1. The Trajectory of International Relations Dissertations in Turkish Academia Between 2000 and 2020
- Author
Ozkoc, Ozge and Caglayan, Pinar
- Subjects
International law -- Analysis ,International relations ,European Union -- International relations - Abstract
Dissertations are among the most important elements of academic production, along -with scientific research articles and books. They not only reveal an academic's field of research, but also provide clues as to what research methods and tools scholars will employ in postdoctoral studies. Moreover, and crucial to this paper, they are important indicators of the trajectory of research fields, as well as their general roles in the academic world. This study aims to reveal general trends/indicators in Turkish International Relations (hereafter IR) dissertations through an analysis of IR dissertations written in various Turkish universities between 2000 and 2020. There is a rather widespread claim among IR academics in Turkey that this particular community largely contributes to the Western-oriented discipline of IR as local or regional experts, dealing mainly with Turkish foreign policy and regional problems rather than with theoretical concerns in IR. A further aim of this study is to test whether this claim remains valid with the analysis of recent IR dissertations produced in Turkish universities. Keywords: IR studies in Turkey, dissertations, International Relations theories, diplomatic history, international law Tezler, bilimsel aractirma makaleleri ve kitaplann beraberinde akademik uretimin en onemli unsurlanndandir. Tezler akademisyenlerin aractirma alanlanm belirtmenin yam sira akademisyenlerin doktora sonrasi calicmalarda hangi aractirma yontemi ve araclanm kullanacaklarina dair ipuclan saglar. Tezlerin bu makale baglaminda cok onemli olan bir backa ozelligi de aractirma alanlanmn gidicati ve akademik dunyadaki genel rollerine dair gosterge olmalandir. Bu makale, Turkiye'deki Uluslararasi ilickiler alaninin genel egilimleri/gostergelerini 2000 ve 2020 yillan arasinda cecitli Turk universitelerinde yazilan Uluslararasi ilickiler tezlerini inceleyerek aciga cikartmayi amaclamaktadir. Turkiye'de Uluslararasi ilickiler alaninda calican akademisy enler y ay gin olarak kendilerinin Uluslararasi ilickilerdeki kuram kaygilardan ziyade Turk dis. politikasi ve bolgesel sorunlaria ilgilenen yerel veya bolgesel uzmanlar olarak Bati odakli Uluslararasi ilickiler disiplinine katkida bulunduklanm dile getirmektedirler. Bu makalenin bir diger amaci da bu soylemlerin gecerliligini koruyup korumadigim son zamanlarda Turk universitelerinde yazilmic Uluslararasi ilickiler tezlerini inceleyerek test etmektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Turkiye'de Uluslararasi ilickiler calicmalan, tezler, Uluslararasi ilickiler kuramlan, diplomatik tarih, uluslararasi hukuk,, 1. Introduction The discipline of International Relations (IR), born in Britain in the early 20th century and cultivated as a Western-oriented discipline in the United States after World War II, [...]
- Published
- 2023