Individuals are living, learning, and teaching by questioning how to address race in a society that consistently prefers to see itself as colorblind, a society claiming to seek a "post-racial" existence. This edited volume offers evidence of the evolving significance of race from a diverse group of male and female contributors self-identifying as Black, Latino, Asian, White, Gay, Lesbian, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. Individuals' attempts to provide every child and adult learner with what they need--equity--to make the most of their educational experiences--excellence--are still consciously and unconsciously thwarted by the ingrained nature of racism in this society. This point becomes obvious when individuals begin teaching those audiences that represent diverse lived experiences of race about the changing significance of race and how to develop a more critical, reflexive lens focused upon the politics of race. This book invites readers to co-construct and implement a critical race pedagogy that reflects both an acknowledgment of the evolving significance of race and opportunities for hope via education. Contents include: (1) Foreword (Marvin Lynn); (2) Introduction (Sherick Hughes, Theodorea Regina Berry, and Rod Carey); (3) Father, Daughter, and Schooling--Curriculum Theorizing From a Critical Race Feminist Perspective (Theodorea Regina Berry); (4) Two Scoops Vanilla: Teaching Against the Notion of White Savior (Brian D. Schultz); (5) Constructing Space for Elementary School Students to Talk About Race and Take Action to Create Change (Sachi Feris); (6) Owning the "Buts": High School Students Confront History and Heterosexism (Connie North); (7) Youth Teaching Teachers: Bridging Racial and Cultural Divides Between Teachers and Students (Tara M. Brown, Summer Clark, and Thurman Bridges); (8) Breaking the Cycle of Racism in the Classroom: Critical Race Reflections From Future Teachers of Color (Rita Kohli); (9) Maggie and Me: A Black Professor and a White Urban School Teacher Connect Autoethnography to Critical Race Pedagogy (Sherick Hughes); (10) Du Boisian Double Consciousness in the Multicultural Classroom and the Questions It Raises (Hilton Kelly); (11) An Academic in the Classroom: Uncovering and Resisting the Barriers to Racial Equity in Public School (Benjamin Blaisdell); (12) Understanding Equity: A "Brown" Lesson in a Teacher Education Program From a Critical Race Feminist Perspective (Theodorea Regina Berry); (13) Where Am I Going, Where Have I Been? A Critical Reflexion on Black-Jewish Relations, Jewish Political Shifts to the Right, and the Preparation of Young Jewish Women for Teaching "Other People's Children" (Josh Diem); (14) La Politica Vecindaria: A Micro to Macro Lens on Immigrant Newcomer Students in U.S. Schools (Leticia Alvarez and Francisco Rios); (15) Race, Wealth, and the Commons (Dedrick Muhammad and Chuck Collins); (16) Profitting From Racism: A Family History of How Race and Class Privilege Created Wealth (Cooper Thompson); (17) The Myth and Math of Affirmative Action (Goodwin Liu); (18) Toward an Informed and Transparent Philosophy of Racial Diversity for Colleges of Education (Sherick Hughes and Dale Snauwaert); (19) The Race for President and a Precedent for Race: Lessons from NCLB and Bringing Race to the Top (Zeus Leonardo); and (20) Interview "I'm the Daughter of a U.S. Marine": An Interview With Nadia Hassan on the Racialization, Misrepresentation, and Mistreatment of Muslim Women in Post-9/11 America (Nadia Hassan and Sherick Hughes).