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Food Production in Africa: The Ignored Role of Women.

Authors :
Otieno, Tabitha N.
Publication Year :


Whereas women carry the primary responsibility for food production in Africa, development agencies have devoted minimal resources to researching the impact of their policies and new techniques on the well-being of Africa's women farmers. C. K. Eicher (1995) and M. Smale (1995) call this the invisible factor because the gender-related constraints that cover women's productivity are seldom mentioned as explanation for Africa's food security problems. There is a need, therefore, to mobilize and empower women in Africa, and to remove the constraints by maximizing their productive capabilities in food production. In trying to change women's economic position and contribute to Africa's agricultural development, women face problems such as lack of education and failure to attain credit. This paper examines the barriers that African women face in their struggle to feed their families and the continent. It further paper discusses suggestions for overcoming these barriers and cites examples where these barriers have been relaxed. (Contains 16 references.) (BT)


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Document Type :
Reports - Evaluative<br />Speeches/Meeting Papers