (first range was from 0.011 to 0.912 µmol L−1 ; second range was from 0.912 to 4.420 µmol L−1 ), providing the LOD and LOQ on a nanomolar level (3.1 nmol L−1 and 10.0 nmol L−1 , respectively). The selectivity of the optimized DPV method was found to be excellent, with the current changes of less than 7%, in the presence of ten times higher concentrations of the certain interferences. The practical applicability of the SPDE and single-drop-detection approach in dietary supplements (with a declared PTS content of 50 mg/tablet), with the recovery values ranging from 95 to 102%, shows that the developed method has high potential for precise and accurate PTS detection, as well as exceptional miniaturization possibilities of relevant equipment for on-site sensing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2023
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39. Математика и музика у функцији дечјег развоја
- Author
Rajić, Stajka, Manojlović, Vesna, Drobni, Ivana, Marković, Predrag, Tasevska, Alma, and Deretić, Irina
- Subjects
историја и филозофија музике ,музика ,емотивни и когнитивни развој ,mathematics ,дечја игра ,children’s play ,relationship between mathematics and music ,social ,социјални ,историја и филозофија математике ,emotional and cognitive development ,history and philosophy of mathematics ,математика ,music ,однос математике и музике - Abstract
Математика и музика, антипод једна другој, од најстаријих периода људске цивилизације развијале су се кроз природу и у природи. И једна и друга област полазеод практичне потребе човека за премеравањем, пребројавањем, упоређивањем – математика; односно, песмом, ритмом, плесом – музика. Указујући на историјски развој и филозофска становишта, како математике тако и музике, уочава се да су поменуте областипрешле пут од практичних делатности ка апстрактним дисциплинама науке и уметности. На том путу развоја, математика и музика, од самих почетака укрштале су своје теоријске основе и на тај начин међусобно допринеле формирању појединих математичких односно музичких закона и законитости. Ако би се теорија музике и/или дела великих уметникапосматрала оком математике, у њима би се пронашле математичке законитости, које су или биле основ за формирање музичких правила, или су, пак, и математика и музика у свом развоју прихватиле нека заједничка начела и принципе и по њима градиле своје теоријске основе. Кроз историјски развој,филозофска гледишта великих мислилаца, као и кроз указивање на конкретне примере везе математике и музике у раду се указује да су, иако априори неспојиве, математика и музика две дисциплине које се међусобно прожимају и међу којима постоји нераскидива веза. Педагошки део рада који је обухватио и емпиријско истраживање, има за циљ да представи у којој мери примена конкретне математичко-музичке игре доприноси дечјем социјалном, емотивном и когнитивном развоју, те развоју социо-емотивних и когнитивних вештина деце узраста од осам до дванаест година старости. Повезивање математичких и музичких садржаја и њихово обликовање у дидактичку игру1 идеја је водиља методолошког дела рада.Истраживање је спроведено у две интернационалне школе на територији Београда уз примену игреMusical Monkeys, а у сарадњи са тимом MusicMathиз Мексика, који су и креатори поменуте игре. ИграMusical Monkeys, одабрана је због своје интердисциплинарности, педагошке подобности, интерактивности, динамичности и иновативности.Резултати истраживања показали су да овакав приступ у раду са децом подстиче пажњу и мотивацију, активност и ангажовање у настави, захтева и подстиче критичко мишљење при решавању постављених математичких и/или музичких задатака, доприноси сарадњи, колаборацији, конструктивној комуникацији и тимском раду деце, уважавању мишљења других, проналажењу заједничке стратегије решења проблема, те поштовању правила игре, као и ентузијазму, осећању радости и међусобном уживању при реализацији постављених задатака. Добијени резултати потврђују да су деца повезала садржаје две области, математике и музикеи да је за њих, тај моменат био један у низу интересантних у самој игри... јер, питање је,како je заправо могуће повезати математику и музику? Mathematics and music, in a mutual antipodal position, have developed from the earliest periods of human civilisation through and within the nature. Both these areas start from the practical need of man to measure, build, count, compare in the case of mathematics, and song, rhythm and dance, in the case of music. Pointing to the historic development and the philosophical stance of both mathematics and music, it is apparent that these areas have progressed from practical activities to abstract scientific and artistic disciplines. On this development path, mathematics and music have from the very beginning interweaved their theoretical foundations, thereby jointly contributing to formation of individual mathematical and musical laws and rules. If we were to view the theory of music and/or works of great musicians from a mathematical point of view, we would discover mathematical rules as a base for formation of musical patterns, or it could be concluded that both mathematics and music have introduced certain mutual principles in their respective courses of development, using these principles to build their theoretical foundations. Following the course of historical development, philosophical stances of great thinkers, while also pointing to concrete examples of links between mathematics and music, the paper aims to show that although a priori unrelatable, mathematics and music represent two mutually interconnected disciplines, with unbreakable bonds. The pedagogical part of the paper included empirical research, aims to present the extent to which the application of the concrete mathematical and musical play contributes to the child‟s social, emotional and cognitive development, as well as development of the social and emotional and cognitive skills in children aged eight to twelve. By connecting mathematical and musical contents and their shaping in a didactic play2 is the guiding ide of the methodological part of the paper. The research was conducted in two international schools in Belgrade, using the play titled „Musical Monkeys‟ and in collaboration with the MusicMath team from Mexico. The results of the research have shown that this kind of approach in working with children encourages 2 Didactic play – a complex pedagogical activity which enables mastering if certain contents and knowledge, development of capabilities as well as an experience of consequences of own actions in the play (Bognar i Matijević,1993). attention and motivation, activity and engagement, while requiring and encouraging critical thinking in solving the set mathematical and/or musical tasks, contributing to cooperation, collaboration, constructive communication and team work of children, appreciating others‟ opinions, finding a joint strategy in problem solving, as well as respecting the rules of the game, developing enthusiasm, feeling of happiness and joy in working on the set tasks. The obtained results confirm that the children established connection between the mathematical and musical segments, reaching a culmination in a moment of interest within the play, because of the inevitable question – how can mathematics and music be connected?
- Published
- 2020
40. Савремени модел дигитализације архивске грађе научног института и његова примена у проучавању историје Математичког института САНУ
- Author
Šegan-Radonjić, Marija, Manojlović, Vesna, Adžić, Miloš, Marković, Predrag, Ognjanović, Zoran, and Nikolić, Aleksandar M.
- Subjects
Thematic Research Collections ,дигитализација културног наслеђа ,Digital History ,дигиталне тематске колекције ,историја математике ,Cultural Heritage Digitization ,Digital Archives ,дигитална историја ,History of Mathematics - Abstract
Предмет докторске дисертације је израда оквира за дигитално архивирање у циљу очувања, представљања и омогућавања доступности дигитализованог и дигиталног садржаја за потребе историјских и других истраживања. Предложени оквир заснива се на концепту ,,тематских колекција“ и намењен је истраживачима који желе да креирају сопствене дигиталне збирке историјских извора и текстова како би ширу научну заједницу упознали са својим истраживањем, повезали га са ширим контекстом и створили услове за умрежавање и сарадњу. Оквир, на примеру дигитализације архивског материјала Математичког института САНУ и у складу са актуелним препорукама и прописима за дигитализацију културног наслеђа у Републици Србији, нуди смернице за: 1) економичан поступак превођења у дигитални облик ради добијања оперативних копија за представљање на вебу, 2) каталогизацију и опис дигиталних докумената помоћу Dublin Core скупа елемената, 3) креирање дигиталног архива помоћу Omeka Classic платформе, 4) израду упутства за архивско истраживање одређених историјских тема и 5) састављање историјских есеја у дигиталном окружењу. Посебни циљ докторске дисертације је примена предложеног оквира у историјским и другим истраживањима, конкретно у проучавању развоја Математичког института у периоду од његовог успостављања у крилу Српске академије наука 1946. године до његовог осамостаљивања 1961. године. Резултати рада су: 1) систематски обрађено питање прошлости Математичког института САНУ у поменутом хронолошком оквиру, 2) дигитална колекција посвећена историји математике и сродних наука у Србији и југоисточној Европи и 3) предлог оквира за дигитално архивирање дигиталног и дигитализованог садржаја за потребе