- 2012 ieee power and energy society general meeting3
- 11th international conference on electrical power quality and utilisation1
- 17th dasc. aiaa/ieee/sae. digital avionics systems conference. proceedings (cat. no.98ch36267)1
- 1994 ieee globecom. communications: the global bridge1
- 2001 ieee porto power tech proceedings (cat. no.01ex502)1
- 2001 power engineering society summer meeting. conference proceedings (cat. no.01ch37262)1
- 2003 ieee bologna power tech conference proceedings1
- 2004 ieee 59th vehicular technology conference. vtc 2004-spring (ieee cat. no.04ch37514)1
- 2004 ieee africon. 7th africon conference in africa (ieee cat. no.04ch37590)1