- springer nature12
- taylor & francis ltd9
- wiley-blackwell9
- public library of science6
- springer science and business media llc6
- amgen inc, decode genet, sturlugata 8, is-102 reykjavik, iceland.5
- amgen inc, decode genet, sturlugata 8, is-102 reykjavik, iceland.;univ iceland, fac med, reykjavik, iceland.5
- amgen inc, decode genet, sturlugata 8, is-102 reykjavik, iceland.;univ iceland, sch social sci, dept anthropol, is-102 reykjavik, iceland.5
- copenhagen mental hlth serv, inst biol psychiat, copenhagen, denmark.;copenhagen univ hosp, danish headache ctr, dept neurol, dk-2600 glostrup, denmark.5