историјских и других истраживања. The subject of this doctoral dissertation is construction of a model of a digital archive, the purpose of which is to preserve, present and give access to digitized and digital contents serving the needs of historical and other research. The proposed model is based on the concept of “thematic research collections”, and it is intended for researchers who want to create their own digital collections of historical sources and texts in order to acquaint the academic community with their research and connect that research with a broader context as well as create conditions for networking and cooperation. The model, on the example of digitization of archival material of the Mathematical Institute SANU and in accordance with the current recommendations and regulations for digitization of cultural heritage in the Republic of Serbia, provides guidelines for: 1) cost-effective conversion to digital form and creation of operational copies for presentation on the web, 2) cataloguing and description of digital documents using Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, 3) creating a digital archive using Omeka Classic web-publishing platform, 4) producing an Archival Research Guide of selected historical themes, and 5) writing a historical essay in digital environment. The specific goal of this doctoral dissertation is the application of the proposed model in historical and other research, specifically in the study of the development of the Mathematical Institute in the period between its establishment as an institution of Serbian Academy of Sciences in 1946 and its independence in 1961. The results of the paper are: 1) a systematical research of the history of Mathematical Institute SANU in the given chronological framework, 2) a digital collection dedicated to the history of mathematics and related sciences in Serbia and South East Europe, and 3) a proposed model for a digital archiving of digitized and digital contents serving the needs of historical and other research.
- Published
- 2019
41. Lipšicov prostor i kvazikonformna preslikavanja
- Author
Ababoub, Ali, Mateljević, Miodrag, Božin, Vladimir, Arsenović, Miloš, and Manojlović, Vesna
- Subjects
quasiconformal space mappings ,family of curves ,complex analysis ,Lipschitz space - Abstract
This thesis has been written under the supervision of my mentor Prof. Miodrag Mateljevi c, and my co-mentor dr. Vladimir Bozin at the University of Belgrade in the academic year 2012-2013. The topic of this thesis is Complex analysis related with geometric function theory, more precisely the theory of quasiconformal mappings in the Euclidean n-dimensional space. For good survey of the eld, see F. W. Gehring [20] in the handbook of K uhnau [33] which also contains many other surveys on quasiconformal mappings and related topics. The main source in this dissertation is J. V ais al a [67]. The thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is divided into 5 sections. In this chapter, we focus on quasiconformal mappings in Rn and discuss various equivalent denitions. We give The Modulus of family of curves in the rst section, geometric denition of quasiconformal space mappings in second section, analytic denition of quasiconformal space mappings in third section, equivalence of the denitions in fourth section, and the Beltrami equation in fth section. Chapter 2 is divided into 5 sections. We begin by generalizing the class of Lip( ), 0 < 1, and some properties of that class. Chapter 2 is devoted to understanding the properties by introducing the notion of Linearity, Dierentiability, and majorants. A majorant function is a certain generalization of the power functions t, this is done in the rst section. In the second section we introducing the notion of moduli of continuity with its Some Properties which gotten from I.M. Kolodiy, F. Hildebrand paper [39]. In third section we produced harmonic mapping as preliminary for the fourth section which including subharmonicity of jfjq of harmonic quasiregular mapping in space. In the last section we introducing estimation of the Poisson kernel which were extracted from Krantz paper [42]. Chapter 3 is divided into 3 sections. This chapter is include the main result in this dissertation. In this chapter we prove that !u() C!f (), where u : ! Rn is the harmonic extension of a continuous map f : @ ! Rn, if u is a K-quasiregular map and is bounded in Rn with C2 boundary. Here C is a constant depending only on n, !f and K and !h denotes the modulus of continuity of h. We also prove a version of this result for !-extension domains with c-uniformly perfect boundary and quasiconformal mappings, and we state some results regarding HQC self maps of the quadrant Q = fz : z = x + iy; x; y > 0g.
- Published
- 2016
42. Kvantifikovanje verovatnoće difolta preduzeća u Srbiji i razvoj internog kreditnog rejtinga za potrebe banke
- Author
Nikolić, Nebojša N., Žarkić-Joksimović, Nevenka, Manojlović, Vesna, and Urošević, Branko
- Subjects
Internal credit rating ,Credit scoring ,Financial ratio ,Migracione matrice ,Migration matrices ,Basel II and III ,Kreditni rizik ,Algorithm ,Kreditni skoring ,Finansijski racio ,Interni kreditni rejting ,Algoritam ,Bazel II i III ,Credit risk - Abstract
Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je razvoj novog metodološkog okvira, kao i praktična implementacija internog kreditnog rejtinga modela za segment velikih i srednjih preduzeća u Srbiji. Osnovni cilj jeste kvantifikacija kreditnog rizika preduzeća u Srbiji, koja je omogućena korišćenjem novo-razvijenog modela kreditnog skoringa, kao i procena boniteta preduzeća, na osnovu uspostavljenog internog kreditnog rejting modela. Podaci na kojima se bazira istraživanje, predstavljaju sedmogodišnje podatke iz finansijskih izveštaja, odnosno bilansa stanja i bilansa uspeha preduzeća u Srbiji za periode posmatranja od 2006. do 2012. godine. Korišćenjem ovih podataka omogućava se kvantifikacija verovatnoće difolta preduzeća u Srbiji, uzimajući u obzir specifičnosti ovog tržišta i poslovnog ambijenta. Na bazi uspostavljene originalne metodologije, od strane autora, u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji pokrivene su tri velike oblasti. Kao prvo, urađena je analiza velikog broja finansijskih racija, kao i pronalaženje najprediktivnijeg finansijskog racija u Republici Srbiji, na osnovu raspoloživih višegodišnjih podataka. Primenjena je i odgovarajuća transformacija finansijskih racija i korišćenje u svrhu razvoja modela kreditnog skoringa. Kao glavni rezultat istraživanja razvijen je i predložen novi model kreditnog skoringa koji kvantifikuje verovatnoću difolta preduzeća. Ovaj novi model pokazuje veću prediktivnu moć od modela koji su razvijani i korišćeni za inostrana tržišta poput Altmanovog Z-skor modela. Kao konačni rezultat, predstavljen je i uspostavljen interni kreditni rejting model, primenom originalnog pristupa kojim se uobličavaju i koriste rezultati prethodno razvijenog modela kreditnog skoringa. Konačni modeli kao i njihovi rezultati su prošli proces validacije predložen od strane relevantne akademske literature i novih Bazelskih standarda. Izračunati su ponderi kreditnog rizika na osnovu principa Bazela II i III i kroz retrospektivu je pokazano je da su svi rezultati proistekli iz istraživanja dokazali polazne hipoteze ove doktorske disertacije. The main subject of interest of this doctoral thesis is development of new methodological framework and empirical implementation of internal credit rating model for medium and large companies in Serbia. The main goal is credit risk quantification of Serbian companies by employing newly developed credit scoring model, as well as, the assessment of credit quality of companies by utilizing developed internal credit rating model. The data, which has been used as the basis of this research, is given in form of seven years history of financial statements, in form of balance sheet and income statement, of Serbian companies for the periods from 2006., up to 2012. year. The utilization of this data enables to quantify probability of default of Serbian companies by taking into consideration specific properties of this market and business environment. Based on new and the originally established methodology by the author this doctoral dissertation covers three large areas. The first is represented by the analysis of large number of financial ratios, as well as, a search for the most predictive financial ratio in the Republic of Serbia, based on available data history. Corresponding data transformation of financial ratios has been utilized with a purpose of credit scoring model development. As main result, the new credit-scoring model that quantifies the default probability, has been developed and proposed. This new model has a greater predictive power compared to models, such as Altman Z-score model, which have been developed and used on the foreign markets. As the final result, the internal credit rating model has been proposed and established by applying original approach, which shapes and uses the results gathered from previously developed credit scoring model. The final models and its results have been governed through the validation process which has been proposed by relevant academic literature and new Basel Capital Accord standards. The credit risk weights based on Basel II and III principles have been calculated and it has been demonstrated that all results presented in this research have confirmed the starting hypothesis of this doctoral dissertation.
- Published
- 2014
43. Prostori harmonijskih funkcija i harmonijska kvazikonformna preslikavanja
- Author
Shkheam, Abejela, Arsenović, Miloš, Božin, Vladimir, Mateljević, Miodrag, Manojlović, Vesna, and Mihić, Olivera
- Subjects
analytic functions ,analitičke funkcije ,Bergman space ,harmonijske funkcije ,harmonic functions ,subharmonic functions ,Bergmanovi prostori ,subharmonijske funkcije - Abstract
This thesis has been written under the supervision of my mentor, Prof. dr. Miloš Arsenović at the University of Belgrade academic, and my co-mentor dr. Vladimir Božin in year 2013. The thesis consists of three chapters. In the first chapter we start from defnition of harmonic functions (by mean value property) and give some of their properties. This leads to a brief discussion of homogeneous harmonic polynomials, and we also introduce subharmonic functions and subharmonic behaviour, which we need later. In the second chapter we present a simple derivation of the explicit formula for the harmonic Bergman reproducing kernel on the ball in euclidean space and give a proof that the harmonic Bergman projection is Lp bounded, for 1 < p < 1, we furthermore discuss duality results. We then extend some of our previous discussion to the weighted Bergman spaces. In the last chapter, we investigate the Bergman space for harmonic functions bp, 0 < p < 1 on RnnZn. In the planar case we prove that bp 6= f0g for all 0 < p < 1. Finally we prove the main result of this thesis bq c bp for n=(k + 1) < q < p < n=k, (k = 1; 2; :::). This chapter is based mainly on the published paper [44]. M. Arsenović, D. Kečkić,[5] gave analogous results for analytic functions in the planar case. In the plane the logarithmic function log jxj, plays a central role because it makes a diference between analytic and harmonic case, but in the space the function /x/2-n; n > 2 hints at the contrast between harmonic function in the plane and in higher dimensions.
- Published
- 2013
44. Isoperimetric type inequalities in spaces of analytic functions
- Author
Marijan Markovic, Mateljević, Miodrag, Jevtić, Miroljub, Kalaj, David, Arsenović, Miloš, and Manojlović, Vesna P.
