- 2008 38th annual frontiers in education conference1
- 2008 international symposium on micro-nanomechatronics & human science1
- 2009 ieee international conference on robotics & automation1
- 2009 ieee international conference on robotics and automation1
- conference proceedings 10th anniversary imtc/94 advanced technologies in i & m 1994 ieee instrumentation & measurement technolgy conference (cat no94ch3424-9)1
- conference proceedings. 10th anniversary. imtc/94. advanced technologies in i & m. 1994 ieee instrumentation and measurement technolgy conference (cat. no.94ch3424-9)1
- ieee transactions on biomedical engineering1
- ieee transactions on instrumentation & measurement1
- ieee transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering a publication of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society1