- ieee transactions on nuclear science45
- radecs 97 fourth european conference on radiation & its effects on components & systems (cat no97th8294)6
- radecs 97. fourth european conference on radiation and its effects on components and systems (cat. no.97th8294)6
- proceedings of the third european conference on radiation & its effects on components & systems5
- proceedings of the third european conference on radiation and its effects on components and systems5
- 1999 fifth european conference on radiation & its effects on components & systems radecs 99 (cat no99th8471)4
- radecs 2001. 2001 6th european conference on radiation & its effects on components & systems (cat. no.01th8605)4
- radecs 2001. 2001 6th european conference on radiation and its effects on components and systems (cat. no.01th8605)4
- 2000 ieee international soi conference. proceedings (cat. no.00ch37125)2