- Subjects
The Isoperimetric Inequality ,harmonijska preslikavanja ,Bergman spaces ,harmonic mappings ,Hardy Spaces ,Hardijevi prostori ,Izoperimetrijska nejednakosti ,Bergmanovi prostori - Abstract
Rad se sastoji od tri glave. Prva glava sadrži dobro poznate činjenice o Hardijevim klasama harmonijskih, analitičkih i logaritamsko subharmonijskih funkcija u disku i njihove primene. Zatim kratko govorimo o harmonijskim i minimalnim površima i klasičnoj izoperimetrijskoj nejednakosti, kao i o rezultatima koji su povezani sa ovom nejednako šću. Jedan od najelegantnijih načina da se ustanovi izoperimetrijska nejednakost je preko Karlemanove nejednakosti za analitičke funkcije u disku. U drugoj glavi prezentujemo rezultate našeg skorijeg rada [29] koji se odnose na harmonijska preslikavanja diska na proizvoljnu Jordanovu površ. U ovoj glavi su klasični rezultati Karateodoria i Smirnova za konformna preslikavanja razmotreni za prethodni tip preslikavanja. Na kraju glave prethodne rezultate primenjujemo u cilju dokaza izoperimetrijske nejednakosti za Jordanove harmonijske površi omedjene rektificijabilnom krivom. U trećoj, prema [35], izvodimo dokaz jedne nejednakosti izoperimetrijskog tipa, slične Karlemanovoj, za analiti čke funkcije više promenjivih. Prva verzija ove nejednakosti je za analitičke funkcije u proizvoljnoj Reinhardtovoj oblasti, a druga se odnosi na funkcije koje pripadaju Hardijevim prostorima na polidisku. This work consists of three chapters. The first one contains some well known facts about Hardy classes of harmonic, analytic, and logarithmically subharmonic functions in the unit disk, as well as their applications. Then we briefly talk about the harmonic and minimal surfaces, the classical isoperimetric inequality, and the more recent results related to this inequality. One of the most elegant way to establish the isoperimetric inequality is via Carleman’s inequality for analytic functions in disks. In the second chapter we present the results from our recent work [29] for harmonic mappings of a disc onto a Jordan surface. In this chapter we establish the versions of classical theorems of Carath´eodory and Smirnov for mappings of the previous type. At the end of the head we apply these results to prove the isoperimetric inequality for Jordan harmonic surfaces bounded by rectifiable curves. In the third chapter, according to the author paper [35], we prove an inequality of the isoperimetric type, similar to Carleman’s, for functions of several variables. The first version of this inequality is for analytic functions in a Reinhardt domain. The second one concerns the functions that belong to Hardy spaces in polydiscs.
- Published
- 2013
45. Golden ratio and philosophy of nature
- Author
Milosavljević, Predrag D., Petrović, Aleksandar, Sedmak, Aleksandar, Manojlović, Vesna, Sinđelić, Svetozar, and Marković, Predrag
- Subjects
scalar/angular division by golden ratio ,natural philosophy ,примарна конструкција златног пресека ,ангуларна деоба по златном пресеку ,теорија пропорција ,структура молекула воде ,Pythagorean musical intervals ,питагорејски музички интервали ,филозофија природе ,Платонова космолошка константа ,geometric constructibility ,Golden Ratio ,primary construction of the golden ratio ,златни пресек ,геометријскa конструктабилност ,дугин примарни и секундарни угао ,evolution of intelligence ,Plato's cosmological constant ,еволуција интелигенције ,лествично ,theory of proportion ,primary and secondary rainbow angles ,water molecule structure - Abstract
Овај рад представља прилог проучавању историје и филозофије златног пресека сагледане кроз еволуцију ликовног стваралаштва које је обухватило раздобља од Старијег палеолита до Раног холоцена, а затим и примену геометријско-конструктабилних метода у стваралаштву из ранохолценских епоха и филозофије природе конципиране током Старог века (до објављивања Еуклидове математичке збирке „Елементи“). Широк обухват истраживање био је условљен потребама за дефинисањем различитих фаза и процеса еволуције геометријског мишљења који су претходили математичкој формализацији и историјским основама златног пресека. У том погледу рад представља теоријску синтезу резултата истраживања у оквиру којих је установљена аналогија геометријских вредности на нивоу природних и артефицијалних структурација. Поменута аналогија је указала на различита искустава проистекла из несвесног и интуитивног транспоновања геометријско-сразмерских вредности златног пресека, која су током времена довела до стадијума њихове свесне примене и разумевања њихових природно-филозофских основа. Радом су обухваћени резултати истраживања више стотина археолошких артефаката и писаних извора који су указали на континуитет различитих видова практичне примене, а затим и теоријске имплементације геометријских основа ове значајне сразмере. У основи, рад је базиран на представљању и аналитичкој