Exploring a Multi-Country Partnership through a 'Zero Waste' Project. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 8
University College London, UCL) (United Kingdom), Development Education Research Centre (DERC), and Colette Cotton. “Exploring a Multi-Country Partnership through a ‘Zero Waste’ Project. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 8.” Development Education Research Centre, 1 Jan. 2022. EBSCOhost,
University College London, U. (United K. D. E. R. C. (DERC), & Cotton, C. (2022). Exploring a Multi-Country Partnership through a “Zero Waste” Project. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 8. In Development Education Research Centre.
University College London, UCL) (United Kingdom), Development Education Research Centre (DERC), and Colette Cotton. 2022. “Exploring a Multi-Country Partnership through a ‘Zero Waste’ Project. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 8.” Development Education Research Centre. doi: