Kentucky's Oversight of Local Educational Agency ARP ESSER Plans and Spending. ED OIG Oversight of Coronavirus Response Funds. ED OIG/A22CA0095
Office of Inspector General (ED). “Kentucky’s Oversight of Local Educational Agency ARP ESSER Plans and Spending. ED OIG Oversight of Coronavirus Response Funds. ED OIG/A22CA0095.” Office of Inspector General, US Department of Education, 12 Oct. 2023. EBSCOhost,
Office of Inspector General (ED). (2023). Kentucky’s Oversight of Local Educational Agency ARP ESSER Plans and Spending. ED OIG Oversight of Coronavirus Response Funds. ED OIG/A22CA0095. In Office of Inspector General, US Department of Education.
Office of Inspector General (ED). 2023. “Kentucky’s Oversight of Local Educational Agency ARP ESSER Plans and Spending. ED OIG Oversight of Coronavirus Response Funds. ED OIG/A22CA0095.” Office of Inspector General, US Department of Education.