имплементацији оригиналних геометријских метода – примарне конструкције по златног пресека и лествичне/ангуларне деобе по златном пресеку, помоћу чијих конструктабилних елемената је генерисан скуп вредности које се као геометријске доминанте проналазе како у различитим видовима природних структурација, тако и у артефицијалним садржајима и теоријским конструктима на којима је била базирана античка филозофија природе. У том погледу, резултати истраживања су указали да се доминантни геометријски образасци генерисани у оквиру античке филозофије природе могу бити сведени на истоветне вредности (размере, углове и облике), који коинцидирају са геометријским основама структуре молекула воде, односно геометријским карактеристикама пропагације светлости, попут примарног и секундарног дугиног угла, Брустеровог упадног угла, углова терестријалне рефракције светлости, а затим, у одређеним случајевима, и са астрометријским карактеристикама који се доводе у вези са одређивањем положаја и привидног кретања небеских тела (посебно оних који се тичу геометријских основа проистеклих из одређивања равнодневница и солстиција). Посебно место у том погледу имају геометријске карактеристике система питагоријске музичке лествице и Платонове космолошке константе, чије свођење на јединствену геометријско-конструктабилну матрицу указује на посебно епистемолошко и онтолошко место које је приликом рационалног дефинисања процеса у природи и визуелизације космолошких принципа и појава (космографија) током раздобља Класичне Грчке било додељено сразмерским вредностима златног пресека. Рад је поткрепљен графичким студијама и прилозима са упоредним анализама чији садржаји сведоче о нивоима несвесне, интуитивне и рационлне транспоновања и примене геометријско-сразмерских вредности ове значајне сразмере. Графички прилози конципирани су тако да на непосредни и јасан начин укажу на висок степен установљене аналогије између геометријских вредности које с једне стране чине садржаје различитих артфицијалних објеката, а с друге, елеменате на које се своди геометрија одређених видова природног структурирања. Посебна пажња и обухват резултата истраживања усмерени су у правцу разумевања положаја које су геометријске основе златног пресека имале у еволуцији интелигенције и стваралачкој еволуцији током различитих палеолитских фаза, а затим и рационалних приступа у генерисању (синтези) геометријско-конструктабилних вредности остварених почетком и у току холоценског раздобља. Циљ овог рада је да укаже да елементи геометријске аналогије чине важну аналитичку основу преко које се на непосредан начин могу установити релације и садржаји који су утицали на развој свести и апстрактног мишљења које је током времена довело до ширег спектра искустава у вези са математизацијом и природнофилозофским дефинисањем геометријских законитости златног пресека. У том смислу овај рад доприноси употпуњавању савремених историјских контекста и погледа на еволутивне и историјске чињенице у вези са развојем идеје о златном пресеку. This dissertation represents a contribution to the history and philosophy of the golden ratio observed through the evolution of visual arts covering the period from Upper Palaeolithic to Early Holocene, including the usage of geometrical-constructible methods within Early Holocene epochs and the philosophy of nature that was conceived during the Classical epoch ending with the Hellenistic period, i.e. after Euclid's „Elements“. Such wide scope of the research was determined by the need to define different phases and processes of geometrical thought evolution that preceded the mathematical definition and history of the golden ratio. In this view, this work represents a theoretical synthesis of research results where the analogy between geometrical values of natural and artificial structurations has been drawn. The mentioned analogy points out various experiences in subconscious and intuitive transposition of geometric-proportional values of the golden ratio, which in the course of time led to their conscious application and understanding of their naturalphilosophical bases. The work comprises the research results of several hundreds of archaeological artefacts and written sources that indicate the continuity of various aspects, first of practical use and then of theoretical implementation of geometrical bases/foundations of this important ratio. Basically, the work rests on presentation and analytical implementation of the original geometrical methods – primary construction by golden ratio and scalar/angular division by golden ratio, whose elements have been used to generate a set of identical values that can be found as geometric dominants both in different aspects of natural structurations and in artificial contents and theoretical foundations of the ancient philosophy of nature. Therefore the research results indicate that the dominant geometrical patterns