- neural computing & applications2
- applied informatics and cybernetics in intelligent systems : proceedings of the 9th computer science on-line conference 2020, volume 31
- computational linguistics and intelligent text processing : 15th international conference, cicling 2014, kathmandu, nepal, april 6-12, 2014, proceedings, part ii1
- entertainment computing - icec 2012 : 11th international conference, icec 2012, bremen, germany, september 26-29, 2012. proceedings1
- information processing and management of uncertainty in knowledge-based systems : 15th international conference, ipmu 2014, montpellier, france, july 15-19, 2014, proceedings, part i1
- ksii transactions on internet & information systems1
- neural computing and applications1
- revue internationale de geomatique1
- 法政大学大学院紀要. 理工学・工学研究科編 = 法政大学大学院紀要. 理工学・工学研究科編1