are reduced to the genesis of the identical values (proportion, angles and shapes) that coincide with the geometrical bases of the water molecule structure, i.e. geometrical characteristics of light propagation, like primary and secondary rainbow angles, Brewster’s angle, tertiary light refraction angles, and then, in certain cases, also with astrometric characteristics concerning to the position and apparent motions of celestial bodies, especially those related to geometry used for calculating equinoxes and solstices. A special place thus belongs to geometrical characteristics of Pythagorean musical scale and Plato's cosmological constant whose reduction to a unique geometric-constructible pattern points out a special epistemological and ontological place that was given to proportional values of the golden ratio in defining the processes in nature and visualisation of cosmological principles and phenomena (cosmography) in the Ancient Greek epoch. The dissertation is illustrated by comparative graphic studies and appendices whose contents show the levels of unconscious, intuitive and rational usage of geometric-proportional values of this important ratio. The graphic studies are presented so as to directly and clearly show the high level of the established analogy between geometrical values that make the contents of different artificial objects on one hand, and the elements which the geometry of natural structure is reduced to, on the other. Special attention and the research results' analysis have been directed towards understanding the position of geometricал bases of the golden ratio in the evolution of intelligence and creativity in different phases Palaeolithic art, and later the rational approaches in generating (synthesis) of geometric-constructible values achieved during the Holocene epochs. The purpose of this paper is to show that the elements of geometrical analogy make an important analytical basis that can be used to establish directly the relations and contents that influenced the development of conscience and abstract thought that in the course of time broadened the range of experiences related to the mathematisation and natural philosophical defining of geometric regularities of the golden ratio. Thereby, this dissertation contributes to extend contemporary historical contexts and aspects on evolutional and historical facts related to the development of the idea of golden ratio
- Published
- 2013
46. Proceedings Of The International Congress Of Mathematicians 2010 (Icm 2010) (In 4 Volumes) - Vol. I: Plenary Lectures And Ceremonies, Vols. Ii-iv: Invited Lectures
- Author
Rajendra Bhatia, Arup Pal, G Rangarajan, V Srinivas, M Vanninathan, Rajendra Bhatia, Arup Pal, G Rangarajan, V Srinivas, and M Vanninathan
- Subjects
- Mathematics--Congresses
- Abstract
ICM 2010 proceedings comprises a four-volume set containing articles based on plenary lectures and invited section lectures, the Abel and Noether lectures, as well as contributions based on lectures delivered by the recipients of the Fields Medal, the Nevanlinna, and Chern Prizes. The first volume will also contain the speeches at the opening and closing ceremonies and other highlights of the Congress.
- Published
- 2010
47. Women, Art, and Technology
- Author
Judy Malloy and Judy Malloy
- Subjects
- Technology and women--History--20th century, Art and technology--History--20th century
- Abstract
A sourcebook of documentation on women artists at the forefront of work at the intersection of art and technology.Although women have been at the forefront of art and technology creation, no source has adequately documented their core contributions to the field. Women, Art, and Technology, which originated in a Leonardo journal project of the same name, is a compendium of the work of women artists who have played a central role in the development of new media practice.The book includes overviews of the history and foundations of the field by, among others, artists Sheila Pinkel and Kathy Brew; classic papers by women working in art and technology; papers written expressly for this book by women whose work is currently shaping and reshaping the field; and a series of critical essays that look to the future.Artist contributorsComputer graphics artists Rebecca Allen and Donna Cox; video artists Dara Birnbaum, Joan Jonas, Valerie Soe, and Steina Vasulka; composers Cecile Le Prado, Pauline Oliveros, and Pamela Z; interactive artists Jennifer Hall and Blyth Hazen, Agnes Hegedus, Lynn Hershman, and Sonya Rapoport; virtual reality artists Char Davies and Brenda Laurel; net artists Anna Couey, Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, Nancy Paterson, and Sandy Stone; and choreographer Dawn Stoppiello; critics include Margaret Morse, Jaishree Odin, Patric Prince, and Zoe Sofia
- Published
- 2003
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